This site born August 17, 1997. Welcome!

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The Wonderguy Fan Page

Wonderguy and Heroines I came across this new film that's really cool! (That's what
surfing can get never know what you're going to come across..) The way I came about this discovery was by checking out the official website, at: I stumbled across another, completely unrelated website operated by one of the crewmembers, and that's how I learned about it...


Anyway, through the official site, I got a copy of the film, even though by now it should be distributed to your local video store. (Too bad it wasn't theatrically released!)


The reason why WONDERGUY knocked me out, is that I never saw anything like it. It sets up a whole magical world of its own, which is not an easy thing to do... (for example, a film like THE ENGLISH PATIENT succeeds in transporting the viewers into its own dimension, whereas with, say, the majority of Hollywood releases, you usually get the feeling that you've been there before).



You should definitely catch this terrific film...check your local video store. If they don't have it, ask them if they could order it for you! (The official website provides ordering information.)

The director of "Wonderguy," Murad Gumen, is at work on a brand new film (which seems very unlike "Wonderguy" - it's really provocative...) called "Eve's Preyer." What a great website! You've got to take a look at

Kudos to Gore Boy, for including WONDERGUY among 1998's Best, on his "Horror Fans Anon" site! What a                   cool cat... and what a great site.

October 2000: Wow.... has it been over a year since I've added anything to The Wonderguy Fan Page? (This site sure can use a facelift!) Look at this wonderful review of Wonderguy that I've stumbled on to in the Video Addicts site...


July, 2001: If you're a "Wonderguy" fan or if you happen to like superhero films... especially of the "cult" variety like "Rat Pfink a Boo Boo," and "The Return of Captain Invincible"... please join the "Wonderguy and Other Superheroes" club at Yahoo! Come on, there aren't too many places where lovers of superhero films can get together, so show your support. (You probably already have a Yahoo e-mail account, which makes joining even more a snap. Check out the other interesting clubs, too.) I'll be putting up pretty cool photos and information there from time to time, and hopefully you will, too.



Comprehensive list of movie related web sites, ranked by popularity.

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