Please rank my site using the Geoguide above, it'll only take a second, and this Geoguide may as well be doing something good!*smile*

I just like to sit in here sometimes! Please be patient while my page loads, this page is full of graphics and has lots of content but it is worth it. Not all of our pages take as long...we promise!!

HEY!! Everyone can have a photo of Daisy on their webpage!! Click HERE to join her webring!! *smile*

In Association with
Click Here to see Daisy's Favorite books, and an easy way to order them!!

Look!! Daisy adopted a FLEA!! Click on the adoption certificate and get one of your own!

Hey!! Don't you just adore my logo?? Elise at the logo collective made it for me. For FREE!! You can click on the logo directly above to apply for your own free logo. You can also click here to visit Elise! Let her know you love Daisy's Logo!!

last updated on

Hello! Let me introduce myself! I am Daisy Mae. We have a few good features. Look around, and please feel at home. We have a lot of stuff for cats, and my meowmie made me put in stuff for Cat lovers too. If you have time, we would appreciate it if you'd sign the guestbook. The first one almost always works, but in the event that Geocities goes down for a little bit, theres a back up just in case. In the meantime if you have any tips for us please e-mail me. Feel Free to visit any and every page we have. There is something for everycat! Purrs to You!!

Win Daisys Award
Winners of Daisys Award
Cat Facts
Our Favorite Links
Horoscopes for Kitties
Special Interests and What you can do
Awards and Memberships
Meet Daisy and her family
Kitty Treats
Hearts for Felix
Web Rings we're in
Meet the Puppies
NEW! Rules for sophisticated kitties! A must read for kittens and clueless cats!
NEW!! Geocities Link Animal Graphics
Crafty Cat Craft Page
Click here to add your page to our favorite links page!
New!Daisys Photo Album!
Banner Exchange
Get a hug from Daisy
Learn to say "cat" in lots of languages

Do you need a gift to give to a kitty friend? Then click here!!
Are you a Cat Luver?? Click above
Knock on the door to enter The Realm of Daisy Mae! Have your fortune told, get something to remember your stay by, learn the dates of the full moons for the year, even the elusive Catnip Moon! and Much more stuff as well....guarenteed to be worth your time!

We are sooo proud of this!!

I am very proud to have this on my page! Thank you to everyone who voted for me! Purrs

We would like to thank the DeZavala-Shavano Veterinary Clinic for giving us this award. Click on the award to visit their homepage! It's cute!

Daisy joined the should join to!

This many kitties have purred with us since November 6, 1997

The Rail
Take a ride on the Fe-line

Daisy's Creations! Free Cat backgrounds made by me for anyone to use! Purrs!!

Read My Guestbook! | Sign My Guestbook!

geocities link graphic made by Scottie


Can't find what you were looking for here in Daisy's World?? Now you can search for other pages right here!! Have fun!


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