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Tori's new album "To Venus and Back" has been out for a while now. All the lyrics are available in my lyrics section, or you can click on the links below.
Venus. Orbiting.

1. Bliss
2. Juárez
3. Concertina
4. Glory of the 80's
5. Lust
6. Suede
7. Riot Proof
8. Dátura
9. Spring Haze
10. 1,000 Oceans
11. Josephine

Venus. Live. Still Orbiting.

1.Precious Things
3.Cornflake Girl
4.Bells For Her
7.Mr. Zebra
8.Cloud on My Tongue
10.Little Earthquakes
11.Space Dog
13.Purple People

You are the Ear With Feet to visit The Little Blue World of Tori Amos

this tori ring site is owned by Melanie Sweetlove.

the tori ring

graphics made by jenn of a watercolour stain.

This The Faerie's Revenge site is owned by Melanie Sweetlove
Graphics by Amanda M of Tori Amos: Strange Fruit

If you have a link that you want put on my page, or you have any feedback for me (suggestions/requests/queries) feel free to E-Mail me.
This page was created by Melanie Sweetlove