Just in order not to bore you with another animated Gif about Sites under construction, this is meant to be an appetizer for things to come.
This site will be dedicated to topics about cybernetic fusions of bodies, machines and - to quote the title of one of those weird MIT-Projects - "things that think". The developments in these fields of medical, (bio-)technological and digital research seem to confront us with one of the most thrilling changes of our attitudes towards the relation between body, mind and subjectivity. Quite little has been published about these topics, and we hope to be able to provide a platform for the publication and distribution of alll kinds of work.
For the time being, we start with an essay on the relation between notions of masculinity and depictions of cyborgs in mainstream SF-Films - in its yet untranslated German version. Plus a short piece on computer games and memory effects.

See you soon!

CSCR - Commitee for Serious Cybernetic Research.