This page is dedicated to my husband Bryan. We have been married for nine joyful years. He was a very out going person and full of life. I don't believe he ever met a stranger.
In May of 1997 he was coming home from work and fell asleep behind to wheel of his jeep. The car flipped and through him out. As a result of his accident he had a broken neck, back, crushed foot and a clasped lung, in addition to head injuries. Bryan was in the hospital for three weeks. During this time his brain kept swelling causing more damage to the brain. He was on life support, the whole bit. After the hospital Bryan went to a rehab center in St. Louis where he stayed for another four months.
It has now been over a year. He just got rid of the speech therapist, the last of the therapies. He is taking care of himself and helps me around the house when he remembers. He has a lot of problems with his short term memory and is not the same person he was before. Just about everything about him has changed. Every once in awhile I get to see the old Bryan peeking through. He has come such along way and still has a long way to go. We take it step by step.
Here are some great information that we have found about head injuries.

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