I haven't really picked up any new music in a while. I have been listening to old Thrill Kill Kult and Sisters of Mercy mainly. I also have my Cure tickets for Aug 31st at the Orlando Arena. *sitting in my corner and drooling*

I recently picked up Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' cd,'Murder Ballads'. While not all of the songs are ballads, the cd is still VERY cool.Highpoints are 'Where the Wild Roses Grow','Henry Lee',and 'The Curse of Millhaven'.Nick Cave's voice is eerie,sometimes angry,and always interesting.And the women he chose to sing Guest vocals are PJ Harvey and Kylie Minogue, who both have voices like angels. And Nick Cave has got to be one of the most poetic songwriters I have ever heard.The lyrics are incredible,and well thought out from beginning to end.I highly suggest you blow the fifteen bucks on this one...

I also just got Skinny Puppy's latest release,Brap. WOW! This set of cds ran $23.18, but I would have gladly paid twice that. The music alone is worth the price of the cd, But track one (on both cds) is a cd-rom multimedia orgasm...LOTS of quicktime Skinny Puppy videos, behind the scenes footage, and all-around interesting stuff. I was (and still am) amazed that they could put it out for only 20 bucks! You HAVE TO SEE THIS ONE! Words cannot explain how cool this is! LOOK DEEP INTO MY EYES.....YOU ARE GETTING VERY SLEEPY.....YOU WILL GO AND BUY THE SKINNY PUPPY CD....EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO TAKE MONEY FROM YOUR PARENTS' WALLETS, YOU WILL BUY THIS CD!.....THEN YOU WILL VISIT MY WEB PAGE MANY,MANY,MANY TIMES, SO THAT I HAVE LOTS OF HITS....

My favorite music links...

Sisters Of Mercy Homepage
The Cure House (NEW!)
Skinny Puppy Central
MagerValp's other Skinny Puppy page...
The Process...

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