


No I'm not going to get into it. I'm just going to let you read it. J

Telgar Weyr Lake Shore

The vegetation thickens near the lake, becoming a meadow that runs along the edge of a narrow, sandy beach. The sands spill down into a crystal lake to the north, lapping against the crater walls to the north and west. A fence runs northwest-southeast, blocking off the lake from the feeding grounds. The grass is thick with autumn, and the long strands are beginning to seed. The few trees that stand on the banks of the lake are in their full splendor with leaves of red, gold, and brown. There are dark green water lilies on the lake, but they are no longer blossoming. In one corner of the meadow, Telgar's herb garden makes the air thick with the smell of mint and thyme, and the chives are in full bloom. Around it, a few fall flowers are blossoming. The red shades of sunset cast the meadow into deep, but peaceful shadows.

The winds blow some clouds across the crisp, autumn sky.



DRAGONS: Kvasith Sioneth

PLAYERS: Jayna Aurian Neliea Fahlina Kharty Saskia

OTHER: Compound Equatorial Farviewer Time-Weathered Boulder

Obvious exits:

Lake Bowl

Saskia grins, "Scrubbing dragons is hard work."

Jayna laughs. "You're not kidding," she grins at Saskia, from her spot on the sand.

Saskia smiles, "I guess that's why they made us do all those pots and dishes, eh? Practice."

Kharty blinks, rising all of a sudden to a sitting position. Her eyes turn quickly toward the path to the southern bowl, listening.

Aurian glances to Kharty, "Wht is it?"

Neliea also glances towards Kharty. "Everything okay?"

Saskia peers at Kharty, "You alright?"

Kharty turns to her friends, blinking her eyes. "Oh, yes. Sure. It's just Virroth. He's crooning, I think." She smiles reassuringly to them then sits back quietly.

Saskia chuckles, "Guess he really likes Amylith. That's so sweet."

M'verick heads over from the central bowl.

M'verick strolls out down the beach, waving to people once more. "Sorry for leaving like that earlier."

Jayna looks up from her snoozy spot on the sands. She waves. "Heya," she says, sleepily. "Well met, again."

Kharty looks up from her place on the sand, almost sighing with relief at seeing the greenrider. Scrambling up to a sitting position, she winks at Saskia. "We were just discussing dragons.", shc calls over to M'verick.

M'verick grins at Kharty and strides over to her, "you thought I flew off with narry a word goodbye?" He chuckles quietly, "what sort of dragon talk have I missed while Amylith and I had a chat?"

Saskia sighs, "well, I'd better go check over the Telgar Hold inventory once more before I get to bed." then smiles "Night Kharty, Jayna, Aurian, Neliea and M'verick. Have fun all of you."

Jayna nods, lifting a hand to wave. "Night, Saskia!" she says with a smile. "Clear skies."

M'hryn heads over from the central bowl.

Kharty smiles warmly at Saskia. "Oh, alright, thanks for stopping and keeping us company." Patting the sand beside her, she motions M'verick over.

M'verick waves to Saskia, "Good evening to you. It was a pleasure meeting you, sort of."

Neliea looks up from her careful boot inspection and sand and smiles at Saskia, "Night Saskia." Looking up at the Weyrleader, she salutes. "Evening, sir."

M'verick nods respectfully to the Telgar Weyrleader and smiles, offering a polite, "Igen's duty sir." As he heads over towards Kharty slowly.

Jayna jumps up, stifling yet another yawn. "Evening, sir," she salutes.

Saskia smiles to all the weyrlings, nods respectfully to the Weyrleader and heads out across the bowl.

M'hryn shivers under his coat as he steps down to the lake shore, absently saluting those who return the salutes. At the words Igen, he starts and looks around to see who spoke. "Oh, good evening, and Ist--Telgar's duties to Igen and her queens."

Kharty almost twists her foot as she hops to her feet, snapping off a quick salute. "G'd day, sir." Sending a quick nervous grin to M'verick, she motions him closer.

M'verick grins and chuckles softly, "I'm glad I'm not the only one freezing out here in this weather."

Kharty pinches the greenrider as soon as he's close enough. Leaning toward him, she whispers, "Never told me you were freezing."


M'hryn smiles slightly at M'verick's words. "It's quite the change from Ista," he says. "Igen, too, I suppose. All though, Igen seemed nicer to me. It was drier than Ista."

M'verick ouches and swats at Kharty's pinchy-figners, "You didn't ask."

Kharty sends a mock glare M'veric's way as she pulls her hands out of his reach just in case another retaliation comes her way.

M'verick smiles at the weyrleader again, "Ista is nice though. At least you don't have to worry about body parts freezing clean off'a you."

M'hryn laughs. "That's true." He looks out over the lake again, sighs, then turns around. "If you'll excuse me, there's always things to do it seems. Clear skies."

M'hryn heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Jayna snorts, dropping back to the sands. "It's not all that cold," she grins.

Neliea reseats herself onto the sand, grinning. "Oh it's not as cold as between, you mean Jayna."

Kharty collapses back down onto the sand, this time crossing her feet under her. Looking up at the tall rider, she smiles. "Gonna stand there all night or what?"

Aurian rakes her nails through the dirt.

Kvasith leans over and wuffles his rider.

M'verick chuckles and kicks a bit of sand at Kharty's feet before flopping down beside her. "I was wondering if you were heading off somewhere."

"Really? Why's that?", Khar asks M'verick with a quizical look on his face. "And watch that sand, rider, or you'll be having some for dinner." Grinning, she pinches his arm, then quickly moves her own away.

M'verick ouches again and makes a grab for Kharty's arm, "hey you."

Aurian tilts her head and raises her eyebrows at M'verick and Khar..she glances away to scritch at Kvasith.

Kharty giggles, leaning sideways to get out of range, but somehow leans a tad too far. Flopping down onto the sand sideways, she oofs, legs flailing, barely missing M'veric's head.

M'verick yipes and ducks back slightly to avoid the lashing-legs. "Whoa! Easy there."

Khartys cheeks color slightly, as she rights herself. Sitting back up, she laughs, brushing sand from her cheek. "See why I don't wear dresses?" she asks, sending her friends one of 'those looks'.

Aurian glances over at Neliea then grins at Kharty, "Just you wait....

Kharty looks at Aurian, totally innocent look on her face. "Wait for what?", she grins at the brownrider. "I'm sure I don't understand."

Neliea grins, "We still have time for dresses and I hope you don't do that when wearing one."

M'verick blushes a little at the thought of Kharty, in a dress, doing that. "Ah, you'd just have to be careful is all.

Aurian smirks, "We're most definitly going to get you in a dress..."

Kharty glances at 'Ric, pink cheeks now turning a nice medium red. "He said he likes dresses." Quickly clarifying, she adds, "on women."

Aurian chuckles.

Neliea nods and points out, "And aren't you in that catagory of 'women'?" She's not giving up here, yet.

M'verick smiles, "Well--I heard about how you Telgar riders like dressing men up in dresses so I wanted to be sure."

Aurian points at Khar, "Talk to her mentor."

Kharty tosses her head at Neliea, small grains of sand showering onto M'verick's shoulder. "Of course I'm a woman. All woman." Out of the corner of her eye she glances at 'Ric.


M'verick closes one eye and dusts sand from his shoulder, "She is all woman. I saw her swimming in the buff."

Neliea doesn't laugh yet, she wants to prove a point here to Khar. "So...that means you /might/ wear a dress? I mean if M'verick like dresses on women," she says slyly and starts to imagine what she's getting into here. She's teasing as always though.

Aurian laughs at that, "I'm going for some cider." She stands and brushes some of the sand off her pants.

You head in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Central Bowl(#298RL$)

A stony field is the center of this great caldera, the size of which is unmatched at any other weyr--for the whole complement of all the wings at Telgar could rest comfortably within its towering cliffs. Shaped in a perfect oval, the rock walls seem perfect for keeping the usual chill winds stirring about. The ground is mostly made of pebbles and rocks, some hued the milky shades of old quartz, though there are patches where softer dirt and even trees sprout up from the ground. Southerly, the bowl opens onto the living caverns and the weyrleaders' quarters; the immense entrance to the hatching grounds lies to the northwest. Heading southwest will lead one back out into the rocky mountain ranges around Telgar's protective walls. Dragons may be seen, relaxing or fresh from feeding, to the north, as well as the soft lapping sounds of Telgar's lake touching the sandy shore. The weyrling barracks, always aflutter with activity, is to the direct west. The training grounds and the meadow are both covered with a blanket of pure white snow, though it is trodden down in dragon-wide paths where the dragons move.

There is not a cloud in the sky, and you can see clear to the horizon.




Obvious exits:

Weyrling Barracks Southern Bowl Lake Shore Hatching Cavern Feeding Grounds Runner Pasture Weyr Entrance

You walk south.

Southern Bowl(#396RJL$)

Towering above, the bowl wall rises in a curving three pointed arc as it shelters this southernmost point of Telgar Weyr's great cauldera. Sloping down to the north to a slight degree, the floor of the bowl channeled so that runoff might drain down to the lake beyond. There are several strategically placed evergreens that serve to baffle the biting mountain winds away from the southern entrance into the living Caverns. Scattered leaves have tumbled into corners of the bowl, and are stuck in cracks on the edge of the rock. They have bright colors: orange, gold, and brown. Northward, the center of the bowl spreads hugely, leading to the feeding pens, hatching grounds, weyrling barracks and the Telgar Weyr lake. The ground-level weyrs of the queenriders dot the mountain to the northwest. Use '+view queenriders' to view them. The murmur of voices and the clatter of pots and chairs drifts from the Living Cavern, where the evening meal is being served.

There is not a cloud in the sky, and you can see clear to the horizon.






Obvious exits:

Living Cavern Central Bowl Outer Infirmary Guest Weyr Records Room

Kvasith> Jayna blinks, and laughs, suddenly. "If you've seen her in the buff, the whole dress thing seems academic," she says, yawning and sitting up.

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern(#750RJM$)

This huge cavern is sufficently roomy to hold a large portion of the Weyr's population without feeling cramped. There's always a bustle of activity here. Fragrant dishes are constantly in prepartion for mealtimes: currently for the evening meal. Drudges are always present, either cleaning under Pierron's watchful eye, or helping fetch and carry. A myriad of glowbaskets and many ever-lit hearths make the cavern warm and inviting despite its size. The scents of cooking meats, baking breads and pastries, and the pungent aroma of spices hang mouthwateringly in the air. It is little wonder that those seeking to relax nearly always find their way here to do it. A short tunnel jaunts northward out to the bowl and the merry sounds of cooking, chores, and laughter echo from the kitchen at the southeast end of the cavern near the easterly passage to the rest of the lower caverns. Within the lower caverns is an entrance to the infirmary weyr to care for injured dragons and riders.






Obvious exits:

Lower Caverns Kitchen Bowl

Kvasith> Kharty gulps once, then twice, brilliant redness swelling up from her neck to cover her whole face. Jumping up, she stands there in front of M'verick, then yells, "Hafta tell all of Pern?" In one leap, she's leaning forward to charge him.

Aurian walks in lightly, she whistles almost painfully offkey. But as always the redhead is oblivious to it.

Kvasith> M'verick smiles at first even though he does blush and then scrambles backwards, "heywait! I was just playing around!!"

Ceria glances up as Aurian enters. "Can I get you anything?" she calls, standing up.

Sionelle stands where she is just long enough for the delay to be obviously intentional. The weyrsecond has a good deal of practice at being subtely annoying, and most of her techniques are habit by now. Eyeing the top of the weyrleader's head while he pays more attention to his stew than one of his staffmembers, she waits, patently, for him to look back up before answering.

Kvasith> Kharty leans forward, hiding a huge grin, to 'butt' him in the belly. !

Aurian shakes her head as she heads over to the cider pitcher. She fills her own mug whistling some terribly written song.

Ceria nods and resumes her seat.

Kvasith> M'verick scrambles....crab-like across the sand until he gets butted by Kharty's rather hard head. He lets out a oouph and a whimper, "Hey!" *COUGH* "what did you do that for?"

M'hryn bites his lip as Sionelle does not reply. Finally, he looks back up at her, impatience showing across his features, "Well? Is here okay, or would you like to speak in private?" he repeats.

Aurian nods politely and sits down, thankfully she stops her whistling.

Kvasith> Jayna chuckles, standing and brushing the sand off her pants. "Well, have fun, folks," she grins. "Sio, out of there," she calls. "You're a prune!"

L'tan walks in from the bowl.

Pierron adjusts his apron and tugs on his moustache.

Merien walks in from the bowl.

L'tan stops in the entryway and begins to scan the cavern. His eyes narrow as he spots M'hryn.

Merien follows L'tan a bit warily, her demeanor already set rather sternly.

Ceria looks up as some unfamiliar people enter.


"Here is perfectly fine, if you don't have any objection to discussing matter sin the living cavern," Sionelle says, pulling out the bench opposite M'hryn. She takes a seat with the hesitant demeanor of someone convinced that -P'tran- never would have done so. "It's about my continued duties as Weyrsecond," she begins.

Aurian nods to the riders that enter, "Telgar's duties."

Kvasith> Sioneth whuffs the water and reluctantly ambles out, standing at the shore a moment while the water drips off his brown hide.

L'tan turns towards Merien and says, "He's no right to weyr that badge anymore, the sharding tunnelsnake." His voice pitched in what passes for a whisper for the Istan Weyrleader - anyone within a few paces would be perfectly able to hear.

Kvasith> M'verick coughs and groans again, rolling overonto his side and /away/ from the mean bluerider.

Kvasith> Kharty laughs as she grabs onto 'Ric's arm, steadying herself. Standing upright, she smiles at the rider. "Well, you didn't have to tell everything, you know." Placing a hand on his stomach, she asks, "I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you did I?"

Kvasith> M'verick grumbles something back at Kharty, but it doesn't form any words that make sense.

Ceria blinks uncertainly as she clutches her klah mug in one hand.

Kvasith> Jayna grins, and heads off.

Kvasith> M'verick would wave to people, he really would, but he's had the wind knocked out of him.

Merien looks startled that L'tan chose that muttered rudeness as his first words. She clears her throat, and gives him a good glare before turning a smile to the Telgar folks. "Ista's duties to Telgar, and her fine queens." She pauses, then adds, noting the woman's rank as well as her former weyrling and Wingleader, "And good evening, Weyrleader, Weyrsecond."

Kvasith> Kharty drops down onto the sand, to sit next to 'Ric. In a quiet voice, she attempts to roll him over gently. "Honestly, I didn't hurt you... uhm.. did I?"

M'hryn nods slowly as Sionelle sits. "I had been, uhm, giving some thought to that," he says, slowly. "I'd prefer it if yo--" He suddenly cuts off as his eyes go towards the entrance. With a visible start he pushes himself to his feet. "Sir... uh, L'tan--Weyrleader--uhm, Ist--Telgar's duties to, uh, Ista Weyr," he stammers.

Kvasith> Kharty looks up quickly to Jayna to wave and call out, "Goodbye, see you later?"

Kvasith> Jayna nods to her clutchsib, winking.

Kvasith> Jayna heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Kvasith> Sioneth lumbers in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Aurian sips at her cider as she leans back in her chair.

Kvasith> M'verick waves a hand at Kharty, "stop that..." he hisses and slowly tries to right himself and sit up. "I didn't tell them anything cept you swimm in the raw."

L'tan's already sullen and stern gaze harden even more, "Shards, M'hryn, as sad as it is to hear you say that you could have at least have gotten it out in one piece." He takes a few steps across the cavern, his bootheels beating out a strident cadence. He stops in front of the Telgari Weyrleader and points at the Belior badge, "That doesn't belong to you anymore."

Kvasith> Kharty watches her friend leave then turns full attention, eyes filled with worry. One hand reaches out to touch your shoulder, fingertips barely touching your jacket. Whispering, she says to you, "I am sorry... I.. got a little carried away."

Sionelle watches M'hryn's stuttered performance with the sort of stoical patience that most weyrlingmasters develop after a few clutches full of dimglowed holder boys, but when she stands and turns to greet the Istans, her expression is more cordial. Until she spies the Istan bronzerider. "And he doesn't belong to you, L'tan," she says, her voice even more acerbic than usual. "I suggest you show some respect for our Weyrleader in his own living cavern."

Kvasith> M'verick rubs his stomach gingerly, "yeah, a little." He agrees with a wan smile, "you're head is harder than a sack of firestones you know.

Merien follows L'tan, startled again at his manner. "L'tan," she says, rather sharply, in fact in her well-honed authoritative tone polished from her turns as Weyrlingmaster. "Please let the Weyrleader take a breath before you launch in like that." She smiles, to cover for him. "He's just a bit cold from /between/ yet."

Kvasith> Neliea heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Ceria watches the situation from her seat near the serving tables.

Kvasith> Kharty pulls in a quick breath, relieved that you're alright. Matching your wan smile, she agrees. "My brothers used to tell me that too. Course they also said there was nothing in it."

L'tan's mouth screws up into something that approaches a smile, however false, "Oh, I'm I being disrespectful? I thought that was M'hryn's job. He's the one who threw a Wingleadership back in my face by not controlling that dimglow of a bronze of his."

M'hryn's cheeks flush a bright red. He opens his mouth to reply -- an apology, a retort, something, but as Sionelle speaks, his face goes even redder, if at all possible. He looks down at the Belior badge upon his riding jacket and clears his throat, probably to avoid looking at anybody else. After a moment, he clears his throat and returns his gaze up. "Weyrsecond, hold, please," he says raising his hand. Turning to L'tan and Merien, he starts to say something, but stops as if kicked in the stomach at L'tan's next words.

Kvasith> Amylith flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake.

Kvasith> Amylith lands with a faint hiss, eyes whirling with worry.

Kvasith> Feeling a little more confident now, Khar moves her hand to your back, gently rubbing it. Hearing a hiss, she startles, leaping up to fall back several steps, eyes wide. "Uhm.."

Kvasith> Kvasith warbles at the green.

Merien actually physically takes L'tan by the collar and attempts to pull him aside. "Excuse us, please." She says these words through teeth gritted into a grin.

"If that's his excuse for his temperament," Sionelle replies to Merien, folding her arms over her chest and slouching back to lean against the table behind her and letting her faint Igen drawl show up more clearly, "He must spend hours a day popping from Hold to Hall." That said, she returns her gaze to L'tan, and contents herself with an insolent stare, obedient to M'hryn.

Ceria's eyes widen a bit, as she remains glued to her seat.

Telgar Weyr> Sionelle thinks you should have said 'Heel' and not 'Hold', M'hryn.

Aurian narrows her eyes at the Istan riders. She looks less than pleased with the island weyrleader's response to the hospitality.

Telgar Weyr> Ceria grins.

Kvasith> Amylith stomps forward, wings mantling. Sure a dragon wouldn't hurt anyone, but Amylith likes to make folks she she might. 'Ric just waves his hand at her, "Amylith, don't you have a nice blue to look to?"

L'tan tries to dig in his heels but is never the less pulled a bit away by Merien, who is taller and most likely stronger than he is. He curses, "Shards, leave off, Merien. I've had my say anyway. It's not like he matters anymore."

Jehrina walks in from the bowl.

Pierron winks laconically at the retired Weyrwoman.

Aurian crosses her arms over her chest, she nods lightly at the weyrwoman before looking rather annoyed at the Istans again.

Merien bends close to her Weyrleader and speaks to him quietly but emphatically, with the familiarity that comes from turns of acquaintence. She mutters to L'tan, "... I... I could... embarrassed... Weyrleader!... behave better... they've had three... to... right... apologize. Or... least give him the respect... L'tan,... he's... when it comes... manners!"

Jehrina wanders into the cavern, moving in what would be considered almost a lazy stance for her. She moves across the cavern, nodding politely to the Istans. "Evening." Before continuting over to the head table to drop into a seat. Not like anyone's likely to tell her not to sit there.

M'hryn puts a hand to his throat for a moment, takes a deep breath, then looks at L'tan at his next words. In a suddenly cold voice, he says, "Weyrleader. I wear this badge to remember where I came from. Where I Impressed and where I spent the turns learning how to be a dragonrider. Just as several of the riders here wear a cord of red in their knots to show they are from Benden Weyr. If you would like, I will give this badge to you, but I do not want to cut off my ties to the place I think of as home. Now, is there something I can help you with, L'tan?" He stresses the name, rather than a rank.

Kvasith> M'verick stands up, one hand holding his stomach. "Ah--" cough, "I should head back to Igen I think. Before I get any more pinches or headbutts."

Ceria stands up as Jehrina enters. "Can I get you anything?" she offers quietly.

A'lex walks in from the bowl.

Pierron grunts in greeting to the Wingleader of Skyfire.

Kvasith> Kharty again gulps a few times then walks up slowly behind the greenrider. "Alright..", she sighs quietly. "I should see to my blue.."

Kvasith> M'verick smiles apologeticly at Kharty, not wanting to seem like such a whim. "I did have fun though. Thanks for letting me hang out with you."

A'lex makes odd faces a Pierron behind his back, then continues into the cavern with waves and salutes around. The weyrleader, of course, gets a sharp salute before A'lex proceeds to the food table to load up a plate with as many carbohydrates as he can fit on it.

Jehrina shakes her head, and smiles, then stifles an almost grin at M'hryn's comment. The red cord in her knot is fairly obvious to anyone.

Ceria nods and sits down again, sipping from her klah mug.

M'hryn returns A'lex's salute absently, but his eyes are on where L'tan and Merien stand.

Sionelle maintains her casually impertinent posture against M'hryn's table as her new Weyrleader replies with a little spunk for a change. Before she can nod in obstinate approval of his speceh, however, he adds that unfortunate comment about considering Ista his home. She turns her head just slightly, and regards him frm under an upraised brow.

Kvasith> M'verick gracefully swings himself up onto his lifemate's neckridges. Amylith watches him protectively, then utters a loving coo once he's safely mounted.

Kvasith> Amylith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft.

Kvasith> Kharty nods, watching 'Ric mount.

Aurian rakes her hand through her hair as she watches the riders.

A'lex, of course, is clueless as to what's going on and just sits happily and begins to devour his plate of food. Typical Bronzerider.

L'tan's mouth opens to spit out what must be another ill-considered and ill-mannered retort, whether it was to be directed at Merien or M'hryn is never to be known as he snaps his mouth back shut and takes a stiff step forward. "Weyrleader," he nods at M'hryn, "Weyrsecond" another for Sionelle, "I am ever so sorry to have trespassed in your most lovely and hospitable weyr. I will return to the Island from where I came and tell all of Telgar's prowress and the appeal of its newest Weyrleader. Obviously, he's learned all he was able at Ista and has moved on to better things."

L'tan gives Merien and look ... satisfied?

Rowen walks here from the Inner Cavern.

"Obviously," Sionelle replies, punctuating her agreement with the nod she'd planned to use with M'hryn's commentary. "If nothing else, we're better bred."

Jehrina snorts, "Oh, stow it. It's not entirely his own fault that his bronze was faster than Herath, or that she took a liking to him. Any more than Merellia can force her queen to choose your own bronze."

Kvasith> Kharty heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina hey, I don't have to be all polite anymore. :)

Aurian sips her cider and nods.

Telgar Weyr> Sionelle grins at Jehrina. You used to be?


Merien salutes the weyrwoman and nods to the rider who entered after her. Then she looks at M'hryn with a somewhat resigned expression and shrugs, as if to say, 'Well, I tried.' At L'tan's words she narrows her eyes somewhat and says, without looking away from L'tan, "We came to give you our best wishes, M'hryn. You know how L'tan is when he gets all choked up." She grins, and adds directly M'hryn, "The more angry he gets, the more proud he is of you."

Rowen enters from the Lower Caverns, a greeting dying on her lips as she hears the conversation. A blink, and she decides food before greetings is best.

T'saren walks in from the bowl.

Pierron mutters what might be a greeting to the Firestorm Wingleader.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "Well. No. Not entirely. :) But."

L'tan responds when pushed by both the Weyrsecond and the weyrwoman, "I do hear that Telgari gold are more often bred by a wider variety if that is anything to be proud of. Fickle."

Merien translates quickly with, "Habrith's only caught one gold, see." She's still grinning.

L'tan adds, "And I never asked to be Weyrleader and if Habrith would quit catching Neith I would be a happy man."

T'saren snorts at Pierron's greeting, the Wingleader's face showing his discontent with something. He absently nods a greeting to those present, saving a half-hearted salute for the Weyrleader before seating himself at the Firestorm table.

A glow finally blinks on over A'lex's head, and he realizes something is amiss in Denmark-- errr, the Living Cavern. He looks carefully from the Weyrleader and Weyrsecond to the unfamiliar faces and watches carefully, hoping NOT to have to defend his Weyrleader at this early a stage in the game.

Jehrina shrugs, and smiles, "Considering the poblems that caused much of Benden to move to Telgar, it's a good idea to keep the bloodlines mixed. Everyone knows how many of Benden's queens were flown by their clutchmates."

M'hryn's intake of breath almost sounds like a growl. "Weyrleader," he starts to say, his voice carefully controlled. Then, once again, Sionelle speaks. Then Jehrina jumps into it. With a look at the two of them, he turns back to look at Merien. "Thank you, Green... Wingleader." With another look at L'tan, he says, "Weyrleader, please. I apologize if you are disappointed by my actions. I certainly never meant to leave Ista, and I can only hope that I can lead Telgar as well as you have led Ista." He seems to be searching for words, not having any idea what else to say. "And I never asked to be Weyrleader here."

Sionelle shrugs with one shoulder, as brazen as ever in her reply. "A change of pace just makes the weyrlings stronger and larger, L'tan, you know that as well any anyone. But I suppose in your case, you'd have to cling to that old adage that size doesn't matter."

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina collapses gigling at Sionelle.

Telgar Weyr> Sionelle just feels sorry for M'hryn. Hee. What an IC situation to be in.

A'lex's brows furrow together at this turn of conversation.

Telgar Weyr> Sionelle wants to apend 'Typical bronzerider' to A'lex's pose.

Telgar Weyr> A'lex thptttts.

Neliea walks in from the bowl.

Merien pauses a bit at Sionelle's words, then simply straightens her shoulders and says to M'hryn, "You've done well, M'hryn. And I'm sure you'll continue to do well, and thrive here at Telgar as you would have at Ista. And in doing well by Telgar, you compliment Ista and its leadership." She turns to L'tan and says, proddingly, "Right, Weyrleader?"

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "The Telgari are defending heir weyrleader and not leting him do it himself. :)"

L'tan's hands clentch into fists as the Istan Weyrleader begins to bounce on his toes - all five foot five of him. His mouth works as he strives to come up with something suitably evil in response. Finally whatever small amout of intelligence the bronzerider has fleas and he's left with, "Well, yeah, your dragon looks like a throwrug."

A'lex gapes. Sionelle is going to go Postal on this guy...

Jehrina blinks, glances at Sionelle, then grins.

Neliea makes her way into the cavern, instantly staying to the outside and making her way towards Aurian and an empty chair. Nodding is about all she does in the way of greeting the other riders as she slips over to the klah pot first.

Aurian just blinks at L'tan.

Ceria blinks.

T'saren tries not to choke at the Istan Weyrleader's comment about Talibenth. He glances from Weyrleader to Weyrleader, brows raised in surprise at whatever he walked into that would call for a line like that one.

Telgar Weyr> A'lex pictures Sionelle wearing Brynarth around like a cheap toupee...

Sionelle isn't quite sure how to reply to that, it's clear. Not usually compared to carpet, Brynarth is in fact quite seldom the target of any of the many, many attacks made on the weyrsecond. Her other eyebrow arches up to join the first, and her eyes widen just a bit. "A throw rug?" she repeats, just to make certain she got that unusual reference correct. "Faranth between, L'tan, you're as eloquent as usual. What in the name of F'lar's hairly love nuts is THAT supposed to men?"

Aurian sips her cider, this has got to be the oddest event she has seen yet at Telgar.

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Albeit a rather LARGE cheap toupee..."

Nimiriel walks in from the bowl.

Pierron nods thoughtfully as he eyes the junior queenrider.

Telgar Weyr> Sionelle ers, hairy. Not hairly. Hairy.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian shrieks with laughter

Telgar Weyr> A'lex dies.

M'hryn looks back at Sionelle. "Please, Weyrsecond. Let's not make this any worse than it already is." At L'tan's retort about Sionelle's dragon, he coughs. "All right, that's enough. I won't have this in my Living Cavern. L'tan, please, would you step outside with me. I'd like to talk with you in private."

Telgar Weyr> Ceria falls out of her chair!

A'lex coughs.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn ews.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina howls.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Oh come on we want to hear"

L'tan takes a breath and then settles for just turning and stomping out into the bowl.

L'tan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn acks. This is certainly what M'hryn needed. ;)

M'hryn looks around at the cavern, then follows L'tan out, not stomping.

M'hryn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

T'saren is even more shocked when he realizes L'tan was talking about Brynarth and not Talibenth. He finally just shakes his head, trying not to laugh.

A'lex says "What in the name of Kassi's great green arse was that?"

Aurian says quite simply and rather obviously, "That was Rude."

Merien watches L'tan leave with barely disguised anger. When she turns back to the others, she says, trying to school her expression, "Evening, T'saren. And I do apologize for L'tan's stupidity. I should have known better than to come here with him. But I hate to think of what would have happened if I hadn't."

Ceria continues to quietly sip her klah.

Neliea just finished pouring her klah, taking an experimental sip before settling into a chair next to Aurian.

Nimiriel scoots out of the way as the two bronzeriders leave, though shoots a puzzled look toward their retreating backs. "Why do I get the feeling that I'm glad I missed what just happened?"

Jehrina raises an eyebrow just a touch, then looks at Merien, "Neith's not proddy is she?" She grimaces, "And that's enough about the Istan Weyrleader, folks. I was just as displeased when J'rus went to Ista, though I wasn't quite to public about it."

Doing her valiant best to pay no attention to the spectacle before her--lest she be forced to comment on the behaviour of them all--Rowen concentrates on piling enough food on her plate to make up for the meals she missed while researching records.

Sionelle's helpful call of 'Go get him, sir!' is likely lost in the commotion that follows L'tan's exit, but the weyrsecond doesn't seem to mind. There's nothing like a good fight to bring out a smile on Sionelle's face, and she's positively beaming as she pours herself a mug of lukewarm klah. After a sip though, she nods firmly along with Jehrina. "That's right," she belts out. "There's no need to disrepesct the man."

A'lex almost spits out the citron he's drinking at Sionelle's comment. He looks at her, but says nothing. A smirk dances across his lips though.

T'saren smiles at the Istan greenrider, waving a hand absently in the direction M'hryn and L'tan left in. "It's okay, Wingleader. It's not as if I've never seen L'tan in a temper before." He gives the barest hint of a wink, then turns his attentions to trying to flag down a drudge bearing a juice pitcher.

Merien glances toward the bowl and her frown returns. She says, "Hmmm?" at Jehrina's words, then shakes her head. "No, I don't think Neith's proddy. L'tan's just a case of arrested social development. I think his manners froze when he was ten turns old. Faranth knows they haven't changed at all in the nine turns I've known him." She sighs. "He's worse than my son. Acts like someone stole his sweets and stuffed them down his drawers."

Jehrina shrugs, waving at Nimiriel, "L'tan's in a bit of a temper over

Talibenth's latest choice of mates." She turns back to look at Meiren, then grins, "Oh dear. What a waste of sweets."

A'lex again tries not to choke on his meal as the Istan Greenrider's comment rivals Sionelle's own. Oh, what a show tonight.

Sionelle actually winks at A'lex from across the cavern, a similar smirk on her own lips where they're hidden behind her mug. There's nothing wrong with a little hypocrisy now and again.

Aurian snatches a meatroll from a pile that is being carried. She hmmms lightly, then takes a bite.

A'lex's face breaks into a full fledged grin at Sionelle's wink, and she gets a right crisp salute, too.

Merien laughs, then, and says in response to Jehrina, "Thankfully the Weyrwoman doesn't mind fishing them back out again." She takes a deep breath, and adds, "And it /is/ just his twisted way of showing affection for M'hryn. He's proud of him, so he insults him."

"So I see," Nimiriel murmurs quietly as she picks up a mug of klah on her way to a table. Merien's comment, and Jehrina's, get a muffled laugh as she sits down.

Jehrina raises an eyebrow, grins, and shrugs, "Well, since they seem to be discussing things amonst themselves, please, have a seat. They'll either decide to get along, or they won't."

Sionelle snorts lightly at A'lex's crisp salute, then sets her mug back on the table. "It was a pleasure to see you again, Merien," she says automatically, nodding a polite enough farewell to Jehrina as she steps past.

Sionelle walks towards the inner cavern.

A'lex looks over to the ex Weyrwoman, much less intimidate by her now that she doesn't frown QUITE so much, "I'm sure we'll hear it if they DON'T decide to get along."

err intimidated

Merien nods to Sionelle, then smiles to Jehrina and sinks into a seat

gratefully. "Thank you. Tesith would tell me if they were at it, so I assume they're just talking."

Jehrina nods at A'lex, waiving a hand in Merien's direction at her statement. "Exactly. L'tan will get over it, just like P'tran did when J'rus left for Ista. It's hard to lose a good member of your weyr. I can't blame his feelings." She grins, "A throwrug?"

A'lex shakes his head, "I'm surprised she didn't pick up a table and run him through with it."

Aurian nibbles on her meatroll, she seems lost in some thought.

Merien shakes her head, grinning. "If he wants to be good with his insulta, he really needs to increase his vocabulary."

Jehrina laughs, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

A'lex smiles politely at the Istan Wingleader, "He should spend some quality time with Sionelle then."

Merien glances toward the bowl again, and stands. "Well, you can rest assured I won't be giving him any ideas." She smiles and says, "He's heading back, so I'd best follow and make sure he doesn't wreak any more havoc on his way. Thank you for your understanding, and clear skies." She nods to the others as well.

Neliea carefully continues to sip on her very ware mug of klah, taking time to cradle the mug in her hands more for warmth as she only half-listens to the other conversation going on in the room.

A'lex nods to the Greenrider, "Clear skies."

Jehrina nods, and grins at Merien, "Good luck."

Merien laughs and says, "Thank you." Then she hurries through the entrance.

Merien walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

A'lex looks about, "Are they ALL like that at Ista?" This boy has to get out more.

T'saren grumbles quietly to himself as the drudge with the juice continues to not answer his waving. Finally the Firestorm Wingleader gets fed up and pushes away from the table, going to get his own drink.

Jehrina shakes her head, "Not really. there are people like that all over. And people not like that."

A'lex nods, apparently accepting this answer that isn't really an answer.

M'hryn walks in from the bowl.

Pierron sniffs thoughtfully as the Weyrleader arrives, grunting a greeting.

Aurian tucks a curl behind her ear. She yawns softly and tries to hide it with her mug.

Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "EEEEEEK."

Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Jehrina is...is...is...IN PUBLIC?"

M'hryn steps back into the living cavern, shaking his head. He walks over to the table he was sitting at earlier and stares mournfully at his cold, untouched, bowl of stew.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "Oh bite me"

Richenda enters from the Bowl.

Pierron nods with a modicum of respect as the headwoman walks in.

Jehrina tilts her head to look a M'hryn. "He'll get over it."

M'hryn looks at Jehrina and blinks. "What? Oh, I know," he says. "I mean, he has already. He's, well, I caused a bit of a mess."

A'lex tries not to snort too loud at THAT comment.

Jehrina shrugs, "These things happen. It's happened to me. It's for the good of Pern, and that's what the important pat is."

Richenda growls at Pierron, "Stop that nodding, and I know what you say behind my back, you Weyrsecond-poking twit." Then she continues to a table at the hearth.

Nimiriel chokes on her klah at Richenda's comment. Casting a sideways glance at the Headwoman, she shakes her head and just sighs.

Aurian raises an eyebrow at Richenda, then tilts her head back to the others.

T'saren takes a swallow of his juice just before M'hryn's reply. A wheezing sound issues from the Wingleader's throat as he tries not to choke on the liquid.

M'hryn nods slowly. "I hope so. And thank you, weyrwoman. I, uhm, didn't expect to be where I am now, and it's hard to give up those ties. But I guess you would understand that, since you had to come to here from Benden."

Jehrina nods in agreement, "Exactly so. You'll probably hear about it for a turn or two. Then people will get it through their heads."

Richenda, as she passes by M'hryn, tousles his hair with the hand now wielding the cane, then she flops down somewhere close to the chattering Big-Knotted Riders.

M'hryn starts as his hair is tousled and swings his head around. Already

Richenda has moved by and is sitting down, but he quickly reaches up to feel his head warily, blushing in embarrassment as if by touseling his hair, Richenda made him appear like a kid barely able to be away from his mother.

Aurian grins at the Weyrleader's expression before returning to her cider.

Neliea finishes off her klah, quietly slipping out of towards the bowl. Never knew that being small had this good of an advantage, but with Xyalth's numerous questions today? It's a good thing and she makes a note to nod towards the Headwoman on her way out too.

Neliea walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Richenda murmurs to herself, "Poor bronzerider...probably not long away from his mum and missing her to boot," as she makes herself comfy in a chair, leg nicely propped up.

Jehrina grins at Richenda, "be nice."

Richenda just *looks* at Jehrina. "You don't care. You abandoned us."

Jehrina snorts, "Hardly. I'm still here and I didn't go back to Benden, now did I?"

M'hryn eyes Richenda darkly. "Ma'am," he says, clenching his teeth around the word, but then falls silent as he picks up his spoon to stir it through his bowl of stew.

T'saren smirks at both M'hryn's reaction and the Headwoman's words. He winks covertly in A'lex's direction, then innocently turns his attention back to his mug of juice.

"Yet," Richenda snorts right back. Then she smiles sweetly to M'hryn. What is it tonight, everyone is just jumping all over everyone else... sheesh.

A'lex goes back to his cold tubers and finishes stuffing them into his face. Of course the smirk on A'lex's face would indicate that he DID, in fact, catch that wink.

Aurian's jaw drops as Richenda speaks. What is it with people and blunt speaking tonight....

Telgar Weyr> Richenda has Hormones from Hades, that's what. :)

Jehrina shrugs, "Not enough room or need for another queen there."

Nimiriel isn't jumping on anyone, she's still sitting there, innocently sipping her klah. That doesn't mean she's not smirking behind the mug, though. Politely, she queries of Richenda, "How is your leg feeling?"

M'hryn abruptly stands up and walks out to the bowl, with a murmered, "Excuse me. Need to find Sionelle."

M'hryn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Richenda replies crisply, "There is nothing wrong with my leg, and I by the way am not pregnant." So *there*.

Nimiriel blinks, and then studies the Headwoman closely. "As you like," she murmurs quietly, and though the tone might be convincing, her expression says she really does /not/ believe a word of it.

A'lex turns to look at Richenda, but says nothing. Of course he's continually staring at her midsection for any signs of impending hatching. Good think her back is to him.

Richenda studies Nimiriel with marked sternness and flickers a fiery, challeging gaze across the room at various people. A piece of parchment in the way of her glare risks catching fire.

Jehrina eyes Richenda. "Why would anone think you are? I mean, since you're so vehemently denying it and all."


T'saren watches M'hryn's abrupt leave-taking with a raised eyebrow, but holds his tongue. The other riders in the cavern get a quick glance, then Tas downs the remainder of his juice, sets down the mug, and heads outside for somewhere the sniping isn't quite so intriguing.

Richenda tells Jehrina with the most dulcet of tones, "Thbbt."

T'saren walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Nimiriel returns Richenda's look calmly; apparently that tactic doesn't work as well as it used to when the goldrider was just out of baby naps.

Jehrina smiles sweetly. "Very good. I imagine that you'll be seeing a lot of that expression." She grins.

Richenda looks between Nimiriel and Jehrina, then over to the bronzeriders, then to Aurian and finally to Rowen. Then back to Jehrina. "You just leave me alone, missy."

Jehrina smiles beatifically. "Of course, Richenda. We're just concerned for your well being and all."

A'lex mouths, "Missy?" to the cavern at large.

Richenda snarls, "I. Am. PERfectly. FINE."

Nimiriel adds her own sweet, innocent smile, and chimes in with Jehrina. "Very concerned. After all, it's the least we can do."

Aurian leans her head against the table, she starts to laugh muffled.

Jehrina nods, "Of course. Who said you weren't? Nim asked bout your leg, but I think that was perfectly reasonable since you've got it propped up there."

Nimiriel arches an eyebrow, glances over at Jehrina with a tiny shrug, and looks back to Richenda, concerned. "You don't /seem/ fine. You seem--grumpy."

Richenda shoots visual daggers at Jehrina and then says to Nimiriel as patiently as she can, "I love you, my dear goldrider, but I AM NOT BLOODY GRUMPY." After hurling those words with roughly the force of a typhoon, she inhales and relaxes.

A'lex cringes, this is going to get ugly right soon.

Jehrina shrugs, "If you say so." She smiles politely, and then picks up some breadcrumbs and tosses them at A'lex while he's over there wincing.

Nimiriel, who is used to Daelyth proddy, doesn't even flinch at Richenda's...insistence. Pursing her lips, she ventures, "Vexed, perhaps?"

Richenda inquires seethingly, "Are you two going to be like this for the next six months?"

A'lex give Jehrina a look that pleads, "Hey, don't draw attention to ME, I like my body parts where they are, thank you!" But he says nothing as he tries to clean up the breadcrumbs.

Jehrina tilts her head, a look of.. well, almost really well done confusion, "Next six months? What does six months have o do with anything?"

"Six months?" Nimiriel queries politely. "Is that amount of time so important?"

Aurian peers at Richenda with some curiousity.

A'lex starts eyeing Richenda's midriff again.

Richenda's jaw slackens. "It's a half a Turn," she response gustily.

Jehrina shrugs, "Then I don't understand the significance. It'll be that long before Leilanth rises again, surely, but otherwise."

Rowen still hasn't turned away from the hearth. If one is observatn ,they might note that her hands are moving rapidlyi n her lap.

Richenda clears her throat and explains, "I am not pregnant, my leg is fine, and if one of you shows any tendency to fuss over me between now and when the baby's born, I'll remind you all of what a good spanking is like. Is that clear?"

Nimiriel coughs lightly, "If you're not pregnant, why would you have to worry about when the baby's born?" Trying not to grin, she asks innocently, "Jessalyn's not pregnant, is she?"

Jehrina peers at Richenda, "want to tell me that again?"

A'lex starts to bounce. Apparently he's stifling laughter, well, the sound at least.

Richenda growls to Nimiriel, "If she wants to live to see eightteen Turns she'd better not be. Or I'll go gild me a bronzerider." She patently ignores Jehrina, and A'lex The Soon To Be Departed Broznerider.

Nimiriel, innocent til the end, asks, "Then whose is the baby you're anticipating?"

A'lex interjects, because he HAS to say SOMETHING, "Channies?"

Jehrina glances over at A'lex, "You'll be the death of that girl yet. Why don't you get something to eat and leave the poor girl alone?"

A'lex looks at Jehrina, "What? But... I..." Oh goodness, beat the puppy with a newspaper will ya?

Richenda thunks her head against the table, covers her head with her arms, and mumbles, "I never knew how good I had it. Good bloody shards and Aunt Grizelda's gizzards."

Jehrina winks at teh bronzerider over Richenda's head.

Aurian blinks.

A'lex just looks confused. Goldriders winking and throwing breadcrumbs at him. Life was never this confusing when all he had to worry about was Ofira beating his arse for banging the dents out of her pots and pans.

Nimiriel looks over at Jehrina and A'lex and just grins, once Richenda's no longer looking.

Richenda remarks from her slump, "I have never before conceived. I still think the healers are wrong. And if one of you touches or pats or talks to my stomach, I'll order enemas for the lot of you."

A'lex understands THAT. Fear washes over his face, and from the look in his eyes he's making a note to self, "Self, avoid Richenda's stomach at all costs."

Nimiriel chokes on her klah, eyes widening a bit. "I'd never think of doing that, Richenda." Of course not. After a pause, she muses, "Daelyth was able to tell when I was pregnant, I wonder if she'd know for anyone else."

Jehrina works very hard to *not* smile, and says, "Not unless you let us, Riche. you just make us wory about you. So be happy we care."

Richenda's narrowed eyes stare at each rider in turn, her glare frighteningly dangerous. "I have no idea, Nimiriel. Jehrina, you just keep that smirk to yourself."

Jehrina smiles. really, it'sa smile, and says to Nimiriel, "Leilanth never could tell with anyone else, but she knows when I am."

A'lex tries, quite unsuccessfully, to face the Gaze o' Doom from Richenda. Turning his head to stare down at his Tubers he says, "Nope, no patting, no talking, no touching... nope."

Aurian rakes her hands through her hair, she hmms lightly.

Richenda says thinly, "I've been sexually active since the last Pass, I swear, and this is the first time. So how can I know? And no smart comments from you lot."

Aurian grins at that, she hops up to get some cider, "Anyone want anything while I'm up?"

Jehrina shrugs, "It's all a matter of the timing, I guess Riche. Just don't overdo things." She smiles at Aurian, "What've we got for juice odaY?"

Amazingly, A'lex's lips have completely dissappeared from his face, having been sucked into his mouth in attempt to keep laughter and comments at bay. He shakes his head at Aurian in a negative fashion.

Aurian examines the pitchers, "Citron and redfruit.

"I don't see any riders easing up when their furhopping ways get them knocked up, and I won't either," Richenda declares, then adds, "Redfruit juice sounds lovely."

Aurian blinks down, "Oh and this one is apple from Nabol."

Jehrina wrinkles her nose, then shakes her head. "Not in the mood. But thanks."

Ro walks here from the Inner Cavern.


Aurian nods as she fills a mug of redfruit for Richenda. She carries it to the headwoman very gingerly.

Jehrina hmphs at Richenda, "Everyone of those riers who warns their wingleader early on enough gets grounded for the duration, and you know it."

Ro quietly gets herself a mug of cider and finds a comfy chair to sit in.

A'lex snorts, "And they get extra hidework. Wanna be in my Wing, Richenda?"

Richenda repeats to Jehrina as earlier, "THBBT," before thanking Aurian in a relatively nice way. To A'lex she adds, "I can be a bronzerider, A'lex, sure. All it takes is ba...guts, and I got more than a dozen of 'em."

Aurian scurries away from the headwoman before her head spins around and devours a weyrling.

Jehrina leans back in her chair, chuckling. To Nimiriel, she comments, "And you fostered your child with this woman?"

"That was before she got herself pr--grumpy," Nimiriel says to Jehrina, trying not to grin.

Jehrina waggles her eyebrows, trying hard not to grin.

A'lex raises an eyebrow at Richenda, and finally gets some uh, guts of his own, "Oh, you been collecting them, I see..."

Richenda rises, looking as though her dignity has been ruffled. "I am going to get some sleep. You all are wearing me out with your insensitvity."

A'lex shakes his head, "Well, Richenda, I, for one, am sorry to see you go."

Nimiriel gives Richenda a hurt look. "If you're so bothered by the fact that we care about you, then I suppose we could try not to."

Jehrina shakes her head, and smiles, but doesn't say a word since NImiriel's just bloody determined to keep her brain.

Aurian sips her cider, mmmm warmth.....

Richenda pauses at that, gives A'lex The Look, and embraces Nimiriel. After straightening up, she observes wearily, "I appreciate it, child, I do, but in twenty-some Turns of a healthy sex life I've never had this happen before. It's probably something else, and if it's not...who knows. So let's just behave as though it's nothing mroe than an upset tummy, hmm?"

A'lex mutters, "An upset tummy that's going to keep you awake nights for TURNS..."

Ro's eyebrows shoot straight up, and she seems to shrink into her chair, as if wishing herself invisible.

Nimiriel relents and hugs Richenda, trying not to grin still. "Alright. But if that tummy of yours starts getting round, then you're going to have to change your mind."

Richenda pokes Nimiriel while noting, "It's already round, I'm a pear in human form."

Nimiriel rolls her eyes. "Richenda, you /know/ what I mean."

A'lex does comment this time, "But's it's such a NICE pair, Richenda. Rennick is a lucky man!"

Jehrina eyes A'lex.

Richenda then stares at A'lex and proclaims, "You know, your wing would do admirably to carry a message to Lewis Hold tomorrow for me. You'd have to go, representing the Weyr of course. I hope their blizzard's over by now."

A'lex looks back at Jehrina, not understanding. She's the one who said pair first...

Jehrina shakes her head.

A'lex turns back to the Headwoman, "Lewis Hold... well, if you need me to." How dense is this man? Someone get him some help...

Jehrina stands, "Just get some rest either way, alright richenda?" With that, she wanders out towards the bowl.

Jehrina walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.


Richenda sighs as she watches Jehrina go, then she looks down again at

Nimiriel, kindly. Aurian is also provided with a warm smile. A'lex, on the other hand...

Nimiriel rises and hugs Richenda gently. "She's right, take care of yourself. I'm going to go get some rest myself, it's been a long day for me."

Richenda returns the hug and pleads quietly, "No fussing. Please?"

Channie walks in from the bowl.

Ro walks towards the inner cavern.

A'lex takes this opportune moment to grin at his weyrmate, "Nie! How's ya feeling today? Richenda is pregnant too!!" Dense, dense, dense...

Nimiriel smiles at Richenda, nodding. "No fussing, I promise." As she walks out, one or two people near the exit might hear her add, "For the moment, anyway."

Nimiriel walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Channie walks into the living cavern, beaming. "hello love." She waves to people leaving, not noticing if they see her or not and ambles over to A'lex, "Richenda is going to have a baby too?"

A'lex nods happily, "Isn't that great? But we're not allowed to touch, talk to, or pat her stomach at all. Nor can we fuss over her."

Channie makes her tummy poke out, "Well, you can touch, talk and pat my stomach. And I like it when people fuss over me, so that's ok too!" She grins again.

Richenda snorts loudly, notes, "I'm probably not anyways, so there," and exits in a huff.

Richenda walks towards the inner cavern.

A'lex grins, "Can I get you something to eat?"

Aurian murmurs lightly, "Denial is a terrible thing." She watches Richenda leave.

Channie flops down into a chair next to A'lex since he's not going to worship her tummy. "Food would be good. What's on the menu?"

A'lex slides his plate over, "Cold tubers and roast wherry? Or I can get you something warm."

Channie looks from A'lex to the tubers and then back at A'lex again, "What's wrong with them?"

A'lex shakes his head, "Nuthing, I just stopped eating to watch the Istan Weyrleader call Sionelle's Brynarth a throw rug, and never finished them."

Channie frowns slightly, trying to put names and faces together. Suddenly she gasps out an 'O' and wrinkles up he rnose. "That's really awful. What did Sionelle do?"

A'lex shakes his head, "Made some comment about F'lar's hairy love nuts or something equally as unappealing during a meal. Which is ANOTHER reason I didn't finish them."

"F'lar's hair /what/?" Nie asks, turning the same color of her hair as her pale eyes fly open. She doesn't seem too inclined to partake of the food now either.

Channie eers, "hair--hairy...eeww! Yuck"

Aurian nods, "Yes'm she said F'lar's hairy lovenuts."

A'lex shrugs, "She comes up with the best of them... I'm really impressed, actually. Floored the whole cavern."

Channie shakes her head rapidly, trying to dispell whatever vile images might have snuck into her head, "no! Ohmyshards, that's more than I really wanted to know about F'lar right there!"

A'lex chuckles, "Same here. So, what's new and exciting."

 Channie takes a deep breath and lets it out, looking a little uneasy. "huh? new? Oh, I found some nice material for those new entrance hangings I was telling you about. I talked with a woodcrafter about a few new chairs and I think I even found a nice carpet for the floor." She beams happily. "When do we get to invite everyone up for a weyr-warming party?

A'lex grins, "As soon as you're ready!"

Aurian shakes her hair out lightly.

Channie rubs her hands together, "oh good! Uh, and I found a way to 'frame' that picture that S'dar did!" She giggles quietly, "although, I'm not sure if that's a bit much.

A'lex looks curiously at Nie, "How are you going to get it off the cavern wall, it's painted onto it?"

A'lex says "Well, charcoaled, at least..."

Channie shakes her head, "i"m not going to take it off--I'm just going to hang fabric around it so it looks like it's on display. Or, would that be a bit much?

A'lex laughs. "Okay. Works for me... but you better frame some of Nraith's clouds, or he'll get all whiney. He's so proud of them. When he remebers they're his, that is."

Channie hms softly, "I think I can work it so the 'clouds' stay there. Either that or I'll just get a whole much more paint and make the dragons do a whole bunch of them all over.

A'lex laughs, "Paint this time? Oh shards, it's hard enough to keep Nraith's snout out of my charcoal sticks now. If he starts dipping it in paint too, we're doomed every time Kerlyn makes the Weyrlings whitewash the stones out in the bowl."

Aurian shudders as that particular chore is mentioned.

A'lex looks at Aurian, "You had it easy, she let you do it where they were. Sionelle made US collect them all, white wash them by the lake, then put them back where they were. In the same order. Look at the undersides, they all have little numbers on them."

Channie shudders and waves her hands around, "oh, never mind. I just thought he would forget at some point."

Channie frowns and just stares at A'lex, "why did you have to do -that-?"

A'lex shakes his head, "He remembers the smell of the charcoal. Seems to really like it. Silly little dimglow. Why? Because someone screwed SOMETHING up... I can't even remember anymore."

Channie giggles quietly and lifts up her shoulders, "I guess that's as good as reason as any other. Keeps the candidates out of trouble I guess--were you candidates then?"

A'lex shakes his head, "No, weyrlings. Very unhappy weyrlings." he grins.

Channie rolls her eyes, "Weyrlings shouldn't be unhappy though. There's plenty to be -happy- about."

A'lex snorts, "Not when Dictator Sionelle is angry with you."

Channie wrinkles her nose, "I heard a little about that. I thought most of it was just rumors to keep folks in line." She makes a face, "then again--after her F'lar comment, I guess I shouldn't have to ask that question."

Aurian giggles.

A'lex snickers, "Well, we disagree on alot of things regarding Weyrlings," he says no more and gets that, "I refuse to talk about this anymore," look on his face before saying, "So what are the healers saying, boy or girl?"

Aurian peers at A'lex as he asks that question, she laughs to herself.

Channie leans over and kisses A'lex's cheek, "The healers don't know." She shrugs up her shoulders. "Kemith says it's a girl. Of course he said Chavaun was a girl too."

A'lex laughs, "Great..."

Channie rubs her tummy, "maybe Nraith should have a whuffle at my belly and see what he thinks."

A'lex snorts, "He'd probably think that you might be pregnant. He's not that sensitive it seems, Shards, he only searched TWO people the entire time we were on Search."

Channie hms, "maybe I should have Lysseth sniff me. Lysseth searches /lots/ of people.

A'lex nods, "You could try..."

Channie looks over at A'lex, "you think kassi would mind?" She pulls the now icy cold plate of food closer to her and picks up a fork. Seems she's hungry enough to eat the far-too-cold food


A'lex shrugs, "I'm not sure, just ask her... oh, shardit, speaking of that menace--err Wingleader, I need to go drop some reports by her weyr. I'll see you back home, eh?" He kisses the top of her head.

Channie grins at A'lex and nods, "Of course. I'll catch up with you after I get myself some food." she tips her head up and sneaks a kiss from him. "Night to you love."

A'lex walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Channie pushes her plate away and looks around for Pierron, "oh, there you are!"

Rowen re-enters from the lower caverns, toting with her a stack of hides almost high enough to block her vision. With a heavy sigh, she drops them onto a table, and herself into achair.

Pierron puffs with pride as Channie gives him the chance to demonstrate his skill.

Pierron takes a flakey meatroll from a tray by the ovens and gives it to Channie.

Channie waves hello to Rowen as she waits for the freshly cooked meatrolls to cool.

Rowen offers a whithered smile, wan. She looks turn, to the hides, and utters another heavy sigh. Resignedly, she goes to work, absorbing the information.

R'val walks in from the bowl.

R'val wanders into the cavern with an idle wave, "Evenin, folks...'

Channie looks up from munching one meatroll after another and waves to R'val, "wouroo" That might have been 'hello' if her mouth wasn't full.

R'val winks at Channie, "Careful you don't choke. "He pours himself a mug of klah.

Channie gulps down the mouthful and flutters her eyelashes at R'val, "oh, I never choke." she assures him sweetly.

R'val winks at Channie playfully, "Naughty brownrider."

Channie giggles and lifts her shoulders, "I am not naughty!"

R'val grins, "Why aren't you?? It's fun!"

Aurian slips out silently.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Southern Bowl(#396RJL$)

Towering above, the bowl wall rises in a curving three pointed arc as it shelters this southernmost point of Telgar Weyr's great cauldera. Sloping down to the north to a slight degree, the floor of the bowl channeled so that runoff might drain down to the lake beyond. There are several strategically placed evergreens that serve to baffle the biting mountain winds away from the southern entrance into the living Caverns. Scattered leaves have tumbled into corners of the bowl, and are stuck in cracks on the edge of the rock. They have bright colors: orange, gold, and brown. Northward, the center of the bowl spreads hugely, leading to the feeding pens, hatching grounds, weyrling barracks and the Telgar Weyr lake. The ground-level weyrs of the queenriders dot the mountain to the northwest. Use '+view queenriders' to view them. The bowl is quiet in the depth of night.

The sky is hidden by a grey blanket, and there is a chilly dampness to the air.






Obvious exits:

Living Cavern Central Bowl Outer Infirmary Guest Weyr Records Room

Aurian stretches.

You walk north.

Central Bowl(#298RL$)

A stony field is the center of this great caldera, the size of which is unmatched at any other weyr--for the whole complement of all the wings at Telgar could rest comfortably within its towering cliffs. Shaped in a perfect oval, the rock walls seem perfect for keeping the usual chill winds stirring about. The ground is mostly made of pebbles and rocks, some hued the milky shades of old quartz, though there are patches where softer dirt and even trees sprout up from the ground. Southerly, the bowl opens onto the living caverns and the weyrleaders' quarters; the immense entrance to the hatching grounds lies to the northwest. Heading southwest will lead one back out into the rocky mountain ranges around Telgar's protective walls. Dragons may be seen, relaxing or fresh from feeding, to the north, as well as the soft lapping sounds of Telgar's lake touching the sandy shore. The weyrling barracks, always aflutter with activity, is to the direct west. The training grounds and the meadow are both covered with a blanket of pure white snow, though it is trodden down in dragon-wide paths where the dragons move.

The sky is hidden by a grey blanket, and there is a chilly dampness to the air.





Obvious exits:

Weyrling Barracks Southern Bowl Lake Shore Hatching Cavern Feeding Grounds Runner Pasture Weyr Entrance

You head in the direction of the shimmering lake, leaving the central bowl area of the Weyr.

Telgar Weyr Lake Shore

The vegetation thickens near the lake, becoming a meadow that runs along the edge of a narrow, sandy beach. The sands spill down into a crystal lake to the north, lapping against the crater walls to the north and west. A fence runs northwest-southeast, blocking off the lake from the feeding grounds. The grass is thick with autumn, and the long strands are beginning to seed. The few trees that stand on the banks of the lake are in their full splendor with leaves of red, gold, and brown. There are dark green water lilies on the lake, but they are no longer blossoming. In one corner of the meadow, Telgar's herb garden makes the air thick with the smell of mint and thyme, and the chives are in full bloom. Around it, a few fall flowers are blossoming. The lake is cast into dark shadows, though it reflects the lights from the weyrs and the sky overhead, making a constellation in the waters.

The sky is hidden by a grey blanket, and there is a chilly dampness to the air.


DRAGONS: Kvasith


OTHER: Compound Equatorial Farviewer Time-Weathered Boulder

Obvious exits:

Lake Bowl

Tierth flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake.

Tierth wheels gracefully overhead, her wings carrying her gently to the lakeshore.

Aurian leans against Kvasith comfortably as she watches the stars.

From astride Tierth, Maylia pulls off her riding helmet, though as the winds' rather chilly she keeps her gloves on. As her lifemate identifies the dark shadow nearby, she drops to the ground, calling, "Evening, Aurian. How's Kvasith doing?"

Maylia slides to the ground, giving Tierth a parting caress and a tender smile.

Aurian tilts her head to grin at her friend, "Oh he's rather content today Maylia.."

Maylia thumps Tierth's grassy foreleg, nodding as the dragon makes herself comfortable nearby. "Content? Well, that's good. And yourself?" The greenrider asks, waiting until Tierth's settled.


Aurian runs a hand through her hair, "I'm well. Tired but well."

Tierth whuffffs, and stretches her neck out in the sand, her eyes whirling a shade of blueish green, illuminating the nearby beach with an eiry shade. "Tired is normal, for weyrlings. And for most riders, so get used to it." Her rider teases, settling down against the dragon's neck.

Aurian chuckles, "Yes ma'am." She grins impishly, "How are things for you?"

Kvasith leans over and wuffles his rider for a long moment then lays his head on his forefeet.

Tierth turns one whirling, multifaceted eye towards the brown, and vocalizes what might be a warble had she put the energy into it. As it is, it comes out sort of a breathy rumble.

Kvasith glances to the green and warbles in response. He tilts his head to the side and rubs it on the ground.

Aurian hmmms, "So how are things for you?"

Maylia leans her head back against the warm hide of her lifemate, relaxing in the sand. "Things're busy. You know, last minute preps with your clutch, Deylath's clutch comming along, and Herath'll be clutching who knows when. That means a new clutch soon."

Aurian nods slowly, "Herath is looking rather swollen these days. How many in her clutch do you think?"

Maylia purses her lips, thinking. "Well. Talibenth's young, but the flight was long and high. I'm thinking probably about thirty, tops." She grins, slyly. "I think I'd wager on twenty nine. You?"

Aurian rubs a finger across her chin, "31.. "

Maylia's eyebrows lift. "I'd wager you'll loose marks, then." She teases. A moment later, with a chuckle, the greenrider asks, "So. Think there'll be a gold?"

Aurian laughs, then nods, "I think so. Seems like its time for another queen to make her appearance." She grins then says thoughtfully, "How is T'saren?"


Maylia shakes her head, evidently not agreeing. "I don't think there'll be. Tas? He's doing alright." She says, cheerful enough, then sobers. "Well, alright, no sense in trying to hide things from you. Things're still tough. And the wing changes everyone's talking about have him worried."

Aurian nods, "Everyone is worried about that. Sionelle was less than pleased. She was complaining to K'tyn this afternoon."

Maylia's brows raise. "Really?" Her head shakes, and the raised brows come together in puzzlement. "Not like Kiat's able to do much about it. And he's been transfered, too." Even still, in private with friends, she refers to the former weyrleader by his nickname, seeing no reason to do otherwise.

Aurian nods, "I noticed the wingleader knot was gone, and she was complaining to him out of habit actually." She grins at that.

Maylia shrugs, her head tilting to one side. "I suppose you're right, habit. It'll be interresting to see what other changes M'hryn imposes."

Aurian nods, "Especially after tonight's scene."

The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffery © 1967

All Characters ©1998 by Their Players