Children's Archive

Stuff for kids...

The Sad Little Hedgehog -- Story by John Steele

The Strange Monster -- Story by Ann Lewis

The Penny -- Story by Ann Pass

Monster Tree Pic
"All the trees seemed to turn into monsters.."

Jokes & Riddles

Stuff by kids...

Santa's Coming... -- Poem by Kimberley Jamieson Aged 8

As I was coming to school, Sir... -- Poem by Miriam Pass Aged 10

A poor old gardener... -- Poem by Miriam Pass Aged 11

Download some nice games here

Please note that the following links point to The Bentilean Online Web site as the files aren't included in The Bentilean Archive's zip file

Rescue Rover -- A puzzle game. Help save Rover while avoiding robots, and death rays. NB Should appeal to adults too!

Note: Rescue Rover is shareware by Softdisk Publishing

Math Rescue -- A Math based platform game by Apogee

Word Rescue -- An enjoyable word based game from Apogee

Note: Both games are shareware, 'try before you buy' games

Disclaimer: The Bentilean Online cannot accept responsibility for any problems which may arise from downloading or using any of the above software. They are provided here in the hope that they will prove useful and enjoyable. All three games should run under DOS on a 286 PC or higher.

Elsie Procter reveals how the months
of the year got their names

Please let us know what you'd like to see on this Web site

Copyright The Bentilean 1999

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