Full Name: George William Thompson

School Address:
P.O. Box 930
St. Mary's City, Maryland 20686

Home Address: (Mother's address)
R.R. 1 Box 8209
Whitestone, Virginia 22578


September 1992 through may 1993:
My freshman year I attended the University of New Hampshire.

September 1993 through December 1993:
I transferred to Mary Washington College.

January 1994 through May 1996 (Graduation):
I am working toward a degree with major in the Fine Arts at St. Mary's College of Maryland a liberal arts honors college.

Activities and Honors from schools:

At the University of New Hampshire:
I was an active member of SEAC (Student Environmental Action Committee), I was elected treasurer of my dorm hall council, I was a student teacher at a local middle school, I organized and established a campus Safe Walks program, and I received an award for outstanding work in drawing from the Art Department.

At St. Mary's College:
I was elected as treasurer for my dorm's hall council, I organized and am president of the club Javabar - (a unique social environment for the arts in the form of a coffee house), I was an active member of the Student Government, I have been a radio Dj, and I have received a number of awards for art. Most recently, I received the Frank McCutchen award for a student exhibiting potential as a successful artist. I will be graduating on May 11th. I have a Senior Exhibit of my most recent art work. The show will be from April 16th through the 20th. I will have the show on up in My Gallery on the WWWeb. I will also have more examples from my art work in monthly exhibits at this site. CHECK IT OUT!

Jobs at each school:

At the University of New Hampshire:
I conducted phone surveys for the department of human development.

At. Mary Washington College:
I was a student photographer for the athletic department.

At St. Mary's College:
I was a student teacher for an elementary school art class set up for children of the faculty. I was a student tour guide. I worked in the Boyden gallery as a gallery assistant. And I presently work as a Technician for the Media Center of the library.

Summer Jobs:

Summer 1989:
I worked for Camp Arrowhead a children's summer camp run by the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware as the Kitchen crew and Assistant Counselor

Summer 1990:
I worked for Blue Water Inc. as a pool guard.

Summer 1992 and Summer 1991:
Camp Arrowhead - pool director and swimming instructor.

Summer 1994, and Summer 1993:
Camp Arrowhead - leader of assistant counselors.

Summer 1995:
I worked part-time for King's Ice Cream Shop as a delivery driver while taking classes through the University of Delaware.

Summer 1996:
I will be once again working at Camp. This year I will be the Pioneer Coordinator, this position involves coordinating the counselors of the camp and many of the general camp activities.


From St. Mary's College:

Dr. Bruce Wilson - Department Head, Arts and Letters
St. Mary's College of Maryland
St. Mary's City, Maryland 20686

Professor Sue Johnson - Art
St. Mary's College of Maryland
St. Mary's City, Maryland 20686

Casey Page - Gallery Manager
St. Mary's College of Maryland
St. Mary's City, Maryland 20686

Angela Nichols - Children's art class coordinator
Shipping Point Road, St. Mary's City, Maryland 20686

From Camp Arrowhead:

Walter Lafontaine - Camp Director
252 Whethersfield Drive
Glassboro, New Jersey 08028

Terry and Betty Lee Carmine - Camp Managers
Road 2, Box 161
Lewes, Delaware 19958

From King's Ice Cream Shop:

Mr. Tom King - Store Owner
Kings Ice Cream Shop
2nd St., Lewes, DE 19958

Other references available upon request.

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