Chuckiet's Bird GIF's

Disclaimer: All gifs and jpgs, to my knowledge, are public domain. If you know differently, please e-mail me and I will delete it out immediately. The sites where most of these come from are in my links section.

Please DO NOT link to this server. Copy by right clicking on the image, click on save as, and then upload the image to your own site server. These web graphics are free for personal or nonprofit use only. Please do not add them to any other collection. If you do decide to use them on your web page, I require no return link. Also, please let me know the URL where you're using them so I can come visit.

Peng 2A Penguins Penguin 1 Pengkiss

Bird Line

Hawk Vulture S Gull Dove 4 Goose


Eagle 9 A Bird C Bird Ducky

Dove Fly

Eagle X Gull1 Robins A Duck 1

Eagle Ani Coo Turkey 5 Blue Bird Gull

Wazo Ani Dove

HB L Hummer HB Suck HB Bird1 HB 4 HB R

Eagle Fly Eagle Z3 A Bat

Cacatu 2Cards

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