<BGSOUND SRC="/Heartland/plains/7077/peace.mid" loop=5>
"Let There be Peace on Earth"

RainbowSeeker's Bio & Interests!!


I am a single Mom and my "child" is an abandoned puppy, named Rainbow. One of the neighborhood children found Rainbow in a field one rainy, cold, nasty day in January 1997. She appeared to be about 6 weeks old. This young man already had a large older dog and there just wasn't room for Rainbow to stay with him. However, he did not abandon Rainbow; he gave her to another neighbor. This neighbor also gave Rainbow much love and attention; but due to circumstances of her work schedule, she was unable to keep Rainbow and give her the attention that she needed.

When she invited me over to meet Rainbow (Polly at the time), I was skeptical, as I really wanted a puppy; but could I afford her; would I know how to raise her; would she like me; and lots of other questions? Just like having children.....if we wait until we can afford them; if we wait until we know that we can raise them correctly; if we wait....we may never have children....

Well, I did adopt Rainbow, who is now almost 12 years old, and the rest of the story is very long and terrific....lots of neat Rainbow stories....but I will share these at a later time, when I have completed Rainbow's own personal page....

"Rainbow" was a gift from God and she has brought enormous amounts of love, beauty, "God Bumps" (or goose-bumps)and joy to my life; much like God's creation of Thee Rainbow as a sign of His Promises for us......He sent me "Rainbow" as a sign of His Promises for me..........

I am currently working as a Transcription Specialist at a large hospital system in South Texas. This position allows me the opportunity to interpret doctor's dictations and transcribe their spoken words into electronic and hard copy reports for patient's medical records. An often challenging task, but one that also furnishes me with an appreciation of how fortunate I am to have my current level of good health, mental and physical abilities.

My hobbies currently are "anything" that has to do with computers. A friend of mine, Dr. Doug, introduced me to computers several years ago when he and his then business partner, LeeDee were burning the midnight oil to submit a grant proposal. LeeDee was in charge of writing the proposal and Dr. Doug was in charge of preparing the final document to submit on Monday morning. They are both excellent in their field's of expertiese; but LeeDee was at that time "computer illiterate" and Dr. Doug was a 2-finger typist! They knew I could type really fast; but also knew that all I knew about computers you could summarize in one phrase...."NADA!"

Well, I joined their weekend "Quest" to write and submit their grant proposal. Dr. Doug sat me in front of an old "8088" computer that was loaded with Word Perfect 5.1 (dos)and had a 20 meg (yes, only 20 megabite) hard drive and not much else, no "bells and whistles" on this little work horse. He said, "just type the words, don't worry about saving files, naming files, formatting the text, or anything else." Hey, I cranked out the text, LeeDee continued to create text and Dr. Doug continued to format, create graphics and otherwise perform his "magic" on my text entries.

Along, the way I began to notice that I was picking up some "computer skills" and before the weekend was over I found out what {delete} meant, especially if you respond "yes" to word perfect's question after you delete..."are you sure?" After mistakenly deleting an entire file of most of what I had typed that evening, retyping it and crashing; then finishing off the grant proposal the next morning, I felt like a "computer Whiz-Kid" and have been excited about computers ever since.

Thanks to my friends Dr. Doug and LeeDee, I now have a home business and also work for a large Hospital System, utilizing my computer skills. Were we awarded the Grant? No, but we all gained a vast amount of knowlege that weekend....knowledge about computers, about grant proposal writing, about each other and working together; about our own "Quests" and about how it all is possible when we look to God for guidance, clarification and assistance..........

The computer has also afforded me a way of creating gifts for my friends, as well as a means of sharing my philosophy of life and mission with others around the world.

My vision is to someday organize my thoughts and experiences regarding "rainbows" and God's Promises to us into a gift book to share with others who are traveling with me on this path of spiritual growth and enlightenment. Many folks have shared their experiences, skills and knowledge with me along my journey and I feel very strongly that this gift book will be a compilation of their efforts, as well as my own.....

a Team Effort!

My, how I do go on......more to follow.....enjoy Creating Rainbows...


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