The Battle Royale


"ASH, gimme my Pillow!!!" 


Dragonriders of Pern ©1967 by Anne McCaffrey (All characters here in Copyright their players 1998)

This takes place in the Candidates' Barracks late after chores and various punisments. There is a discussion of what happens when some folks Impress starting things off, and the ever popular misadventure from earlier that day is discussed. But as the Candidates need to blow off some steam that's exactly what happens, in spectacular Telgar fashion.

Editor's Note: Kassima, actually not in a log that involves Telgar?!?! Great Faranth, where were you? ;> Don't Worry we managed to get your name mentioned.



Candidate Barracks(#258RAHJ$)

This cavern has a rather low ceiling, with many openings for air, since this

becomes an abode for a large number of people before every hatching. Every inch

of the floor is kept clean, although little of it can be seen due to the many

rows of cots that fill most of the space. The central part of the cavern is

rather dim, as most of the glows are on the walls. Little decoration is

evidenced except for a few personal effects. You wouldn't call it uncomfortable

unless the unusually low ceiling for a weyr makes you claustrophobic. On the

wall, scrupulously maintained, is a list of Candidates and their assigned

chores for the day. Tampering with it is rumored to be an offense punishable by

death or latrine duty for the rest of one's life.

A large portal on one wall, closed by an equally large door, leads to the

tunnel descending to the hatching sands. Another door, covered by a curtain,

leads out to the Inner Cavern.










Candidate Supervisor Roster

Obvious exits:

Lower Caverns

Type +candidate help for information.

Jaynelle grins back at Aurian "Yes, I sort of remember that myself back when I

was a little at Fort. Of course, some it didn't help either."

Ro asks softly "At Fort?"

"There was this one lad at Fort, he was a real brute", Aurian nods at Jaynelle,

"As soon as he Impressed he was sweet as a lamb."

Jaynelle nods briefly at Ro "My da was assigned Fort Weyr for many turns. My ma

grew up at Fort Weyr and was a candidate herself before I was born."

Ptodek grins. "Hope none of the nice people get turned mean."

Ptodek nibbles at another redfruit.

Aurian laughs, "Only when proddy."

Jaynelle grins back at Ptodek then gives Aurian a wink "That means about half

of us will be mean about,... how long is one proddy usually?"

Ro nods Jayne's way, then turns and says to Jaynelle "I hope I never have to

worry about bein' proddy."

Aurian shrugs a bit, "Talk to Kassima maybe."

Jaynelle laughs "No way!"

Ptodek nods agreement with Ro. "Me too!"

Ro adds to Aurian's statement "Or Maylia."

Ptodek abandons his remaining redfruit and leans back comfortably in his cot.

"My dragon's gonna catch all you proddy-people's," he predicts with a smug grin.

Devon grins. "What if it's a green?"

Aurian laughs.

Ro smiles at Ptodek "I think you'd look good on a green dragon."

Ptodek tosses his head. "Nah, I'm gonna ride a *bronze*," he says.

Devon grins. "Your green wouldn't catch many then, would it? would

look kinda good on a green, I guess. But a bronze? Awfully high prospects


Ptodek grins.

Aurian gestures to one of her greens, "Sometimes when this one decides to get

chased, I get a headache and get really tired." She tosses her pillow at

Ptodek, "you're just as bad as Imuna."

Ro considers "Do dragon's go for arrogant candidates? I wonder......"

Ptodek catches the pillow and tosses it back.

Asher walks in, holding hand to his forehead. "No one is as bad as Imuna," he


Devon grins. "Apparently they do. Ptodek and Imuna are wonderful examples."

Teasing, but only with Ptodek.

Aurian catches her pillow back and leans back against it, "Evening Asher."

Ro says "Ptodek is sure tryin' hard to be, though."

Asher narrows his dark eyes at Ptodek. "Wearing dresses?"

Jaynelle nods "Maybe Maylia. She is easier to approach."

Ptodek gives Asher a weird look. "Dresses? Go back to sleep..."

Asher stares at Ptodek. "All I heard was that you were trying to be Imuna....."

"And what happens, should this clutch not have a bronze hatchling," Aurian

glances at Ptodek. "I think Tierth rose tonight."

Ptodek humphs, discounting that the flight might have had *any* effect on his

behavior. Somehow he's unconvincing. "All I said was, my bronze dragon is gonna

catch their greens." He smirks at the girls and shields his head with both arms.

Devon smirks. "Instead of calling you Crawlie, I'll call you Imuna Jr."

Asher looks wary. "I didn't miss anything important while I was doing chores

today, did I? Like....a hatching?"

Ptodek groans. "Why don't you call me by my name?" he suggests reasonably.

"It's Ptodek."

Asher wiggles his pruney dish-pan-fingers at Aurian as he walks by her. He

flops down on his cot, bending over to unlace his shoes.

Aurian says, "Well two of us got slammed by K'tyn, and are confined to barracks for seven days"

Ptodek groans. "Don't remind me," he protests.

Asher looks up. ".....You got into trouble. Am I going to be hit for this


Ptodek gives Asher another weird look. "Why would we hit you 'cause we fell in

a hole?"

Devon grins. "Who's idea was it to go in there? Any farding idiot'd know the

floor's weak..."

Sandar emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance.

Asher looks back and forth between the other candidates, his partially

untied-shoes forgotten. "What did you do?" he stresses.

Aurian shakes her head, "Ptodek came up with the idea to go into the corridor,

how ever when the door opened, " She says in a really loud voice so certain

candidates can hear, "Certain candidates shoved everyone forward so they could


Ptodek shrugs eloquently. "Went exploring, and the floor collapsed."

Asher frowns instantly. "You mean, Ptodek egged the girls into exploring

forbidden places, and someone nearly got hurt. Is that what it is?

Aurian says, "It wasn't just girls."

Ptodek rolls his eyes. "YOU weren't there so what do you know about it?"

Devon nods. "Ketesar's foot got caught under a rock."

Another candidate, Stimson by name, wanders by, "Yeah it was all Crawlie's


Sandar sighs. "I really shoulda been there," he admits. "If Rennick hadn't have

called me away at just that moment from the galleries, I'd have been there." He

looks guilty for some reason.

Asher works his jaw soundlessly, staring at Ptodek as common sense and What He

Deserves fight each other. Just than, he looks alot like his uncle. Turning

away, Asher snarls, "Idiot!"

Ptodek throws a redfruit at Stimson, and it bounces off his head.

Sandar snickers.

Aurian shakes her head at Sandar, "No you shouldn't"

Stimson yelps!

Ptodek gives Asher a bemused look, and burrows deeper into his sleeping fur.

Asher kicks off his shoes, one at a time. He's furious for some reason, but

doing a reasonable job of not hitting That One Guy Who Really REALLY, no I mean

/REALLY/ Deserves It. He gives the room's cieling a glare and lays back on his

cot. And glares.

Firestone *pops* out of between and swoops down for a graceful landing.

Firestone crawls onto its cot.

Firestone has left.

Jaynelle has disconnected.

Jaynelle has connected.

Aurian tilts her head at Asher, "What's with you?" She has already returned to

rewriting her report.

Ptodek grabs a redfruit from the basket and throws it in Asher's direction. It

lands on his his cot.

Ptodek suggests, "Have a snack and chill."

Telgar Weyr> D'thon disappears. 'Nite all. :)

You paged Jaynelle with 'I have no idea'.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Night D'thon."

Asher snatches up the redfruit and bites into it, glaring upwards. After some

baleful chewing, he reports, "That idiot could have hurt one of you."

Telgar Weyr> Ptodek says, "Good night, D'thon."

Jaynelle pages: I'm working on a little report for you right now. I sort of

need to know if they are deep or not......makes a difference in what

happened....I'll ask over the line then. Thanks.

Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "Night D'thon."

Ptodek snorts. "They all wanted to go, too, or they wouldn't have," he points


Ptodek says "And anyway, it got us away from Imuna."

Telgar Weyr> Jaynelle says, "Anyone know if Telgar Weyr has deep latrines that

are emptied about once a year (or underground sewage system) ... or if they are

shallow (like the portables in the US) and need to be emptied every couple of


Telgar Weyr> Ptodek says, "Oh gross :)"

Aurian smiles at Asher, "We're ok. I was there incase someone got hurt, and no

one did." She rakes her fingers through her hair, "Look we made the choice,

even if he did pester us into it."

Telgar Weyr> Asrai hhhms, "I thought it was a constant flow system....but I'm

not at all certain.

Ptodek looks over at Aurian. "Whaddya mean you were there in case somebody got

hurt? You fell just like the rest of us!" he says accusingly.

Telgar Weyr> Richenda doesn't have a DLG around.

Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "All the Weyrs had an almost porta potty set up for a


Devon grins. "If I hadn't been there, what would you guys have done?"

Asher continues to maul the poor red fruit. "Imuna is not someone I would risk

getting Aurian or Jaynelle or Berylle or Neliea or any of the others hurt for."

He thinks for a moment. "Well. Sometimes Chet gets on my nerves. I might risk


Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "I can check my DLG in a sec"

Ro smiles warmly at Sandar and pats the bed beside her as she catches his eye.

Telgar Weyr> Ptodek says, "But that was temporary, because of all the people."

Aurian tilts her head at Ptodek, "Yeah but I am a trained healer." She tilts

her head at Asher oddly, "That was rather sweet of you to say Ash." She smiles.

Sandar hops onto the patted bed and snuzzles himself in.

Jaynelle looks around "Am I missing something? And I agree, none of us wants to

risk getting someone hurt." She laughs "You don't like Chet? I find him ok, but

not my favorite."

Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "In the holds I think there was plumbing. Well, Fort

does according to the DLG."

Ptodek shrugs. "At least he didn't freak like all those girls, when we fell

down the hole."

Ptodek mimics the one candidate. "My brand new dress is torn!" he squeaks.

Asher haarrrumphs loudly like an old man might, throwing back his blankets. "It

wasn't meant to be sweet. It was a fact. Girls are just....more breakable than


Sandar smirks.

Sandar looks at Neala. Sounds like something she might have said.

Telgar Weyr> Jaynelle says, "I thought the first 3 Weyrs (built in the first

pass) all had plumbing, but after that they didn't."

Aurian glares at Stimson, "At least Chet isn't a dimglow," She toses her

pillows at both Asher and Ptodek, "And not all the girls were squealing.

Ptodek pages: yer not gonna let him get away with that, are ya? :)

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Lucky telgar"

Ptodek catches the pillow and spins it around in his hands.

Telgar Weyr> Ptodek says, "That would at least make sense."

Asher blinks as a pillow rebounds off of his head. "Ptodek would have squealed

if there'd been any crawlies down there. Big sharding baby. And quit throwing

things at me!"

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "DLG doesn't say if it has it or not"

Ptodek throws the pillow at Asher. "Would not! There were *tunnelsnakes* down

there and I did NOT squeal!"

With a laugh, Aurian states, "We are not more breakable."

Asher whips the pillow right back, marginallly raising his soft voice.

"Oooohhhh, my, tunnel snakes! Did Ro protect you from them?"

Ptodek shakes his head. "Ro wasn't even there."

Ptodek says "The firelizards killed 'em."

Asher ahs. "Aurian than."

Aurian says, "Can I have my pillows please?"

Jaynelle lifts the right side of her mouth in a rather interesting position "I

agree. I played just as hard as my brother."

Sandar sighs, shaking his head at the others, a smirk on his face.

Asher hugs the pillow that was thrown at him. "No," he states sullenly, sinking

down in his cot.

Ptodek delicately places a redfruit on Aurian's pillow, and, crawling out of

his sleeping fur, he bears it to her, presenting it with a slight bow. Then he

realizes he's not wearing any clothes, and hops back into his cot.

Ro gives Sandar a hug, not glancing Neala's way, but keeping an ear open. A

smile appears on her lips.

Aurian hops out of her bed and latches her hands onto a corner of her pillow,


Asher clings tighter, eyes narrowing, and he growls ferally out of the corner

of his mouth. "No."

Ro murmurs "I was washin' Meli's dragon at the time."

Jaynelle smirks while remaining on her cot. Her eyes give away the merriment of

perhaps some future plans, or what she will do is hard to tell.

Sandar hugs Ro back and grins. "I'm gonna go get a before bed drink," he tells

her and the others. "I'll be right back."

Sandar heads through the entrance to the inner cavern.

Sandar has left.

Aurian laughs as she sees Ptodek, she then goes back to tugging on the pillow,

"C'mon Ash give it back!"

Ptodek yells after Sandar, "Hey, we need more snacks in here!"

Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "Nighty night all :)"

Telgar Weyr> Richenda yawns. Night, all.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Night ladies."

Asher growls again. "Get your own!" he scolds, and turns his shoulder to her,

curling around the pillow protectively.

Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "Night =)"

Telgar Weyr> Asher waves! ^_^

"But its my pillow Ash!," Aurian wails as she keeps tugging on it.

Ptodek giggles, watching the struggle.

Devon sits back up on his cot, where he had lain down to write something, and

stuffs the hide into his sheets, then turns to watch Aurian and Asher with an

amused grin.

Asher mimicks Aurian's voice. "But I thought you /gave/ it to me, Aurie!"

Jaynelle chuckles as well, holding ehr pillow tight.

Harper stirs at the foot of Ptodek's cot, awakened by the ruckus.

Aurian snorts, "I threw it to deflate that fat head." With a war cry, "Alright

Asher you called me Aurie, you must pay the price." She launches into him and

starts tickling.

Diva watches the two with an un-amused glance, offering her croons of

disapproval, and buries herself deep within Devon's cot's covers.

Ptodek laughs! "Get him, Aurie!" he cries.

Asher shouts aloud, leaping out of his cot, and wavin his arms.....and keeping

her pillow just out of reach. "Stop! Stopstopstop!"

Telgar Weyr> Halam waves

With a quick dash, Aurian bounces from Asher's cot. She then proceeds to launch

into him again tickling him in rare form.

Ro grins and pounces to Aurian's aid, tickling also.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick waves back to the fellow stablehand.

Telgar Weyr> N'ren wonders whose buns got stolen?

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel laughs. Oh dear. I'm sure you know, N'ren, exactly how

bad that sounds. :)

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Mmm, sweetbuns?"

Asher ACKS!, panicking. "Two isn't fair! Two isn't fair!" he giggles madly,

still waving the pillow out of reach. "Crawlie, you TRAITOR! Help me!"

Devon grins and decides he can't let those girls do that, and grabs Aurian by

the waist, pulling at her, then begins to tickle her in an attempt to make her

let go.

Ro batts her eyelashes "But, 'girls are more fragile'."

Aurian shrieks and squeals with giggles as she gets grabbed by Devon, "Lemmee

go, I want t' get my pillow!"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "mmmm stickybuns"

Asher snarls, shoving the pillow up his shirt to saftey and picking Ro up

around the waist under one arm. "That's it!" he cries.

Jaynelle sneaks behind Devon and starts tickling him, just to even the odds.

Devon giggles wildly and throws an arm around Jayne, pushing her to his cot,

then, seeing his chance, takes her pillow from her cot.

Ptodek smirks. "I don't answer to Crawlie," he reminds Asher. Implying that he

might.. just MIGHT help if he were addressed by name.

Aurian dashes free and chases down Asher, "Give me my pillow!!!" She instantly

starts working on his ribcage.

Ro turns tables and picks squirming until she is in a position to pick up Asher

instead. "Ha ha!" she cries triumphantly.

Telgar Weyr> N'ren protests, looking completely innocent, "What? What?"

Devon looks over at Aurian and grins, races over to her, and lets the pillow

hit her upside the head, then grabs her by the waist, throwing her to the

nearest vacant cot.

Ptodek launches himself off his cot and wiggles his fingers, trying to decide

who to tickle.

Asher reaches behind himself and tickletickletickles Ro under the arms. "Girls

that pick men up!" he just exclaims, the barest of a true smile appearing on

his face.

Jaynelle takes Devon's pillow in retalliation and starts swinging it at Asher's


"No fair Devon!!," Aurian lands with an oomph and grabs onto the cot grabbing

the pillow that's there. She giggles then runs back into the fray wielding the

pillow like a sword. " Take this." She whaps Asher right on the head with the


All the pillow can do is explode into a million feathers.

Ro grins, at the moment resisting the tickling "Men, hah! You wish. But boys,

bags of firestone, mucking stalls and carrying runnerfeed, it's all much the


Telgar Weyr> Asher erks and hands Aurian a PILLOW. jeese.

With a battle cry, Ptodek seizes his pillow and clobbers Ro over the head with


Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Too late."

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick balinks at Asher and Aurian.

Feathers start flying as firelizards squeal with delight chasing them down.

Ro swings around. Do Asher's flopping arms and legs catch Ptodek on the fly?

She'll have to wait until the feathers clear to see.

Asher gets doulbe-WHOMPED at the same time. "Just you wait until I get on my

feet," he threatens, still trying to get away from /Ro/, all the while

clutching his pillow-pregnant tummy.

Now, I could get into this, Diva seems to say. She launches from the sheets and

dives down at Jayne's pillow, putting a rip in it.

Aurian sneezes as some feathers land on her face. "Asher give me my pillow!"

She grabs another pillow from someone else's cot.

Ptodek yelps as he is clobbered by Asher's flailing limbs. Jumping back into

the fray, he attacks whomever he can reach with his pillow.

mp jaynelle devon ptodek ro=We better hope there isn't an inspection

Aurian paged Asher, Devon, Jaynelle, Ptodek, and Ro with 'We better hope there isn't an


Devon looks over at his pillow and frowns. "Diva!" Oh well, why not make the

best of it? He capsizes the pillow right over Jayne's head. "Ah, there we go."

Jaynelle screems as her pillow is ripped, causing Valor to trill protectively

and Starshine to chitter in complaint. Jayne glares at Diva as she whomps Devon

a little too hard with his pillow.

Ptodek pages to Asher, Aurian, Devon, Jaynelle, and Ro: I dunno, with Sandar

getting caught in the LC, K'tyn might just drop in to investigate :)

Asher spits out a feather and calls out loudly, "If I don't get put

down.....Aurie's pillow /gets/ it!"

More feathers fly, a whirlwind of white.

Jaynelle pages to Asher, Aurian, Devon, Ptodek, and Ro: Good time for an

inspection....think of the rp opportunities :) Of course we will really be

known as the mess ups this time.

Ptodek's pillow come crashing down on Aurian's head.

Someone calls in the feathery flurry, "Dont call me Aurie!"

Asher holds the named pillow over his head, as if any one could see it, as if

to make good on his threat.

Aurian yelps!

Devon looks around for a new pillow as his is taken away, and spots Imuna's

cot. Grinning, he takes her pillow and starts to throw blows at whoever is


You paged Asher, Devon, Jaynelle, Ptodek, and Ro with 'We could invite and

inspection. Anyone passing the candidates barracks might see feathers flying


A burst of feathers explode in the air, accompanied by the joyous squeal of

several firelizards who've just found a new game.

Ro drops Asher solidly on his behind and snatches at Aurian's pillow while he

is till stunned.

Jaynelle double whomps Devon and Asher with the pillow she has now claimed,

sending a flurry of feathers from her

Ptodek pages to Asher, Aurian, Devon, Jaynelle, and Ro: Sandar's snack-trip

might just cause the weyreleader to come investigate? :)

Aurian whirls about and whomps someone who might be Ptodek, but she can't tell.

Devon grins and takes the pillow away from Ro, holding it high in the air.

"Keep-away!" he cries out happily.

Ptodek aughs!

Asher hits the ground, wavers, and than is hit from behind. He pitches forward,

catching hold of Jaynelle's pillow and shouting, "I've still got a pillow, and

I mean to us--ppptt! Ppt ptt, augh! Feathers!"

You paged Asher, Devon, Jaynelle, Ptodek, and Ro with 'Well then someone should

mention that to him'.

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!"

From afar, to Aurian, Devon, Jaynelle, and Ro, Ptodek nods.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick balinklinklinks.

Telgar Weyr> Asher golly GOSH hopes there isn't an inspection....

Something is bouncing from cot to cot, suddenly Aurian emerges from a cloud of

feathers and whomps Asher and Devon

Telgar Weyr> K'tyn uhs...

Jaynelle holds onto the pillow strongly, with both of her hands, and tries to

pull it from Asher's grip. Of course, this only causes another pillow to break

in half and more feathers to fly through the room. Jayne quickly spreads her

half all over the small group as the momentum sets her and the pillow spiraling

backwards before landing on Robon's cot.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Anyone passing the CB might see feathers flying out"

Ptodek grabs a handful of feathers and stuffs them down the front of the

nearest girl's tunic.

Exploding into the air, sending a white cloud of floating down into the air and

Jaynelle's face.

Devon starts to say something, but his mouth is full of feathres.

Aurian shrieks and whirls around to whomp Ptodek

From afar, to Asher and Aurian, Deannus pounces her favorite candies. :-)

Ptodek auughs as he gets a face full of pillow!

Ro turns her attention from Asher to Devon, solidly thumping into him, hip

first, with the intent of knocking him down onto the cot behind him.

Asher whips his half of the pillow away and whirls, catching a poor Ro


Long distance to Asher and Deannus: Aurian snugs then gets back to the pillow


Jaynelle gives Ptodek a glare as it was her tunic that was stuffed. She

responds by stuffing the remaining set of feathers down his clothing.

From afar, to Aurian and Deannus, Asher invitesa brownrider to a brawl!

Telgar Weyr> Jessalyn says, "Ohdear."

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "oh dear nuthin this is great"

Ro catches a glimpse of what Jaynelle has done and smiles wickedly, grabbing a

handful of feather and stuffing them down the back of Asher's pants.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick chuckles wickedly and stays quiet.

Jaynelle grabs Robon's pillow and looks around for another victim. Seeing that

Ptodek is the closest, he gets whapped before she moves on with a yell "Looks

like it is girls against boys!" as she dashes behind another cot and hids in

the trail of feathers.

From afar, to Asher and Aurian, Deannus wooos! then pouts 'cause she can't join

in. Sniffle.

A green firelizard zips across the room with a torn pillow held in her claws,

scattering a long trian of white in everyone's faces...NO execptions!

Devon umphs and flops down onto the nearest cot, and he now looks like an

overstuffed armchair, tunic full of feathers, along with his mouth.

With a huge swing, Aurian's pillow connects with Devons head.

Telgar Weyr> Neliea blinks and hopes that the barracks are still safe.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina cackles gleefully.

Jehrina emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance.

Jehrina has arrived.

Stimson roars and jumps onto Aurian's back, flailing away with his pillow.

Some cries loudly from a swirl of white, "HELlo!"

The room is filled with feathers all of them whirling and white.

"Stimson get off me!" Aurian yelps.

Ptodek hurls his pillow through the air, laughing uproariously when it hits...

the Weyrwoman????

Devon looks over from the cot at the Weyrwoman and tries to stop his pillow.

Too late. It is already flying through the air, heading straight for Jehrina.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick blinks, "How in the world?"

Kestear grabs swings an already broken pillow at Aurian, trailing feathers

behind him, some of which swing accross Jehrina's face.

Chet bounds across a cot, scattering a pile of feathers, and catches Ro under

the arms, hauling her away.

Sandar emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance.

Sandar has arrived.

K'tyn emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance.

K'tyn has arrived.

Ptodek dives for his sleeping fur, wrapping himself in it quickly and blushing


Ro stops, staring at Devon and Jehrina in near shock.

Jaynelle swings low, hitting Chet as he bounces accross Imuna's cot

WHOOOSH! An over-happy green bounces up and down on a feather-filled cot,

scattering could in puffs of growing white.

Jehrina stops about a half step into the room. She blinks. Several times. Her

arm, after seventeen turns of swining a flamethrower, easily knocks the pillow

out of the way before it reaches her. She tries to school her expression into

something severe. She almost succeeds. The corners of her mouth twitch.

With a blink, Aurian gets hit by another pillow. Feathers trailling all over

her and in the air. This time however her attention is on the weyrleaders.

Devon moans and ducks a pillow slung from someone behind him. He grabs it and

raises his hand to throw it back, but his hand is hit, sending the pillow

heading for the *OTHER* Weyrleader.

K'tyn trails after a food covered Sandar. "Oh my," he says with some false

surprise. Then, "Attention!" he shouts.

Jaynelle slowly makes it accross the floor, finally climbing in her bed from

behind and pulling the covers up over her face. Somehow, she has managed to get

a fresh pillow for over her head.

Ro eeps and struggles against Chet's hold.

Sandar wanders in with the Weyrleader. Little bits of bubbly pie and redfruit

are oozing from his tunic, and small bits of wherry meat follow the lad in a

trail. His tunic is jammed packed with foodstuffs - apparently he was making

good on his word of smuggling food back for the Candidates. Unfortunately, his

technique left something to be desired - like subtlety. Nonetheless, he's here.

And... would you know it, as soon as he walks in, he gets boffed in the face

with a pillow. *SPLOOF!* Wherry feathers everywhere.

Sounding irritated, someone cries, "Girls are so much trouble! ALL because YOU

/had to have that pillow back/...."

Aurian mutters under her breath, "Well it was my pillow and I did ask for it


K'tyn looks for the offenders. "To the foot of your cots! AT ONCE!" he thunders.

Kendro snaps to a very nice attention in the back of the room, although his

guilty appearance is still demonstrated by the feather-bound clothing.

Asher freezes, poised behind Aurian, pillow just about to strike. He blinks

through a drifting white cloud and than staggers back to his cot, hissing to

the nearest candidate, "that sounded ALOT like a rider...."

Ptodek hauls the fur off his cot and stands at attention as ordered. The basket

with the remaining redfruit spills to the floor.

Devon hurriedly dashes for his cot, then grabs a non-torn pillow from someone's

cot, throwing it onto his own. A fake, innocent smile spreads across his face,

though hidden by the mass of feathers in his mouth.

Chet slides into place before his cot, trying to evacuate the feathers from his

trousers quickly.

Jehrina clenches her teeth to keep from saying, or doing, anything. She turns

her head to look at K'tyn.

Sandar looks dazedly around at the room, as though not recognizing it as the

same room he left not half an hour ago. He bolts to his cot, at which point his

tunic bursts open at the bottom and a store of food, all jumbled together in a

squishy mess, *splurts* to his feet.

Sniffing, Imuna examines her nails and blows a feather out of her perfect hair.

SHE wasn't a part of this.

Jaynelle pretends to wake up and blinks several times as she rubs her eyes and

makes it to the end of her cot, some feathers still remain in her hair though.

Aurian stumbles trying to find her cot, in this mess. She calls up to Asher,

"It is and I've heard that voice once today." She stands by her cot finally

trying to look serious, but that's hard when one is covered in enough feathers

to look like a wherry chick.

A giggle comes from the back of the room. Eyes are fixed on the feathery


Ro once Ro's feet hit the floor, having been released by Chet, she is at the

foot of her bed within seconds

Jehrina oh so carefully picks a feather or two off of her clothing.

That giggle grows and than sounds subdued, as if being strangled by half-filled


Kersti goes to the end of her cot and points "It was /them/!"

Telgar Weyr> Sandar says, "Oh great. We're dead."

K'tyn stops solicitously at the goldrider's side. "Are you well, Jehrina?" He

asks before stairing ominously about. Bald, now, after Asrai's shaving, he

seems far more menacing than ever. "Silence!"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "What's a little death"

Telgar Weyr> Devon moans and can't stay out of trouble anywhere. Glue with a

Craftmaster, feathers with Weyrleaders.

Jehrina nods, very rapidly. Funny, she still doesn't say a word.

Jessalyn emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance.

Jessalyn has arrived.

Chet clears his throat and stands at attention. A downy white feather sticks

out from his pants, and waves merrily in a draft.

@emit Feathers still drop down in clumps, the candidates having listened to the

Weyrleaders. But those firelizards are still having way too much fun.

Feathers still drop down in clumps, the candidates having listened to the

Weyrleaders. But those firelizards are still having way too much fun.

Jehrina manages to take a look at Sandar and Jessalyn, "Clean?" she asks.

Harper has left.

Ptodek winces as Harper swoops down at he and lands on his shoulder, digging in

sharply with his claws.

Boing. Boing. Boing. That green is still hopping....

Jessalyn dashes in on the heels of Jehrina, Sandar, and K'tyn, openly gaping at

the feathers floating through the barracks. "It was when I left!" Jessie half

shouts, defensively, even as she scats to the foot of her cot.

You paged Ptodek with 'I logged this'.

Ptodek pages: awesome!!

K'tyn stares at the lizards, and says but one word. "Prometh!" Faintly, from

far away, the roar of a bronze dragon is heard. All firelizards should be

trembling in their nonexistant boots. "Of course. And it will be again, yes?"

He puts his hands behind his back and starts to pace.

Asher scuffs his bare feet on the feathered ground, watching his toes curl in

the down. He rubs at his closely-shorn hair with a finger, trying not to look

up or smile. Smiling is bad.

Sandar breaks the silence of the room with a loud cough. He tries to cover his

mouth, but a few feathers escape from his lips to flutter to the floor. He

shakes his head to Jehrina. "Uh... when I said clean," he tries lamely, "I

meant um... we were in the midst of fluffing out our pillows... they look

pretty well uh... fluffed out now," he continues, the hole getting deeper. "And

um... the rest of the room was..." he sighs. "... next."

Devon grins slightly as he wipes all the feathers from his mouth, then his

clothes. Feathers are all tangled in his hair, and if you didn't know better,

you'd say he was a wherry.

Aurian stares at her nose for a minute, then carefully tries to blow the

feather off.

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Nobody knows the troubles I've seen. Nobody know my


With a shriek, All 'boing'ing firelizards freeze.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian giggles

Telgar Weyr> Asher chuckles at Cloud.

Ro nods "Yes sir. It will be."

Ptodek pages to Asher, Aurian, Devon, Jaynelle, Jessalyn, Ro, and Sandar: We

should have a Candidate Escapades page, with logs.

Jaynelle picks feathers from her now shorter hair, trying not to be noticed.

Xella and Fanira clean up their cots and slowly move to the end as well. They

are also covered in feathers.

Jehrina nods a bit, "Fluffed is't quite what I'd say about it."

Aurian nods, "Aye sir.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian hates it when things lag when they shouldn't

Sandar nods to Jehrina, looking around at all the feathers strewn about the

room. He sneezes as one of them drifts merrily past his nose. "Perhaps we got a

tad carried away," he agrees.

Jessalyn just openly stares at everyone, and casts a helpless look to the

Weyrleaders. "I swear, I don't know /anything/ about this. It really was clean

when I left..."

K'tyn stops, pivots and looks at Sandar. "Yes. I'd say the room is quite

fluffed." His mouth is a stern line, even as a wayward bit of down lands right

on the tip of his nose.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina takes away K'tyn's @emits. :)

Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins.:)

Telgar Weyr> N'kshar stumbles onto the knot.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick wonders what he's missing.

Telgar Weyr> Ro snuggahugs a cute greenrider.

Jehrina clenches her teeth again, "Well. I think you all need to get this room

cleaned up before you go to bed. Expect an inspection again with the dawn sweep

crew." Her mouth twitches once more as she looks back at K'tyn.

Telgar Weyr> R'val bonks N'kshar with a copy of Privateer 2.

Ptodek sneezes, and feathers fly out of his hair.

With a gulp, Aurian nods as she hears the Weyrwoman's order.

Telgar Weyr> N'kshar mumbles something and flops to the floor, looking rather


Drifting lightly, curling perfectly, a beautifully long and unbroken white

feather glides through the air and rests on the very center of K'tyn's nice,

bald, head.

K'tyn moves precisely, and, with a swift rush of movement, snares the fluff

from his nose. Unfortunately, it flies through his fingers and lands on his

head. He nods, supportively, at Jehrina's punishment.

Sandar backs slightly away from the Weyrleader, nearly slipping on a bit of

bubbly goo that dripped from his tunic, after hearing the tone of his voice.

Jehrina, on the other hand, gets a large series of nods, one after the other,

the entire string lasting a good while. "Cleaned up," he agrees wholeheartedly.

As the feather lands on K'tyn. Several stifled laughs can be heard, they are

really really trying not to laugh.

Jehrina nods again. "Good evening, Candidates."

Jehrina heads through the entrance to the inner cavern.

Jehrina has left.

Asher waves good bye to Jehrina, or begins to. Than he stops very very quickly.

Ptodek gulps. Can they really have gotten off that easily?

"Oh, yes. I'll see you all in --" He gets a mental confirmation. "A little over

four hours. Rest well."

K'tyn grins as he speaks.

Sandar turns to watch K'tyn, looking hopeful that the Weyrleader might be

leaving soon. Nothing personal.

Jessalyn's lower lip trembles, just a bit, before she glares around the

barracks at large. "Thank you all so much for getting me into this, when I had

nothing to do with it," she mutters quietly, as she begins to clean up the area

around her cot.

One last time, that daring green flit bounces. BOING.

There is a gasp of dismay as four hours and this barracks are collectivly


From the other side of the curtain, where the Weyrwoman just disappeared, faint

laughter can be heard, trailing off.

Jaynelle looks a little surprised by all of this as she stands there

dumbfounded. She looks over at the others "What was the punishment? I couldn't

hear over all the commotion over here."

Ptodek says "We have to clean up and get inspected again in four hours."

A white cloud rises up around K'tyn from the little green's happy bounce. And

than the green darts away. Safe is best, after all.

Ptodek eyes K'tyn.

K'tyn strides out, his shoulders very stiff. I suppose, this player notes, that

if one were in a strange mood, one might hear a certain theme song as Kiat

leaves. A theme song known as "Hogan's Heroes."

K'tyn heads through the entrance to the inner cavern.

K'tyn has left.

Ro nods "And again with the dawn sweeps.

Telgar Weyr> Sandar oh gawds at K'tyn.

Aurian shrieks with laughter, she loses what little control she has.

Ptodek collapses onto his cot, smacking his forehead.

Telgar Weyr> K'tyn cracks up. Just call me Klink.:)

Telgar Weyr> Ro laughs "Schults!!!!"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian can't stop laughing help! help!

Telgar Weyr> Ptodek dumps cold water all over Aurian.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick peers towards the CB.

At K'tyn's leaving, Sandar takes one of the few remaining full pillows, and

brings it down over Asher's head. "I don't know why," he grumbles, "but I have

this strange feeling this is YOUR fault!" He then falls down onto his

feather-covered cot and starts laughing.

Asher cries out loudly, "GOL-lee! Dawn sweeps!" Entirely too cheerful, he

bounds over his cot, catches Jessalyn up in his arms, and kisses her cheek.

Leaning back with his sideways half-smile, he says, "You may hate us. But at

least admit that we are /very/ cute."

Telgar Weyr> Aurian doesn't help

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "I know nuh-tink!"

Jaynelle slowly wipes the pillow feathers from her bed as she says "It is his

fault" and with a grin adds "isn't everything?"

Ptodek blushes. He doesn't want to hear about how cute he was, standing there

in front of the Weyrleaders with no clothes on.

And, Asher turns and throws Sandar on his back. "YOU haven't gotten hit yet!"

Jerking the pillow from Sandar's fingers, he proceeds to beat the boy into a

feathery pulp.

Jaynelle gives Asher a wink "yes we are cute"

Ro nods "Yes, it was all Asher's doing. He started it."

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "And its all logged for those who didn't have the


Asher shouts, plummeling Sandar, "IT WAS NOT!"

Ptodek smirks. "So Asher should clean it up!" he announces.

Sandar heys! At Asher. "You want to get us into more trouble?" he laughs,

pushing the lad off. "Cut that out and start sweeping - you heard the man!"

Telgar Weyr> Asher sobs. It really wasn't ME this time!

Aurian exclaims between giggles, "I want my pillow!"

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Cool, I'd love to see the logs"

Telgar Weyr> Ptodek says, "Was too!"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "You didn't give me my pillow"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Of course I think we don't have any any more"

Telgar Weyr> Jaynelle says, "I would love to see the log of this as well. I

think we have created our own little thing for the archives."

Jessalyn has disconnected.

Asher drops the now-empty pillow he'd used to assalt Sandar, and points to the

other candidate. "You want your pillow? Sandar's weairng it." He wakls back to

his cot. "And Crawlie....put some CLOTHES on....."

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "It was too you, Asher."

Telgar Weyr> Asher laughs. /Leave me alone!/

Ptodek grabs his pants and tunic, still damp, and quickly puts them on.

Jaynelle laughs "Crawlie isn't the only one who isn't fully dressed here."

Telgar Weyr> R'val leers evilly at Asher.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "I'll put it together tonight and until I find a

better place I'll attach it to my website"

Telgar Weyr> Asher says, "Aiiiee! Keep him away! -Keep him /away/-!"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "For the weyrleaders Ptodek was naked the whole time"

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "I still have my pillows. He he."

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick balinks.

Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins. Like Kiat would care!

Telgar Weyr> Sandar says, "fear, he was? Any mushrooms involved?"

Telgar Weyr> Ptodek says, "Well, I started out and ended up wrapped in my

sleeping fur!"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "But not during the actual pillow fight"

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "No mushrooms, just feathers."

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "lots of them"

Telgar Weyr> Asher mutters about candidates who squeal like girls and wear


Ptodek picks up a limp pillow case and starts to shovel feathers into it.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "Rina probly wouldn't notice either, she's been

weyrwoman too long :)"

Sandar starts helping clean up, though he missed the fun part - getting to slug

people with pillows. Rest assured, his time will come again.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian giggles.

Ro glances at Sandy's mess, noting the aroma coming from it.

Asher pulls a blanket off of his cot. "There's an easier way to get these in

one spot," he claims, and waves the blanket up and down widely, fanning a huge

cloud of white into the air and over Aurian and her cot.

As she giggles, and can't stop mind you, Aurian finds a couple brooms. She

yells again, "Asher!" She pokes him in the stomach with a broom handle, still


Sandar smirks. "Oh yeah," he notes, pointing to the foot of his bed where a

greasy pile of mushy pie, redfruits, buns, and wherry lies. "There's the food I

promised you."

Jaynelle slowly finishes her section of the room and starts to collect the pile

of feathers. She looks up as Asher moves the feathers and says with a warning

in her voice "Just keep them away from /my/ section. It is clean."

Ptodek glares at Asher. "Hey, cut that out! We'll never get it clean if they

keep getting stirred up!"

It isn't clear whether Ptodek refers to the girls or the feathers.

Asher sticks his tongue out at Ptodek and promptly get it feather-covered.


Remo emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance.

Remo has arrived.

Telgar Weyr> Sandar heads off to bed :) happy cleaning up!

Telgar Weyr> Jaynelle says, "Night Sandar"

Asher drops the blanket over Ro's head on his way out of the barracks. "I'm

going to go get some....baskets or something."

Ptodek beams. "Oh, food!" he cries, diving for the pile. He begins to stuff a

huge bun into his mouth. "Hey, it's got bubbly juice on it!" He doesn't sound

all too unhappy about that.

Remo steps in, standing at the entrance to the barracks, looking about at the

cleaning candidates.

Asher heads through the entrance to the inner cavern.

Asher has left.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Night Sandar the food man."

Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "Night Sandar. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Sandar grins.

Telgar Weyr> Asher urgs at Ptodek and is going to follow Sandar The Cloud out.

A trio of firelizards, the ones normally lurking about Aurian, start trying to

move the feathers about in puffy piles.

Ptodek hisses to the other candidates, "Who's he?"

Ro carefully plucks out one of the less muddled rolls and cleans it a bit. It

is in relatively good shape....or at least there are no feathers on it. After

some consideration, she munches it, giving in to the demands of her stomach.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia waves!

Telgar Weyr> R'val hugsa Maylia.

Jaynelle sighs with a deep breath as she moves to help the other candidates

clean their section of the room. Afterall, hers wasn't really hit as badly as

Aurian's area.

Telgar Weyr> Ptodek actually has to leave, too. Is this Candidate Curfew time?


Aurian glances over at Remo curiously, more feathers tumble down on her head.

Telgar Weyr> Ro smooches a Sandy-candi-boy.

Remo glances over at Ptodek. "Just a guy the weyrleader told to look in on you


Telgar Weyr> Asher says, "No, we just can't stand to watch you EAT, Ptodek!"

Sandar has disconnected.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "That is really nasty Ptodek I can't even leave"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Hey Maylia You missed it!"

Harper has arrived.

Ptodek jumps slightly as Harper launches himself from his shoulder with a

raucous shriek!

Ptodek goes home.

Ptodek crawls onto his cot.

Ptodek has left.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia grins, It?

Ro ever so carefully places a nice glob of the goopy food between Asher's sheet

and his cot. smoothing it over so it looks like normal.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick waves back to Malyia.

Telgar Weyr> Ptodek will see if he can't get that other log up sometime


Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "huge huge pillow battle royale"

Telgar Weyr> Maylia chuckles :)

Remo flinches and takes a step back as the shrieking firelizard goes airborne,

then leans back against the doorframe and crosses his arms over his chest, just

watching. "You all really had a pillow fight?"

Jaynelle hikes an eyebrow as her hair drops over her face, but she says

nothing. There is a broad grin slowly being hidden by auburn locks though.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Ask the Weyrleaders, though there is a log"

Through Aurian's giggles, she manages to get the word, "Aye." out.

Jaynelle moves her hair back with her left hand, the grin from watching Ro

still apparent "Not us" is said with a rather over acted voice as she, too,

starts giggling slightly.

Remo smirks, glancing over at Aurian, then to Jaynelle. "And how old are you

all?" he asks, a broad smile forming on his angular face.

Ro says "Asher started it. I swear, I never swung a pillow the whole time!"

Ro says "And I'm fourteen."

"I have 18 turns thank you very much, " Aurian laughs, "I asked him to give me

my pillow."

Jaynelle laughs, bats her eyes, and says "Sixteen"

Remo follows the answers with his head as he's answered by a chorus of voices,

nodding as if taking all of it down for future reference.

Aurian hmmms as she tilts her head, "The responsible party I believe has 19."

Jaynelle looks over at Asher with a huge grin and a slight chuckle.

"18, 16, and 14, and none of you look yours ages," Remo comments.

Ro blinks "How old do I look?"

Aurian ,still giggling, "And how old do I look?" She places her hands on her

hips interrupting her sweeping.

Remo looks to Ro. "You look a little older." He points at Aurian. "Younger," to

Jaynelle. "Slightly younger."

Aurian snorts, "how much younger?

Remo shrugs. "Sixteen, maybe. Fifteen with the short hair>"

Ro shrugs "Yeah, Da did think 'lani and I looked the same age....and she has a

couple turns on me."

Jaynelle smirks with a 'feline ate the vtol' grin

With a sigh, Aurian glances up at the short now feather streaked red mass, "I

knew it."

Remo loosk at Jaynelle, mirroring the look on his own face. "What's that look

for?" Back to Aurian. "It's cute, really, just makes you look younger."

With a loud bugle, a tiny bronze firelizard jumps into a pile of feathers in

front of Remo, they fly straight up.

Aurian grins at Remo, "Thanks."

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick peers at the LC.

Jaynelle cocks and eyebrow and says "Nothing" with a very large grin remaining

"I guess I don't mind looking younger. It is in my best interest when I'm old,

like 25"

"What the....!" erupts from the man's mouth, and he flies backwards to avoid

the flying whatever-it-was that just rushed up at him, tipping over backwards

and landing on his backside. "Ooof!"

Ro lifts and eyebrow "Why do you think I look older?"

You paged Deannus with 'you would have loved it'.

The mass of feathers land all over Remo.

And with that the tiny bronze winks *between*.

Jaynelle breaks out into a fit of laughter before looking at Remo and saying

"Are you alright?"

Remo slowly stands up, groaning and brushing feathers off his clothing. "Aw,

shells..." he mutters. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just battered my dignity a bit."

Jaynelle nods and then laughs louder "It was a bronze" can sort of be heard

through the laughter "But I'm not sure it sort of looked like a miniture wherry"

Remo smirks, and continues to brush the feathers off, then looks over at Ro.

"Not look, really. You carry youself older. More mature," he belatedly answers

her question.

Ro looks somewhat mollified by that answer.

Remo grins, and looks around the room, having finished cleaning himself off.

One hand slips back to rub his backside where he landed a moment before, the

other dangling by his side. "What colors are you all pulling for?"

Aurian shakes her head, "I don't know yet." She returns to her sweeping

remebering they only have so much time before inspections.

Remo walks into the room. "Got another broom?" he asks, looking between Aurian

and Jaynelle almsot warily. "I'll help."

Jaynelle smiles back at Remo "Thanks" as she hands him one of the larger

brooms. She is working under the cots with a small wisk broom at the moment"

Smiling at Remo, Aurian just says, "Thanks."

Remo takes the broom, and begins to sweep with you all, quickly forming a floor

layered in feathers into a rather large pile. He's apparently used to this type

of work. "Where are you all from?" He glances over at Aurian. "You're a Healer,

right? Didn't you tell me that?"

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina starts closing up to go to bed. Night folks :)

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Night Jehrina."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia wavies night to the WW lady :)

Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "Night. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina :)

Telgar Weyr> Ro blows a kiss to her most idolized WW.

Telgar Weyr> Halam waves nitey nite to the WW

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "night Jehrina"

A thump can be heard from under one of the cots as Jayne moves around to get

something at the back. "Ich" and another small pike is wisked out with

something that looks like a sevenday old hidden bit of bubbly pie.

Telgar Weyr> Jaynelle says, "Night Jehrina"

Ro carefully cleans her cot and the area around it, as well as part of Sandar's

area and Mehlani's, since they are to either side of her.

Aurian nods to Remo, "Born and raised at Telgar hold, and then apprenticed at

Healer." She sweeps careful nt to make the pillows poof up in a mess.

Remo smirks as he sweeps. "Looks like someone's been hoarding snacks," he says,

and looks over his shoulder at Aurian and nods.

Aurian chuckles, "Sandar filled a request for Ptodek." She sweeps more and more

of the feathers, surpriesed when she actually sees floor.

Jaynelle moves on to the next cot, still sweeping underneath, where the larger

brooms have problems reaching "I was born at Fort Weyr, but raised WoodCraft.

Da was posted at Fort Weyr then sent back to WoodCraft Hall in Lemos when he

made master. Now he is at Tillek and Master SeaCraft. What request did Sandar

fill for Ptodek?"

Remo looks over at Aurian and nods, also wondering.

Ro shrugs slightly "I was born here, raised here. Pretty borin'."

Remo grins at Ro. "Not really. You're one of the first people I met here,

remember? And I've never regretted staying on."

Jaynelle grins as she moves to work under another bed "I like it here. The

friends I made are important to me."

Ro smiles "I remember. You gave me a scarf, even."

Remo nods, and stops sweeping, propping his chin on the end of the broom. "Do

you still have that?"

Aurian sweeps carefully, "Ptodek felt that we needed more snacks in here." She

pushes more of the feathers into a larger pile.

Ro nods "It's in the bottom of my press. I'll get it out when the weather turns


Remo nods, his eyes hazing out, reflecting on something internal.

Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Night, gang."

Telgar Weyr> Jaynelle says, "Night R'val"

Neliea emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance.

Neliea has arrived.

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Night R'val"

There are Candidates sweeping everywhere. Piles of feathers are being put away.

Jaynelle looks up as Neliea enters the room "Hi Neliea."

Neliea slips in, and makes her way to her cot. Seeing feathers on the cot, she

blinks. Glancing over at Jaynelle, she smiles. "Hi."

Jaynelle climbs back under a cot and goes about sweeping out feathers with a

wisk broom.

Remo looks over from leaning against his broom, and smiles to Neliea. "Evening>"

Neliea smiles over at Remo, "Evening." Another glance goes to her cot, sighing

quietly. "I guess that I missed something?"

Remo grins, going back to sweeping. "Pillow fight."

At the words pillow fight, giggles filter through the room again.