the Contest

"A QUIZ: If I am my brother's brother, who am I? (Answer: me.)"
-- Jack Handey

Win Fabulous Prizes!!

I've decided that Sledge's Ledge needs something to keep you sheep coming back for more, instead of just visiting once, saying 'hey, that's remarkably cool and erudite', saving my URL on your Favourites list, and never returning. So, the Contest. Not a trivia thing, or a scavenger hunt or anything so piffly. This one'll take brains and creativity and artistic skill, perhaps the three things that I value most in life, even if I don't actually possess them all myself. Frankly, I need proof that there is intelligent and creative life in this virtual universe. So demonstrate your wit and originality and enter now.

Oh, and whoever sends me the best response each month will get their name in flashing, coloured lights on this very page, and if they have a home page, I'll put in a link to it. Sorry I don't have anything cool like Sledge's Ledge t-shirts to use as prizes, so this is the best I can offer. Deal with it.

Preferred Moniker (a.k.a. yer name):
(Do not hit return)

And your e-mail address would be...?

If you've got a home page, what's the URL?

Okay, now that the basic stuff is out of the way, here's the two questions for the month of July, 1996.
If you've toured around Sledge's Ledge, you've probably noticed that there's a few inconsistencies in my general format. Hopefully, you've noticed that most of my pages have introductory quotes that are somehow related to the page in question. Sometimes they're humourous, sometimes poignant, some of them just make you go 'hmmm... that Sledge is a weird one'. The point is, I need one for my family page. Come up with the best quote, and not only will you get recognized on this page, but if I like it enough, I'll put it in its rightful place. The quote must be real, and properly sourced, and it should be by someone relatively famous, even in very particular circles (i.e. not you). Oh, and here's a hint, nothing from Leave it to Beaver will be considered.

Okay, I only got one response for all of July. Frankly, I think you folks can do better, not that the single response I got wasn't any good. The point being, the July contest is being extended until the end of September. The reason being, I'm moving in under two weeks and need to get a new internet service provider and all that sort of stuff sorted out before I can say who wins what.

My suggested quote for Sledge's Ledge: Cleaver Freaks is:

Do you believe that Sledge exists?
yes no

Now that you've taken a stance on this very contentious issue, prove it to a judge and jury. Use whatever arguments you feel are necessary.

Sledge's Ledge and all related insignia are © 1996 Neil Allan
This page was constructed by NRK Graphix.
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