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News About Our Community Leaders
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Eureka's Community Leader Program
 About Eureka's Community Leaders

Eureka's Community Leaders are pleased to welcome you to their newsletter page. It is the Community Leader Team that brings you this newsletter, the contests, awards, and other events in Eureka. We help build your graphics, troubleshoot your HTML, and answer your questions. Our volunteer base monitor our chat rooms, and help in the forum areas, we even have translators to assist those in other countries that are not familiar with English. We encourage you to learn more about what we do, how we became your Community Leaders, and how we can help you.

Community Leader's Prayer

I want to thank you, Lord,
for being with me
so far this day.

With your help,
I haven't been impatient,
lost my temper,
been grumpy,
or envious of anyone.

Still--I will be turning
on the computer
in a minute
and I think I will
really need
your help then...


Lady Rae

 Eureka's CL's Still Have Heart! 

While Yahoo may have suspended the Community Leader Program, as well as the awards programs offered through the hoods, the Community Leaders of Eureka are standing firm and are still here to help you with your web publishing problems, help you find resources, sponsor events and contests, and are determined to carry on as your support service. The perks and benefits have been retracted, and we have been left without the resources to encourage further involvement in this program. Asked by Yahoo to continue autonomously, we have nothing to offer except our friendship and support to those who would like to volunteer.

If you feel you have a heart to match our own, and would genuinely like to assist other homesteaders in getting that first page posted, creating banners for the exchanges, advancing to using other tools, or just plain be there when they need a shoulder... we could use your help. Unlike the former program which was rigid and uncompromising, we now can model the program to suit every level of assistance. Monitoring pages is no longer a requirement, and manditory meetings are over. If you wish to contribute to any area we are no longer going to place minimum restrictions on you. If graphics is your forte and you only want to create images and not debug pages, there is now room for you on our team.

 Putting Together A Contest

Early last month preparations were being made to bring you our recent Easter Egg Hunt. The contest was put together by Judi - jem3030 and the graphics done by Judi and Shanana.

With the support of the rest of the team the eggs have been distributed amongst our pages and the contest ready to go. This took a month of preparation, developing the graphics, and getting the cooperation of the other members in hiding the eggs. Developing this kind of event can be really fun and rewarding, and while the graphics are specific to the hunt they are a beautiful addition to any page.

egg graphic

Contests like this are a testimonial to the team work involved. We are a close group and function like a well greased wheel.

Even while this contest is underway, we will be working on next months contest or event. The task of bringing you contests, news, and resources is an ongoing task. To learn more about what's ongoing, visit Special Projects, and if you would like to become involved you can Join CL Team and contribute to a great and growing online community.

Living With The System Glitches

While Yahoo is wielding that wrecking ball on our estates, the CL team is coping with the changes and glitches that have been occurring. Whether it's a suddenly missing page, or a link that no longer works, things just aren't stable right now. It's apparent that Yahoo is redesigning the main pages, programs, and links. All that can be done is to sit back and patiently await it's completion. However, we do miss our hood and suburb structure, and find the changes as unsettling as our homesteaders.

It's a hardhat, construction zone out there... and it's delivered without notice or warning - guess they think we're content when they post a note in System Status, when really mail to warn of outages and changes were more in order.

Hang in there gang! Who knows what we'll have when the dust settles. I know we'll either grunt with disappoinment, howl with laughter at the dysfunction, or cry our eyes out for having given up what we had.

CL Notes

In our last issue we ran a story on how one of our CL's lost her page (it was deleted) and how she was not getting service from Y!GC head office, later they even deleted her member profile and mail. Besides being very poor business practice to ignore requests sent to customer service, they neglect to even reply with an acknowledgement that her mail had been received.

Most recently Anne (the_training_oasis) received a reply from head office assuring her they would look into this matter almost three months after it started. While we will not re-run the article, we would appreciate your response to our poll on Y!GC's handling of this.

Bravenet Voting Booth
Upcoming Revisions

The Eureka Today is about to grow and develop. The new format allows for a broader viewship, it is simplified and basic. While we have taken this tighter low-bandwidth approach on our newsletter, we do not intend to cut corners.

We will be separating our tutorial information into two categories, Building and Tools. Building will cover the coding and creation area, with notes on style and design, Tools will cover tools and resources available both in and outside of Y!GC to help you obtain your desired results.

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