**Last updated 03/11/06**
Absolutely Aaron is Updated (Finally!)

"I still find it odd that people are genuinely interested in my life and work. Actually, it's a great feeling." -- Aaron Lohr

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This is an unofficial fan site for actor Aaron Lohr. This means that Mr. Lohr himself is not associated with this site, and all the information contained in these pages was assembled, or made up by, the site owners. We alone have sole access to the connected email address, and all mail sent to said address will be read by us and only by us. In other words, if you send a love letter to Aaron at that address, chances are practically nil that he will ever actually read it.
This site was created solely for entertainment purposes, and contains information of both a serious and frivolous nature. Do with it what you will. We cannot be held responsible for damage caused your computer due to drooling, screaming, or general carryings-on. We can be held responsible for copyright infringement, but we're hoping that no one is going to call us on that, since, although we are no longer in college, we are still practically penniless. Thank you, and good night.

Comments, complaints, and letters of effuse praise and adoration may be sent to: abs_aaron@hotmail.com

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to visit Absolutely Aaron since October 29, 1997.

Revised 09/14/01 by LC