As you may, or may not know, my page has just recently celebrated its one year anniversary! Wow! It's really hard to believe that this bad boy has been up for over 365 days! And what a year it has been. We saw the Marlins win the World Series, and then dismantle their championship team. We saw a perfect game by David Wells and Cal Ripken break his consecutive games streak. We saw the Yankees set the altime American League wins record and saw the Cubs in a pennant race! And last. but FAR from least we saw Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa set the alltime single season homerun record. What a wild and crazy year it has been! Now here are some comments about the page from thos people who know it best:
Gor blimey!  It's been a year already?

Hard to believe.  I remember when this page first started out.  In fact, those of you who
have been with CBB:MTAT since the very beginning may remember the page used to be on
Angelfire.  But only for a while though, because I sort of, um, destroyed his account
on accident.  Hehehe, I got a good laugh out of that.  Andrew didn't think it was so funny
though =)

Throughout the months this page has gone through lots of changes.  I remember for a while
at the beginning, it was about nothing but baseball.  Then slowly but surely, more features
were added.  The readers began to see who Andrew is, rather than just info on the Cubs.  He
tossed some Christian influences in there.  He added a footnote promoting the world-
famous Chapman Fundamental Institution for Modern Science and Technology.  And a bit
later, new features popped up, including a photo gallery, background on Andrew, a link to the 
All Confused, All The Time site, and more eccentric things like a tribute to socks.

Some features have left too, such as the name that tune contest (I guess it got boring when
I was the only one to ever win that stupid thing), the alternating backgrounds, and the 
shameless endorsements of me and my products.

There was always only
one very cool part of this page though, and that had been the world-famous Exploding Chicken
award.  Until now.  Now there are two very cool things... The Chicken, and the fact that this
has lasted a whole twelve months.  (Just messin' with ya Anderoo, there are probably a few more
cool things and I could list them, but let's face it, I have more important things to
do.  Like sit around staring at the wall =)

Well, congrats on your first anniversary, and don't forget to put in a shameless plug for me.
Aw what the heck, I'll save you the effort.

-Caleb J Duck

GrandDaddy of Chickenheads On-Line

(Part A)1 year, huh? Well in this one year I have vivited your page about 10 times. I have enjoyed it once. Just joking, its great. Too bad the Cubs bite. I enjoy the non Cubs part the best. Kudos Andy and God bless!

Stephanie Jordan

(Part B)Hey Andrew, In honor of your webpage's anniversary, i thought of a couple of good things worth bringing attention to. First, the hit count is wonderful, almost a goal i should hope to achive with my page ( Also, even though the Cub's suck, your highlights are well thought out and somewhat entertaining. Well Andrew, your the greatest. Until next year!!!! Sayonara sucker.

Stephanie Jordan

"Wow! I can't believe it's been a year that Andrew's page has been up and running. It's really developed over every update and is now, at least I think, the best Washington Senators tribute page out there."

Matt Ruggiero

I have been with this page from the beginning. I surfaced in April. I then went back underground. I have not been heard from since. Nevertheless, I continued to follow this page. It has now been one full year. I have surfaced again, however just shortly. I will be returning to the underground now. I just came up to say hello on your one year anniversary.

Jerome Horrowitz

Hello all out there. I am writing this because my good friend, The Commodore has asked me to write an aniversary thingy for his page. So here we go. Andrew's page is a fun and neat page to look at. I always read the new entries in the guestbook and whatnot. But I never read the tributes Pages until recently. They were so cool and touching. His love for the Cubs is amazing. Andrews a great guy and a really good friend to talk to about God and whatever is on our minds. Well, I have spoken so i will quit now. Goodbye

Nick Durfey

Here goes:

"I think that your Webpage is very cool. It has all the nifty little facts about baseball that lots of people enjoy, even me, and I am not too into baseball. I hope to see several more episodes/volumes/whatever in the near future. As for Andrew, he is a great guy. Why I remember back last summer where we were up at Tahoe together. That was a blast. Sea Dooing all over the lake and causing general mischief and that sort of thing. I think Andrew deserves a date to Homecoming more than anyone. He is free for RB's homecoming and theres always The Winter Ball."

Tyler Daniels

A year? Nawww. Can't be that long. That would mean its been a full 300 days, 48 hours, and 90,720 seconds. That's a long time. But hey, what can ya say? I'm really proud of ya Andrew, this page has been consistently awesome. Keep up the good work pally. Go Cubs!

Kurt Von Grupen Von Lieder Schultz