Oo-ar you be that then?

I know you, Man!

Good god it's all in my brain, I remember now

Oho, shocker, I know these people. Here's what they do, where they are and some facts about they.

fun, cake 'n' custard, babies
There is cake and custard to be had here and some abuse, also is the fun baby clare page to see what groovey chick, clare, is up to, will it be bull whips at ten paces or biting the postmans arse. Visit for fun. Now the dirt:

Real name :
Vicky O

Distinguishing features :
Wooden leg;
Glass eye;
Silencer attachment.

Criminal record :
Stealing candy from businessmen;
Transmitting fake alien attack reports during summer;
anything by George Michael.

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
Invented the Washboy(TM) hand powered washing machine;
Always wipes her nose with a clean napkin.

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Sold the plot of a secret undiscovered Bond script to the press who ruined it for everyone;

Job :
Invents animal based stunts for the film industry but has worked previously as...
Lard inspector;
Landmine QA technician;
Project manager of the Sahara Dam project;

Interests :
Food, has re-defined the aphrodisiac as a quickie that gets you in the mood for a very passionate eating session that could well go on all night long;
Crumbs in the bed.

Biggest lie(s) :
Yes I took my pill, treat me rough.

Home and family :
Lives in a house, in a very big house in the country. Has a baby named Venezuala Capricorn and a husband named Bosworth. Does not own a lawnmower to my knowledge.

Eligability :
Tied to a ball and chain but apparantly is up for it with spanish students if money changes hands.

foxcat just cruising for the good life
Real name :
Trudi P

Distinguishing features :
Has a large mole on her lawn;
Birthmark in the shape of adams apple.

Criminal record :
Murdered 7 people under the assumed name of Prince Rogers Nelson, quietly served a thirty year sentence in a juvenile detention centre and vowed never to return to her killing days; for a while after her incarceration she was known as the serial killer formerly known as Prince

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
Dropped a clanger which turned out to be a benevolent misdemeanor.

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Re-wrote the dictionary taking out the 'F' words, was badly received by the critics and sales were very poor, after it's deletion it drew a cult following amongst confused teenagers and was bootlegged by the underground press. An original copy is now worth in the region of £400 at auction. A dramatisation of the book was performed at Staffordshire University in Stoke-on-Trent where the cast were entirely nude, though the reviews were rave and the words 'tour-de-force' were used, there was public outcry which lead to the expulsion of students and staff. Sadly the dictionary is blamed for much juvenile misanthropy including car-jacking, drug addiction, beefburgers, and vampiracy.

Job :
Currently works as the stand-in Shake'n'Vac (TM) woman but previously has worked as...
A windscreen kisser for Bentley;
A beefeater for the mince foundation;
Yak driver;
Singer in the elevator of the Lloyds building.

Interests :
Star Trek;
 David Ducoffiny / Fox Mouldings;
All things pierot; and peach halves.

Biggest lie(s) :
It's just temporary; The one on the right; Now!

Home and family :
Has had 75 husbands, most of them school boys during her prison days, is believed to have had in excess of 900 children which doctors claim is a physical impossibility. Most of her children have been auctioned off to benefit 'good causes'. Has a pleasant cottage in the cotswolds which is currently being converted for tropical fish.

Eligability :
According to local staff gasbags, she will go wild for a bag of sweets but not dolly mixtures

panx, fit women :-) (Who Dares.. WINS!)
Real name :
Pankaj P

Distinguishing features :
Chiselled good-looks and a large spoiler.

Criminal record :
Forgery of Hitlers passport in 1973 for which the conviction was quoshed in 1974

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
 Invented the cricket bat but was conned by an evil English collonist into selling the idea for a dried goat scrotum pendant and a large bag of black eyes;
Saved Apollo 13 with the Blue Peter save the astronauts phone-in, for which he received an enamel badge ( maybe we can put a price on human lives)

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Is suspected to have invented the 'fart-box' motor cylce which inevitably lead to the invention of road-rage;
Sells high-tariff mobile phones to the homeless.

Job :
Works as a 'laugher' on kinky chat lines but has previously worked as...
Assistant to 'God's Dwarf' with his outdoor lectures;
Professional spitter for British Rail.

Interests :
Bird watching (but only the four legged variety);
Shabba Ranks.

Biggest lie(s) :
It's all sorted;

Home and family :
Lives with his loving parents and his blundering vaudevillian brother Toni Marcioni. His curtains don't hang straight but he is very proud of his natural waste heating system.

Eligability :
Has large back seat and ample stereo equipment. Prefers his woman to be underage, top heavy and not too many feathers. If he says he's with the Woolwich, you have a foot in the door.

the-hunter, me and my fun outdoor activities
Real name :
Olly H

Distinguishing features :
Has a spider man costume sewn on to his flesh (childhood prank).

Criminal record :
Was implicated in the owl murder incident at Westminster Abbey, Christmas 1993. Was released 'because it was christmas', a proper inquest was never taken up.
A bigamist, was married to three women on the same day, a crime of which he has never been charged.
Also of note, he was black-balled from the camera club for exposure.

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
Discovered rare rock-eggs in the Himalayas, which later turned out to be just rocks, however the confusion did stir up a lot of environmentalist activity which had some good results.

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Was destructive as a child and is believed to be responsible for the fall of the Berlin wall which is now known to cause cancer.

Job :
Now works as the ideas man for the Grateful dead but previously worked as...
The voice over for the boy off of the 'Charlie says' government advert;
Ghost Writer for Iain Paisley;

Interests :
Climbing; Falling; Multiple fractures; Helicopter rescue; Hospitals; Rehabilitation; Climbing.

Biggest lie(s) :
By the statue in five minutes;
Just for a couple of days;
I'm only going to Winchester and she's my sister.

Home and family :
Lives with Kashka from Bagdad. Enjoys to smoke a pipe with marijuana. Self confessed bigamist to three wives (one of each kind).

Eligability :
Has three wives but may be on tune for another. Probably a bald headed feminist would have the best chance, but then a bald headed feminist probably wouldn't be interested.

Klax, 40 6' 16st, shaggy, uxorious Brit, poor & happy job underachiever fanatical liberal Christian
Now the dirt:

Real name :
Marty C

Distinguishing features :
Tattoo on left face sponsored by Ribena;
Elvis presley's white jump-suit with all the tassley bits;
A famous Thomas Dolby look-alike.

Criminal record :
Bought China in the thirties and subjected the poor to poverty and taught bourgoise excess in private schools until the deeds turned out to be a cheap cockney fake, was not convicted after an impressive defense case convinced the aged jurors that he believed the salesman to be genuine;
Called Mrs Thatcher an arse to her face, no charges were brought against him but he commented that he didn't mean what he said but wanted to see what she would do;
Fought on the wrong side during the Faulklands conflict due to a uniform mix up when argentina and Great Britain were using the same laudrette.

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
Discovered Magnus Pike, a confused old bum living in the tunnel at charing cross. Magnus has since invented no less than 43 cures for cancer, a flavourless beef burger, and a manner of bowing which does not put strain on the back;
Invented the wings on Always Ultra which actually do fly, apparantly he got the idea from a telephone conversation with someone who had dialled a wrong number. The wings are now installed on most light aircraft as a cheap and painless snack.

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Swore loudly during both royal weddings and before such a time as his wife had obtained a video cassette tape magnetic recording player cassette device box;

Job :
Musical bus conductor, but has worked previously as...
James Browns right Purple flare in the John Waters B-movie 'My Gord, Ah dreamt ah was a giant size James Brown";
Represented Oliver North in the Zola Budgate scandal;
Harmonica cleaner for Robert Allen Zimmerman.

Interests :
Ice hockey (not the feathered kind);
Barbershop music;
Queen slagging club;
Welsh poetry.

Biggest lie(s) :
You never brought my starter

Home and family :
Is married to the curvaceous Miriam Stoppard but is known to swap her with Tom for Felicity Kendal at the weekends 'I am fond of a little mint cake' he comments. He has four grown up sons one in the Army, one in the Navy, one in the Air Force and the other is Hurcules Onasis greek heroine addict.

Eligability :
Will eat anything as long as it's covered with food. Loves his wife very much and will not cheat on her with anyone except Felicity Kendal (well maybe perhaps Lisa Goddard).

Brew Not Try - home page
Now the dirt:

Real name :
Terry B

Distinguishing features :
Left hand down;
Helicopter landing pad on his ruck-sack;
Green sleeves.

Criminal record :
Swindled top baker, Sweeney Todd, out of seven tonnes of bleached flour which he sold to Leon Brawski for use on the set of "A snowmans christmas in Bolivia" the smash failure epic featureless film sponsored by the Church of the Lost Egg. Sweeney, who's real name was Markus Garby, was later lynched for mass murder and died unaware of the swindle. However Noah of noah's ark fame once said "It takes a morally rotten man to do over a morally rotten man". I think that's self explainatory;
Invented the Roy Castle joke which was outlawed by the Queen shortly before her suicide bid in 1999;
Was jailed by the Dallas police force for being a "Pack-ee-stain-ee-on" under the racial discrimination act after becoming sun tanned as a result of a candy floss machine accident. Needless to say, he was released as soon as the tan wore off.

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
Invented salad, salad is a sort of vegetable dish which is largely ignored;
Convinced Charlie out of Charlies Angels to remain faceless which undoubtably evaded the likely hood of mass hesteria.

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Was caught in Gods throat during his production, though he managed to wriggle out, God was dead before he hit the ground which lead to the darkness, the evil and the pestilence of the world around us, decaying in the smouldering evil of unchecked chaos, a frightening reminder of the savagery of hopeless life;

Job :
Now works as a chicken excerciser but has worked previously as...
Balloon blower-upper for Richard Branston-Pickle;
Professional spitter for Madonna;
Plastic surgeon to Charlie out of Charlies Angels.

Interests :
Likes lamb cutlets, and has set up a lamb cutlet club in his neighbourhood;
Kiddy snatching, grabs kiddies from street corners and puts a sack over their heads then drives around town cussing loudly before dropping the child off where they were found in a confused and frightened state where upon they usually get a beating from their fathers for wandering off;
Does an act called Facelift the human clown;
Clot shucking (is currently the county champion).

Biggest lie(s) :
There is literally no difference except the obvious which we won't go in to, are you taping this?

Home and family :
Is the anonymous owner of the Taj Mahal. Has twelve kids, one for each of the disciple's hen's egg's per day per month per year. Married to Henrietta Garibaldi (who is a top swedish model not a man eating a biscuit or a man-eating biscuit).

Eligability :
Named by "spot the ball" as the quarter of a millionth richess man in Nebraska from whence he moved after developing neighbour cancer on the right side (as you are facing up the drive). Has stated a preference for blonde eskimo women or anything in a circus. Pays his wife and family by the hour to avoid ending up on the Jerry Springer show.

Ginger tart page
Now the dirt:

Real name :
Ashley H

Distinguishing features :
Bracelet made from the bones of the grateful dead which shrank and wont come off

Criminal record :
Has never been convicted of arsery - the old fashioned crime of asking shopkeeper how much something is until they don't notice what you are stealing anymore;
Was linked by hard evidence to the guernsey pub bombings of 95, his finger prints were found on over four hundred peanuts, however English law decrees that five hundred peanuts is the minimum to substantiate law suit;
Was jailed by the Dallas police force for being a "Pack-ee-stain-ee-on" under the racial discrimination act after becoming sun tanned as a result of a candy floss machine accident. Needless to say, he was released as soon as the tan wore off.

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
Invented salad, salad is a sort of vegetable dish which is largely ignored;
Convinced Charlie out of Charlies Angels to remain faceless which undoubtably evaded the likely hood of mass hesteria.

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Was caught in Gods throat during his production, though he managed to wriggle out, God was dead before he hit the ground which lead to the darkness, the evil and the pestilence of the world around us, decaying in the smouldering evil of unchecked chaos, a frightening reminder of the savagery of hopeless life;

Job :
Now works as a chicken excerciser but has worked previously as...
Balloon blower-upper for Richard Branston-Pickle;
Professional spitter for Madonna;
Plastic surgeon to Charlie out of Charlies Angels.

Interests :
Likes lamb cutlets, and has set up a lamb cutlet club in his neighbourhood;
Kiddy snatching, grabs kiddies from street corners and puts a sack over their heads then drives around town cussing loudly before dropping the child off where they were found in a confused and frightened state where upon they usually get a beating from their fathers for wandering off;
Does an act called Facelift the human clown;
Clot shucking (is currently the county champion).

Biggest lie(s) :
There is literally no difference except the obvious which we won't go in to, are you taping this?

Home and family :
Is the anonymous owner of the Taj Mahal. Has twelve kids, one for each of the disciple's hen's egg's per day per month per year. Married to Henrietta Garibaldi (who is a top swedish model not a man eating a biscuit or a man-eating biscuit).

Eligability :
Named by "spot the ball" as the quarter of a millionth richess man in Nebraska from whence he moved after developing neighbour cancer on the right side (as you are facing up the drive). Has stated a preference for blonde eskimo women or anything in a circus. Pays his wife and family by the hour to avoid ending up on the Jerry Springer show.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mossy Nessy, I'll be moving in soon!
Unintelligable gossip with the curvey star of "M'lady's gort naw cloves awn". Now the dirt:

Real name :
Jewely elle

Distinguishing features :
Left leg in, left leg out, etcetera;
Reactalite rapide breasts;
high heeled feet

Criminal record :
Taking and giving back again;
Conducting illegal experiments with Indiarubber;
murdering the three degrees.

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
Anonymously fed five thousand starvin jews with wet bread while singing the theme from 'The old man and the sea' thusby saving mankind from his own crudity (or something or other);
Invented the rice puddingless skin now used in modern surgery to rebuild the faces of skateboard accident victims.

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Ate all the pies;
Spilled salt in the dead sea causing all the crabs to float so you can't tell when they're cooked, resulting in the breakdown of Keith Chegwin and Maggie Philbin's marriage (it's a long story).

Job :
An inspector for FACT the Federation Against Chin Trading but has worked previously as...
Melanie Melons - the first cross dressing man on television (before being discovered as a fraud by a leading gynacologist);
Canteen editor for The Face magazine;
Backing singer for Hell Toupee (a Mel Torme cover band);

Interests :
Enjoys being sixteen, has collected much sixteen year old memorabilia and has a lifetime subscription to the sixteens club which entitles her to an illegal birth certificate once a year making her sixteen forever and it's legally binding and everything;
Baked Alaskans

Biggest lie(s) :
Indifference is not an option, only outspoken insistence that drug addiction will not be tolerated;
I could never love a man with an odd number of legs.

Home and family :
Has an illegitamate son named Santa Pod who was raised by puffins and is now a government official in the free state of Birdland. Is married to Jake 'off' De Peg but has had many, many affairs with such illustrious figures as Lord Such (screaming), Jane Torville (out of torville and dean), Ming the Merciless and Mr Kipling (of exceedingly good cake fame). She is noted for being the first woman to buy Clive Sinclairs revolutionary fold up house which she lives in to this day.

Eligability :
Is up for it any hour of the day as long as you're not painfully unattractive, she shows her willingness to mate by smiling and spreading her tail feathers.

Princess Pigeon, landing soon!
Discussions on the work of Dostoyevski and Leo Tolstoi, and nothing much else. Now the dirt:

Real name :
Me shell my belle Mac Donalds

Distinguishing features :
a bit of the wire from her arms is poking through the underarm but it's mostly unnoticeable;
Homely oder of cinnammon and gin;
carries a large one

Criminal record :
Aiding and abetting the transmission of the Krypton Factor;
Banjo classics.

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
Discovered the secret recipe for KFC while panning for gold in missouri;
Used to leave bread out for the bird that Noah enlisted to go and fetch a bit of stick.

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Ghost wrote The Last of the Summer Wine.

Job :
Avon lady but has worked previously as...
Prime Minister of Jordan;
Sue Pollard;
Chief wine taster on the Manhattan Project;

Interests :
Spending money on plastic;
Dual levels of meaning.

Biggest lie(s) :
Mine, mine, mine!

Home and family :
Has four children whom she locks in the basement and experiments on with her half-uncle Thomas Jefferson. Is not married but owns several slaves to furnish her needs. Last known address was Pippa's caravan park in summer bay.

Eligability :
A sucker for a feller in a cowboy hat or anything pierot. Has a bad alergy to expensive gifts and toblerone.

It's Booboo. Me & my part of the world.
Has an A-Z on her anatomy and some street maps of London. Now the dirt:

Real name :
Jill Stonehenge-plain

Distinguishing features :
Fairy cakes;
Colour vision.

Criminal record :
Implicated in the great train mockery before the war but was extricated with dynamite.

Great achievements to the advancement of mankind :
Wear's great huge spectacles that will one day avert the big comet and save us all;
Won the car on 3-2-1.

Great achievements to the detriment of mankind :
Sold Selina Scott to the Russians during the cold war thus causing global warming;
Indirectly caused the printing mix up at the postcard plant that ultimately ended in the renaming of constantinopal (istanbul)

Job :
Meat bludgeoner but has worked previously as...
Fenster the shifty geezer;
Prompt to Louis Faraquan;
Crumbly design executive;

Interests :
Drover placation;
Cross dressing dog shows.

Biggest lie(s) :
Monmouth is the most southerly point in America and if you don't believe me you can check it in the encyclopedia.

Home and family :
Joint owner of Alcatraz which was partially destroyed in a recent film, luckily the birdman population was heavily cut down in the 'disaster'. She hopes to turn it into a classy mall and is negotiation with the CEO of Holiday Inns who also doubles as her estranged husband and kindergarten sweetheart Claude Claude Claudicus-Claude 3rd earl of Claudeville. Has no children aside from four orphans who don't count, Their names are One (aged 7), Two (aged 5) and the three year old twins (named Three A, and Three B respectively).

Eligability :
Won the Gold Digger prize for exploitation in 1969, but apparantly is now a desperate spinster and throws money on anyone willing to surprise her from behind (Source: Ealing Comedy Review).


Ow my brain is making cracking noises, get me home james and don't spare the horses

got something desperately stupid to say? say it here