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Name: kim
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Gulfport,ms
Time: 1999-02-18 18:10:22
Comments: Your site was wonderful. Made me cry to see my symptoms all layed out there. I try so hard to deny them. I don't want them to take over. I couldn't access the chat area with my web tv server....bummer. Well, thanks for all of the great info. I have plenty to do on those sleepless nights. Thanks for caring. Kim

Name: Coralee Garman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Montana
Time: 1999-02-11 23:24:08
Comments: I'm glad I found this site. I have been having tests and seeing doctors for two months and none of them even listen or respond when I suggest that this might be what is wrong with me. Why would I want it, for heavens sake, when there is no cure? I would just like an answer, so I know I am not crazy. Thanks.

Name: Jennifer
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Carmel, NY
Time: 1999-02-09 03:00:35
Comments: I have looked around the net quite a bit on this topic, & have found lots of information. I have to say however, that this site has made me feel comfortable. I enjoyed the music & poem. I appreciated greatly, seeing all of the syptoms of fibro myalgia in one place versus finding them scattered in several. I anticipate finding more wonderful information in this site which I can then share with my doctor in hopes of finding a treatment plan that will work for me. Sincerely, Jennifer Carmel, NY

Name: Kimberly
Website: yahoo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 1999-02-07 22:00:14
Comments: Hi! Love your page, the song" angles amoung us" brought me to tears and made me feel better. For so many do not know the pain and suffering a person w/fibromyalgia goes thru on a daily basis. I struggle each day for anyone to try to understand me and what i go thru, i know it isn't easy for them either and it is hard to convey the message the right way. I'm frustrated w/Drs. and how they (most) do not know how to help or i'm afraid that they don't believe me........I know it is not in my is inside my body, and it is real. I am tired of crying everyday in frustration and in pain, and thinking maybe i'm just lazy or maybe it is in my head. I have been trying to research fibromyalgia on my own to arm myself with amunition.....but then why do I have to defend myself..I have done nothing wrong, but am made to think that i have. Thank You for your website and song, I will be back! Sincerely, Kimberly

Name: David H.
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Time: 1999-02-07 21:43:11
Comments: Hello I'm a male 43 with FM CFS an MVP, I'm on railroad disability for this, an would like to know if there is a chat an a message board here at this site. thanks David H.

Name: joan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-06 15:44:10
Comments: I too have fibro. I enjoyed visiting your web site. Best of luck, Joan

Name: CO Tweety
Referred by: Net Search
From: Colorado, USA
Time: 1999-02-03 22:15:27
Comments: Have had FMS for 11 years. Looking for a local support group.

Name: robin filipiak
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: west virginia
Time: 1999-02-02 09:36:20
Comments: I am glad I found this site

Name: Kelly Kerley
Referred by: Net Search
From: Pekin,Illinois
Time: 1999-01-27 21:19:28
Comments: I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few months ago. I am trying to get as much info as possible. Your site and its links look great. Thanks

Name: toni
Referred by: Net Search
From: topeka, ks
Time: 1999-01-27 10:40:47
Comments: was diagnosed with CFS/FMS three years after a lifetime of symptoms. i believe in the chronic infection as a cause of for my particular situation. I alos believe in the hereditary component as i think that my youngest child (10 years old) has FMS. this child alos had chronic infections starting when he was an infant--ears and tonsils/adenoids. thats my fms life in a nutshell.

Name: linda ocovich
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: roeselare, belgium
Time: 1999-01-17 04:53:00
Comments: i've been diagnosed last year, i'm a member of the fibromyalgia support group in belgium

Name: Catherine
Website: Star Spider Dancing
Referred by: Net Search
From: Born & raised in CA; now live in FL
Time: 1998-12-29 20:49:17
Comments: Really like your page and wish to send to my daughter but the email function on your referral system is not working. Will send URL to her by ICQ. Also was interested in your Undernet, but saw no way to contact. The real reason I am here on Netscape, since I usually use Explorer is because I could see the page was supposed to have a border, but it did not show, just the Alt, clear.gif, which I also use. This interests me because I usually have the opposit problem. I compose and edit with Explorer, but check with Netscape and often find nothing shows but the border. I have to find problem and fix and then can see on both. I am learning more all the time, and will study this for future reference. The Angel background is beautiful. I forgot to check the credit. Was it Hugibear? I like the lavendar too. One of my favorites and easy on the eyes. Thank you for providing this information. Walk in Beauty.

Name: Breeze
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Connecticut
Time: 1998-12-27 13:09:03
Comments: I was here earlier, but spent a long time trying to find out how to enter your chat room. Please give me directions and URL address for Bookmark. I am exhausted and have to leave now, but want to get one line very much. Can E-Mail me, if you would. I tried to put nickname by your picture and hit enter, but it did not work for me. There must be another way in. Thank you for your help. I loved reading the other guest comments. They were inspiring. I don't feel so alone.

Name: Breeze
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Connecticut
Time: 1998-12-27 10:50:58
Comments: Beautiful Graphics. Am still trying to find my way around all the information,but think it will be very helpful. Was diagnosed with CFIDS a year ago and have been in living hell with it. Still teaching art to elementary school children, however and driving one hour to and from work. Currently on Relafen and using a C-pap for sleep apnea. Also anaother med for irregular brain wave/seizures. Neurologist isn't sure is seizures really are. But, pain is dibilitating and I loose a lot of work. It really hurts when the students say they miss me. Using a cane this year to help grin and bear it.

Name: Kim Cassidy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Washburn, Mo
Time: 1998-12-02 00:34:11
Comments: I was diagnosed with fms in April and have had very little assistance in learning about this disease from my rheumatologist so it's sites like this that makes this easier. So I wish to thank you for the time and effort that you have put into this

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Northwest Iowa
Time: 1998-11-17 12:13:03
Comments: Was diagnosed with FM after a serious car accident. Seems to only get worse, are they sure this isn't progressive. Am trying to get on with life the best I can. Any advise on coping?? Feel like I've tried everything, also need help finding help with scholarships, etc. to finish my bachelor's degree.

Name: Lauralynn Edwards
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1998-11-16 22:28:02
Comments: I found out I have fms in May. I did't seek treatment then because I was going to move to Tx. in June. I need to find a DR. Here in San Antonio and a support group. Can you help me? Thanks Lauralynn:)

Name: Sunshine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: MI
Time: 1998-11-13 09:20:28
Comments: I Would like to learn more about Fibromyalgia. I was told in March 1998.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: OHIO
Time: 1998-11-12 20:37:53

Name: Nicole
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Missour
Time: 1998-11-12 20:19:08
Comments: We need all the exposer we can get!!!!!

Name: Sandi Moore
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cornelius, NC
Time: 1998-11-08 15:40:08
Comments: Music was a pleasant surprise. I'm surfing for as much information as I can find on FMS - trying to find what John Hopkins says about FMS.

Name: karen newman
Referred by: From a Friend
From: virginia
Time: 1998-11-06 22:22:55
Comments: i would like to learn more about fma, my sister and i have it. i also have sle and am trying to find all the information i can about fma and sle. hope to hear form you soon karen

Name: Chris Craig
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Jacksonville, Fl
Time: 1998-10-17 14:54:39
Comments: I am very glad I found you website and am going to pass it along to others I know who suffer from FMS. It is a help to know how many people do have this dis-ease and it also helps me to know that I am doing everything that I can to help myself. I am always open to new suggestions to aid in my discomfort. I just wish other folks were as open to new ideas as I am. Thanks for being here for us. Angel hugs to all of you who assembled this site!!

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: alabama
Time: 1998-10-11 23:27:04
Comments: just looking for relief with the pain.

Name: CJ
Website: Glassslprz Home Page: Learn more about CFIDS
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Massachusetts
Time: 1998-09-23 08:50:19
Comments: Great site. The layout and graphics make it easy to read. I'm glad to know there is a site on irc.

Name: Wendy Southall
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: UK originally, now Florida
Time: 1998-09-19 19:18:11
Comments: I know all the suggested treatments, medical and other, I'm treated with multiple psych, sleeping, muscle relaxing and pain relief pills - I now rattle. please tell me how I can overcome the overwhelming despair that hits every few days or so, and how to let my husband and kids understand just how desperate I am. Some days I'm totally elated and possibly manic, most days I'm at least stiff and sore all over, many days too much pain and fatigue to do anything. Help. thanks.

Name: Lavender Lake McDonald
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kodiak Alaska
Time: 1998-09-18 23:56:17
Comments: I'm reasearching this disease so I can help my girlfreind try to cope with this heart wrenching disease. Lavender is a twenty four year old young woman thats vivatious, happy, and apparently healthy on the outside. This condition strips her of her happines, her youth and her desire accompish the dreams and goals she has set for herself and her future. It pains me deeply to see this happening to her and not be able to help.Poeple that have never heard of this disease seem often reluctant to believe that there is anything wrong or else they think the person is "just using it as an excuce". What ever information you could provide us we would use to our advantage and pass on to others.

Name: Melissa Noble
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Springfield, OR
Time: 1998-09-16 01:51:50
Comments: I'm a sixteen year old fibromyalgia patient and I'm just cruising through a bunch of Fibromyalgia pages trying to find some information to print out for my teachers at school so they know what to expect from me this year.

Name: Patricia Wooten
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Georgia
Time: 1998-09-13 19:47:24
Comments: I learned that I had fibromyalgia about three years ago and have not had a serious flare until recently. I am a banking professional with a high stress job and am interested in hearing from others that have the condition and getting tips on how they cope with it.

Name: MonaLisa Caesh
Referred by: Geocities
From: McComb, MS
Time: 1998-09-12 11:19:33
Comments: I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The information is very helpful. Keep up the good work. Where do I send donations? Thanks. MonaLisa E. Caesh

Name: Bernie Decker
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Rochester, NY
Time: 1998-09-03 23:46:23
Comments: Hi. I met a person last weekend who suffers from fibromyalgia. I had never heard of the syndrome before. All week I was bothered by what I saw. We were together for several hours and I saw how uncomfortable she was and how even simple tasks weren't done with ease. I have 2 questions and I apologize if this is not the correct use for this comment section. 1. Is it degenerative? This person is in her mid twenties and it was brought on by a lower back injury at work. 2. Is there effective therapy, relief or regimens that have been used in cases with success and what is the best one can hope for? Thank you very much. BD

Name: sharon
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: pa
Time: 1998-09-03 19:01:48
Comments: I have had Fm for several years. I am interested in any and all products/drugs/exercises etc that will help me. I founf out just today that I could qualify for an handicapped sticker for my car. Does anyone know how to do that?

Name: angel o'
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-09-03 00:17:24
Comments: one word........... beautifully done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Mona
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Georgia
Time: 1998-08-28 09:35:29
Comments: Hello. I am SO happy my friend Kenneth looked to see what he could find out about the condition I was just diagnosed with, FIBROMYAGIA...when he found this site... I have posted in the forum already and replied in a couple of others, and have bookmarked all your sites. This looks to be a benificial thing for all of us suffering from this disease, To help support others is healing in itself... I plan to visit daily, I Thank the creators of these sites from the bottom of my heart! I go for a CAT scan early next week,,then they wnat to put the electrobes on me and give me those lil' "shocks" in my muscles...I do hope it helps...I have lived with this pain for 2 years..with little understanding from others around that the diagnose was made...and my friend found these sites for me...I can get my family to read and understand more...what I have been going through and that the pain is VERY real. Thanks again...Bless You! Mona in Ga.

Name: Marsha
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1998-08-22 23:29:03
Comments: Thanks for this wonderful FMS site. I have surfed the web looking for something like this. Thanks again.

Name: Charlene (
Website: Crafts!
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Abbotsford, British Columbia
Time: 1998-08-22 21:36:43
Comments: Mike & Betty! Your new look is wonderful!!!! You've been a busy guy Mike and I'm sure you will win another award for this! It's beautiful! Like I've told you many times, you really should start your own Web-Site designing studio! Also, thank you for including my section on How to Apply for Disability Insurance -- and thanks for your wonderful effort on "barb and chars craft" site -- couldn't do it without ya! Talk to you soon on IRC! Luv, Charlene

Name: Kristy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Here:)
Time: 1998-08-22 17:17:46
Comments: Hi Mum and Mike! The angels are a nice addition to your page. The song is good too. Bye Kristy

Name: Take A Guess:
Website: X
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 1998-08-19 23:22:03
Comments: Ok, i'm only going to say this once. I have left you alone for a very long time now and have had no intentions of doing anything to upset you or against you in the future. However, I think you are being very Chicken :-) about your banning people. To start off, I have never banned you in my channel and have no intentions to since it's a support channel and we can't support people if we bann them. However, the other day, I decided to be sensible and come and try to make amends to you for our past problems and for the things I did to you because of them. I was on my girl friends puter and saw that you banned her. My girl friend has never done anything to you and it's assanine for you to bann her. You seem to think that by banning every isp that you see me on will keep me from bothering you. Well, I have news for you. If I wanted to cause you trouble, believe me, I could. I have more programs now then I ever had and if you need proof that by banning me all the time will protect you, i'll give you a taste of it. This is not what I want to do and I don't think you want it done either because it would cause you to have to get new Hard Drives for both your puters since you are on a firewall. The programs are not on the web and only a few people have them. The only protection against them is not to continuly piss me off. I know this sounds like a threat, and i'm sorry for that but i'm at the end of my rope. If I wanted to come on your channel, I could do it anytime I took a notion to for several reasons. One being that I have 5 isp accounts and there's no way you would know it was me. Ok, so much for the threats, or should I say the promises. I'm tired of the childish bullcrap and I do hope you will start acting like someone who has a support channel and start helping them instead of letting your ego control you. As I said, no one is banned in my channel right now because it's a support channel, not a bann everyone channel. How the hell can you help someone if always stick your tail between your legs and bann them? As you have noticed, I have used no nick or name and have given no info that would let anyone know who I am, but I know that you know who I am. As I said, I really do want to get all this crap behind us and stop the childish crap. I have done nothing against you for a long time, but if you keep my gf banned simply because you know I have something to do with her puter, then "the trouble has only just begun". What I have is totally untraceable since there is no access to it online. Believe it if you want, or don't believe it if you don't want to, but I assure you everything I have said here is true. You will have only yourself to blame. I keep on telling you i'm wanting to stop the crazy crap and it seems all i'm ending up doing is giveing you threats. Please believe me it's not what I want. We once were good friends and I know I was not very nice about it for a long time. All of that is behind us now and I assure you, I don't want anymore problems between us, but I don't want my gf banned either. She knows some about Fibro and it don't seem fair that you would ban her because of me. Please think this over and let me know what you'r going to do. Either that or I will just think that you want more problems and I don't think you do. Niether do I. Sincerely, Bob P.S. There are a lot of BoB's in the world so my name will only serve as a way for you to know who I am. By The Way, If I wanted to be mean and cause you problems, I would not have made this note as a private message. It would not look very nice to have it where everyone who visits your channel would see it. Please Reply. You know how to reach me.

Name: Kelly
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: OH
Time: 1998-08-17 20:59:36
Comments: i'm 35 and have fm for several years but was only dx 18 months ago. i also have rheumatoid arthritis. of course there is pain, but i think my biggest sympton w/fm is BEING TIRED. along with fogs etc. my family is understanding but would welcome anybody with same symptoms. also have a verrrrry hard time sleeping that i have to tackle on my own coz of my wierd reactions to various meds. would also welcome anyone who "reacts"this way. reach me -

Name: Brenda Lee Burfeind
Referred by: From a Friend
From: S. Dakota
Time: 1998-08-17 16:36:46
Comments: I've been recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and I am wondering why there is no disability for the United States, but there is for Canada? If you know the answer please write back. Thank you.

Name: Awake
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Vancouver BC Canada
Time: 1998-08-13 20:18:38
Comments: Hi Blu Just wanted to say hi, like your web page its great, I don't have time right now to go through all but will. Gentle hugs Awake (Peapod). We talked on Mirc this morning.

Name: Jorge A. Collado
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-08-09 16:38:44
Comments: We are starting a fibro support group here in San Juan Puerto Rico if you can give me some would be very aprreciated. Thank and good bless you

Name: Shirlee
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ft. Myers, FL
Time: 1998-08-08 05:58:06
Comments: Finally diagnosed after 20 months. I have just moved to South Florida and need a good fibro Dr. Any suggestions? I also would like to get off some of my meds.

Name: Mary K
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: chicago
Time: 1998-07-30 04:21:41
Comments: found u while looking for info on fibro... gonna check out your links.

Name: Rita
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Born in Tallahassee Florida, currently live in Layton Utah. Have traveled while in the Military.
Time: 1998-07-22 18:20:02
Comments: I have suffered from FMS since 1982 and in 1989 I was finally diagnosed. I have a full time job and a young family. I am finding it increasingly difficult to function in a normal copacity and thank God for each GOOD day. I find taking one day at a time helps and if today is better than yesterday I am extremely greatful. Hang in there everyone, we CAN deal with this!

Name: Marie
Referred by: Geocities
From: Freeland,Pa
Time: 1998-07-15 02:23:39
Comments: I found your site when I was looking for information on fibromyalgia, It was a wonderful pit stop. Thank you

Name: Judie Clayton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Iowa
Time: 1998-07-11 23:44:59
Comments: Have been dealing with this for several years now and am glad to finally put a name to it. am very concerned about the drug approach and would like to hear about alternatives. would like to have some ideas before seeing a rheumatologist on the 28th. thanks for anything you can tell me. Judie

Name: Sue Sommer
Referred by: Net Search
From: Redmond,WA
Time: 1998-07-08 21:33:21
Comments: RE: Fibromyalgia...Glucosamine sulfae has been shown in studies to help patients with osteoarthritis and I wondered if anyone has tried it for fibromyalgia and received positive results? I also was questioning the effect of the above for patients who take coummaden? Thank you

Name: Deborah Herrington
Referred by: Net Search
From: Tennessee
Time: 1998-07-03 07:33:50
Comments: I am a 43 year old female just diagnosed. I am having a terriable time with headaches and TMJ. Nothing seems to help the headaches. I already take Effexor and Klonopin. I am still dealing with the diagnosis too! HELP!

Name: Sarah Gaye Norris
Website: n/a
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Greenwood, SC 29646
Time: 1998-06-27 20:09:06
Comments: Great site..good info. We FMS folks need all the sites & info we can get. I think the chat lines are the best thing for us. Taking about our experiences seems to help everyone. Being limited on energy my social life is limited to the web. SG Norris

Website: Mid-Wisconsin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wisconsin
Time: 1998-06-27 12:39:17
Comments: i have recently been dx w/ FM and surfin' to find as much info as possible. Also looking for info for family members written in plain language.

Name: Lillian Owl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Miami, FL
Time: 1998-06-24 16:03:36
Comments: I can't seem to get into your chat from the public terminal I typically use. I'd like info about support groups locally. I'd like to meet and support other fibromites locally. If you can e-mail me with any info at all, please do. I'll be eternally grateful!

Name: Carolyn
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Roanoke, Virginia
Time: 1998-06-24 00:34:10
Comments: Just wanted to say thank you for all the valuable information on fibromyalgia.

Name: Nidia Castro
Referred by: Net Search
From: Rochester, New York 6mos now. Lived in NYC before
Time: 1998-06-23 03:13:44
Comments: Hi,I really liked your Homepage and all your family pictures. I was diagnosed with FM last month.Had all the symtoms for some time.. thought it was just arthritis. I'm going to check out some of your links. Thanks. God Bless. NC

Name: 'Neelie' Eileen Weber
Referred by: Net Search
From: Hollywood Florida
Time: 1998-06-19 21:21:09
Comments: I think it is great you are all out there. I'm going through a real rough time emotionally and it is so great I found you. I have been blocking my fibromyalgia diagnosis - it sure explains a lot of things. Now I understand even more why I'm disabled, can't walk much etc. I'm sure you all know I'm 55 and probably had fibromyalgis for over 20 years. I can use all the support I can get. I do not have a URL. I tried to join but I screwed it up??????? HELP Neelie

Name: Ginny Dancer
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Western Massachusetts
Time: 1998-06-19 14:39:58
Comments: Have had FM for l0 yrs. They say it's not progressive!!?? More like being in H---for the rest of your life. When is the medical establishment going to wake up and realize we are not hypochondriacs! Thanks so much for the excellent info!

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-06-19 01:47:46

Name: Sharii Toczyl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lexington Park, Maryland
Time: 1998-06-17 20:32:22
Comments: Thank you for this web-site! It's both nice and not so nice to know that I'm not alone and there's alot of good info. on FMS/MS. I really enjoyed the family info., but wanted to know how your family changed and friends also when they heard of FMS? My family have been supportive, but my friends still don't seem to understand and I don't know how to help them understand. Could you help me?

Name: Patricia E. Mednick
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York
Time: 1998-06-13 01:38:52
Comments: Looking for information on reducing pain associated with FMS. Unable to take most pain reducing medications.

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-06-13 00:49:24
Comments: It is sad in a way that so many people have visited because that means there are so many sufferers or those who know someone with FMS. It does help to know I am not alone and I look forward to finding a support group in Southern California soon! Thanks!

Name: George Bradley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Safford Arizona
Time: 1998-06-12 22:28:18
Comments: Have had FMS for over a year now and there are just bad days and worse. I forgot what a good day is like! Doctors are no help. Zoloft does't help. You are depressed because you are ill, you are not ill because you are depressed! For a short period of relief I take Darvon 65(not comp) and half a percocet----Xanax to keep from jumping out of my skin. Appreciate any help I can get!

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-06-12 03:55:19

Name: Charlotte Roberts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Montgomery AL
Time: 1998-06-12 03:22:42
Comments: I zoomed in on Fibromyalgia. I describe it as "standing in a bed of fire ants with your hands tied". It just never goes away. I always think that something will make it go away. But intellect tells me it won't. Strange how reading these pages gives me comfort.

Website: Marcia's Story
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kansas City, Missouri
Time: 1998-06-11 05:03:46
Comments: I loved your page. I have lupus, FM, & myositis. I would love to ad a link to your page from mine. Please let me know. Thanx!

Referred by: From Geocities
Time: 1998-06-09 23:32:35
Comments: I was diagnosed with FMS about 7 yrs. ago, but I've had it a lot longer. Now that I have a computer, it's nice to know that there is a Net Support Group, etc. I don't always feel like going to a meeting at night. Anyway, thanks for being there!

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-06-09 16:24:19
Comments: Great to see so much information on the web concerning fibromyalgia.

Name: Marlene
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: So. California
Time: 1998-06-07 04:00:28
Comments: I have had fms for almost 20 years, but it has just been in the last year that a name has been put to the symptoms. I also have MS, and there are quite a few other ladies in my support group who also have fms. Interesting..

Name: Amy Gibson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wichita, KS
Time: 1998-06-04 05:38:14
Comments: Great Page! After seven years and twice as many doctors, I have finally found a name for my problem- thanks to this page. After researching Fibro on the net, I was able to link many of my physical problems to this disease. I am now taking Zoloft for depression and Doxepin to help regulate my sleep. These meds, along with visits to the Advanced Medical Associates three times a week for physical therapy, have given me a whole new outlook on life. I have actually started jogging and lifting weights (very light) again!!! I do still have bad days, but even those aren't quite as painful. (I don't have to slither out of bed in the mornings anymore)

Name: David Henderson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Time: 1998-05-31 21:50:35
Comments: just to say hi and find out about joining forums and chat I have FM CFS

Name: Joan Hackler
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-05-30 03:46:49
Comments: I was just trying to find more information on fibromyalgia as I was diagonised with this about 3 weeks ago. I have been having problems for the last 4 months. Would like to hear from other people with this disease. joan

Name: Mary Green
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida
Time: 1998-05-28 01:37:49
Comments: I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 2-3 years ago after a car accident. They said it isn't progressive but I'm beginning to wonder. It sure seems like it is getting worse. The bad days seem to be more than the good days if there is such a thing as a good day. None of the meds I'm on seem to help much. Any suggestions? Keeping myself moving seems to help some but some days don't feel like getting out of bed.

Name: Margi DuBois
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida
Time: 1998-05-27 01:43:53
Comments: I am looking for a doctor in the Tampa area within the United Healthcare Network. I'm almost out of my meds and the new insurance takes over June 1.

Name: Margi DuBois
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida
Time: 1998-05-27 00:56:19
Comments: I am looking for a doctor in the Tampa area within the United Healthcare Network. I'm almost out of my meds and the new insurance takes over June 1.

Name: Carol Snowden
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Milton Ontario Canada
Time: 1998-05-24 01:12:56
Comments: I noticed that the email addresses are not but on the addresses so I am putting mine on the comments hoping someone will get the idea that we want people to have are email adress so that they can write us I have had fibremyalga for many years and medications do not help at all other than to cause other problems. my email address is Thankyou

Name: Carol Snowden
Referred by: Net Search
From: Milton Ontario Canada
Time: 1998-05-24 01:01:17
Comments: I have fibremyalga and I suffer greatly from it. I wish I could find someway of getting relief from the pain.

Name: Deb
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Nebraska
Time: 1998-05-22 23:12:06
Comments: Would like information on fibromyalgia. They say it is not progressive, but it sure feels like I get more symptoms, or the ones I have get worse. What are the BEST treatments for fibromyalgia??? Thank You

Name: darlene macy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: oceanside, ca
Time: 1998-05-22 15:37:49
Comments: It's so great to see how far we've come on the education of fibromyalgia. And the on-line support group is a fantastic idea. I used to go to a local support group, but we really had no structure and guidance. And I soon found that we just sat around and complained. I don't wish to do this! We've been given this illness for a reason and I would just like to focus on living life to the best of our abilities and finding a little support when the going gets tough. Thanks so much! darlene

Name: carol long
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: troy,alabama
Time: 1998-05-21 22:07:17
Comments: need info on FMS

Name: Ruth Schmidt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-05-20 19:41:21
Comments: Is there any help???????

Name: Pamela Barnes
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Newfoundland
Time: 1998-05-15 04:00:31
Comments: I FINALLY got here. :))) The wave files were causing a load error for me... just figured it out. That's fog for you! Anyway... LOVE the site... good job.

Name: Diane Smyczynski
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: New Jersey
Time: 1998-05-14 13:41:44
Comments: Hi out there fibro friends!! I've signed the book before but I was back visiting again. I have met a nice bunch of people through this page and enjoy chatting and e-maling them. Learning new ways of coping and different treatments is always good, you could never know enough about fibro. Well for those of you who never read my 1st sign in, here goes!!! I was diagnosed with fibro about 5 years ago and since then have gotten many more ailments. I work full time have 2 daughters and a supportive husband.I love to joke around, make everyone around me laugh and try to have a good time where ever I go. Remember you can't let this dreaded disease hold you down. Don't give in to it, keep your head high, chin up, and a GREAT BIG SMILE ON YOUR FACE!!!!! There are others out there worst off than us. I find that this attitude keeps me going. Try it, it can't hurt.If anyone would like to share your thoughts, jokes etc. E-mail me at I wuld love to hear from you.

Name: ann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Jersey
Time: 1998-05-14 01:55:24
Comments: I have had this disease for 10 years and read everything I can find. I am delighted to find you and will return often for your updates. By the way I am in great shape these days. Besides medications I use many vitamin supplements, get a weekly holistic energy balancing treatment and have 3 teenagers to keep me moving all the time.

Name: Marianne Milkowski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-05-13 16:44:44
Comments: I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about three years ago after I read about it in a magazine and took the mag to my doctor. I have suffered from it since I was about 15. I am now 63. It is wonderful to know that I am not crazy, that I really do have all those symptoms. Would like to chat with others in the same boat.

Name: Tracy Sanford
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: West Virginia
Time: 1998-05-12 00:32:20
Comments: I have fibromyalgia and have been on voltaran xr among other medications. The doctor had been giving me free samples of the medication, but can no longer do that. I have been calling different pharmacies to get prices, and have found that I can't afford the medication myself. I have no insurance, I do work but can't afford $85.00 for 30 pills. If anyone knows of a comprable medication, at a lower cost, I would sure appriciate knowing what it is, because I am feeling pretty rotten. Thank You! Tracy Sanford.

Name: Sheri Taylor
Website: Missing children need our help
Referred by: Net Search
From: Chehalis WA
Time: 1998-05-05 14:21:44
Comments: Hi! I have just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Just glad to know what I have!! You have a great site! I shall return. God bless!!

Name: June Bilyeu
Referred by: Net Search
From: Moweaqua, Ill.
Time: 1998-05-03 22:55:37
Comments: Interested in learning more about fibromyalgia.

Name: Jennifer Lewis
Website: I don't have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Payson , Utah
Time: 1998-05-03 05:10:14
Comments: My Mother has this and the doctors thought I did to but I was lucky I don't at lease right now . Jennifer Lewis

Name: Arlene Atkinson
Referred by: From AngelFire
From: British Columbia Canada
Time: 1998-05-01 18:00:32
Comments: Great page.. I've been looking since I arrived on the net for something such as this.. really need the support :)) Thank you for this .. Arlene

Name: Luise Liebson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Columbia, SC
Time: 1998-05-01 04:18:07
Comments: After 20 years of complainig to many doctors and being told there is nothing wrong with me,I was convinced that I am losing my mind. Not so I found out,I have Fibromyalgia. Have to find a good rheumataligist and see how I can fight this thing. I am so glad that I found you on the web.My children gave me this web tv and I dont really know what I'm doing,but I'm learning. Just hope I can find you again!

Name: anita b cooper
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: atlanta, ga
Time: 1998-04-30 15:09:06
Comments: I thought I was going crazy until I started surfing and found you guys. Although I still have much more of your page to view! Thanks alot!!

Name: Brenda Stainton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ontario Canada
Time: 1998-04-29 03:15:42
Comments: I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia three years ago and stilldo not know much about the disease and that is why I am here, I do get alot of releif from natural supplementation.

Name: mary grace godfrey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: greenville,sc
Time: 1998-04-28 22:55:30
Comments: i am looking for any new info and looking to see if there are any scholarships for college for people diagnosed and living w/FMS

Name: Suzanne
Referred by: Net Search
From: ohio
Time: 1998-04-28 21:18:58
Comments: Today, April 28,1998 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have been in pain for 2-3 years, and most recently, the worst, in the last six months. I am an LPN currently working on my associates degree, which I have found out, aggrivates this disease from stress and continually having my head in a book. From talking with my Dr. I had no idea that it is going to be that bad. Reading some of the letters, I am finding out that this will continue to get worse and worse. I'm glad I found this site. I have so many questions, and don't know where to get answers. Maybe this will help. My husband has never understood the pain that I have, at least now I have found someone that does. Thanks!

Name: Suzanne
Referred by: Net Search
From: ohio
Time: 1998-04-28 21:18:07
Comments: Today, April 28,1998 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have been in pain for 2-3 years, and most recently, the worst, in the last six months. I am an LPN currently working on my associates degree, which I have found out, aggrivates this disease from stress and continually having my head in a book. From talking with my Dr. I had no idea that it is going to be that bad. Reading some of the letters, I am finding out that this will continue to get worse and worse. I'm glad I found this site. I have so many questions, and don't know where to get answers. Maybe this will help. My husband has never understood the pain that I have, at least now I have found someone that does. Thanks!

Name: Kim Bruner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indianpolis
Time: 1998-04-27 20:57:10
Comments: Alright, I'll comment. I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in the last year, although I've tried to explain this thing for about 20 years. Unfortunately, anti-inflamatories don't work for me because of high blood pressure. So far, the only thing that helps consistently is daily dosages of Ultram.

Name: Susan Lowell
Referred by: Net Search
From: Monterey, CA
Time: 1998-04-23 03:12:50
Comments: Interested in starting a Fibromyalgia support group at the YWCA of Monterey County, so am surfing the WEB to get information. Loved the musical accompaniement.

Name: Margot Koopmans
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Maple Ridge B.C. Canada
Time: 1998-04-23 03:08:37
Comments: I am glad I found this with some needed information thank you I have Fibromyalgia to for 10 years . Some of the information is very helpfull

Name: Melodie Anne Zinyk
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Canada
Time: 1998-04-22 01:52:48
Comments: nice page still have to go back and browse.

Name: Caroline Kirby
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Putney VT
Time: 1998-04-20 20:46:47
Comments: Just got diagnosed last Thursday after twelve years of dealing. Am looking to chat with other fibromites. Am fairly new to the net and web world. Need help connecting and sorting out this electronic world. Frustration quotient is high. Anyone care to offer some assist? My deep thanks in advance. -- CK

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: WA state
Time: 1998-04-20 10:53:59
Comments: Just wanted to say thanks for this web site without these sites I wouldnt know very much about this disease I have and would be much more frustrated than ever. IRELAND

Name: Jo Starcher
Referred by: Net Search
From: Virginia Beach, VA
Time: 1998-04-18 14:25:07
Comments: I have had Fibro for over 17 years now and have been through most of it. I'm starting a support group here for fibro, cfs, & mps. Actually I have been searching for net info to pass on to the support group here. I would love to talk to any and all about fibro. I am especially interested in working with others about teaching and supporting our families, doctors, and others in our lives. We know we are in pain, we know we need support, how do we convince others this is real? Would love opinions!;-) This seems to be the #1 question I get.

Name: Lois
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Montana
Time: 1998-04-17 02:00:31
Comments: I have had FMS for over 15 years now and take it one day at a time. I laugh and cry and find some great friends to talk with about this. Support groups are all over but they are only part of it. I am now at the point of not being able to work anymore and am putting in for disability. I know things could be better but they could also be worse!! I feel lucky for the good days and look at life with a positive attitude. Oh sure those bad days get me down and I want to scream! If anyone wants to write and share their time with me I would appreciate it.

Name: Robin Ramberg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Fayetteville North Carolina
Time: 1998-04-14 01:30:12
Comments: I was so glad to find this web site. I am 43, married, mother of two grown boys. I was diagnosed with Sjogrens Syndrom and connective tissue desease when I was 26, but just recently diagnosed with fybromyalgia last October. I see a specialist at Duke Medical Center once every six months. It is so hard to have a desease that no one else you know has, and it is not obvious to them. I have gotten to the point that I don't say anything because most people look at me like I'm nuts. I was also put on meds four years ago for bi-polar manic depression. Some times I get so depressed because I feel like all I do is go to work and sleep. Enough of that, it is so great to find others who understand. Please someone answer me. I have sent other messages on other web sites and no one responded. It would be nice to here from another sufferer.

Name: Mary E. Reece
Referred by: Net Search
From: East Liverpool Oh 43920
Time: 1998-04-11 12:08:42
Comments: I found some info on guaifenesin. goiing to try this. Have had fibro for 7 yrs now and suffering is no fun.

Name: Sunny McHale-SkyeDancer
Referred by: Net Search
From: Central Oregon Coast
Time: 1998-04-07 18:13:13
Comments: Hi, I have had FMS for too long, 3 years in bed, too much pain, was able to return to work, but it did me in. Was on the way up, but the last month has been HORRIBLE flare. I need to be in contact with folks e-mail, any addresses, or newsgroups? I am having trouble finding them. The letters keep jumping of the keys, if you know what I mean! I have a good survival manual, Copeland/Starlanyl...but I need the people contact to help with the impending feelings of doom and despair. Will other FMS's please write me? I work at home...I check email almost everyday. I am really glad you are here!

Name: David Henderson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cleveland ohio
Time: 1998-04-05 20:49:48
Comments: I would like to know if you have the chat rooms?

Name: Irish Smith
Website: aonepro
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cave Junction, OR
Time: 1998-04-03 05:39:48
Comments: Just found this page as I put in fibromyalgia and this was one page that was listed. I have been diagnosed w/fib since 1984 and it seems to be flareing up at this time, I have a lot of pain and my sleep is terrible-have tried some meds but don't like the side effects (weight gain) Sometimes the depression is extreme--what do others do? HELP!!

Name: diane
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: ontario, canada
Time: 1998-04-02 15:02:22
Comments: I'm happy to find your support group. I hope I can find some help .

Name: Autumn McEvers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: California
Time: 1998-03-31 05:43:47
Comments: My mother has fibromialgia and I was just trying to find out more about it.

Name: Sheila
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: California
Time: 1998-03-28 17:27:46
Comments: I was diagnosed w/fms 4/96 and feel as though I am having more "bad days" than "good days". Is this normal for everyone? Several individuals I have linked w/also having this seem to have some different symptons than myself. It's like no two people are the same. Is this normal? For lack of a better word. I just get very depressed with this sometimes because I truly feel "alone" alot. My family is very considerate, but, it just doesn't help sometimes. I have had to sign up for disability and was turned down, got an atty who states she will try to help me, but proving this to a disability judge is very difficult, if not impossible. I guess I just need someone to "talk to" that shares the same "disease." ??

Name: Sherry
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Ontario
Time: 1998-03-28 17:18:23
Comments: Hi. I found your site last week, and have been finding more sites on this dreaded problem recently. I only ever found 2 sites last year, and it is so nice to find more this year. I was diagnosed about 7 years ago with FM. I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis 13 years ago or so, and I think this disease brought the FM on. Many probs with Doc about this, but I won't get into it here. I have been to the Mirc line a few times in the last week, but no one is ever there.....?? My doctor has finally told me that she wants me on disability, tho it may be short term. I am having many problems at work and have thusly been suspended once. I finally told them what is going on, and I fear for my job now. I need help to decide what to do, see a lawyer, how to afford going on disability, etc. I found out last year that I cannot even get life insurance, which confused me at that time, as this is not supposed to be a life threatening disease, so I was told. But I am now wondering what difficulty there will be going on long term disability. We have a plan at work, but it looks so hard to get into. Can anybody help me with my questions? This site is great and I wish I found it sooner.

Name: Heidi Wade
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Chanute, Kansas
Time: 1998-03-27 17:09:29
Comments: Hi new FMily. I recieved my actual diagnosis just last Monday, although I'm sure I've had this for at least 10 years. I am an RN who is working on my Nurse Practioner, and of course this dosen't make it any easier. Finally got some sleep and am reading up on everything I can to better equip myself for the time when I hopefully will be seeing my own patients. I have wonderful husband, three kids ages 21, 19 and 16. Three yellow labs that take me just as I am, tired, in the bathroom, in a fog, etc. Am Native American, will be 41 in April. And I'm worn out now, Whew! Will be nice to visit with everyone.

Name: Macreena
Referred by: Net Search
From: Arizona
Time: 1998-03-26 21:52:23
Comments: Thank you for all the information given at this site. I have been diagnosed with FMS for 1 1/2 yrs. This site is very helpful to my family, helping them understand what I am feeling.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: redmond washington
Time: 1998-03-26 17:04:13
Comments: I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a year ago and it has turned by life upside down, but I'm determined to learn how to live with it. I only have access to a computer at work at this time, but plan to get one for home use within a year.

Name: Jennifer titus
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dunsmuir cailf.
Time: 1998-03-26 03:24:52
Comments: I was recently Diagonsed with Fybro. I would love to chat with others I also have Lupus I would love to have any information on these disease. I am only 23 years old so would like to talk to anyone.

Name: Karen Lee Halliwell
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Salinas, California
Time: 1998-03-22 01:59:33
Comments: I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia approximately two and a half years ago after years of going to doctors and them telling me nothing was medically wrong with me. Although I still maintain my full-time job (not easy), Fibromyalgia has changed my life completely. Although I am used to the numerous symptoms, they still devastate my whole being. Nothing surprises me with this illness; my experience with it tells me anything can happen and it's always part of the illness. Frustration and depression are something I deal with on a regular basis.

Name: Diane S. Smyczynski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bayonne, New Jersey
Time: 1998-03-20 01:07:41
Comments: Hi there I think I may have signed in already but in case I didn't here I am. Hello out there all my fibro friends. I have this problem for over five years and somtimes I feel more like 87 than 37. Along with many other medical ailments sometimes days feel like years. The only suggestion I have is not to let it get you down. Keep smiling joking and having the best time possible remember there are others out there whom are in worst shape than us. If you like E-mail me at and maybe we could share a few laughs or compare what works for us.

Name: Harry R. Kautzman
Website: don't have one
Referred by: Net Search
From: Mukilteo, Washington (North of Seattle)
Time: 1998-03-16 05:47:21
Comments: I have suffered from Fibromyalgia for several years. Every day is a challenge and filled with pain, fatigue, confusion, etc. All the classic symptoms. I had a doctor who diagnosed my conditon, who has since retired because she also suffered from this conditon and could not keep up with her practice. The doctor I now see does not believe it exists. She believes that doctors tell their hypocondriac patients they have this because there is now way to test for it and no treatment (her words not mine). Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a doctor in this area who deals with this conditon. I am a college graduate (BA liberal Arts from Eastern Washington University), I have worked for US WEST Communications, Inc. for 24 years. I feel that I must deal with this problem on my own by trial and error and with my anti-depressants because I get no help from the medical community or family and friends, who think I look fairly healthy. I hope I haven't rattled on too much. This is a very touchy subject with me. I read that more women than men have this problem. I believe this is because of the double standard in our society. It is more acceptable for a woman to seek help for this type of problem than a man. A man is the bread winner and as such is expected to buck up and not complain no matter what. If a women can't handle the stress and pain it's "oh the poor dear she has just been overworked and needs a break" and if its a man it's "why that good for nothing lazy goldbricker, just wants a handout from society". I hope that the day will come when this will be recognized as a true disease and that everyone afflicted can seek help without fear fo redicule. One other thought. I also believe that the medical community finds it hard to deal with this because the doctors are overwhelmed by the many symptoms that present themselves with this syndrome. Thnaks for listening and good luck with your efforts.

Name: diane
Referred by: Net Search
From: sarasota fl
Time: 1998-03-11 06:24:14
Comments: I would just like to thank you all for putting together such a wonderful site.

Name: Sheryl Krueger
Referred by: Net Search
From: Milwaukee, Wi
Time: 1998-03-11 01:46:05
Comments: I have been in chronic pain for the last 3 1/2 years. been to every doctor known to me. They can't find anything. Some doctors don't believe in FMS. I know that is what I have. I really need help in finding relief. I am having problems handling the pain. I have already tired to end things because it is to hard. I feel alone at times while others are having fun. Can you help me?

Name: Debra Magilen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: California
Time: 1998-03-10 09:28:44
Comments: Hi. I have had FM for 16 years, but it was just diagnosed last year, and I am still finding ways to deal with it. I would love any information that anyone can give me about pain management techniques, and possible treatments. Please get in touch with me if you can help me! Thank you! Debra

Name: Lana
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-03-09 23:43:20
Comments: LOVE your page...very informative and very well put together!

Name: Megan Wooster
Referred by: Net Search
From: white plains, New York
Time: 1998-03-07 18:51:06
Comments: I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about three years ago, and was told it was linked to the Lyme Disease I had a year previously. I really would like to be able to talk to other people who have fibromyalgia, but becasue I am in college, joining certian server's is almost impossible. I was wondering if there were any other ways I could get in contact with people? Please feel free to contact me on my E mail. Thankyou.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-03-05 04:55:16

Name: Jacki Davidson
Referred by: Net Search
From: Overland Park KS (Greater Kansas City)
Time: 1998-03-01 03:23:22
Comments: Please get in touch with me. Thanks, Jacki Davidson

Name: sandy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: van nuys, california
Time: 1998-02-27 23:55:16
Comments: I have just recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but I feel my doctor isn't telling me enough about it, so I am surfing the net to find all I can about it. It's great to see so much information. Especially from other people that share my same problem. If you can, please keep me updated on any new information. Thank you.

Name: Judi
Referred by: Net Search
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-02-27 21:28:25
Comments: I have returned to my teaching job[after a 2-year disability leave] Completed a GRUELING 3 week Chronic Pain Management hospitalization:Cleveland Clinic, [Cleveland,OH] also am trying to 'cope' w/rheumatoid & osteoarthritis, and Pseudo PCT, a disease of which I can RARELY find information -----would you direct me to a site for HELP ?????????????

Name: Kim Ness
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-02-26 20:16:38
Comments: I can't seem to find any chat rooms with people dealing with fibromyalgia. can you help

Name: Linnie Poyneer
Website: Genealogy Research by Linnie Vanderford Poyneer
Referred by: Net Search
From: Renton, WA
Time: 1998-02-25 05:03:16
Comments: Please note that after 7 1/2 years of a life next not much better that a vegetable I found a Dr. that seems to do miracles. No Kidding, he is Dr. Andrew Holman a Rheumetodologist. He is the top Dr. in the research studies on Fibromyalgia. He works with the Arthrist Foundation of America. He is associated with the U. of Washington. He feels he can cause fibro. and he can cure it. Feb 1997 I went to see him I really mean dragged myself to the car, cried in pain when driving and almost could not walk from my car to his office. He spent 1 hour taking history, listening to me discribe symptons (which I didn;t need to, he knew then all), he did some tender and trigger point testing and pronounced I had Fibromyalgia and that he could cure it (I thought, NOT!). His and many other believe it to be a sleep disorder brought on by sleep deprivation and major stress trama. He put me on 200mg Trazodone at night only (not morning drug hang over). When I went back in one week I was literaly bouncing off the walls with energy. I could hardly contain myself. I could have kissed his feet. I am now about 70% of normal and he feels that he can get me to 100%. I wish I could pass it onto others that there is hope but you have to get the right Dr. Check the American Arthrits Foundation for referals. Dr. Holman will also take calls and provide literature to help educate other doctors. Long winded but I hope helpful to someone. Linnie

Name: Judy Stratman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Nebraska
Time: 1998-02-24 17:43:08
Comments: Please send an email if there is any new and updated information.

Name: Angie Miller
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Indiana
Time: 1998-02-23 20:25:16
Comments: Hi. I work for a hospital in Central Indiana. We have just recently formed a fibromyalgia support group and I have been amazed at the response! We began in October of '97 and our group has grown to nearly 200 participants. I create and mail a newsletter each month before our meeting so I'm often surfing the net looking for updated information and/or information pertaining to next month's group topic.

Name: Lou Ann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Eastern N.C.
Time: 1998-02-17 01:16:40
Comments: Looking for current FM info. and info. on disabilities.

Name: Diane Smyczynski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bayonne, NJ
Time: 1998-02-14 18:47:11
Comments: Hi, I'm new on the net. I have had fibromyalgia for5 years. Along with the fibro I have many other chronic problems. I subscribe to fibromyalgia network,alliance of america etc. Even though there are no clear answers or treatments I find reading information on the latest news and also that there are others out there suffering sometimes makes fibro a little more bearable.

Name: gal
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ohio
Time: 1998-02-09 09:15:06
Comments: Hi! I am really glad I found this web site. I have been diagnoised with fibromyalgia 8 years ago,along with degentertive disc and spinal stenosis. But no doctor I have been to knows what to do for me. They mainly just tell me no stress,don't they realize they are the ones causing it ,by telling me I just need counsling. I've been there and I never feel any better going,usually worse. THANK YOU for giving back some of my fight. gal

Name: Linda Lamon
Referred by: Net Search
From: Lubbock, TX
Time: 1998-02-07 13:12:27
Comments: Hi, I just wanted to say how glad I am that sites like this exist. They work and the chat channels are wonderful. Love to all

Name: Liz Smith
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Syracuse, NY
Time: 1998-02-04 00:35:18
Comments: I just want to find other people with this condition and see what they do to cope.

Name: Linda White
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Lafayette, In
Time: 1998-02-02 19:45:40
Comments: Don't know what to say...I have had this "fun" disease for over 20 years... Lord do I get tire of aching all the time....For the last couple of weeks things have not been too bad..I have actually slept a couple of whole nites through.. Sometimes it gets to be alot to bear..but then I guess you all feel that way at times...I am going to try a new Dr. soon...maybe there is more help than what I have been getting.. The hard part is not being able to do the things that I need to do. One hard physical job can knock me down for is hard to get a hard working spouse to understand that I look ok and am still strong...but in pain....if it isn't broken or bleeding he does not quite get it.....Sound sorry for myself today...Sorry.... Wishing you all good days and good luck....L

Name: April aka _Mira
Website: The holodeck
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: New Jersey
Time: 1998-01-30 03:17:16
Comments: Betty, Thought I'd come and see yours since you saw mine.. this is great, I am always looking for more information. When undernet lets me in you will see me to chat.. undernet loves to throttle my connection! LOL Gentle hugs!

Name: Debbie Harsh
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: West Virginia
Time: 1998-01-29 23:35:59
Comments: I suffer from Fibromyalgia amd CFS and RSD So I am looking forward to all the support and chats.

Name: Nancy Budd- Atkinson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Kahuku, HI
Time: 1998-01-24 17:31:06
Comments: Informative. Easy to understand.

Name: skeeter
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Florida
Time: 1998-01-22 20:30:20
Comments: This is a test!

Referred by: From Geocities
Time: 1998-01-19 07:11:52

Name: Janie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hedgesville,WV
Time: 1998-01-17 18:05:19
Comments: Very new to internet, pardon my mistakes. Diagnosed with CFS in 1986, FMS in 1997. In last week fatigue so much worse. Any ideas. Medical provider suggested more vit C, but do they have to make those pills so large. Drink a lot of OJ. Working part-time (nurse), but fear that will soon be impossible. Thinking of retraining. Any para-legals out there with medical background, would love to hear about jobs. Husband is totally disabled ( service connected - VA),

Name: Peg Brown
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Burr Oak, Michigan
Time: 1998-01-14 22:55:27
Comments: I have every reason to believe that I have Fibromyalgia. I hurt all over. Does it affect your feet? I would like to talk to other people who know.

Name: Ann Tye
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: strongsville, ohio
Time: 1998-01-14 19:30:41
Comments: Is there an e-mail support list?

Name: Bob Everett
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: McCormick, SC 29835
Time: 1998-01-12 03:35:24
Comments: A friend in our church circles is suffering from what she believes to be FMS. They do not have a computer. I have promised to look up and try to find anything that would help them in identifying FMS and solutions to this problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Bob Everett

Name: Kris M.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Florida
Time: 1998-01-12 00:30:56
Comments: How do you become a chat room member? I suffer from this and I'm only 17! I'm hoping someone out there can give me a little perspective. Having it bad right now...been dealing with this for over a year and I'm wondering if anyone has any hints. I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Name: Ashleigh
Referred by: Net Search
From: New Zealand
Time: 1998-01-11 05:05:09
Comments: It's good to be able to get some information which shows the symptoms that I have are shared by many others and that I'm not going nuts!!

Name: Linda Wolff
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mt. Vernon, Wa.
Time: 1998-01-09 09:57:00
Comments: This is for Vicki Peters in Stevensville, Mt. Hi! I just moved from Missoula in Sept. Go see Dr. Mote in Superior, Mt., he really helped me with FM & is a great Dr. Let me know how it goes--Goode Luck

Name: Linda Wolff
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mt. Vernon, Wa.
Time: 1998-01-09 09:42:03
Comments: Happy New Year Everyone!! I always have trouble finding this page, having one of those nites, so just surfing around, it would take a lifetime & someone who knows more about computers than I do to check out all the info. Am learning lots about FM tho & hopefully will continue to meet new people with this disease

Name: Beverly
Website: i don't know
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Calif.
Time: 1998-01-08 06:50:28
Comments: I have fms and would like to get schedules of open chats I jjust got puter and am fumbling my way thru, can use all the help i can get, thanks

Name: Mike Henry
Website: mikeydabo
Referred by: From Geocities
From: New Philadelphia Ohio
Time: 1998-01-08 03:31:43
Comments: Betty===I made it to the page and it is great!!!Keep up on the great job you are doing. Everyone that has FMS can use the support. If I can help??? just drop a line. Mike

Name: Janette Wolfe
Referred by: Net Search
From: Illinois
Time: 1998-01-08 00:43:24
Comments: Having some problems and just checking information on this disease. My mom has it and now that I'm over the 30 years of age mark, I'm getting aches and pains galore and the pressure points that hurt point to this. Just need information on what helps people. Janette

Name: Beverly
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ontario,Canada
Time: 1998-01-07 19:56:24
Comments: Have been diagnoised for 9 years, beleive to have had this since I was a teen.Having a bad flare up the last 3 months, been sent to back clinic,there doesn't seem to be much help Having a CAT scan done in Feb. Anyone had this? Did the find anything that would help.Want to start off New Year on a positive note this, makes it very hard!!!I belong to a support group but even that is getting depressing. Help!!!

Name: Joni
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mesa, Arizona
Time: 1998-01-06 01:23:48
Comments: Looking around for updated information on fibromyalgia. Have been disabled since Nov. 96 with fibromyalgia. Doctored out!

Name: Joyce Martin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Logansport In.
Time: 1998-01-05 20:58:50
Comments: I'm trying to deal with the pain in my upper arms and neck when I get up in the mornings and it stays with me all day, right now I'm not working had a bad flare up. any anwers or helpfull notes. Thank you

Name: zina yarbrough
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: West Tennessee
Time: 1998-01-05 14:53:28
Comments: I have recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I am in constant pain, I am presently been treated with the following meds. : Amitriptyline 150 mgs at HS Ultram 50 mgs bid Salsalate 750 mgs bid Effexor 75 mgs bid Hydroxyzine 10 mgs tid Tagament 400 mgs bid for peptic ulcers Carafate 1 gm. qid " BUT APAP CAF 50/ 325 PRN I would appreciate any information I could recieve about fibromyalgia, especially my rights at work or getting SSI. My rhuematologist, suggested thar since I have been dealing with fibromyalgia apperantly since childhood that I try and continue to try to get SSI, but says that since I'm so young (33 Yrs. old) it will be hard to get. What is a person to do? I am a single mother of three, ages: 16 yrs.,15 yrs.,and 9 yrs. How can I work if I hurt so bad that from one day to the next if I can even get up , or know if I am going to be alert enough to preform my job duties? I am an LPN and I also question my abiltiy to care for my patients properly.

Name: Bobbie BlAKE
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hobbs New Mexico
Time: 1998-01-04 21:37:48
Comments: I have Fibromyalgia

Name: Sharon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pa.
Time: 1998-01-03 06:40:27
Comments: I would love to hear from others who are suffering from Fibromyalgia. Hope, helpful hints, etc. are most welcome! My e-mail address is: Thanks! Sharon

Name: M Skinner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Clovis NM
Time: 1998-01-03 06:00:39
Comments: just surfed on in, so happy to find other fibromites i have had fibromyalgia for 7 years and have had to deal with the ups and downs of this disorder. hang in there everyone.

Name: Carol Fagan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: La Grande, OR
Time: 1998-01-02 21:42:59
Comments: I was diagnosed about 3 years ago now. I am also being treated for arthritis (which I have). I had moved and my new doctor diagnosed me. He also has FMS. I was totally relieved to find out I wasn't crazy. This is a bitch to live with, but it helps that my fiance' is extremely supportive. I hope that all of you can find someone to be there for you on your worst days. If anyone wants to write me, please do.

Name: Cynthia
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Florida
Time: 1998-01-02 17:05:55
Comments: Hi bluangel and hugibear! I really enjoyed your home page and it's contents.... I liked the personal aspects, family and pets and very informative links. It is very nice in design and layout as well! I appreciate your your home page and graciousness on #fibromyalgia... Thank you, Cynthia (aka ctropics) :)

Name: carol scales
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: pennsylvania
Time: 1998-01-01 15:01:18
Comments: I'm not sure if I have written to you before. But it is nice to hear about any news or information on this disease that you have. I read just about everything I can, but I still just can't believe that I have it. I have been diagnosed with it, I know my life has changes a great deal. There are many things that I no longer can do. I have gained about 85 pounds in the last 3 years. I feel awful. I know that the weight is not good for me, but the mind wants to go, but the body just doesn't move. I start to walk on the treadmill, but I just can't get in the groove. I did walk about 4-6 miles a day, 7 day days a week. I have no energy. My family sort of understands, my husband is the one who is having trouble, he says he understands, but he still puts a lot of demands on me, he said, so I won't give up and stop altogether. My children are all grown, but I have 2 at home. They don't talk much about it, my daughter tries to help, but she works 2 jobs and I work full time, but when I come home, I am done for. I am 53 soon to be 54, I want my life to be full and enjoy my grandchildren more. I can't pick them up, without hurting my upper back, this is from an injury I received in a fall, and this is where I think the fibromyalgia has come from. I have neck and upper back problems. Any information or help, please! Anyone to talk to? '

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Va.
Time: 1997-12-31 12:42:45
Comments: Glad to find info on something others know so little about or have little understanding. Thanks.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-12-31 06:56:16

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1997-12-30 16:05:05

Name: vicki peters
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: stevensville, montana
Time: 1997-12-30 04:45:56
Comments: hello, i am a fibromyalgia patient. in 1981 i was dianosed with lupus. about ten years ago we moved to montana, just four yrs. ago i was told i have fibromylgia. like most of us, i have my good days and then there are the rough ones.

Name: Carole Klatt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Edmonton.alberta.Canada
Time: 1997-12-29 07:14:21
Comments: What to say...Diagnosed summer 97. Still working single mom.many allergies..learning to live without wheat.dairy.

Name: Sandi Barnes
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New Philadelphia, Ohio
Time: 1997-12-29 04:41:00
Comments: I have been able to trace back to the age of 8-9 yrs old, I have had this dragon. And the Drs just found out what is was 2 years ago. In the last year I have really gone down hill and I really hope I stable out pretty soon. I would like any support you can give me. I go to the FMS support wall. But I have been down lately with migraines. Thanks for your interest in me.......

Name: Judy Carrasco
Website: JCarra's Calkins
Referred by: Net Search
From: Los Angeles area
Time: 1997-12-28 05:34:38
Comments: I am interested in joining your chat group but I'll probably need help. Thanks for providing this information. I need to read all I can about this disease.

Name: jan hanson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Lenexa, KS
Time: 1997-12-28 05:30:18
Comments: I am a fibromyalgia patient. I do not own a computer but would love to recieve any info. You can mail me at: Jan Hanson 8037 Halsey Lenexa, KS 66215

Name: Doris M. Moser
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Winchester, Va.
Time: 1997-12-27 01:36:31
Comments: Would like to hear from others with fibromyalgia.

Name: Patricia Imperato
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sedro Woolley, Washington
Time: 1997-12-23 15:33:25
Comments: I recently been diagnosed with FMS, and my husband searches on the net, and through associates, everything he can to eleviate the pain. Any up-to-date information would be appreciated. Thank you

Name: JULIA G.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: downsville louisiana
Time: 1997-12-23 04:46:54
Comments: I was diagnosed with fms about a month ago. I was glad to finally found out why I was in constant pain. I was being treated for arthritis, which I do have osteoarthristis in my neck but this pain was all over. I was in a terrible auto accident in Juneof 97 and that's when it all started. I also lost my husband to a heart attack in Sept, so everything combined brought mine out of dormancy. I hate to be a whiner but, this fms is awful and I know this is something I am going to have to live with.I would be interested in chatting with anyone who suffers from fms.

Name: Linda Wolff
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wa
Time: 1997-12-21 08:46:38
Comments: I'm trying to figure out how to use all of this, still learning the computer & it's secrets. I am always looking for new info on fibromyalgia.

Name: Mary Birch
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Elizabeth City, NC
Time: 1997-12-20 13:35:04
Comments: Just Passing Thru... found you through Yahoo

Name: christina elaine plummer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-12-15 19:41:10

Name: Denise Rocha
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Wisconsin
Time: 1997-12-14 04:52:18
Comments: Hey Blu, Just saying hi to let you know ive been here SammyWI

Name: Doris M. Moser
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Cross Junction, Va.
Time: 1997-12-13 17:58:00
Comments: I have been diagnosed with FMS and CFS since 1985 and it doesn't get any better. I have noticed a lot of trembling of the neck and head more so this year. Currently on Paxil and Klonipin and Darvacet for pain.

Name: Marianna Docimo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Valley, AL
Time: 1997-12-11 18:48:00
Comments: I have had FMS since the birth of my first child eight years ago. It has been a long and painful eight years with this nasty condition. I have found a wonderful support group and it has helped just to go and talk and listen to people going though the same stuggle with daily life.

Name: Teresa Leenerts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: IL
Time: 1997-12-11 17:41:00
Comments: This is recently new to me, but feel I have had this for some time. It is no fun.

Name: David Harder
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-12-09 05:03:00
Comments: Just saying hi. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about three years ago after about ten years of seeing doctors. I'll never forget the feeling of finally having a name for what I was experiencing all those years prior. My condition has progressively gotten worse, but then I prbably don't do enough to take care of myself either. Waitng for a magic pill.

Name: Cathy Herness
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Olympia, WA
Time: 1997-12-08 20:19:00
Comments: I have lost almost everything a good career, my marriage and any semblance of a social life, sounds like a story you might here at an AA meeting, the difference is I DON'T know what caused it and I DON'T know what will can change it or make it better...I'm sorry this sounds so depressing and down after 10 years my positive atttitude is another thing I apparently that lost too.

Name: Diana deMontigny
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Russell, MB Canada
Time: 1997-12-08 19:52:00
Comments: Thank you for the support information. A resource I look forward to using. Diana

Name: Tricia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: VA
Time: 1997-12-08 19:46:00
Comments: Have suffered with CFS and fibromyalgia since 1992. Currently lost my part-time job. Would like any info on treatments that help. Thanks!!!!!!!

Name: Linda Wolff
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Washington
Time: 1997-12-07 11:41:00
Comments: Thanks Betty

Name: Helaine
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Reseda, Ca
Time: 1997-12-06 05:54:00
Comments: I am always looking for info on fibro. I have been diagnosed with fibro for about 8 months

Name: Kerry Davis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wyoming
Time: 1997-12-06 00:54:00
Comments: My husband has been battling chronic fatigue syndrome for several years. He was doing fairly well the past five years, and now seems to have had a reoccurence. He is tired of doctors and medicines. I am looking for a natural way to help him. We are working on his diet, eliminating sugars, carbohydrates, most everything that he enjoys eating. I know that there are not miracle cures, but am looking for things that were most successful for the long term.

Name: Michael Henry
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New Philadelphia Ohio
Time: 1997-12-05 22:56:00
Comments: I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia approx. 18 mos. ago. I have found out i don't like it. I should have been a weather forecaster. This is for my fellow "fibromites" KEEP THE FAITH IT HAS GOT TO GET BETTER. Thanks

Name: Linda Wolff
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mt. Vernon, Wa.
Time: 1997-12-05 05:51:00
Comments: I've had this disease for several years & am always looking for new info & any helpful ideas.

Name: Tom Narad
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Boise, Idaho
Time: 1997-12-04 19:24:00
Comments: Searching for treatments/knowledgeable physicians in Boise Idaho area for fibromyalgia treatment

Name: Sandy Kent
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Zephyrills,Florida
Time: 1997-11-30 01:50:00
Comments: I couldn.t figure out how to access the support group....Please help me...

Name: debbie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: vancouver washington state
Time: 1997-11-25 07:18:00
Comments: help help help!!!!! sick of pain

Name: Karen Underwood
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Captiva Island, FL
Time: 1997-11-22 00:12:00
Comments: I've had FMS for most of my life. I only last year was actually diagnosed.

Name: Denise Gulley
Website: fibromyalgia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: colorado
Time: 1997-11-21 07:28:00
Comments: hi blueangle it's anglefish just checked out your web page pretty cool hopfully i'll get mine done soon mine is hotsprings/spa/5750 i like your pitcher.

Name: Angela Miller
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Anderson, Indiana
Time: 1997-11-18 21:10:00
Comments: Greetings. I am writing from a hospital in Anderson. We have recently started a Fibromyalgia support group for our community and I have been searching for helpful information for our participants. You have a beautiful site here. Thanks.

Name: cheryl hauss
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: west palm beach fl.
Time: 1997-11-16 19:13:00
Comments: been dx with fms for about 3 years. somedays better than others.hoping warm weather in fla will help.still looking for good dr. in south florida. please help.

Name: Diana Hammock
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: California
Time: 1997-11-16 05:12:00
Comments: I have been strugling with Fibro for two years. I am looking for all the information I can get and suport from people like myself who are living with this illness.Please send anything you can to my email address.

Name: Linda Matlock
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Warner Robins GA
Time: 1997-11-15 05:02:00
Comments: Don't know if this is what I have. I'm just getting a little desperate to find out what's wrong with me afternoon 3 years of severe pain and thousands of dollars in medical tests. Thanks for all the info.

Name: Mary Lou Christensen
Website: CYBERUS
Referred by: Net Search
From: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1997-11-15 01:45:00
Comments: Your site is great. Is there anyone out there from the Ottawa area? I would like to get involved with a support group. Just recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (after two and a half years of suffering and running from one doctor the next). I am very frustrated, confused, angry and so tired all the time!

Website: --------
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: south wales. united kingdom
Time: 1997-11-14 21:01:00
Comments: none at present

Name: Bob Piscatelli
Website: Lifeline
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Conneticut
Time: 1997-11-13 03:05:00
Comments: Hey Guys, its me, Bob! Great Page, Love It. Its nice having friends like the both of you! Love, Bob

Name: Mary K. Piscatelli
Website: Lifeline
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Connecticut (originally WI. tho)
Time: 1997-11-13 02:49:00
Comments: Dear Betty & Mikey, WOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT job, love the page!!! Sorry it took me so long to get here tonight it took me forever to load!!! LOL I will be back in the channels in a few! Love you guys!!!! Mary.....Hair_Lady

Name: allen Huskey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Dallas, tx
Time: 1997-11-13 01:44:00
Comments: just visiting, love the music

Name: John
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-11-12 04:04:00
Comments: Greetings to you few men out there. My brother and I both developed FMS at age 50. We live in different states, very different jobs. What does this tell us? I've left full employment for very part time job. It's a whole new life!

Name: Karen
Referred by: Net Search
From: kentucky
Time: 1997-11-11 01:40:00
Comments: I find you site to be very interesting. I have suffered from FMS for 20 years and I am only 42 now. Thank you for your support and interesting info.

Name: Gail
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: montana
Time: 1997-11-10 22:21:00
Comments: just diagnosed with Fibro., spent the last 9 months diag. with Rheum.arth., but doc. changed his mind... i'm very confused.... and extremely "tired".

Name: Trish
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: New Zealand
Time: 1997-11-09 05:14:00
Comments: I obviously have not viewed your pages for some time! You have done a lot MORE good stuff. Really lovely that your family are included. Keep up the good work. LOL

Name: Melanie Heidekamp
Referred by: From Geocities
From: London, ON
Time: 1997-11-07 21:58:00
Comments: Hi Mum and Mike, I just wanted to see what your web page was like. It took me a really long time to find it though! I love you Mel

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-11-06 01:29:00

Name: Joanne Borichevsky
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hatboro, Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-11-05 23:16:00
Comments: I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Epstein-Barre Virus in 1987. I can't even believe how my life has changed so drastically. I have recently been learning how to use our computer and stated to browse on the internet and searched for info on Fibromyalgia. I am so excited about all the info I've found. I would like to get into a chat room and converse with others with FM, but I can't seen to get into a chat room. I'm doing something wrong I guess. Thanks for all the info.

Name: Jeannie Karwath
Website: CFS/FM
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ky USA
Time: 1997-11-04 00:04:00
Comments: Good job Blu & Hugi! If I can ever be of have my email! Keep up the good work!

Name: Harlene Brown
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: USA
Time: 1997-11-03 00:33:00
Comments: I've had FMS since 1991.

Name: Shirley Enstrom
Referred by: Net Search
From: Bloomington,In,,,,,,USA
Time: 1997-11-02 20:04:00
Comments: Iam trying to find out all Ican about this. My doctor doesn't seem to knowledgable about it.

Name: Jeffrey M. Shealy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Laurens, S.C.
Time: 1997-11-02 04:44:00
Comments: I was diagnosed with FMS for about 18 month's ago. It was difficult to pin down. The doctors thought , probably because I'm a man, that I was pulling muscles, overworking myself, and so on. Now that I'm aware of the symtoms, can safely say that FMS has been slowly encroaching on me for at least seven years or more. If it had not been for the astute study a nurse practioner, a female N.P, the true diagnosis would have probably been missed for another six or seven years. God bless each of us. We must draw strength from deep within ourselves and from each other. We must cry, shout, and scream. We must cope, hope, and never give up. We must live life, not hide in its' dark shadows. Regards, Jeffrey M. Shealy

Name: Linda Eddy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Manchester,NH
Time: 1997-11-01 16:54:00
Comments: Hi, I'm so glad I found your site. I just recently was diagnost with FMS and I would certainly appreciate any information or support. I will certainly be back again to chat. Linda

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-10-31 22:10:00
Comments: It's comforting that I am not alone with this devastating illness. It's hard for people to believe you feel horrible, when you look normal! It's good to chat with others in the same boat. I'll try mostly anything to be "myself" again.

Name: Joyce Lind
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mesa, Arizona
Time: 1997-10-31 20:51:00
Comments: Interested in other people that have the same problem! And maybe can get help or suggestions on how other people cope with this. I also have arthritis and cancer that I'm battling with at the same time.

Name: Joyce Lind
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mesa, Arizona
Time: 1997-10-31 20:48:00
Comments: Interested in other people that have the same problem! And maybe can get help or suggestions on how other people cope with this. I also have arthritis and cancer that I'm battling with at the same time.

Name: Joyce Lind
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mesa, Arizona
Time: 1997-10-31 20:54:00
Comments: Interested in other people that have the same problem! And maybe can get help or suggestions on how other people cope with this. I also have arthritis and cancer that I'm battling with at the same time.

Name: Wes Engbrecht
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bismarck, ND
Time: 1997-10-31 19:33:00
Comments: Just trying to keep a positive attitude!

Name: Catherine Harmon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Spokane, Washington
Time: 1997-10-30 20:29:00
Comments: I hurt.

Name: candy mcgowan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: portage,wi
Time: 1997-10-30 18:33:00
Comments: I am in desprite search on some information on the clinical studies that are being done on fibromyalgia and magnesium

Name: candy mcgowan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: portage,wi
Time: 1997-10-30 18:36:00
Comments: I am in desprite search on some information on the clinical studies that are being done on fibromyalgia and magnesium

Name: pain in n.c.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: new bern
Time: 1997-10-30 03:33:00
Comments: Glad to have found something on Fibromylgia. Thanks a bunch!

Name: pain in n.c.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: new bern
Time: 1997-10-30 03:24:00
Comments: Glad to have found something on Fibromylgia, Thanks a bunch

Name: Mary J. Crowder
Referred by: Net Search
From: Virginia
Time: 1997-10-30 02:45:00
Comments: Finally, I got an answer for my illnesses....I was at the point I did not care how serious the diagnosis was....just find out what is causing my now that I know, I am trying to find out all that I can....Going through a lot of different emotions right now....but am encouraged to know that there is place to go for information and support. Please email any info and/or resources you think I could use. Thank you.

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1997-10-29 20:47:00

Name: Lena I. Partin
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1997-10-29 19:55:00
Comments: My first doctor died, I went to a new doctor. He asked me if I was sure that I had arthritis and I told him yes. He thought that I may have fibromyalgia instead. I think maybe that I have both. I have some of the symptons for this disease.

Name: Mary Ann Gazsi
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Calgary,Alberta Canada
Time: 1997-10-29 03:45:00
Comments: I have fibromyalgia... . I am involved in a exercise study program at the University of Calgary.

Name: Jausten
Website: People with Substance
Referred by: From
From: Canada
Time: 1997-10-28 19:37:00
Comments: Wonderful site!...and an excellent resource for people with fibromyalgia... Peace & Serenity, Jausten

Name: Beth Cuta
Website: -
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: La Crosse, WI
Time: 1997-10-28 16:47:00
Comments: My mom has FMS, so I was doing a little research at school on the subject. Your page is cool, but it really surprised me when my computer started playing "When You Wish Upon a Star" in the middle of my computer class, but that's okay. Hope to come back soon and see what you've added!

Name: Tracie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Chicago Illinois
Time: 1997-10-28 05:52:00
Comments: I am 21 years old and I was dx with FMS only a few months ago, but I have been living with this pain for many years. I am pleased to see all of the sites on FMS. I finally feel like I am not alone. For those of you also suffering from this illness and others like it, my heart goes out to you, and the best advice I can give is NEVER GIVE UP!

Name: kathi jo young
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: dwight,kansas
Time: 1997-10-27 05:19:00
Comments: need to know about tinsel Syndrome?

Name: Marie Ann Vos
Website: na
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Crsytal Lake IL
Time: 1997-10-26 19:03:00
Comments: After my first two sessions on the InterNet I feel I may have the answer to my until now undiagnosed problem(s). Thanks for your help.

Name: Rosemary S. Chandler
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Marshall, N.C.
Time: 1997-10-26 03:39:00
Comments: I hurt everyday and I need some relief. Are pain clinics worth going to? I am on several meds and I go to theraphy 3 times a week. I'm tired of all the appointments. Any info available that might help I would be interested in. I stay in pain most of the time, please help!!

Name: Deborah Kemp
Referred by: Net Search
From: Dallas, Tx.
Time: 1997-10-19 23:04:00
Comments: I have lived with this desise for the last 7 years and I find it hard to find support. Hopefully I Will find some here.

Name: Charles
Website: Galaxy Net #AA
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Virginia for now
Time: 1997-10-17 20:40:00
Comments: Hi Betty, consider yourself signed !

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-10-13 23:54:00

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-10-13 23:50:00

Name: Diane Singleton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Cedar Grove, Tn.
Time: 1997-10-12 20:21:00
Comments: Hey! that looks great. It's getting better all the time. Verrrry impressive!

Name: Kristy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: The same house!!
Time: 1997-10-09 04:29:00
Comments: Good job on your webpage Mum and Mike:) (Did you really have to add the baby pics though?!?)

Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-10-06 06:28:00
Comments: I am a45 year old male with ataxia. I chat on channel spade I chat with betty from London ont. canada . ataxia is a neurological disorder DEgneraative that affects your motor control system. especially balance speech and was interested in this disease.

Name: katie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-10-01 04:19:00
Comments: JUST DROPPEN BY:) still looks good:)

Name: Mary K. Piscatelli
Website: Lifeline
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Connecticut
Time: 1997-09-28 16:50:00
Comments: Dear Betty & Mikey, WOW what a beautiful Webpage!!! I wish you the best of luck, you have both worked very hard!!! (Do you think you might want to want to link my channel? ;) I had to ask LOL) Love you guys!!! P.S. Eventually we are going to be updated our page and will be adding new links. :)

Name: Gwendolyn Jensen
Website: Aladriana's Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Pullman, Wa
Time: 1997-09-26 02:10:00
Comments: Hi guys..I checked the page and it looks good. On my page (above) there is a page of fibrolinks too.

Name: katie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: iowa
Time: 1997-09-20 06:46:00
Comments: your homepage is beautiful.. i really enjoy being with u all in your channel.. keep up the good work :)

Name: Rich Keagy
Website: none
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Riverside, CA
Time: 1997-09-20 05:14:00
Comments: loved the page :)

Name: Trish
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Dunedin, New Zealand
Time: 1997-09-19 22:04:00
Comments: Hi ya Betty and all - finally connected at home but server is giving a k-lined and banned message for chat this morning just when I sould have spent more time as I am at home. Love this page altho the quality on my home PC is far inferior to work one. LOL to you all Trish

Name: BoJo46 ( Bob )
Website: #Spade (SPeaking About DEpression)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: South of St.Louis,Missouri. USA
Time: 1997-09-14 01:29:00
Comments: Your site is looking great. But I still miss the cute little red ping pong balls. By the way, I like what ya said about #Spade and #fibro. Working together is the best way to be a success when it comes to support channels.

Total: 250 guests