No Butts About It


No Ifs, Ands, Or Butts


Shake Your Rump-ah


She's Got Leggggggs

Ok those are all the titles, I swear. Really. The first two I will note should be attributed to Kassima. OK I'm trying to come up with a description of this one but its rather difficult. Its one of the longest logs ever, well worth it all the way. I want to thank†everyone who was in it, because it’s a priceless bit of infamy now. ;) Infamy is good. It starts out in the weyrling barracks and ends up in the Tidal Pool at Southern Boll. Again thank you, oh and D'thon I was going to jump on K'tyn's lap but Kharty beat me there. Sowwwwwwwwwie. J


Weyrling Barracks(#258RAHJ$)

This immense cavern is the home for weyrling pairs. A huge opening is the entrance, leading to the ground level bowl. The floor is not quite smooth, being gauged with numerous scratches and cracks, from the clumsy undergrown claws on equally clumsy dragonets. The indentations on the floor, made by millenial pressure of the growing dragons, are quite suggestive of their purpose. Most of them have furs in one corner of them, as the new riders sleep as near their lifemates as they can. A particular odour lingers in the air here, not quite pleasant.

A large, dragon-sized opening leads out of the barracks back into the Central Bowl.











Weyrlingmaster's Desk

Obvious exits:


Neliea smiles at Aurian as she looks back towards Kharty and frowns faintly. "Leathers still? But everyone needs a day where they can dress up." She's determined to so something. Just what is the question.

Aurian glances of the others, "What's this about dressing up?"

Kharty frowns at Neliea then looks toward Aurian, hoping for someone who agrees with her. "Nel wants me to commission a 'dress'."

Neliea explains to Aurian, "Dressing up for the Apple Festival, if we can attend it." Glancing at Kharty, she tilts her head. "She's refusing a dress for the event."

Aurian grins, "O⁨ good then I can finally wear that dress my sister made for me. She's a weaver. It really is qu⁩te lovely."

Aurian gazes up at Kvasith, "I wish it was brown, but green can be just as lovely."

Neliea smiles, "I think that mine's going to be a light blue, but I'll have t be on an errand run to Ista in order to get it." Ready to talk dresses, she grins at Aurian. "What is you dress like?" Details?

Aurian walks to her press, the one she seldomn opens and starts to pull out the gown. *I'm going to spam you all

The thing that first catches your attention about this dress, is the color green it is. Vivid, dark, and myst⁥rious as the jungles of Nerat. Its color make Aurian's eyes darken to a forest color. The velvet flows like a slow moving river. Her skirt is full and moves in anyway it wills. The neck of the dress plunges slightly, to a slight point, edged†with thin gold riband. The sleeves of her dress are snug and long, about the wrists the gold ribbon is repeated again. From just below her breasts to about waist level the gold ribbon begins to lap and overlap over her torso, pointing downward in a fishboned effect, hiding the green material below the banding. The way the ribbons bind, show the litheness of her figure. Gold is again vis⁩ble at her hem in a thin border.

Aurian holds it up to herself, "See?"

Aurian smoothes her hand over the material, "I haven't been able to wear it yet."

Kharty nods to Aurian, looking at the green dress. "It's lovely!", she smiles, then adds, half under her breath, "but not for me. Dresses? Bah."

Neliea looks over the dress and nods, "It's really gorgous, Aurian. Are you going to find an escort or just going?"

Aurian points at Kharty, "Nope, you have to wear one. You don't want to make them think the weyr doesn't take care of its weyrlings." She glances to Neliea, "I don't know." She smiles a bit ruefully.

Neliea's eyes twinkle amusedly, while just /tryin⁧/ not to laugh at Aurian's statement. "Hmm, Aurian has a good point there Khar. You'll have to dress up to keep Telgar's image up as a Weyr," she muses wit⁨ the barest hint of amusement.

Kharty blinks at Aurian as if trying to understand her words. "But the weyr doesn't give us dresses...", she answers. "Besides, I lost all my marks at Fort's hatching." Simple. Direct. No marks to buy one.

Aurian tilts her head at Kharty, "Oh?" She then glance⁳ to Neliea.

"But I offered to lend her the marks when we were in Ista," Neliea replies smoothly as she folds her arms across her chest. "You can always pay me back if you want, though it's not needed." There. Problem solved.

Kharty ohs, quietly, desperately trying to think up an excuse now. "But...,", she pauses longer than normal.

Aurian nods, "I have marks, I can lend as well." She grins at Kharty, "Close your mouth dear, you look like a fish. And you don't have to worry, we won't tell your cousin."

Neliea smiles happily, "Then it's settled. Instead of Ista, we can always go to Igen. My brother should be there this time of year and there should be a seamstress there." Glancing at Aurian, she winks, "And no one here has to know that you're getting a dress."

Aurian giggles, "We could go to weaver as well." She smiles, "SO shall we do some traveling then? I have some time."

Kharty puckers her mouth and snorts, looking back down at her press, "This is all so unnecessary. I can go in these. Well, at least get new ones from Richenda."

Aurian snorts, "She'd say the same thing! You are not going to a gather like that."

Neliea nods, "And she'll make a bigger deal of it too."

Jayna slides off of Sioneth's couch.

Sioneth slides off of Sioneth's couch.

Aurian pockets her parcel of marks before she puts away her dress.

Jayna blinks, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she yawns. "Don't tell anybody. I feel asleep while I was studying formations," she says sheepishly to her fellow weyrlings.

Kharty shakes her head, still frowning. Flicking a hand at the group, she says, "Go get your frilly stuff. I'll stay here. Got lots of work to do....."

Aurian giggles at Jayna, "You are forgiven." She pushes her brown out of her way, "Faranth! I'll be glad when we have our own weyrs." She shakes her head at Kharty, "Nooo you are not making the weyr look shabby!"

Neliea stands up and off of her press, quickly opening it and taking ou4 her small bag of marks. Securing it on her leathers, she grins at Jayna. "That's okay. Are you up to take a small trip?" Looking back to Khart⁹, she pro°s both hands on her hips and says, "Oh, no. You're comming too. Wouldn't want us to misstate your size."

Jayna blinks. Sioneth comically mimics his riders expression, although his eyes are whirling. Do dragon and rider begin to resemble each other, like Turns-long married couples? "A...trip? To where?" she asks, curiously.

Neliea smiles, "To Igen. I recall a seamstress that lives there, or heard about in a letter from my brother. We're going to see if she's free to do a comission."

Jayna raises her eyebrows...not, perhaps, at the though of a commission,

but.... "Oh, a new visualization! I'd love to come," she says promptly.

Kharty grouses there by her press. "Look." she begins, "All I need is a new set of leathers from Richenda. Tell you what? How about if I get Kyria to stitch them real nice on the edges in blue? How's that?"

Aurian pushes Kharty towards Virroth, "Now now, You will go and you will get a dress."

Asrai walks in from the bowl.

Neliea nods as she straps Xylath, and looks over at Asrai, nodding. "Good day, ma'am."

Kharty sputters, and considers decking Aurian, she's that set against this 'dress' thing. "Asrai!", Khar calls out. Maybe Asrai'll understand.

Jayna blinks again, leaning against Sioneth. "Oh, we don't have to -buy-

things, do we?" she asks, rather panicked. As Asrai enters, she turns to smile. "Afternoon, ma'am!" she says cheerily.

Asrai steps into the barracks, her boots clicking softly on the stone. She blinks a the scene, pausing as she reaches the others. "Kharty, Jayna, weyrlings...what's going on here?"

Aurian keeps directing Kharty towards the blue dragonet, "Neliea you explain it."

Kharty spins around to whap Aurian's hands then turns toward Asrai. "Dresses. Shards, ma'am," she finally remembers her manners, "All I need for the gat⁨er is a new set of leathers." Looking at Neliea, she continues, "Seems that's not good enough for.. them."

Jayna responds quickly. "We were about to get a new visualization, ma'am. For Igen," she says neutrally.

Aurian whaps back at Kharty's hands. She wrinkles her nose.

Aurian shakes her head at Kharty, "You are not going to a gather in leathers!"

Neliea smiles to Asrai as she steps from behind Xylath, "We were just going to see about getting a new /dress/ for Kharty, just in case we can go to the Apple Festival. Would you like to join us?" The more the merrier and less chance for Khar to escape.

Asrai smiles, shaking her head. "Now girls..that will be enough whacking. You still need to set an example for your lifemates. As for a dress for the gather. I think it would be a good idea Kharty. While leathers are nice, we'll not be having everyone thinking that Telgar riders can't afford new clothes for the gather."

Jayna blinks at Asrai. "Uh....dresses are -required-, ma'am?" She grins. "I have to admit, I'm with Kharty, at least this time. How about incredibly -nice- leathers?"

Aurian nods in agreement with Asrai, "That's what I said."

Neliea looks between Jayna and Kharty and sighs. -Two- people now? Oh, good Farnath help this dress hating group.

Kharty has been fuming until she hears Jayna's words. Misery loves company, right? "Yeah, how about if we get someone to make *really* nice leathers?"

Jayna nods enthusiastically, leaning back against Sioneth with a mischievous grin. "That's right....REALLY nice ones," she winks at Kharty.

Asrai shakes her head. "Girls, girls girls. You've been in nothing /but/

leathers for some time now. Now a nice blouse and skirt might do. I've seen some that look just as nice as dresses..especially with a vest." She looks at each. "You, however, should be comfortable. If you think you'd look /that/ bad in a dress..I'm certain we could find a weaver to make a nice pants outfit....but no leathers."Aurian folds her arms acrosss her chest, "Dresses. I mean after all not only would you be neglecting Telgar's reputation but Benden's as well. After all they're the ones who made all the changes here. I remember what old Telgar was like, it was no4 pleasent."

Kharty takes her hands and pulls out her handme down j⁡cket, much too big. "Now if THIS were just nicer, well,†maybe even fit right, maybe died in a different color, maybe.. Hey! Kassima told me one day when she was mentoring me that she had worn *really* nice leathers to a gather!" Hmmph. Rider-backup!

Aurian smiles slowly, "Aye, but Kassima's not here."

Neliea finishes strapping in Xylath and turns to Jayna, ready to push her towards Sioneth. "And dresses are not that bad." There's her quarter marks worth, but looks at the jacket in Kharty hands and just blinks. "Aurian has a point," rider-backup indeed.

Asrai smirks, "You're going to take fassion advice from Kassi? HAve you /seen/ some of the things she wears? Not very feminine at all."

Jayna sighs. "And I remember Benden's, and it doesn't seem to me that anybody -forced- you to wear things that were...well, frivolous. I mean, what if we need to shuttle Holders? Which is likely, since we're weyrlings. I, for one, don't intend to mount Sioneth and go between in a -skirt-! The Weyr's reputation definitely wouldn't be enhance by the sight of me adragonback, with a skirt fluttering up over my ears."

Kharty shrugs. "So why do we have to be feminine? I mean," she pulls her jacket out even more so. Isn't it what's inside that counts?"

Aurian rakes her hands through her hair, "The pair of you are impossible!"

Jayna grins at Kharty. "Hear, hear," she says supportively. She laughs at Aurian's comment.

Asrai chuckles, "Yes, of course its what's inside that counts. But part of what is in side /is/ feminine. Unless of course you're /afraid/ for people to notice you really are female...and not just a rider.."

That word, afraid, really sticks in Khar's craw. With a hmmph, her chin juts out. "I'm not afraid. It's just that... well.. could you see me with ribbons all aflutter? Ugh. It's just not... me."

Neliea sighs as she leans against Xylath, while in silent agreement with

Aurian. She's ready to who needs to be pushed outside? She's never heard of disliking dresses. Heaing Asrai's comment gets her to smiling mischeviously, "Oh, but who said anything about ribbons, Khar?"

Asrai chuckles at that, nearly bent over. Does wonders to cover the rather triumphant look in her eyes at scoring a point on Kharty with the 'afraid' comment. When she looks up its gone. "Exactly. You never see /me/ wearing ribbons. Nor that lacey stuff for that matter."

Jayna grins at Kharty. "Stick with me, Khar...they can't -force- us to wear dresses. And a nice simple gather tunic and pants might be nice, don't you think?"

Aurian cracks her knuckles, she's prepared to force them.

Asrai sighs, thorwing her hands into the air. "Can we move this discussion to Igen? We're wasting good shopping time." Get them into the shop..then force..

Kassima walks in from the bowl.

Aurian nods to the wingleader. Her eyes firmly on Jayna and Kharty.

Neliea nods eagerly to Asrai and nods to Kassi. She's still watching Jayna and Kharty.

Kassima pops her head in, and calls, "G'devening. I hope I'm nay interrupting aught, 'Lings, but I had this burning curiousity as t'why Jidannith was asking Lyss about m'Gather leathers?" She gestures towards the blue 'Ling dragon in question.

Asrai chuckles, "We were just about to make a shopping trip, Kassi."

Kharty looks toward her mentor and grouses some more. "But but... I ask you again... could you see me in, that, well, frilly stuff? It's not, well, it's not.."

"Oh! And someone wanted t'know how *practical* Gather-wear looks, without any of that lace and ribbon nonsense?" Kassima nods in approval. "Very sensible. I'm certain someone down in Igen can design you lot some glorified riding leathers." She grins at Kharty, then. "You should only wear frills if'n you want to. If'n you don't want to, you won't carry 'em right and will wind up looking ridiculous. Stick with riding gear; any woman worth her salt knows that you can't go wrong with leather!"

Aurian looks ready to strap Kharty to Virroth herself, "You are going in a dress!"

Asrai tilts her head to the side, "Geesh Kharty, you're as stubborn as a Telgar Snowstorm. We didn't say anything about /frills/. We said /dress/, skirt and blouse..that sort of thing." She just shakes her head at Kassi's comment.

Neliea frowns slightly, "But not everything dressy /has/ to be frilly,

Wingleader." That's her opinon.

Kassima does allow, perhaps a touch reluctantly, "True. I do own a few gowns for when there's nay getting around 'em, and I certainly don't °ut any of that *lace* crud on them. Eeeeyach. But if'n my mentee doesn't want t'wear a dress, then she doesn't *have* t'wear a dress."

Neliea looks to Arasi for any help here. She can't disagree with a Wingleader, yet. She's only a weyrling who wants to put her friends in a dress. Each of them.

Kharty is so elated to hear someone agree that she stomps right over to

Kassima, but not before 'bumping' into Aurian's boot. "I am sooo glad to hear someone who understands!"

Asrai chuckles, "Kharty...she just admitted to wearing dresses..."

Aurian yowls as her foot gets 'bumped' but good! She grabs at her booted foot and GLARES at Kharty, "Lots of lace and lots of ruffles," The red headed weyrling threatens.

Kassima responds promptly, "Aye, but only when I feel like it. I find the glorified leathers *much* more practical, and nay anyone's ever claimed 'twas disgracing the Weyr in 'em. If'n all else fails, a'course, there's always the kilt... but that can get a wee bit drafty if'n you've cause t'do any *between*ing."

Kharty returns Aurian's glare with one of her own. "Look," she finally sighs, glancing at Kassima for support, "how about this? How about if we see if the seamstress can suggest something in leather? If she can't, well... I'll *think* about something else."

Asrai gives an offhanded shrug, "Like I said. We all know you look good in leathers. But if you're afraid to be seen ain a dress. Hey...who are we to force you? I can understand...I'm sure everyone can...right Aurian?

Kassima nods in agreement with that one. "Makes sense t'me. 'Twill be your marks, and you who has t'do the wearing. You should be the one to decide what you'll get." She shudders dramatically. "The very thought of having t'wear *frills*... aigh. The horror! The horror!"

Aurian scowls, "So long as its attractive and not... scruffy and looks


Neliea sighs yet again as she glares over at Kharty for not going with a dress. Nodding to Aurian, she agrees and adds, "And feminine."

Asrai shakes her head, "Geesh, you people and your 'frills'. No one else has emtioned them at all. With as much time as you spend raving agaisnt might think you secretly wanted someone to force you into wearing them."

Kassima asks, perhaps unwisely, "What's the big deal about looking feminine? Nay that I object to it m'self, but 'tis a Gather, nay a--oh, don't start, Asrai! You know me better'n that!"

Kharty nods emphatically toward Kassima. "Well, ma'am, you see, I lost all my marks at the Fort hatching. They've said they'll pay for it.." She shrugs, "Guess they think they can say what we get."

Neliea stifles a giggle at Asari's comment, though her eyes are laughing

something fierce in any case.

Asrai chuckles, slapping her thigh. "Oh, now /that/ part I didn't know. So, you aren't the one paying for the finery, eh Kharty?"

Kassima shudders dramatically at that. "Kassima! Kassima! Kassima!" she chants emphatically. "*Nay* ma'am! So they're blackmailing you into frills, are they?" She eyes the other Weyrlings thoughtfully. "We'll just see about that one... but perhaps we're giving them too little credit. After all, everyone's surely willing to admit that there's more than one style of dress that's acceptable in a formal situation."

Aurian smiles brightly at Kharty. "Blue velvet"

Kassima makes a face at that. "Black leather," she advises Kharty in turn. "Or wherhide. With silver and deep blue trim. It'd look fabulous, I'm certain."

Aurian shudders at Kassima, "I'll agree to some leather or wherhide, but not all!"

Neliea inwardly grimaces at the mention of black leather, "I'll keep to

Aurian's blue velvet. It'd look a lot nicer and match Virroth's hide."

Kharty steps outward from Kassi a bit and throws her hands out to her side. "Now do I look like a blue velvet kind of person? Shards, Aurian, have you ever seen these legs in a 'dress'?" Putting her hands on her pants waistband, she begins to undo the fasteners. Talk about frustrating.

"And what," Kassima demands, "is the problem with black leather? M'own Gather gear is black wherhide and leather! And while I'm certain I'm nay anyone's idea of a lady when I wear it, I'm nay out t'be a lady, I'm apt t'have a good time without putting the Weyr t'shame. Isn't that what you're after too, Kharty?"

Aurian tosses her hands in the air, "Kharty, no one will see your legs if they are covered in a dress!"

Asrai shakes her head, wondering if half the croud in the barracks has gone deaf. "People! Please, we never said /⁡nything/ about lace, frills, ribbons..or anything of the sort. Black leather is fine, its comes in real handy when in thread fall. But in my opinion, it lacks something when it comes to gathers and festivals." she looks ot Kharty, "Besides.. what's wrong with your knock kneed or something?"

Kharty nods emphatically as her pants drop down to her knees. Wiggling her long legs, she points. "See? Nothing like this should be seen outside this barracks! Let alone a gather!"

Neliea nods, "Besides, some dresses are just lovely and the onl⁹ way people will see your legs.." Blink. Blink. Yep at Kharty.

K'tyn walks in from the bowl.

Aurian looks down at her short legs then blinks at Kharty's rather long ones, "T⁨ere is nothing wrong with those legs!"< P>

Kassima says firmly, "Well, in my opinion, it serves just fine for Festivals. It makes ne look professional and rider-ish. Besides, black leather is *nay* an unattractive vestment! At least, I certainly hope nay!"

Asrai looks over Kharty's legs, "They look fine to me. I don't see what the problem is." she looks over and sees K'tyn, giving a definite sigh of relief. "K'tyn, thank Faranth..a guy's opinion. Do you see anything wrong with Kharty's legs?" She points at the girl, standing there with her pants around her ankles."

K'tyn pauses near the door, hearing voices from within. "Uh Asrai- -Are you in here?" He smiles rathe⁲ uncertainly at the others, making it clear that he's come to ask something of his errant wingsecond.

Kassima waves over to the other Wingleader. "K'tyn," she calls over, "will you tell these strange people that there is *naught* wrong with wearing black leather riding gear t'Festivals?"

Asrai points again for K'tyn, even going so far as to move a couple weyrlings out of the way and drag him forward. "Look at Kharty's see anything wrong with them that they wouldn't look good in a dress?" Poor Kharty..yeah right!

Kharty just about dies from embarassment, hearing K'tyn's voice behind her. Leaning over to clutch at the pants, she struggles to bring them up over her rump. Red isn't the right word here. "Uh.. is that K'tyn back there?" she whispers at Neliea, voice crackling and raspy.

Kassima, intent as she is on a mission of mercy, decides to be merciful indeed and casually steps between Kiat and her half-unclothed mentee.

Aurian tilts her head, "Most of the Lower Cavern Girls would kill for legs like that."

Neliea slowly turns her head as looks towards the entrance. Sure enough,

there's K'tyn. "Um, yes Khar," come the slow murmur as she blinks again. That's a whole lot of blinking going on.

K'tyn blinks, uh... Legs? As in female-type legs? A dark red stain rises up from Kiat's neck to suffuse his face and ears with color. Swallowing--Or is that gulping--he offers a bright grin to the assembled females. "Uh... They†look nice to me, and I think that Kassi's perfectly correct about wearing riding gear. Tis acceptable, yes. Though..." He sneaks another look. "Dresses are nicer."

Aurian watches even the top of K'tyn's head turn red, "See he agrees with us Kharty!"

Asrai beams..just beams. "See?" She turns back towards Kharty, hands on her hips, only then looking slightly puzzled. "Kharty..why are you hiding?"

Kharty glances backwards, seeing Kassima behind her. In her haste to yank up those pants, a rather loud rip is heard. "SHARDS!",she bellows, collapsing to the floor.

Kassima folds her arms and objects, "They are *nay*! Why, I've been told a'fore that Jh'rin looks better in dresses than I do, but nay anyone says aught when I wear black leather riding gear." Usually because she tends to be proddy when she's doing so outside of Gathers, of course, but apparently no one has informed her of this. We may be silly, but we're not /stupid/.

Aurian leans over and tries to pull Kharty back onto her feet.

Kassima spins about at the loud rip, and just claps one hand over her eyes. Without a word, she pulls off her jacket and holds it out to Kharty, in case the Weyrling would like to cover up whatever has just been revealed to all and sundry.

Kharty snatches Kassi's jacket, trying at the same time to smack Aurian's arms as they reach out toward her. Giving Aurian a look that would melt the ice in all of Pern, she wraps the jacket about her waist as she stands. Summoning all her courage, she salutes K'tyn, chin jutted out defiantly. "G'd day, sir." Oops. jacket's sagging..

Aurian smacks back at the blue weyrling.

Never mind that the eye-catching jacket in blaringly bright rainbow colors is just bound to draw attention *to* the problem area instead of away from it, which is probably not a good idea if it's sagging. "Methinks you'll need another pair of pants t'go shopping in," Kassima observes, trying her darndest not to just fall back on her rump and howl with laughter.

Asrai hrms, "Well, looks like you'll be getting new leathers no matter what happens, Kharty." She still doesn't see what the problem is. Sometimes riders have memories like their dragons..real short..if not, she'd be much more sympathetic towards Kharty. "Ladies..remember what I said about providing an example for your lifemates." she then turns back to K'tyn. "Sir? Sir? Was there something you wanted to see me about?"

K'tyn laughs, quietly. "I think...I'll step outside," he says at last, quite unable to completely tear his eyes from the revealed portions of Kharty's anatomy. "Good day indeed." Yep, yep! Slowly, he pivots to move outside, stopping as Asrai adresses him. "It can wait, just a matter of some words on your report that I was unable to decipher."

Neliea was out of the way, or so she thought standing close to Kharty. Noting the jacket, she reaches into her press and just tosses anything large enough to cover her friend. Flying to Khar is nothing else than...a dress?? Oops.

Asrai hrms, "Couldn't decipher? Oh yes..that part. I'll make a new copy for you..Asraian decided to help mommy do her reports."

Aurian crosses her arms over her chest and looks at Kharty, "Well if you don't believe that your legs are good enough, maybe more folks should be brought in to judge!" She knows she is being mean, but shard it Kharty is driving her mad!

Kassima mutters something that may be, "Please, please let her have spare pants; I know she's m'mentee, but there are some things at which I must draw the line at lending," and then again may not. She eyes Aurian as if the Weyrling has gone mad. "A'course there's naught wrong with Kharty's legs. Which is why she should be able t'wear leathers if'n she wants to."

K'tyn turns a bit to nod at Asrai and smiles again at Kharty's pleasant form as he catches sight of her again. "Coming right along, is he? Tis not something I was worried about but..."

Neliea gets an evil twinkle in her eyes as she look at Aurian and adds, "Maybe we should have a contest for the best legs and let the Weyr vote." Not to mention that Kharty is going to be in the competion too /and  a dress.

Aurian snorts, "My pants are too short for her."

Kharty probably couldn't be much redder on, well, all parts of her body.

Fingers grope, trying to yank up the pants, hold together the ripped part back there on her butt, and stand, defiantly. Probably the most courageous thing she's done so far. "Look, I DON'T WANT A DRESS!" Now she's had it! She's of no nevermind WHO sees her now. Stomping about the barracks, jacket flying, pants about her ankles, she says, "I want just plain old new leathers, shardit! Nothing else!"

Kassima shudders drastically at the mention. "I," she announces, just in case there was any doubt, "am staying far, far, far away from that one. Don't worry, Kharty! We'll save you from dress-ness!"

Asrai's smile blossems as she looks over her shoulder at Aurian. "What a

wonderfull idea. Or..we could just have a private showing in the living

cavern...we already have K'tyn's vote." She looks a bit taken aback at Kharty's vehement words. "Kharty, just calm down."

Asrai adds, "No one said you had to wear a dress at the could just go without like you didi for K'tyn."

Kassima can't resist pointing out, "Asrai... the words 'private' and 'living cavern' don't even belong in the same *sentence*."

Asrai shrugs, " least its not PErn wide.."

K'tyn just stares at Asrai, then laughs himself at Kassi's well made point. "Even so, Kassi. Though I must say -- Tis a lovely sight all the same."

Kindre walks in from the bowl.

Asrai looks ⁢ack and catches K'tyn's stare, "What'd I say?"

Kassima waggles one finger at K'tyn. "You, Kiat, are a letch. Will you people please consider the fact that she may nay *want* t'parade around clothesless in front of you all? How can this possibility *escape* you?"

Jayna glances around, having dealt with a long-winded question of Sioneth's. She sighs. Why -do- dragons need to know about clothing? "Kharty, what's going on?" As Kindre enters, she nods. "Evening, Weyrwoman."

Kindre slips inside and, upon seeing more faces than usual, smiles. "Evening all," starts Kindre's words before the current conversation filters in. Auburn brows arch slightly as she glances around. "Do I even want to know," she wonders as a smirk curls one side of her lips.

Aurian grumbles, "Well I'm not the one who made her drop trou."

Neliea blinks as the Weyrwoman enters and nods, "Hello Weyrwoman." That's about all she can manage for now. Better to stay quiet instead of anything else.

Kharty stands there, leather pants hanging down on her ankles somewhat with a large tear down the butt part of the pants, Kassima's jacket wrapped around her waist. Defiantly, she puckers her lower lip outwards. "G'd day, ma'am."

K'tyn smiles at Asrai. "Private Showing in the Living Cavern?" he repeats for her edification, turning to beam at Kindre. "Light of my heart! You look lovely--" Is his gaze perhaps a bit more intent than usual? Mayhap. But his smile is twice as gentle. "Oh, I think there's some foo about Kharty wearing a dress to a gather. And her legs, or somesuch."

Aurian smiles politely at the Senior Weyrwoman, the expression on her face a 180 from what it was before, "Evening Ma'am."

Asrai smiles brightly, misunderstanding K'tyn's comment, "See, /I/ thought it was a good idea, too." She then looks over at Kindre, "Hello there Ma'am. We were just discussing the finer points of wearing a nice dress..without a gather. Oh, then Kharty had an acident while showing us her legs."

Kassima turns about to salute Kindre sharply, of course. "G'deve, Kin. Will you please help me tell these lunatics that one doesn't *have* t'wear dresses t'look feminine at Gathers? Faranth's sake!"

Aurian raises her hand, "But she wants to wear plain leathers, she'll make the weyr look†shabby!"

Jayna blinks. "Why would somebody necessarily want to look feminine?" she asks, curiously.

Kindre's brows stay arched even as a wide smile if offered to her weyrm⁡te. "Thank you," is her reply to K'tyn before she says, "You're looking in good spirits...and quite handsome as always." Moving o6er to find herself a seat, she then bobs her head. "What's this about your legs, Kharty? I think I mayhaps have missed quite a bit." Asrai's explanation seems to clear things up a bit as Kindre is nodding once again. "Ah. Oh, Kassi, you're right...I sometimes wear dress leathers to Gathers myself, actually."

Neliea clears up for Jayna, "Because you a girl and should /dress/ up once and a while." Oh shells. The weywoman didn't help that dress issue. Hmm, what else can be thought of.

Kassima shrugs at Jayna. "Eh, I usually wear something *moderately* feminine, just for kicks--and t'see people do double-takes. But if'n *men* can get away with wearing plain leathers, then *women* can also! See? Just listen t'Kin!"

Jayna nods. "And I -still- maintain that the Weyrlings'll be doing a lot of the shuttling, and I, for one, have NO intention of flying in something impractial," she smiles at Nel.

Asrai rolls her eyes, Kindre's comment not helping at all. "You know..I got Lani to wear a dress at the last gather. She looked absolutely /lovely/. And it didn't have /any/ frills." She waggles a finger at Kassi, "I've seen you wear dresses more then just 'moderately' feminine, Kassi."

Kassima insists staunchly, "Moderately! Fully feminine things have *lace* and *ruffles* and *ribbons* and *bows* and *flowers* and other such utter nonsense."

Jayna edges closer to Kassi, nodding enthusiastically to show her agreement. "A dress is fine...I just don't see why you all're so sharding -compelled- to wear one," she grins.

Aurian shakes her hair out, "There is no reason why a dress can't be practical."

Kharty shuffles backwards to send a bump quite nicely to Aurian's chest, hanging on tightly to Kassima's jacket. Eyeing a chair, she then manages to shuffle over to it, sitting down with a thump. Phew, rip's hidden now. Eyes glancing over the group, she mumbles to Kindre, "Just don't like dresses, ma'am. I suggested dress leathers, and THEY," she emphasizes with a glaring look, "seem to think that's what I'll get‮ Problem is, I lost all my marks at the Fort hatching. They offered to commission a dress for me. Don't want a dress."

Kassima adds, shudderingly, "And if'n you try t'buy a gown, next thing y'know, the Weavers will have cornered you to discuss what kind of underclothing goes with it. There is *naught* more embarrassing than that. 'Tis why I commission all m'dresses from m'cousin, who isn't about t'start asking weird questions about underwear. But if'n you buy leather, nay anyone cares whether you've got weird freaky frilly things t'wear under it!"

Asrai snorts, "Those aren't totally feminine...those are plain silly in my opinion." She gets a rather bold moment and comments to Kassi, "So? Just tell them you don't wear any."

"I'd suggest, though," Kindre offers towards Kharty, "that you try a dress at least once. Mayhaps not at the next Gather, but at one of them. It's surprising how a little frill makes one feel and look. You are representing Telgar any time you visit someplace else." Listening to several more comments, she ends up chuckling quietly to herself. "Femininity has nothing to do with frills or lace or skirts," she points out. "I think I look perfectly...well...feminine even in my dress leathers. It is more of an attitude than much else. Or so I think."

Shrugging a single shoulder she adds this, "Kharty, I've some very lovely, simple dresses 4hat are not only pretty but practical as well."

K'tyn watches the conversation fly back and forth, his brows rising all the higher. "I think that there are those who look quite lovely in lace and bows and all the furbelows that go with such gear," he starts off, but then falls silent once again. Tis not his place to say one way or the other. Smiling a bit wistfully, he listens, thinking of Kiani and Kystiat in bows and ribbons and furbelows.

Neliea adds, "And it's a change from wearing leathers /or/ trousers." Looking at Kharty, those hands go back on her hips as she states again, "But Aurian and I offered to spend the marks and you didn't say dress leather in the first place! You wanted to find something in storage."

Aurian glares at Kharty as she rubs a sore elbowed spot on her chest, "You want to go to Richenda and get another pair of battered leathers. You know Richenda would not have let you get away with that either!"

Jayna blinks at Kindre. "Uh...with all due respect, ma'am, are Telgar riders required to be...feminine? If we're neat, professional....isn't that sufficient?"

Piping up, Kiat says, "It's sufficient," though tis clear he'd say more about it though it'd probably be taken the wrong way.

Asrai nods at K'tyn's words...perhaps knowing that he's leaving something out. "But, you'd rather see her in a dress..just once..just for fun, right?"

Kindre turns to regard Jayna, her head shaking. "I'm not saying any woman from this Weyr is required to look one way or another. Do you think Sionelle would put flowers in her hair if I asked?" Pausing as the image flicks though her mind, she grins. "What I am saying, however, is that as a rider for Telgar you are Tegar in the eyes of the people who do not live here." Turning towards her she wonders, "Kiat? What do you think? You're a man and likely think a bit differently than we all are."

"But we always go around looking professional," Aurian stretches her hands up, "Its fun to dress up every now and then."

Kassima just gapes at Asrai in shock. A greenrider she may be, but a certain Holdbred naivete has clung to her all these Turns nevertheless. Maybe it's a side-effect of all that celibacy. "Tell them *what*? Are you *mad*?"

"Now I know this may seem... Well, entirely too male a perspective, but... I delight in seeing women in lovely things. Tis a matter of appreciation of beauty -- all kinds -- and nought more to it than that," he adds hastily, smiling a bit. "It is just that when a woman feels she is lovely, then she is -- do you see? And that 'mood' spreads and mayhap it is just me, but I do enjoy that most of all."

Kharty watches the banter about her, smoothing Kassima's jacket down over her legs. Long sigh escapes those still pursed lips. Mumbling to herself, she sniffs first then says, "I'm not the kind to think that I can't be feminine if I'm dressed in leathers. Virroth and I'd do just about anything for Telgar, even die. Seems to me *that's* what riders are all about, not what we wear." Then she adds, reiterating what she'd already said, "And don't forget, it's what's underneath and what you can do with it that counts." Blinking her eyes, she looks as if she'd like to retract that last comment.

Asrai looks over to Kassi and clarifies. "If you don't like the weavers asking you all sorts of questions about your underthings, then just tell them that you don't wear any. Then they won't bother you about it. Course, if you really didn't, that'd prolly make wearing leathers rather uncomfortable in the summertime...chaffing and such. So, they may not believe you..but I bet it would make them stop pestering you."

K'tyn scuffs his boot, well aware that such a sentiment may not at all be popular, though it is what he thinks--and he chuckles at Asrai. "Chafed is not the word for it," he says as though he knows wherof he speaks. ... K'tyn turn to grin, widely, at Kharty. "Indeed, rider. That is also -quite- true."

J'lyn walks in from the bowl.

Kassima flushes a quite remarkable shade of crimson, making her utterly

stricken eyes look all the greener. "You have *got* t'be kidding me! I'm nay telling anyone *aught* about m'underclothing, thankee very much! I don't see why," she adds, frantic to change the subject, "that there's such a push for women t'be lovely, anyway. They should be comfortable and capable, especially at Gathers. If'n you keep tripping over your hem line, you're nay going t'make the Weyr proud regardless of how smashing you look, are you? Dear bright Faranth's gilded egg-ducts on a stick!"

Jayna edges still closer toward Kharty. "I'm sorry. I like being neat, I like being clean, I like wearing simple pants and tunic that fit well. I don't like a fripperous thing that rides up and swings. I prefer to be ready to fly." She adds the last simply.

Aurian places her hands on her hips, "You don't need to wear a skirt that is something you'd trip on! You can get it measured correctly so you can WALK!"

"I know Kharty, and you are right in thinking that," Kindre returns to the Weyrling. "How you appear in public is nothing I can control or try to put any kind of rules on. If you want to take something from the stores and wear it to Gathers, I can't say a thing about that. Your duty to Telgar has nothing to do with how you look. There's a mindset, I suppose, of what we're expected to look like at Gathers is all. That by no means restricts you, but..." She shrugs.

J'lyn wanders in. "So this is-" He stops when he hears the conversational trend. Ohboy...

There's a quite undignified *squawk* of startlement audible from outside just as Jal runs in.

Jayna laughs. "Aurian, why are you so adamant about it? Hmmm? It's just an opinion."

Kassima sighs with relief, and says fervently, "*Thankee*, Kin. That's just what I wanted t'say. Well, sort of."

Asrai just shakes her head. "Well, if you don't want to talk about your

underthings Kassi, that's your bussiness." She nods in agreement with K'tyn, taking his word on it. "Back to the dress thing. All I know is that K'nan /likes/ it when I get to wear a dress. And I happen to enjoy his way of expressing that appreciation. I jus tthink that what's underneath and what you do with it won't even ome into play if you don't catch the intendant's interest in the first place. But that's my opinion."

Aurian raises a hand to Jayna, "Do you know how long its been since I've gotten into a dress. Some times its nice not to have to wear clothes that have anything to do with work."

J'lyn says "Well there's always an alternative..." He points down to his new kilt. "There's always -these- things.""

J'lyn says "They do get a little treacherous with updrafts, especially if you've got a dragon with a sick, twisted mind."

Jayna nods at Aurian. "Absolutely," she adds enthusiastically. "I just don't see the need for it to be a skirt!"

Kassima stomps one foot against the ground, starting to get frustrated. "Who cares whether men like how you look? You should dress up for yourself, yourself, yourself! If'n you want t'be comfortable, then pick something just classy enough t'make the Weyr come off well without making you wear some swishy skirt thing! If'n you want t'look like a Lady Holder out on holiday, go to it! J'lyn, you tell 'em. Isn't there more t'Gathers than catching men's eyes, for Faranth's fardling fecal sake?"

K'tyn shakes his head, "I think I'll stay out of this, but if you need an opinion on something with frippery on it, just let me know." He grins to show he's teasing as he pushes off a wall. "As long as you like it, and it is not --" his lips twitch at J'lyn's comment. "Indecorous..."

J'lyn looks a bit sideways at his Wingleader. "No."

Neliea nods in complete agreement, still with Aurian. "It's just the matter of trying to wearing something different for a change." Not that a jacket in place of leathers isn't differenet as she glances at Kharty. She's not evewn going to /try/ to have any expression on her face.

Jayna nods her emphatic agreement with Kassi. "Exactly!!" she says, pumping her arm.

Kassima throws her hands up in the air. "I don't know why I try to explain logic t'you people. Gathers are for *enjoyment*. They're for seeing old friends, playing games, kicking rear end in competitions, and laughing hysterically at people on the dance floor. They are *nay* primarily for meeting potential bedmates!"

Aurian moves her arms in almost the same fashion as Kassima, "Who said anything about Bedmates!"

J'lyn chuckles. "I'm joking, Kassi. Of course they're for having fun. Just have to define fun for every person on Pern."

Kharty sighs, looking toward Kindre. "I didn't say I would just go to the stores, ma'am. Things are getting confusing now... I just said I would like to get a really nice new pair of leathers to wear." Her eyes seek out K'tyn's as she asks, "So you don't think I'm pretty?" She looks down to her hand-me-down leathers quietly.

Aurian glares at K'tyn with a look that says, fix this now. She is not having one of her friends upset about herself like this!

"Well," Kassi demands, still sounding frustrated, "that's what most people want t'catch men's eyes for, isn't it? Yeeeeeeesh. Jal, that's m'point. You should wear whatever allows *you* t'have fun. Loveliness and all that stuff is sheerly secondary, unless your definition of fun is flirtation."

J'lyn likes showing off his legs. "Pretty much, yeah, Kassi."

"Well then," Kindre replies to Kharty with a smile, "we'll have to see about getting you some nice dress leathers." Turning to J'lyn and tilting her head, she asks, "Those lovely ones you got for me, Jaly? Where did you commission them?"

K'tyn smiles at Kharty. "You're lovely. I happen to think that you'd feel lovely if you were in something that was pretty, but that's just me," he says after a moment. "But you should wear what you like, regardless of what I think--and if wearing a sack makes you happy..." he trails off, swallowing a chuckle at Kassima's and her wingsecond's conversation.

Jayna nods, folding her arms. "You should dress to please yourself, not

somebody else! And if you're planning to tie one on and play dragonpoker all night, pants are much more practical. Gender notwithstanding," she adds.

Asrai just shakes her head. "I think I'd like it noted that I offered the suggestion of a skirt and blouse, perhaps with a nice vest. Or even a nice pair of pants and a tunic and vest. Just something different from leathers for one day. That's why /I/ like to wear soemthing nice at gathers. As a matter of fact, last gather down in bowl I wore a trousers outfit."

J'lyn hmmms at Kindre. "The white ones? I got them through my cousin Atanna down south. She has some connections with the tanners."

Aurian walks over to Neliea and whispers something hurridly.

Jayna grins at Asrai--an aha! "That's right. It -doesn't- have to be a skirt. It can be pants. Simple pants. Simple tunic. Not leather."

Aurian whispers, "Lets just give her the marks and let her do what she wants." to Neliea.

R'ehn walks in from the bowl.

K'tyn looks at J'lyn with interest. He got Kindre something that she likes? Hm. Interesting.

Kassima turns and argues with Asrai, "But Asrai, she should wear what *she* wants t'wear! Who cares whether or nay 'tis different? They're her legs; she should put on 'em whatever she chooses! A'course, Kharty... if'n you want t'go this way, that's fine, but I'd really suggest nay just wearing a ja⁣ket around your legs."

Aurian blinks as yet another rider enters.

Neliea nods and whispers back a reply to Aurian.

Aurian senses Neliea nods, "It seems like the best idea.

Kindre bobs her head. "Is Atanna busy with commissions now, do you think

J'lyn," she wonders. "I've some marks to put in...Kharty? What do you think?" As R'ehn enters Kindre waves and offers, "Telgar's duties to High Reaches and her queens."

Kassima nods with relief to J'lyn and Jayna. "Finally, p⁥ople are starting t'get the idea... oh, heya, R'ehn! Duties to the 'Reaches and her queens! Can you help us settle a question, please?" Uh-oh.

J'lyn says "I can ask her. She's a Miner, but she can talk to the Tanners I'm sure."

Aurian reaches into a pouch and pulls out several marks, she walks straight to Kharty, "Ok.. I'll be good I'll be kind." She hands the marks oer to Kharty, "Do what you want."

R'ehn ducks in the door, despite the fact that the door is plenty tall enough. Bad habit that. He waves cheerfully, proffering by way of explanation, "Lysseth said that..." He inteerupts himself, "Duties to Telgar and her queens and ummmm..." He blinks a lot at poor Kharty and finishes with his eyes squeezed shut. "Uhh, Hi."

K'tyn is standing with his back to the door, so does not see the 'Reaches rider til Kindre greets him. "Duties," he says quietly, his salutation likely lost in the conversation that is being bandied about.

J'lyn settles down on a bed, arranging his kilt so that his business isn't looking everyone in the face.

Neliea nods to J'lyn from her almost out of the way spot close to Kharty, "Telgar's duties, sir."

Kassima seems to take 'umm' to mean 'yes', as she walks over to try and tug the 'Reachian into the middle of the melee. "We were just discussing," she explains, "whether women should dress in whatever they want to in order t'be comfortable and carefree, or should dress t'suit someone else even if'n they'd rather die than wear all the frilly nonsense this implies. Which d'you think?"

Kharty looks up from the chair where she's sitting, Kassima's jacket wrapped around her legs. Wonderful. Another male to tell her she's not 'pretty' in her leathers. She does hold out her hand to Aurian, taking the marks.

"Now there's an idea," K'tyn says as he hastens to move back out of the way. "Care if I sit next to you, Jaly?" he asks as he gestures to an unused portion of the bed.

J'lyn waves his hand to the seat next to him.

R'ehn alows himself to be hauled about, although he's got his eyes closed and has them covered with his hands just for extra measure. "Uhh, if they're greenriders they should do whatever they want because they're heavily armed." This is stated as a recitation, obviously this is a rule R'ehn has been well-drilled with.

J'lyn beams at R'ehn.

Asrai nods at Jayna's comment, "Of course. I usually save the dress for the night time dancing. That way you are ff farrying duties." She nods to the Reaches rider.. though he can't see anyway. "Telgar's duties to Reaches. Kassi, yes..when it comes down to it, they can wear whatever they want. But everyone should try new things.... called bravery."

Kindre can't help but laugh at R'ehn's semi-recital. "Kharty, you can look beautiful in any manner of clothing. A dress does not make a woman...the woman makes the dress. Or the leathers or whatever the clothing happens to be," she says.

Jayna glances at Kharty, sincerely. "Khar, you should wear what you want. If it's neat, clean, and professional, you're doing the Weyr proud. In fact, more proud than if you wore something that makes you uncomfortable, and sat there shuffling your feet all night."

Kharty has just about had it with this discussion so she stands, again defiantly, toward R'ehn. "Sir.", she directs to R'ehn, jaw stuck out, "Would you say I'm pretty?" Let's get HIS thinking on the matter. Her hand sweeps her jacket, Kassima's jacket around her waist, then the pants, bagging about her feet.

Kassima beams, too, never mind that the hapless bluerider can't see. "Mart *did* teach you well, didn't he? But this is a bluerider, nay a greenrider. R'ehn, meet Kharty, m'mentee. You can't see her right now, but she's the one wearing m'jacket. Kharty, meet R'ehn of High Reaches. R'ehn, will you take your hand *off* your eyes? She's wearing a jacket, for Faranth's sake." To Asrai, she simply states, "Doing something you don't want to just because someone tells you to, when there's nay good reason for†it, isn't m'definition of bravery. Kin, you are exceedingly wise."

K'tyn settles onto the bed, mostly to get out of the way and to get comfortable, truth be known. His leg still pains him occasionally. He chuckles quietly. "Great Shards, Kassi. He's no judge. He's too afraid to look at the lass."

R'ehn drops his hands as instructed, although he appears ready to flee. "Umm, lovely ma'am. But doomed." This is directed towards Kharty, "If you're a bluerider they can make you where whatever they want." He gestures with a thumb towards Kassima, "She's part of the evil -kilt- contingent you see. Blueriders are doomed."

Neliea sighs as yet another male rider is brought into this, "Kharty, you are pretty and I don't recall that being an issue." Great shells, just how much is she going to torment others on that pretty issue? She's trying to make this as painless as possible. The word is -trying-.

J'lyn smooths said kilt. So there. "There's nothing wrong with kilts."

Asrai rolls her eyes at Kassi's comment. "We didn't /tell/ her..we suggested it. Strongly." She chuckles, then lets out an indignant, "Hey! I'm a Bluerider..and I'm not doomed! Kharty, you look absolutley lovely."

Kassima points out reasonably to Kiat, "But he's a man, Kiat, and since I think all of the women in here prefer men and nay other women--correct me if'n I'm wrong, all--then only men who prefer women can really judge suitably by the proper criteria. I suppose there *are* times 'tis nice t'be called pretty, even if'n 'tis relatively meaningless in life... R'ehn, I'm trying t'*help* her. It's these folk who wnat her a ruffle-covered dress."

K'tyn stiffens alertly, lookingat R'ehn andthen the others. "Kilts are ...quite comfortable. Most of the time," he agrees.

J'lyn chuckles at Kassi. "Which is why you didn't ask me?"

Kassima grins at Jal. "Hey, *she's* the one who asked him. I'm just backing her up."

Now understanding at least part of the meaning behind all this, R'ehn actually looks partially clueful. "Ohh, you're still doomed ma'am. But never give in. You must fight the skirt wielding plaid abusing people and retain your pants...errr, if you were wearing any."

Asrai shakes her head, "Kassi, you really should lay off 'The Bottle'. No one has ever mentioned putting her in ruffles."

K'tyn smiles. "Well, even so, Kassi--but J'lyn has a very good eye, if you'd not noticed."

Two, actually. "And," J'lyn states, "I think I'm a very good judge of fashion."

Kharty collapses back onto the chair with a soft thud, slouching there, tired from the banter back and forth. "I had no idea being a bluerider would be so hard.", she says with a sigh.

Jayna sighs. "But why should she have to wear a skirt at all? A ruffled one, straight one, pink one, leather one.....why a sharding skirt?"

Kassima just eyes Asrai suspiciously. "Nay, but this is just the first step, y'know. First you want t'put her in skirts, and then you start pushing lace. I've *seen* it happen. Now, as t'kilts, they look *quite* smashing--they're just nay *practical* for flying and *between*ing and such." She simply offers Kiat a grin. "I know little of how t'judge men's eyes, but 'twill take your word for it. All right, then, Jal... what think you of how Kharty looks?"

R'ehn attempts to edge back a bit now that his opinion of half-naked women is no longer sought. He does however have to note, "Skirts can be dangerous."

Asrai just rolls her eyes, plopping down on one of the cots.

Kharty has just about had it with the whole discussion. Standing, she moves backwards to the wall, edging along it, hiding the rip in the butt side of her pants. Quite possibly she could just edge out the door quietly? Wait. That might not be a good idea.

"Oh they are not dangerous!" Aurian says exasperatingly.

Kvasith lays his tail in Kharty's way.

Jayna laughs. "They -can- be," she winks wickedly.

Kassima notes sympathetically to Kharty, "Once you're a full rider, people usu⁡lly won't corner you like this. I've never heard of a mass swarming of someone's weyr t'drag them kicking and screaming into Dress-Land. Bluerider, I daresay nay a *thing* evil happened t'you while 'twere wearing that kilt!"

K'tyn smiles. "They can be quite practical, though. Convenient, even."

Kassima amends her last statement with, "Well, unless they're men. But V'dan *deserved* it."

Jayna thhhbbbs. "Very -impractical-," she corrects K'tyn, "with all due

respect, Wingleader."Flimsy. Catch on things, and tear. They fly up. The drag on stairs when you go down, collecting dirt. When you pee, they can catch in your underwear," the last added absolutely matter-of-factly, as she looks at her fingernails.

R'ehn turns a festive shade of magenta that clashes with his paint smeared jacket nicely. He mutters very quietly to himself, "Oh I don't know about -that-...

Aurian shakes her head, "You can riddle them with pockets and keep everything in them, I had a skirt like that for when I worked the healer tents."

K'tyn nods at Jayna, allowing for all of that. "But -- You forget, Jayna. I don't wear underthings with a kilt," he says with a perfectly straight face.

Jayna laughs at K'tyn. "A point," she says, grinning. "I'd forgotten."

Asrai just giggles. "That would take care of the peeing problem, alright."

Kassima eyes Jayna as though she's developed a second head. Somehow, this conversation has wandered down a path she never once anticipated it would take. "Let's put it this way, R'ehn. It probably could've been worse. Just listen t'Jayna."

K'tyn nods. "Tis why it's convenient," he adds.

Aurian glances at K'tyn with a speculative glance, she chuckles to herself then returns to eyeing the non-dress crowd.

R'ehn takes another few steps back, edging to hide behind Kassima of all

people. Further proof if any is needed that R'ehn is a few clues shy of the thinking chair. "Yes, worse, very much worse..."

Kharty slowly wobbl⁥s her head back and forth, frowning. "I can't believe a simple trip to Ista would have started something like this." Then, somewhat louder, she announces. "Look. I'll settle this WHOLE thing. Virroth and I will stay home. I didn't want to go to that gather anyway... uh.. Plenty to do around here." Period. Matter ended.

Kassima turns to the others to inform them matter-of-factly, "And there's another very good reason that Kharty shouldn't have t'wear a skirt if'n she doesn't want to. Mentee mine... are you certain? You really don't *have* t'wear aught you don't want to. You can sneak over there with Lyss and I while 'tis dark t'be fooling 'em if'n you wish."

Aurian shakes her head at Kharty, "You are going, we came here together, and shard it, I am not going to let you hide in the barracks while everyone else is having a good time."

Asrai looks over to Kharty and nods in agreement with Aurian. "You really shouldn't have to stay home Kharty. When it comes down to it, wear whatever it is you want to. No need to be miserable over the whole thing."

Kassima then turns to just blink at R'ehn. "You're hiding behind *me*? What's wrong with this picture?"

R'ehn tries to think of an answer for this question, Kassi's smaller than he is? Nope, that's never stopped him from hiding behind people before. He should be hiding -from- Kassi rather than behind her? Probably correct but not exactly poilte to admit. The bluerider shrugs broadly, palms in the air in the classic 'I have no idea' gesture. "It seemed like a good idea at the time?"

Kharty lifts her chin, the essence of stubbornness. "I'm not hiding. I'm.. well.. Hmmm." Thinking on that one, she changes her mind. "I'm..," she starts, then blurts out, "going to the Festival and.. and.. wear the most wonderful kinda leathers you ever saw.. and .. and .. I'm gonna find me a man! Ya! Find me a man who loves leather! Ya!" Phew. Big breath.

Kassima considers this, then comments, "You've just reaffirmed m'belief that male blueriders are masochistic. How did that spiel go again? Greenriders are psychotic, blueriders are eccentric, brownriders are masochistic, bronzeriders are egotistic, and goldriders are sadistic? Nay, nay, nay. That doesn't work. 'Eccentric' is too mild a term for you lot." She blinks, then, at Kharty. "I was with you until you got to the man-finding bit."

Aurian starts to laugh with delight at her fellow weyrling.

K'tyn sighs as the tumult seems to have settled a bit. "I think I'm going to head out for a walk, while I have the time," K'tyn says as he stands up. "I've got some thinking--uh, some reports to finish. G'day to you all." He starts for the door, slips out and the sound of gales of laughter echoes back in.

K'tyn moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl.

Aurian says, "No You said that Brownriders are sadeomasochistic."

Neliea giggles at Kharty's, well...proclaimation.

Aurian chuckles and chokes still lost in laughter, "You win Kharty. Leathers... pretty leathers.

Asrai blinks at Kharty then shrugs with a smile. "Well, I'm sure they are out there." She looks to Aurian and grins, "I guess we can't argue with that."

R'ehn looks more than a little disturbed at Kharty's assertion, but eventually the thought that this is a blow against the kilt-bearring-bluerider-opressors occurs to him and he brightens. In response to Kassima he tries, "We're -all- odd. It's required." Who the we is is debatable, but is anyone going to debate the oddness of dragonriders?

J'lyn looks distinctly uncomfortable at Kharty's proclamation, knowing full well what he's got hidden in his weyr.

Kassima snaps her fingers. "Aye, that's right. How could I have forgotten? If'n they weren't sadomasochistic, there'd be nay point in tormenting 'em... ah! Lunatic! Mayhaps that was it: blueriders are lunatic! Nay... nay. Something else." She does, however, nod sagely with this odd argument. "A'course. Dragonriders *have* t'be insane. 'Tis a prerequisite." To Asrai and Aurian, she demands, "Are you happy now? You've got her thinking of finding a *man*, of all the things people don't need! Err, nay offense, R'ehn and Jal."

R'ehn blinks a moment, trying to figure this out. He murmurs aloud, "Why would I be offended, -I- don't need a man certainly... At least I don't -think- so..."

Asrai just smiles at Kassi, "why yes..I am happy. Turned out rather well, I think."

Aurian giggles helplessly.

J'lyn looks at R'ehn appraisingly. He mutters to Kassima, "... does, he... to me."

Golda enters from the bowl.

Golda chitters as she sails in, moving to sit near Flutterby.

Asrai puts up her hands, "Now, I'm in no way saying she /needs/ a man..or that anyone does for that matter. But they do come in handy and are very nice to have around."

Kharty cocks her head at Asrai, brows knit, puzzled. "I don't understand what all the fuss is about. If I wear leathers and can find a man who also likes leather, wouldn't that prove a point? I could ask them too, when I see them, kinda getting a public opinion perhaps?"

Snarl just glowers out from his shadows at Flutterby and the newly arrived Golda, two brightly whirling eyes the only part of him visible.

J'lyn stands up and looks out the door briefly. "I think I'm going to make a mad dash past Lysseth to get to Lorieth and go change out of this kilt."

R'ehn shakes his head, still back several conversational leaps. "I mean where would I -put- one anyhow..."

Kharty blinks at R'ehn several times. "Put what, R'ehn?"

J'lyn waves, and bolts out the door.

J'lyn moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl.

R'ehn looks up from contemplation, innocent look plastered across his face. "A man, from the earlier mention of man-needing."

Asrai just smiles, "Look, some people feel good about themselves in silks and velvets. Some in leather, although I've never tried an outfit that wasn't solely work related." She pauses, considering this for a moment. Shaking ehr head she comes back to the conversaiton. "I think that Aurian and I just want you to feel sexy, gather's just a good excuse for it."

Maylia walks in from the bowl.

Neliea silently listens as she settles on her press, leaning against the wall. Seeing Maylia enter she nods, "Hello, ma'am."

Aurian blushes, "I said nothing about sexiness!"

Kharty does a doubletake at Asrai, her eyes bright now. "I can feel *very* sexy in leathers, Asrai, especially if they're a soft wehrhide and all." Her fingers tug at her hand-me-down jacket. "Given time, I could probably make this one look halfway good too."

Maylia follows a couple of exhausted weyrlings from the latest clutch in, and grins as she sees the gathering. "Evening," she calls, and changes course to approach them. With each step though, her eyebrows raise higher. Sexy?

Asrai nods, "Nope, everyone should have something new for a gather." Maylia gets a very sweet, very innocent smile...fear.

Kassima snorts at Asrai, amused. "Glad t'hear you're happy, but you don't *need* a man t'be happy... oh, just didn't mean to imply 'twere without use, R'ehn. I just don't see any real need t'want t'feel sexy or attractive or whatnay unless you really feel like making people afraid."

Aurian flushes, "I just thought something in velvet or even a sisal would be nice Kharty. Its fun to dress up."

R'ehn edges another step towards the door, this conversation is definately entering whole realms he not only does not visit, he wouldn't even know where stop and get directions to them. Once again he offers a not altogether helpful comment. "Wearing what you like is good." He nods at Kassima, hair fluff-flommopring. "Oh, without use, ahhhh..." Which R'ehn knows he isn't, how else would Lirra get things off tall shelves?

Maylia shrugs off her jacket, and drapes it over her arm, looking just a tad bit puzzled. Between Asrai and Aurian, and Kassi and R'ehn... "Make people afraid by looking sexy? That's not the idea, usually." Her voice holds a bit of a question to it.

Asrai rolls ehr eyes at Kassi's comment, looking back to Aurian and Kharty. "Don't worry bout it Aurian...just leaves more velvet and sisal for you and I...course..the soft leather ook /could/ be interesting. I wonder..."

Kassima protests to R'ehn, "Hey, don't flee. You haven't told me what brought you here yet... aye, 'twas what 'twas thinking. Men do have some uses, but I don't see why people should feel compelled t'have one." To Maylia, she just shrugs. "A'course it makes people fear," she says, a bit bewildered by the fact that no one else seems to agree with this concept. "Either they'll think you're proddy, or they'll think you've gone out of your mind. Either way, you make people afraid. But hey... if'n people *want* t'be scary, the more power to 'em."

Kharty throws up her hands in dispair. "Look. All I said was that I could see if there was a man at the Gather who liked women in leathers. I didn't say I'd go home with him..."

Maylia starts to chuckle, and waggles a finger at Kassi, finally understanding. "Ah. They're afraid when -you- dress sexy, because that's the usual two reasons." This, of course is said with a grin, teasing. "And that's scary. But the rest of us."

Asrai chuckles, "Of course you didn't one said you did." she turns to Maylia, asking her opinion on the subject. "So...are you feel sexier in a soft wherhide, or velvet..or sisal?

Aurian places a hand on her hip, "Though that's always a posibility," She grins at Kharty.

Kassima blinks, even more bewildered. "I don't ever dress that way, though," she objects. "I meant *other* people. When I see Aladis acting flirtatious and wearing something weird, I for one know true fear."

R'ehn adds as a rider to Kassima's comment, "Being scary is good..." although his bewildered look and unconvinced delivery give doubt to whether or not he actually agree with his own assertion. Mentally scrolling back to the beginning of Kassima's statement he makes a face as he realizes he'd nearly forgotten his own errand. "I left my jacket when Lirra and I were here last. I figured I'd swing by and see if anybody'd come across it. It's orange." As if anybody could forget orange. "Fear, yes fear."

Maylia still laughs. This is one area that she and her mentor won't ever agree on, most likely. Then she cocks her head at Kharty. "Have you really tried good outfits in any of those?"

Asrai offers, "We were suposed to go shopping..."

Kassima grins at R'ehn. "Given that Lirra's scary, I'm nay surprised you think so. Orange jacket? Eh, nay, I don't think so... m'jacket's got orange on it, but I don't think I'd have mistaken mine for yours. That's nay your jacket Kharty's got around her waist, right?" She simply makes a face at Maylia. Some people will never develop common sense.

Aurian nods, "We wanted to go shopping."

R'ehn shakes his head swiftly, "No mine's all orange. It's been painted, it was Tiya's fault." As if this explains it all.

Kharty is baffled by Maylia's question. "Tried outfits? You mean new ones? not really.. We were going to go see a seamstress to commission a .. well.. something for me to wear to the gather... and .. well.. all this happened. I've had nothing new for a long time."

Maylia frowns just an instant as she tries to remember an orange jacket, and shakes her head. "I've not seen it, but I'll keep an eye out for it." Resisting the temptation to return Kassi's gesture, she mmmms. "Well, a trip to the weavers' is the best way for deciding what you like."

Aurian tilts her head, "Look Kharty we can still commission, we tell them what you want, but make it pretty with no ruffles.."

Kassima asks curiously, "Tiya? Why did she do that t'your jacket?" She turns her head to comment on Maylia's words. "Aye, a trip to the Weavers would do. Just don't feel pressured t'get something you don't want! If'n you want t'find yourself a leather-loving man, I'll be sharded if'n I understad it, but hey. The more power t'you."

Asrai nods, "Exactly, the weavers would know what was best. Maylia..will you join us? I was thinking of getting soemthing as well."

Kharty continues to Maylia, "I ost all my marks at Fort's hatching. They were going to pay for my outfit but they wanted me to not get fancy leathers." Lotsa 'they's there. "Aurian did give me her marks though. For what I wanted, I think?" She looks quickly to Aurian.

Aurian nods, "For what you want, though let it be a little decorative..please"

Maylia grins, and nods agreement. "I'm in need of something, myself." She states. "Kharty, at gathers there's dancing and feasting and such. You need something mor," And she pauses to consider the right word. "Appropriate? For them."

R'ehn gestures randomly. "A rope drill back when I was a weyrling. She decided to enact revenge with a large quantity of orange paint. I probably deserved it. It's bad to discuss your sisters sex life in the living cavern." He nods at the comments about weavers, "If nothing else, the weavers are always interesting to look at the things other people would be willing to buy."

Aurian checks her mark pouch, "I think I'll get something too. Might as well."

Kharty gives in to compromise. "Alright." she replies to Aurian. "We going soon? I should change my pants..."

Asrai reaches over and takes Aurian's chin, moving it back and forth a bit. "Now come on could you deny a face like this?" She chuckles, letting go with a grin for Aurian.

Maylia only now really notices what her cousin is attired in. "Um? Kharty... should I ask?"

Kassima blinks at Maylia again. There's been a lot of blinking going on

tonight. "What's inappropriate about wearing leathers to dancing and feasting, so long as they're nay the leathers with the rip in the seat mended and hide-oil stains all over the jacket?" R'ehn earns himself a horrified look. "You discussed *that* in the Living Cavern? Faranth's brain matter and its pudding-like consistency, man... you *are* evil!"

Asrai waves it off, "Small accident occured while Kharty was showing us all her legs."

Kharty looks down at the pants around her ankles and Kassi's jacket about her waist. "Uhm.."

R'ehn has to agree with Kassima here, "Leathers are good." He shrugs

innocently, "Hey, a dragon had -just- tried to eat me, and -all- I said was, 'Hey Tee, I met this nice lady you bonked..' and then I said it again...ummm a little louder. I -still- don't think I deserved to have Kena set on me.."

Maylia ohs to Asrai, and just shakes her head. With a deep sigh, she gives her mentor an odd look. "Fine. Nothing's wrong with it, I'm just trying to get my cousin to dress up a little."

Aurian giggles up at Asrai, she grins and shakes her head.

Asrai says "waves her hands in alarm, "Lets not start this conversation

again..we'll never get to the weavers.""

Kassima holds out her hands and protests, sounding somewhat exasperated, "But she should only dress up if'n *she* wants t'dress up! None of this velvet and sisal stuff if'n she wants t'wear leather! Are we going t'go through this stuff again?" Eyeing R'ehn, she remarks, "You deserved t'have *B'fus* set on you for that one. Remind me, will you, t'be glad I have nay brothers?"

Aurian grins, "We can discuss it with the weavers."

Maylia steers clear of the discussion on sex lives, totally and completely. There's been enough talk of that. Busying herself with pulling on her jacket, she grins. "Good. So, are we going, now? Kassi, how does she know she doesn't like that stuff if she's not worn it?"

R'ehn echoes himself, "Leathers are good." He also adds, "Weavers are good." For Kassima, "You don't have any -brothers-? Who tied you to a tree as a child then?"

Maylia makes a face at Kharty, then grins at R'ehn. "That's what cousins are for."

Aurian shudders, "My brothers dumped me in caves. Can we go now?"

R'ehn nods to Maylia, "Cousins are an acceptable facsimile thereof."

Asrai chuckles, "Alright then, lets go. Hopefully it won't be raining there."

Kassima waggles her finger at Maylia. "She doesn't have t'try it if'n she doesn't want to, either. I commend trying new things, but there're some things you don't *need* to attempt t'know they're ridiculous. Curly-toed pink wherry shoes, for one." She shakes her head then. "Nay brothers and nay sisters. Just lots of cousins. They spent more time teaching me t'throw knives, fight, brawl, and sing filthy songs than tying me t'trees, though... Kharty, d'you want me t'come to the Weavers t'protect you from these madwomen, or will you be safe?"

Kharty quickly hops to her press, pulling out a clean pair of leathers. She's so glad to be leaving this discussion, she takes Kassi's jacket off and lays it on the back of a chair, then leans down to pull off the old pair, replaced by the clean ones. "Come. Oh pleaseee.. come!", she begs, standing upright, all dressed.

Asrai places a hand to her chest, taking on a wounded expression. "Kassi, Kharty is /perfectly/ safe with us."

Maylia rolls her eyes, and straightens up to her full height. Ok - not quite as tall as Kassi. "She does if I say she does," and she's obviously joking. "Kharty, we're not forcing you, just strongly advising it."

Aurian repeats Asrai''s statement, "Prefectly safe!"

Kassima takes up her jacket and slings it over her arm, laughing. "Sure she is, Asrai... *sure* she is. R'ehn, want t'come help me protect my mentee from the forces of Evil?"

Maylia scoops her riding helmet from the desk, and heads for the bowl, her head shaking.

Maylia moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl.

R'ehn looks worried, backing up. "Is this going to be scary?"

Asrai moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl.

Kassima accedes, "Probably. But how often d'you get t'see a greenrider working on the side of good?"

Kharty grabs her riding gear, sending Virroth a look that says, 'Up fella. I'll be needing you.' Maybe in more ways than one.

R'ehn blinks a lot, "Good point, lead on Oh Mighty Kassi."< P>

Kvasith moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl.

Kassima makes a few silly passes with her hand before snapping a stick-straight salute to the room in general, then marches outside, whistling some battle-tune or other.

You move through the opening to the west, heading into the bowl.

Central Bowl(#298RL$)

A stony field is the center of this great caldera, the size of which is

unmatched at any other weyr--for the whole complement of all the wings at Telgar could rest comfortably within its towering cliffs. Shaped in a perfect oval, the rock walls seem perfect for keeping the usual chill winds stirring about. The ground is mostly made of pebbles and rocks, some hued the milky shades of old quartz, though there are patches where softer dirt and even trees sprout up from the ground. Southerly, the bowl opens onto the living caverns and the weyrleaders' quarters; the immense entrance to the hatching grounds lies to the northwest. Heading southwest will lead one back out into the rocky mountain ranges around Telgar's protective walls. Dragons may be seen, relaxing or fresh from feeding, to the north, as well as the soft lapping sounds of Telgar's lake touching the sandy shore. The weyrling barracks, always aflutter

with activity, is to the direct west. The training grounds and the meadow are both covered with a blanket of pure white snow, though it is trodden down in dragon-wide paths where the dragons move.

Strong blustery winds stir up loose debris, making it a little hard to get about, but no rain falls from the skies.









Obvious exits:

Weyrling Barracks Southern Bowl Lake Shore Hatching Cavern Feeding Grounds Runner Pasture Weyr Entrance

Kassima comes out of the weyrling barracks.

R'ehn comes out of the weyrling barracks.

Bhalth lumbers here from the south.

Virroth comes out of the weyrling barracks.

Kharty comes out of the weyrling barracks.


Before you Kvasith's growing body is already rather long. He moves with an almost sinuous movement. His hide gleams like highly polished hardwood, burnished to a brilliant depth by his rider's care. The rippling tones of umber and sepia run along his neck and back. Hints of amber caress his muzzle; the amber is again displayed in the delicate wingsails. Not the largest of the dragonets, he is still strong and built agily. He is for the moment in simply made riding straps, even as his rider constantly improves them with new pairs. There is a soft rumble as you examine the growing dragonet.

You pull yourself up on Kvasith, carefully using the straps and the

thoughtfully provided foreleg.

>>> Asrai makes her way up onto Cygnith's back with the aid of an offered foreleg and a strong grip on the riding straps, settling between his silvery neckridges.

>>> Kharty reaches up to take a firm grasp on Virroth's riding straps, and swings up into the seat between his neckridges with the help of his foreleg.

>>> R'ehn climbs up onto Bhalth's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.

>>> Kassima climbs up to Lysseth's lower neckridges with the aid of the riding straps and the green's thoughtfully offered foreleg. She gives her lifemate a fond pat on the neck once she is aboard.

>>> Up between Cygnith's neckridges, Asrai settles in, waiting till everyone is ready..

>>> From Virroth's back, Kharty snaps on the buckle, then looks about.

"Weaverhall it is, I guess."

>>> Cygnith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft.

>>> Virroth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft.

>>> Bhalth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft.

>>> High atop Lysseth, Kassima buckles herself in place, shrugging her jacket back on over her shoulders and trying not to think overly much of where it's been. "Ready when you lot are!"

>>> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies.

>>> Lysseth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft.

Central Bowl Airspace(#1353RLe)

You circle within the northern airspace of Telgar Weyr, just above the large central bowl and lake region. Below, along the lake's edge lie the sands of the Weyr's main beach and to its west is the huge expanse of Telgar's Hatching cavern. Down and then eastward is the Weyr's large pen that serves as the dragons' feeding grounds. Several of the beasts scatter nervously while you hover overhead. Gouges mar the earth below beside the weyrling barracks where, often, you can catch sight of a bevy of young dragons and their new partners doing drills. Reaching farther to the south are the entrances to both the living caverns and the infirmary. While you could gaze over the breathtaking beauty of all these sites, the circling chill of the wind causes you to seriously considering landing.

To see a list of landing areas, '+view landing sites'. You can see the

dragonweyrs of Dawnslight, Firestorm, Shadowflame, and Aerie Wings. Use '+view dawnslight', '+view firestorm', '+view shadowflame' or '+view aerie' to see them.






Obvious exits:

Hatching Cavern

>>> Cygnith soars upwards into the open sky above the weyr.

>>> Lysseth soars upwards into the open sky above the weyr.

>>> Virroth soars upwards into the open sky above the weyr.

>>> Bhalth soars upwards into the open sky above the weyr.

You soar upwards and into the open sky above the Weyr.

Air Above Telgar Weyr

You are flying in the skies directly above Telgar Weyr. The Weyr itself as a huge caldera directly below you, formed in an irregular hourglass shape. Its size is impressive; a small Hold could easily fit within its bowl with room left over. Stretching roughly to the north and south is the mountain range of which the Weyr is part, rugged peaks of bare rock and stone. You can see the expanse of Telgar territory to the east and west.

From here you can fly downwards to the 'Southern Bowl' or 'Central Bowl', or you can land 'Outside Telgar Weyr' near the Entrance Tunnel.

Strong blustery winds stir up loose debris, making it a little hard to get about, but no rain falls from the skies.






Obvious exits:

Sky Above Telgar Outside Telgar Weyr

Dragon> Lysseth, Bhalth, Kvasith, and Virroth sense that Cygnith rolls his mental eyes, <>

>>> Cygnith disappears into Between.

>>> Virroth disappears into Between.

>>> Bhalth disappears into Between.

Dragon> Cygnith, Bhalth, Kvasith, and Virroth sense that Lysseth confides, << I have never understood the human obsession with outer skins, myself. Nor why they do not always choose to be green. >>

>>> Lysseth disappears into Between.

>>> Kvasith disappears into Between.


You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear

nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...




You suddenly emerge...

Sky above Southern Boll Hold(#1794RJae)

You are flying directly above Southern Boll Hold. Down below, a winding road twists up the side of the volcano towards the Hold Proper. The hold is large, shaped like an "L" and seems to grow right out of the mountain itself. To the northwest, you see the lush, emerald jungles that surround the hold. Miles of dense vegetation extends from one end of the penninsula to the other, broken by rich farmland. The ground is a spray of extraordinary colours from native flora. Toward the northeast and east, you see miles of pure white sand beaches and the sparkling, deep blue waters of the ocean.

The afternoon is clear and the sun shines with a few small clouds floating past. Gusts of wind can be felt coming from the north and the autumn air is hot and heavy with humidity.

Type +LHELP for local help and +LHELP LOCAL COMMANDS for Boll's commands.

Obvious exits:

Upper Sky Beach Courtyard

>>> Kvasith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Catching a gentle breeze beneath your wings, you fly higher up into the sky, in the general direction of Fort Weyr.

Sky over Fort Valley

The mountains of Fort surround you, the peaks clear below you and spreading out north and south. To the east, the mountains gradually fall off, towards the far-off sea. You are just high enough to make out the sparkling waters of the sea in the distance, and the outline of the Fort Peninsula; other, nearer places of interest, are more clearly distinguishable.

The large oval caldera that houses Fort Weyr looks small amidst the other mountains; the large cliff complex that houses Fort Hold, Harper Hall, and Healer Hall is visible as a slash of valley amidst the range. Off to the south, visible only as a smaller speck on the Fort Peninsula, is the clearing of Southern Boll Hold. Turning nearly full circle from the Fort Peninsula, the plains of Ruatha Hold can be made out in the distance.



Obvious exits:

Weaver Hall Ruatha Hold Southern Boll Upper Sky Fort Hold and environs Fort Weyr

You wing down the coast of the Fort Peninsula, circling briefly over the

Southern Boll Hold, before starting to descend towards the Weaver Hall.

Sky Above The Weavercrafthall

Soft tropical breezes swirl in thermal patterns above the WeaverCraft hall making it easy to float above the colourful panorama below. That same current plays with the lush tropical trees of the rainforest just beyond the Hall.

Directly below you lies the inner courtyard: a colourful patchwork of green and other vivid colours lined by tall palms that sway in the breeze.†In the centre, you can just make out a hedge formed in the shape of a spindle. Light reflects off the water in the white fountain placed at the centre of the hedge and gleams on the pure white slate of the WeaverCraft Hall building that surrounds the courtyard on all four sides. To the north lie the great doors of the main entrance to the Hall and in the distance, Southern Boll Hold. Brown pathways lead from the entrance cutting through fields of cotton and beyond to the verdant green of the forest.





Obvious exits:

Upper Sky Front Entrance Inner Courtyard

>>> Cygnith glides northwards, then backwings to a landing in front of the Hall.

>>> Outside the hall, Cygnith backwings to a landing from the sky above.

>>> Outside the hall, Kassima slides down from Lysseth's neckridges to land beside her with ease. Lysseth cocks her head at her rider, rumbling quietly as Kassi gives her eyeridges a grateful scratching.

>>> Outside the hall, Asrai makes her way down from Cygnith's back.

>>> Bhalth bugles a greeting as will, angling a wingtip to follow the others.

>>> Bhalth glides northwards, then backwings to a landing in front of the Hall.

>>> Outside the hall, Bhalth backwings to a landing from the sky above.

You glide northwards, then backwing to a landing in front of the Hall.

Outside the WeavercraftHall(#2578RJ)

Mist rises up from the lush verdant green of the tropical rainforest that lies in the distance. Just beyond the hall extend fields of cotton and flax. Beaten dirt paths cut trails through field and forest, while a white-gravelled path lined with neat rows of redfruit trees leads straight up to the solid wooden gates of the WeaverCraft Hall. Field workers carefully clear away all greenery from the immediate vicinity of the Hall. So the dazzling white slate of the building is surrounded by a ring of rich brown earth while greenery flourishes just beyond the Hall's boundaries.

Gravel pathways lead to the doors of the Great Hall, to a door set in the wall that opens into the Craft Museum, and off in the distance to a storage building. A well travelled brown dirt roadway heads northeast towards Southern Boll Hold, a few minutes' walk away.

+view is available here.







Obvious exits:

South Boll Hold Storage Building Great Hall Craft Museum

>>> In the sky above, Virroth plummets down to land in the inner courtyard.

>>> R'ehn hops down Bhalth's side to the ground, using his foreleg as a step.

Kassima shrugs off her jacket, gloves, and helmet at once, hanging them on Lysseth's straps. "Shells and shards, 'tis hot here. I've nay been hereabouts since I commissioned m'glorified riding leathers from Simian...."

In the sky above, Virroth glides northwards, then backwings to a landing in front of the Hall.

Virroth backwings to a landing from the sky above.

Kharty swings her leg over Virroth's neck then slides down the blue's side, pausing to give him an affectionate pat.

R'ehn sheds his gloves, stuffing them in a bag at Bhalth's side. Crossing his arms behind his back he makes to pad after the others. "Hot yes, but lovely. I've not seen decent weather since my brothers's wedding."

Asrai chuckles, stripping off helmet, gloves and undoing her jacket. "Hey, least its not raining."

Aurian opens her jacket quickly, "Faranth! I'm already sweating."

Kharty takes off her gloves, then helmit and goggles, looking about her. "I've never been here before. It 'is' warm!"

Kassima grins around at the others, a trace of mischief in her eyes. "Perhaps," she comments, "we should stop by the Lava Lounge while we're here, if'n there's time. 'Tis nay 'tall far, and what's a trip t'Boll's range without a Green Dragon?"

Asrai chuckles, "Shopping /first/ Kassi. Then we can go to the Lava Lounge...if its alright with Maylia."

Aurian stretches, "Ooh I wonder if my sister is about!

R'ehn decides to shed substitute jacket as well, hanging the paint streaked item on Bhalth's straps before turning back once again. "Lava Lounge?"

Kassima blinks. Yes, again. "You've never been to the *Lava Lounge*? By the shards of Lysseth's egg, how could Mart leave *that* out of your training? I'm going t'have t'have some Words with the brownie. The Lava Lounge is the finest drinking establishment on Pern, though the Rusted Hulk is a very close second."

Kassima then sticks her tongue out at Asrai. "You're nay fun, Wingsecond. But aye, 'twill shop along with the 'Lings t'help Kharty fight off the rabid dress-pushers."

"They took us to the 'Hulk." R'ehn offers conversationally, "It's in our

coverage area." And that's all he's going to say about -that- adventure.

"Shopping first before going anywhere with 'Lava' in the title seems smart."

Kharty stops surveying the area to glance Kassima's way. Sending her a warm smile, she agrees. "I need all the help I can get with this group, that's for sure."

Aurian rubs her chin, "Maybe something in a golden sisal for Kharty..

Asrai's head bobs back and forth. "YAdda yadda yadda, frills and chills and all that. /after/ a few drinks might make things go


Kharty has been standing a bit close to Aurian. Sending yet another jab to the brownrider's midsection, she groans, "Enou⁧h, Aurian..."

Aurian erfs, "No I got it... pink lace!" She rubs at her ribcage.

Even Asrai shudders at /that/ suggestion.

Kassima sets her hands on her hips. "We absolutely *must* go to the Lounge at some point, then. There's all sorts of history t'be found on the walls there! Ergh, Aurian, pink lace? Please don't make me vomit all over the place. 'Twould probably be bad for Weyr-Craft relations."

Even R'ehn knows enough to looks disturbed by pink lace, "This -is- going to be dangerous..."

Asrai looks around the courtyard..that is /not/ an evil glint in her eyes, merely a figment of your imagination. "How about we hit the Lava Lounge first. Doesn't seem to be much going on here right now... We can try again later."

Kassima mutters under her breath, still trying to get her nausea reflexes under control, "At least she hasn't mentioned pastel purple and pink together yet. Or fuchsia. Sounds good t'me, Asrai; if'n we're going t'be facing pink lace, something tells me I'm going t'*need* a good stiff drink."

Aurian giggles delightedly, "Just a joke..."

Aurian blinks, "Drinks?"

Asrai nods, "That's it the Lava Lounge. Guess we can just leave the dragons here..they seem content enough to sun themselves."

"Besides, if'n I let Lyss get anywhere near the beach, she'll never leave," Kassima agrees drolly. "I'm all for it. Y'know, someone--I really can't imagine who--has written some of the oddest limericks on those walls... there's at least one about K'nan that I can recall, and a few others about, oh, some brownrider or other...."

R'ehn looks a little worried about this sudden change in plans, "Umm, but the non-pink-lace posessing leathers... Wasn't that the point?"

Kassima agrees, "Aye, but if'n there *is* pink lace in there... I'm going t'be too sick t'drink after I see it."

Kharty mumbles something like curses under her breath, certainly directed at Aurian.

Asrai waggles a finger at the group, "There will be /no/ snitching to K'nan if'n I just happen to point out said lyrics either." She gives them a broad wink. "Lets get going then...Bluedragons await."

Asrai strides northeast up the brown dirt roadway, towards Southern Boll Hold.

R'ehn weighs Kassima's words. "You have a point."

Kharty moves northeast up the brown dirt roadway, towards Southern Boll Hold.

Kassima heads northeast up the brown dirt roadway, towards Southern Boll Hold.

R'ehn wanders northeast up the brown dirt roadway, towards Southern Boll Hold.

You step northeast up the brown dirt roadway. A few minutes later, you arrive onto the lands of Southern Boll Hold.

Winding Cliff Road

The road, filled with hairpin turns, runs up the side of the volcano of South Boll Hold. Beautiful jungle flowers border the road on all sides, even hanging from creepers overhead. At the east end of the road, you can see almost the entire extinct volcano that houses the Hold proper while to the north are the beaches with miles of blue waters. Traffic is more or less constant during this time of day. The afternoon being a good time for people to travel.

The afternoon is clear and the sun shines brightly. Gusts of wind can be felt coming from the northwest and the autumn air is hot and heavy with humidity.

Type +LHELP for local help and +LHELP LOCAL COMMANDS for Boll's commands.







Tarken Trader Camp(#13381JLMOe)

Voyager Gather Tent (VGT)(#11784JOes)

Obvious exits:

Road to MasterWeaverHall Road towards Fort Jungle Path Ramp to South Boll

Kassima walks down the path, heading deep into the jungles.

Asrai walks down the path, heading deep into the jungles.

R'ehn walks down the path, heading deep into the jungles.

Kharty walks down the path, heading deep into the jungles.

You walk down the path, heading deep into the jungles


Lush jungles surround the path that cuts through the natural beauty. Emerald palm trees reach high up into the afternoon skies as large wild orchids sway in the hot winds. Deep green cacti, their flowers bright and colorful, take your breath away. Creepers and vines hang all around, casting a mysterious obscurity everywhere. The main hold is hidden from your view. Crevices and caves hide within the hedges. An intricate stairway, made of stone, leads down toward the river. The afternoon heat weighs heavily in the air, but the shadows

from the leaves offer a respite from the hot air.

The afternoon is clear and the sun shines brightly. Gusts of wind can be felt coming from the northwest and the autumn air is hot and heavy with humidity.

Type +LHELP for local help and +LHELP LOCAL COMMANDS for Boll's commands.






Obvious exits:

Path to Beach Intricate Stairway Winding Cliff Road

Kassima pushes aside some creepers and disappears!

Asrai pushes aside some creepers and disappears!

Kharty pushes aside some creepers and disappears!

R'ehn pushes aside some creepers and disappears!

You push aside some creepers and enter a hidden cave.


You stand awestruck, looking down the long tunnel. The vines, covering the entranceway, keep the hot air from coming inside the tunnels. This area is quite cool. Moisture drips down the smooth stone walls as you step a little further inside to a rounded cave within the extinct volcano that houses Southern Boll Hold. Cooled lava tiles the floor as smoothly as if it were laid there. Holding your glow up, you seem to notice a crude rope ladder leading somewhere higher within the volcano. A deep rumble is heard in the distance ... sounding like the roar of a waterfall. Glows line the walls casting soft pools of light throughtout. Further down the tunnels, you can see some passageways.






Obvious exits:

Jungles Crude Ladder

Kassima climbs up the crudge ladder and disappears from view.

You climb up the crude ladder and disappear from view.

Lava Lounge

This is a large cavern. The chill in the air is a pleasant change from the heat of the tropical winds that surround Southern Boll. This cave holds the natively christened Lava Lounge of Southern Boll Hold. The bar, along the far wall, is made of cooled, polished black lava, gleaming under the dim pools of light of the glow baskets hanging from the ceilings. Marcus, the barkeep, is ready to serve you 'drinks'. The largest 'wall' is sanded down for visitors to write on.

In addition, there are tables and chairs located throughout the room for people to sit in as well as hanging sky chairs for people to relax in after the day's duties are completed.

There seems to be a crossbow bolt firmly imbedded in the wall. How odd ...




Obvious exits:

Crude Ladder

Kharty climbs up from the caves below.

R'ehn climbs up from the caves below.

Asrai climbs up from the caves below.

Asrai takes a deep breath as they all arrive. "Ah, I miss this place."

Kassima beams brightly to Marcus as she walks in, ignoring the oddly pale shade that the man turns under his tan when he sees her. "Hey, Marcus! Duties and such! Ooh, look--I think they've cleared some wall space!"

Kassima read the first wall.

Kassima studies the second call.

Kassima studies the wall with interest, reading.

Asrai looks aorund, a rather evil grin on the Bluerider's face. "Ah, so they have..."

Aurian blinks as she looks about.

Aurian reads the first wall.

R'ehn steps into the room warily, goodness knows what he expects to leap out of stray corners. "Oh my..."

Aurian studies the second call.

Maylia climbs up from the caves below.

Aurian studies the wall with interest, reading.

Asrai studies the wall with interest, reading.

R'ehn read the first wall.

Aurian drops her jaw as she reads some of these things.

Asrai just peers at the third wall. "Oh my."

R'ehn studies the second call.

Kassima orders a Green Dragon, of course, and crouches down near the bare wall area, considering. "What t'write, what t'write," she mutters. This is evidently not the first time she's pondered this, since some of the sayings are written in her characteristic flourishing script... guess which.

Maylia climbs the ladder, she's already taken off her jacket, now her vest follows, and she flapps the untucked tunic to get some air movement. "Shards, I always forget how hot it gets here."

R'ehn studies the wall with interest, reading.

Aurian looks about in confusion, all she did was want to go shopping, and now she's in a bar.... oh my.

Asrai hmms, pondering the same thing. "I've never written anything before..I may just have to." She orders a Bluedragon, waving to Maylia as she arrives. "Maylia, glad you found us. Thought we'd relax a bit before storming the weaverhall."

R'ehn peers at the walls, ctaching a phrase here and there. He takes several less than surreptitious steps back. "Oh my, indeed." He decides to go in search of alcohol, that will make it make sense.

Kassima notes to Asrai, "I don't know who said it, and I don't *want* t'know who said it. We should all write something, y'know... 'tis a good way t'be leaving something memorable behind. A'course, I'm rather glad that certain individuals aren't given t'drinking. Did you see the one about K'nan, Asrai?"

Asrai chuckles, "Yes, and he still hasn't forgiven you fot it either, Kassi."

Aurian pulls off her jacket, oh dear a bar. Why oh why oh why.

Asrai decides on what to write and with a mysterious smile she starts to etch something on the wall.

R'ehn aquires something mysterious, well to him at least, in a glass and

returns to the wall. "Some of these are quite old." He notes, gesturing at the inscriptions.

Asrai scribbles something on the wall.

Kassima sighs with contentment, rocking back on her heels. "It's good t'be a greenrider," she observes. "Feared and unforgiven by all! Don't any of you drink the Brown Dragon, by the by, unless you favor retching as a form of entertainment."

Maylia flashes a smile to Marcus, and orders a green dragon in a quiet voice. Drink in hand, she wanders over to skim the walls, looking for new writings.

Asrai plops back down with her drink, a happy little content smile on her lips. "I stick to the Blues, thanks..."

R'val climbs up from the caves below.

Asrai studies the wall with interest, reading.

R'ehn rummages in his pockets for a writing utensil, mumbling under his breath.

R'val pushes his way up into the bar, smiling, "VIdarth said he heard a few Telgar dragons were here. Hi gang."

Aurian blinks at the various drinks, she bites her bottom lip, "Ummmmm."

Marcus nods and pours R'val a drink.

Marcus places a glass of Blue Dragon in fron of R'val.

R'val wanders up to Marcus, who he grins at, and chats with as he orders a Blue Dragon, "Mmm. I haven't had one of these in forever."

Maylia studies the wall with interest, reading.

Kassima read the first wall.

Kassima studies the wall with interest, reading.

Asrai gives R'val a wave. "Greetings. We were here for shopping, but got

distracted. Actually, they were busy so we thought we'd unwind first."

Kassima suggests absently, still thinking, "Try the Green Dragon... or if'n anyone but the 'Lings wants, I can brew the Bottle here. 'Tis too lethal for Weyrlings, though, more's the pity. Hey, who d'you think wrote this bit about M'kla and Panth? Whomever they are, they're asking t'get maimed."

Marcus nods and pours Asrai a drink.

Marcus places a glass of Blue Dragon in fron of Asrai.

R'val smiles amiably, waving to Asrai, "Shopping? Well, that's always good fun."

Asrai nods in agreement, "Aye...must have something new for the upcoming


Asrai studies the second call.

Kassima studies the second call.

Aurian tilts her head at the drinks. Oh yeah suggestions really help, she doesn't trust anyone at this point.

Kassima scribbles something on the wall.

Maylia studies the wall with interest, reading.

R'val hmms thoughtfully, "Which festival is that?"

R'ehn sips his mysterious drink substance, giving it a decidedly disturbed look. He decides to chew on the end of his discovered writing utensil instead.

Asrai read the first wall.

Kassima puts down her chalk stick, content to leave just one message behind her for now. "What's that?" she asks R'ehn, sipping at her own very green Green Dragon.

R'ehn scribbles something on the wall.

Maylia peers over Kassi's shoulder s her mentor writes, and smothers a laugh in a sip from her glass. "Aurian, if you'd like a sip?" The green drink is offered.

Marcus nods and runs off.

Marcus returns and sets down a plate of delicious whimry sandwiches.

R'val sips his drink with a grin, "I'm partial to the blue dragon drink myself. but I'll admit, that green is fairly tasty.."

Asrai read the first wall.

Asrai studies the wall with interest, reading.

Kassima studies the wall with interest, reading.

R'ehn tucks writing objecy back in ye olde endless pockets. He shakes his head, "I haven't the foggiest. It's um..." He takes another sip of the concoction, shaking his head at the taste. "Odd."

R'ehn studies the wall with interest, reading.

Asrai chuckles as she reads what Kassi has written. "Very good."

Kassima observes, "I hope 'tis nay the Thread, unless you've a true

deathwish... hey! R'ehn, 'tis nay fair t'be *warning* people!"

Maylia studies the wall with interest, reading.

Asrai plops back down, propping her feet up on the rim under the table. "Ah, gotta love this place."

R'ehn continues to consume the whateveritis, it can't be too terrible. Or R'ehn might -really- be that stupid. He snickers softly, expression brightening. "Aww, but Kassi, how will people no to be afraid of you if they aren't -warned-..."

Aurian takes the glass from Maylia, "Its not going to do terrible things is it?" She sips curiously.

Kassima picks up one of the sandwiches, nibbling at the edges. "Anyone else care for whimry?" she inquires. "Marcus makes a sandwich like nay anyone else on Pern. They go excellently with the Greens. And with Sea Spikes, too, for that matter--hey! Simple enough: I'll *make* them fear me, the hard and fun way. Wouldn't you rather introduce someone to the reasons they should fear you first-hand, all?"

Asrai chuckles, glancing over at Aurian, "What? That? Nyah..its just a drink. Not like the Bottle, that leads people to believe that fireballs in the living cavern are good things."

Maylia shakes her head, laughing. "No, Aurian. After all, I've been sipping from that same glass." A pause, with an expectant smile. "Well?"

Aurian finishes the sip and passes it back to Maylia, "Not bad." She grins.

A'lex climbs up from the caves below.

Asrai looks over and grins brightly, "A'lex! Welcome, we're taking over the place."

A'lex wanders in, blinks a few times and says, "Oh... hi."

Kassima waggles her half-eaten sandwich at Asrai. "Hey! And what's wrong with fireballs in the Living Cavern? Besides, I only did that *once*! Hey, 'Lex, have you come t'fear the pink lace with us?"

A'lex blinks again a few times, suddenly looking uncomfortable, "Uhhh, yea, sure..."

A'lex says "What pink lace?"

R'ehn aquires a seat, after giving the skychairs a suspicious look. "Whimry?" He consumes more random liquid. "But a reputation to be feared certainly must be convient and all. Say if you're tired and not prepared to be fearsome. Fireballs in the Living Cavern?" He blinks at A'lex asking about pink lace and takes mental notes.

Asrai giggles, "Well, we made quite a few that 'once'. they were quite

impressive if I remember correctly." There is mroe then a little doubt in her voice. "Double Green flights do that to a person.."

R'val snickers quietly at A'lex's question with a grin. He turns, and orders another drnk.

Maylia takes the glass back with a grin. "In small quantities, they're not bad." The amiable expression is turned towards A'lex for a moment, before she sticks her tongue out at Kassi. "Never said a thing 'bout pink lace, you."

Aurian waves to A'lex, she examines another wall.

A'lex looks around, obviously confused, then heads for the bar.

Kassima nods sagely to the bronzerider. "Wise decision. Aurian, y'see, wants Kharty t'get a set of riding leathers with gold sisal and pink lace and Faranth only knows what other bloody weird stuff all over it... oh, aye, she did, May!" The Wingleader returns the favor. Nyah. Dragonriders are *such* a mature lot. "Tired and nay prepared t'be fearsome. Hmmm. I guess that's been known t'happen... I usually just try t'put people at ease, then, the better t'scare 'em later. Aye, whimry. Don't ask *me* what that means. I just eat it; I don't ask questions."

Aurian rakes a hand through her hair, "The pink lace was a joke!"

Kharty sighs quietly at the mention of pink lace. "You have no idea, A'lex.."

A'lex looks at Kassima and says, "Oh, yea..."

Marcus blinks, "Are you sure you want that drink?"

Maylia stares back at Aurian, mouthing the words 'pink lace', an amused

expression on her features. "Well." she states. "I never said a thing about pink lace. Especially not on riding leathers. But even on gather dresses..."

Marcus shrugs, puts on a heavy leather apron and gloves that reach his elbows. He puts on a pair of goggles, picking up a pair of tongs. Reaching up with the tongs, he takes a bottle down and /very/ carefully pours it into a small glass, spilling only a drop which sizzles and smokes. Marcus puts away his equipment, stands back and says hesitantly, "Enjoy?"

R'ehn nods frowning at the bottom of his glass through the vague liquid. "Ah, I -see-, saving up the evil for -later-, now that's smart." He also offers into the general flurry of explenation, "They were trying to make her wear scary clothing." He continues more quietly, "Maybe since she was only wearing half of hers..."

Asrai chuckles, then pauses, "What was /that/? She asks of the drink Marcus just poured.

Aurian repeats repeatedly, "A joke a joke a joke a joke."

Kharty blinks at R'ehn a few times. "Wearing half?" Is this a 'bluerider'?

A'lex gasps a few times after swallowing and turns to Asrai, "Thread."

Kassima says with complete certaintly, "Pink lace is fearsome. End of story. 'Lex, you'll agree with me that people should wear what they want t'wear and nay bother with this sexy clothing nonsense unless they want to, aye? Oh... *that's* the Thread, Asrai. Lethal stuff. One evening, I drank one of *everything* they served in here. I wound up passed out on the floor for the rest of the night. I don't think Marcus has ever forgiven me." She grins at the bluerider, and says modestly, "Well, I try. There's always a bonus t'having some evil packed in storage."

A'lex shakes his head a few times, then looks at Kassima, "Is that the nite most of us slept here?"

Marcus smiles and pours a drink.

Marcus hands Aurian a glass of Green Dragon.

This is served to you in a small glass, slightly bigger than the size of your hand. You can alsmot see the drink zipping back and forth in the glass as it slowly goes from a drab green, to a glowing shade of emerald. This drink begins to fizz as you taste it, and you are filled with the sensation of wanting more of it. With this drink though, it's like the domino effect. Drink or gulp one and you'll be on your way to a pleasant, fussy night very quickly.

Asrai gets up and pats A'lex on the back. "Easy there now." she turns to look at Kassi, "One of that sounds interesting. Never tried that before." She ponders the small list Marcus has up.

Marcus nods to Kharty and pours some wine from the wineskin.

Marcus places a glass of Benden white in front of Kharty.

Kharty read the first wall.

Maylia looks just a touch bit pale, and shakes her head to A'lex. "I don't think Kassi was there with us." Don't think? Seems someone likely had a few too many that night.

Aurian sips at the drink, she watches the room idly.

Kassima shakes her head. "Nay, a different night. I was a real lush m'first Turn or two as a rider. The positive result is that I can tell you what will and will nay have an effect akin to having a gold brick slammed against the bace of your skull."

R'val peers at A'lex, "you slept here?"

Base, even.

Marcus smiles and pours a drink.

Marcus hands Asrai a glass of Green Dragon.

R'ehn hrrms at the mention of spending the night in this place, the thought reminding him to put the scary glass back down. "One of -each-, oh dear." He shakes his head, "Brick, against skull, ow. Bad, yes."

A'lex looks at Kassima with a deadpan expression, "Like it matters... if yer here, yer not here to stay sober."

A'lex notices R'ehn for the first time and smiles politely, "Telgar's duties. R'ehn, right?"

Kassima waggles her finger at 'Lex. "Nay, but there're differing *levels* of drunkenness, and different speeds at which 'tis achieved. If'n you're here for a pub crawl, you'll probably only want a Green Dragon or two, while if'n you're here t'wind up sprawled on the floor all night or wake up on the couch with a bread roll stuffed halfway down your throat, go for the Thread or Tunnelsnake."

A'lex raises an eyebrow.

Marcus nods and pours A'lex a drink

Marcus places a glass of TunnelSnake in front of A'lex, "Enjoy"

Marcus puts on a thick leathis apron, thick gloves and puts a thick cloth over his mouth and nose, unstopping a metal container, filling a metal goblet and handing it to A'lex at arm's length.

Asrai orders her second round..going through the dragon drinks first...safer that way. Or so she thinks. "I've never thought the dragon ones were so bad. Just kinda fizzy tasting."

R'ehn casts Kassima a worried look, pushing his glas a notch further away on the table. He nods to A'lex, "'Reaches duties, yes R'ehn. Nice to meet you again under less knife intensive circumstances, sir."

Asrai looks askance at A'lex's choices though.

Kassima explains sheepishly, "Marcus wanted t'stop me from snoring, all right? Eh, don't know, R'ehn. Being drunk can be fun. I recall once when Aph and C'ron and I flew to six pubs in one night...." She sighs reminiscently. "We wound up at Tillek's Wave Rider, searching desperately for the bar. One of us claimed the foo had hidden it."

A'lex snorts, "Sir? Ha!! No, just A'lex... plain old A'lex... plain old needs another drink A'lex..."

Aurian covers her nose as she catches a whiff of A'lex's drink. she takes another sip of hers and moves over near Kharty, "Ok so no pink lace." She giggles again,

R'val chortles, "Good thinkin' A'lex, I believe I'll have one as well."

Marcus nods and pours R'val a drink.

Marcus places a glass of Blue Dragon in fron of R'val.

Kharty edges away from Aurian, giving her an odd look. Raising her drink to her lips, she hmmphs. "No lace.", she answers emphatically before draining the glass.

Asrai giggles, "Now..why would you need another drink for A'lex? You sure you finished the last one...I still see some at the bottom." She points an accusing finger at the glass in question. that last little bit seems to be etching a pot mark in the bottom of said glass...

R'ehn wonders briefly if you're supposed to admit this, "Uh, okay, I wouldn't know. I've never -been- drunk." He looks chagrined at A'lex's

sir-remonstration. "Sir and ma'am are such nice safe words though..."

R'val peers at Kharty, and grins, "What's wrong with lace?"

"So no clothing then?" Aurian tilts her head at Kharty.

Maylia wanders back from skimming over the walls, and heads over to the two weyrlings. "Alright, we won't force you to wear lace, but do try something nice, please?"

Kassima nearly snorts green liquor out her nose at that one. "Knife-intensive circumstances!" she repeats, delighted by the phrasing. "That one, I'll try t'remember. 'Lex, just a word of caution: if'n you wind up dancing around the room singing 'The Woman In Me Needs the Herdbeast In You, Because M'Dragon Is Hungry,' I will nay refrain from using it as blackmail material." She drains her glass finally, and checks to see what she'll have next.

Marcus grins and pours Kassima the drink.

Marcus places a glass of Sea Spike in front of Kassima.

Asrai smacks A'lex on the arm with the back of her hand to get his attention. "A'lex..your opinion. Do you think Kharty would look better in sisal, velvet, leather...or nothing?" She winks conspiritorily at Aurian, downing the rest of the Green dragon.

R'val coughs, "He's a bronzerider, which option do you THINK he's gonna pick? what a silly question." He grins.

Kassima yelps as she picks up the glass, "We are *nay* going t'have m'mentee prance around clothesless at a Gather! Don't you even think it! Wherhide, I'm telling you. 'Tis practical, professional, convenient, comfortable, and nay so bad looking as *that*."

A'lex starts in on the tunnelsnake, but at Asrai's note of his yet unfinished Thread he picks up the other glass and attempts to lick the liquid out of the bottom of it. Turning back to R'ehn, he looks him up and down, "Never been drunk? How old are you, boy?" He laughs heartily at Kassima's song title, but then spins quickly at Asrai's slap. But the way he DOESN'T get dizzy, it's safe to say he's not drunk yet, "Naked, or leather... or half and half."

R'val chuckles, "Should've known. Bronzeriders." He shakes his head.

Kharty sighs, looking at Aurian AND Maylia. "I always intended on getting something nice. This whole thing should have never happened." To R'val, she just says, "You don't want to know..."

R'val grins at Kharty, "I'm curious, so..I do wanna know. Are they trying to dress you u

R'val ..up. :)

Aurian giggles and takes another long swallow of her drink, "Ooooh about one thin layer of sisal.. she'll have clothes on then."

A'lex looks at Kharty, "No offence of course."

Maylia glances past Kharty towards Kassima, a little bit of confused concerned puzzlement crossing her face. "Singing what? And yes, leather's better than nude, but not much. Sure, get leathers for riding, and for formal riding-type occasions. But for gathers, at least try on some dresses to see waht you think."

Asrai nods, "Half and half...that could be fun. So, would you say she could find other men that would like to see her in leather?"

R'ehn's eyes widen at Kassima's suggested music list. He moves his chair

vaguely towards Kassima, once a scary harper wannabe, always a scary harper wannabe. "What are the -words- to -that-?" He shrugs at A'lex, "20 and some random to spare, depending on when now is."

Marcus pours Asrai a mug of Brown Dragon.

Marcus hands Asrai the drink.

A'lex snorts again, taking another hit of TunnelSnake, "You're not that much younger than I am... so safe or not, no more sir. Or else I'll have to make up some threat I might actually have to fulfill."

Kharty is probably close to growling now. "I don't intend on going naked to the gather, and that's that!" Her fist pounds on the table for emphasis, sending her drink sloshing in it's glass.

Kassima slugs back the entire Sea Spike, being a relatively brave woman, and gets up on a table to announce, "Nay anyone is going t'go to a Gather wearing naught but transparent sisal and a bit of leather! *Listen* to yourselves, people! You think *that'd* give the Holds a good impression of Telgar?" One scary Harper wannabe to another, Kassi gets down from the table to reply to R'ehn, "I doubt you want t'know, but I'll sing it sometime if'n you do. Hey! Have you ever heard 'What D'You Do With a Drunken Rider'?"

R'val pats Kharty's shoulder with a smile, "They're just teasin ya."

Asrai downs the Brownrider quickly, not caring for the bitterness of the drink. Once finished she wipes off her mouth with the back of her hand. "No no no clothes are for /after/ the gather." Oh my, this could get bad...

Aurian giggles more as she drinks. This girl is pathetic she hasn't even

finished her 1st drink and she is giggly.

R'ehn watches the discussion of Gather-wear with some fear. He nods to A'lex, "Yes si...Umm, yes, check, no sir." He blinks at Kassima, eyes wide. "I've heard the one about the -sailor-, but not the rider..."

A'lex nods to Kharty, "I really don't think you should, either, but you ARE an attractive woman, and if it was MY gather, I'd let you wear nothing if'n you so chose."

R'val laughs softly, "Can't help flirting, can you A'lex? You'll get worse the more liquor you have, I imagine..' He smiles, amused.

Kharty eyes R'val out of the corner of one dark eye, then lifts her glass to take that last sip before looking at the list for something else. "Uhm..", her gaze turns to A'lex. "Attractive?" This is the first time anyone's said something nice.

Asrai's eyes go a bit unfocussed, ok so they cross. The tiny rider starts to sway. "Earthquake!"

Aurian raises her drink to Kharty, "Show your legs to A'lex, let him judge them... after all you showed K'tyn."

R'val coughs, shrugging, "Well, I wouldn't trust a bronzerider, but yeah, you are attractive, y'know..."

R'val peers at Aurian, "Say what?"

A'lex whimpers a bit and mutters, "K'tyn..." He slams the rest of his drink.

Kassima informs Kharty helpfully, "You can still wear clothing after Gathers. Don't listen t'her. There are absolutely nay rules about being nude once Festivals are over, I promise." She sighs in disappointment then. "Ach, Faranth. 'Twas hoping you could help me in m'search t'find all forty-two verses! Hey, we're nay going t'have any talk about weird leg contests again, are we?"

R'val glances again at Kharty, amused. He shakes his head, and finishes his third Blue Dragon.

R'ehn is ever in search of being helpful, he reclaims his glass of whatever and offers to Kassima, "I could make some up, but I doubt that would help. Weird. . . .... . legs?"

Aurian finishes her drink, "Go on Kharty.. show'em."

R'val peers at Aurian, "Why'd she show K'tyn her legs?"

Kassima replies, waving a second glass of Green Dragon around vaguely, "Oh, you remember... they were saying something about dragging Kharty down to the Living Caverns for a private showing of a best legs contest or some such thing. 'Twas too horrified t'be paying much attention. I don't know; new verses, actually, get made up all the time--that's how there got t'be forty-two. Why, there's even one about kilts!"

Asrai's hand clutches at the bar top as she tries to steady the room. It takes a bit for her to get her eyes to uncross. She starts to pick up on the conversation..helpfully adding, "Well, she dropped trou and he walked in...then she spilt her pants trying to get them up again. Trou..I like that word Aurian..thanks."

Aurian shrugs, "He walked in, she had already dropped her pants

R'val coughs, "She dropped 'em, or did they fall?? Dear me."

Aurian nods to Asrai, "Any time."

Asrai giggles at R'val, "Umm, both."

Aurian says, "She undid her belt!"

Asrai nods in agreement, "On purpose even."

R'val blinks, "WHy on earth did she do that?" He regards Kharty curiously.

Kharty has managed to slide down so far on the chair that her nose is almost on the edge. "Aieeee..."

A'lex buhblinks at Kharty, "I though you rode Blue, not Green...."

Asrai giggles again, smacking A'lex on the back, perhaps a bit harder then she had intended.

R'ehn looks horrified, maybe this is not a goodness. "Kilts? Le'mme guess. It's not. 'Flee, flee, flee, the k-ilt..'

A'lex coughs as the smack catches him off guard.

Kharty swats at A'lex, glaring at him and those around her. "I DO ride a blue!" Growling, she reaches for another drink.

A'lex grins, "Then why are you dropping you pants in public?"

"Hey!" Kassima yelps, standing up again without--miraculously enough--spilling her drink. "Greenriders do *nay* drop their pants like that on a regular basis! You're just asking for it, bronzie... oh, nay, R'ehn. 'Tis... let's see." She takes a deep breath, then starts to sing in a clear, even pleasant, rollicking alto, "Lift up his kilt and see what's under, lift up his kilt and see what's under--lift up his kilt and see what's under, ear-ly in the morning!"

A'lex sighs, good thing Kassi is easily distracted when she's drunk and


R'ehn mumbles, "I shoulda' known..." He hmms quietly into the conversation, "Blueriders can't take off their pants?" He hmms, "No wonder they want us all to wear kilts.."

Kharty takes another long drink, eyeing everyone about her. Now this is going a bit too far. Another long swallow, with her hand tapping the table.

Aurian giggles, "Bronze riders drop their pants on a regular basis

Marcus smiles and pours a drink.

Marcus hands Aurian a glass of Green Dragon.

Aurian sips at her drink.

Asrai puts out her hand to help A'lex, I'm sure its a big help...not. She peers over the bar to order another drink. "Bronzerider salute to the pants dropping contigent at Telgar." she tosses a wink at the nearby A'lex.

Marcus grins and pours Asrai a drink.

Marcus slides a mug of Bronze Dragon to Asrai.

Kassima shakes her head, tipping back her wine glass. "Nay, that's because you lot object so much. If'n you *liked* wearing kilts, we probably wouldn't *want* you to. Same with dresses and suchlike, as far as you men go. *What* pants-dropping contingent at Telgar?" she demands then of Asrai, mildly aghast.

A'lex looks at Asrai, "Bronzerider? You ordering a drink or a date?"

R'val snickers, "Gads, A'lex. You're not even drunk and you're already being appalling."

A'lex grins at R'val, then sticks out his tongue, "Sorry if I'm offending you."

R'val winks, "It's ok, A'lex, as a bronzerider, part of your duty is to be offensive."

R'ehn mumbles to himself, "Pants dropping contingent at Telgar, yup, gotta explain -that- to Lirra.." He goes in search of his drink only to realize he's already holding it. Shrugging he sips the ghastly substance again. "Why not, 'Leave the poor blue-rider alone, go torment M'gan some m-ore..."?

Asrai giggles, looking over at Kassi, "Oh was a joke. At least /I/ haven't seen any Bronzerider's drop trou recently." she then looks back to A'lex and shakes her finger at A'lex, "Wouldn't /you/ like to know." Oh dear.

A'lex makes some sort of rude gesture at R'val, then orders another drink.

Marcus grins and pours A'lex a drink.

Marcus slides a mug of Bronze Dragon to A'lex.

R'val snickers at A'lex, and orders another drnk.

Marcus nods and pours R'val a drink.

Marcus places a glass of Blue Dragon in fron of R'val.

R'val gulps part of his blue with a satisfied sigh, "Delicious stuff, this." He peers at Marcus, "Think I'll have a green next..."

"So *that's* why they're that way," Kassi comments thoughtfully. "Ooh, hey! The bluerider bit won't work, but... hmmm. 'Go torment M'rgan some mo-ore, ear-ly in the morning!' I like, but I'm nay sure it fits the theme of things you'd do with a drunken rider. Listen, can we please all keep our pants on? At least for awhile? I don't want t'see us all thrown out of here by Marcus until I've had a chance t'get good and sloshed."

Kassima was saying that last to the room in general, of course.

R'val coughs," I have no intention of removing my pants. They're quite comfy."

Aurian giggles as she sips at her drink, oh this is fun.

A'lex looks over to Kassima, "Hey, Greenie, how about 'Drop so trou for the ex-weyrleader, ear-ly in the morning!'" he sings.

R'ehn reaches into his pocket removing one of the rather squished bread rolls that are the mainstay of his existance. He offers it to Kassima with a look towards A'lex.

Kharty sits up in her chair suddenly, grabbing the glass so fast the contents slosh onto her sleeve. "Shards! I don't believe this. All I do is show my legs to... well, a bunch of 'women' in the barracks, and now all of a sudden everyone wants me to take off /everything/." One more long sip goes down, as she looks about her, dismayed.

Aurian murmurs maybe a little bit drunken, "I'll drop my trou.."

A'lex glances over to Aruian with a grin, "For whom?"

Kharty picks up on Aurian's comment. "You'd do that? Right here?"

Asrai runs her fingers through her hair, letting out a gusty sigh before

downing a large portion of the Bronze /dragon/. She looks over to Kharty, a bit puzzled. "You're gonna take off everything? It wopuld be interesting..although I'm attracted to men...Faranth forbid I should stop you if you really wanted to."

Kassima starts to mouth the words in befuddlement, then elects to do with the breadroll what is--she assumes--meant to be done with the breadroll. She hurls it towards A'lex's head with deadly accuracy.

A'lex jumps, "HEY! I was just trying to help!"

Aurian nods to Kharty, "Right here."

R'ehn smiles cheerfully at the food hurling process, returning to contemplate his ndrink once again. Yep, it's still there.

Aurian merely smiles at A'lex and the breadroll. She takes another long sip of her drink.

A'lex looks at R'ehn, "Watch out for her, R'ehn, she's evil. Evil. E - V - I - L. Evil."

Kassima informs A'lex primly, "Nay anyone is going t'be dropping any trou for the ex-Weyrleader ear-ly in the morning tonight, laddybuck!" She then blinks at the lack of logic in her own statement, and peers into her glass. "I need another drink," she decides. "That would make more sense if'n I had another drink. And perhaps I would be able to ignore the fact that this is turning decidedly odd if'n I had another drink."

A'lex just stares at Kassima in befuddlement. "You're daft, Greenie..."

R'ehn offers Kassima his drink, ooh a way to get rid of it. "Besides, it's not ear-lie in the morning."

Kharty takes another long sip, eyeing Aurian thoughtfully. Just three words come out. "Wanna compare legs?"

Aurian giggles and giggles as she sips her drink.

R'ehn nods to A'lex, "All green riders are."

Sigourney climbs up from the caves below.

A'lex hears THAT comment and turns to look at Kharty and Aurian with a grin on his face. He says nothing, however.

Aurian nods to Kharty, "I think tha' sounds like a good idea." She eyes Kharty just as thoughtfully.

Asrai finishes off the Bronze and gives back the empty mug. she elbows A'lex in the ribs, "Be nice." She spins on R'ehn, waggling a finger at him. "You just watch those generalizations. Marcus, gimmie a Gold!" She turns back to the others and notes A'lex's thoughtfull look. In an overly loud whisper, "What'd I miss?"

Marcus pours a drink for Asrai into a fluted glass.

Marcus hands Asrai a glass of Golden Dragon.

Sigourney flitters in, curling her tail around the crossbow bolt and hanging from it. She chitters daintily and smugly, eyeing all the humanpets.

Kassima accepts the drink, simply because it is a drink, and because it is there. "Thankee kindly, bluerider... hey! 'Lex, only Mart gets away with calling me greenie, and only him because I add three new acts of evil to his eternal penance every time he does so. But aye, I am daft. Isn't it?" She squints up towards the ceiling. "In a few hours, then...."

Kharty holds up her glass to the light, checking to see how much of the

contents is still there. "Finish this, then we'll match 'em."

A'lex whispers to Asrai, "Legs."

Asrai whispers back, why she whispers is a mystery never to be solved, "What about 'im?"

Aurian nods to Kharty, "Certainly." She starts working a little bit faster on her drink, pausing to pull off her jacket."

R'ehn offers Asrai a nice innocent look, it's a little worn on the edges, but not so old as all that. "Hey, Lirra explained it to me... In great detail." He shakes his head at Kassima, "You shouldn't have told them that, they'll be wanting to take off their clothes then."


A'lex doesn't turn to Kassi but says, "Okay, if I can't call you Greenie, how about Greenie? Is that okay Greenie?"

Kharty lifts her glass up, draining some of the wine rather quickly. Turning to Aurian, she mutters, "Mine're longer than yers."

Aurian finishes her drink, "Yeah so."

A'lex tsk tsk tsks at the two riders, "Now, no arguing over your legs, if'n you're going to compare, let the men here judge the contest."

Aurian murmurs to Kharty, "We'll have to stand on the bar.."

"I *think* they want t'take off their clothes now," Kassima observes with some dismay, peering at the two riders. "This is fearsome. 'Lex, let me ask you this. Would you rather forget about calling me greenie, or have me pour a Green Dragon over your head?"

Asrai half giggles, half snickers. "Sure you're up to the challenge, A'lex?" She sips the Golden, smiles at the smooth taste and drinks some more.

Kharty eyes the bar, peering a little at it, trying to get the edges to clear in her vision. "Yup."

R'ehn mumbles under his breath, meandering off to aquire a drink that's safe. "Knew I should have gotten that hat first, something to hide behind..."

Marcus pours a glass of iced tea and hands it to R'ehn with a smile.

A'lex nods emphaticly to Asrai, and says, "Ok, Kassima, I won't call you

Greenie anymore... sorry if it offended you, Greenie..."

Asrai giggles, banging her hea don A'lex's arm before finishing off her drink. "You called her Greenie again, A'lex...silly Bronzerider."

Kassima calmly regards A'lex for a moment, then calmly drains the last of whatever the shards it was she got from R'ehn, then calmly gets up and orders a glass of Green Dragon... then, finally, and calmly also, she stands on tiptoe to poise it over the bronzerider's head. "What'd you call me?" she asks him sweetly.

Aurian eyes the bar as she thinks, "Should probably take our boots off first, then drop trou."

Kharty downs the last of her drink, then grabs .. someone's .., taking a good swig of it first. Standing, she kicks off her boots, hands to the waistband of her pants. "Ready.."

R'ehn heads back to a table, sipping his tea with an obviously delighted

expression. "Sane people on this half of the continent, put -sweetner- in the stuff..." He re-aquires his seat. "And I thought Mart was doomed..."

A'lex looks up and opens his mouth, saying quickly, "Greenie," then opening his mouth again.

Aurian takes off her boots, she undoes her belt then waits for Kharty, "Set.."

Sigourney chitters, looks at Kassima and A'lex, and covers her little eyes with her little paws.

Asrai blinks, standing right next to A'lex as she is. "Uh oh...."

A'lex opens his mouth wider.

Kharty quickly grabs for yet another long drink, now thoroughly sloshed. Her eyes twinkling, she yells, "GO!" Down go the leathers to her ankles. Easy enough, baggy as they are.

Kassima smiles far too sweetly this time at A'lex, and even more calmly tips the glass back to pour its entire contents over the bronzerider's head. Mercifully, this means she misses the fact that Kharty is now mooning the world.

A'lex tries to cock his head so he can see the legs and still have his mouth open for the drink. Unfortunately it gets in his eyes, "Shardit Kassima, the MOUTH! MOUTH!! I can't see Kharty's legs!!"

Aurian lets her pants drop, they puff about the ankles as they land. "hey Marcus could y' make another one of them green things.."

R'ehn covers his eyes again, iced tea left well forgotten in front of him as things get all the scarier. "Ack." Ahh, eloquent as always.

Kharty steps up onto the bar with one leg, then hefts the other up. Hands on hips, she giggles, drunkenly. "Can ya sees now..?"

A'lex is hurriedly wiping his eyes with a towel Marcus hands to him.

Sigourney chitterchatters and watches with glittering jewelled eyes.

Maylia comes back up the ladder, and heads for the bar. Pants dropping?

Kharty holds her hand down to Aurian. "Need help?"

Kassima yells back at A'lex, "All the better, bronzie-boy! You have no business peering at my mentee's rear end anyway!" She steps back, setting the glass down and dusting off her hands. Her work here is done.

Asrai chuckles, regardless of the fact that half of what just ogt poured on A'lex just bounced off his face and landed on her head. "What a waste of a drink..." Just then Kharty climbs up on the bar. "YEah..I think everyone can see now, Kharty...."

Aurian's shirt is long enough to cover her tush, but almost all of her legs are bared. She kicks her pants off into some corner.

R'ehn mumbles to himself, yeesh he's done a lot of this tonight. "No place this scary, there's no place this scary..."

Aurian follows onto the bar just a few steps behind Kharty.

A'lex looks over at R'ehn, once he's not BLIND anymore. "You've not been in Kassima's weyr then, eh R'ehn?"

Kharty helps Aurian up then turns toward the men. "Whull? Who'sit? me 'r her?"

Asrai reaches up and covers A'lex's eyes. She obviously forgot he's suposed to be judging.

Maylia's hand passes over her eyes, and down to cover her mouth, hanging agape. Those near to her might just hear her mutter "Shardit. How much've they had?" She clears her throat. "Uh, might I ask why you're not wearing much?"

K'tyn climbs up from the caves below.

R'ehn frowns briefly, wondering if this is some kind of trap. He decides it isn't and keeps his eyes well shielded from wayward half-naked people. "Uh, no, I'm sure it's pointy-object-intensive."

A'lex bats Asrai's hand away in time to see K'tyn coming up the ladder. The stripping Weyrlings forgotten, he stands and salutes, "Evening, sir. *hic*"

Aurian glowers at the supposed judges, "Welll...?

Kassima starts chanting, "Pleeeeeeeeease don't let them start doing that dance with the high kicks. Pleeeeeeeeeease don't let them start doing that dance with the high kicks." She then peers at A'lex, wide-eyed. "You think *my* weyr is scarier than *this*? I don't have Weyrlings parading about without pants up there, y'know!"

Asrai has one hand covering A'lex's mouth, the other on the remains of her Golden Dragon drink. Kharty and Aurian have dropped trou and climbed up on the bar. "No one ever asks me to take off my pants..." Is heard in a soft mutter by those nearby.

Aurian and Kharty are standing on the bar with out any pants.

Kharty sees K'tyn enter, and greets him a little drunkenly. "Yoooo.. Kiat!" she giggles, glancing down at Kassi.

K'tyn raises a brow -nay, both, as he enters. "Well, oh my. This looks

entertaining. Hello, all," he grins.

D'thon climbs up from the caves below.

Aurian murmurs, "Dance with high kicks?"

R'val looks up a someone else enters and grins, waving, "He, D'thon!"

Aurian waves to the former weyrleader, "Evening K'tyn..."

Maylia just stands there, shaking her head. Well, there goes any hope of her keeping *this* escapade quiet. "If you can't beat'em, join'em." the assistant weyrlingmaster mutters. "Evening, Kiat, D'thon."

A'lex looks over to Maylia then, "Join them? You droppin trou too?"

D'thon quietly appears from the general direction of the ladder. Spotting a certain small green flit, he steps over and collects her, then nods to all. "Evenin'," he replies... before his eyes attempt (only partially successfully) to avoid falling out of their sockets.

R'ehn is pretty sure he hears people arrive, but as he has his face buried in his hands lest any scary images pass into them he just has to mumble something vaguely like a greeting. "The high kicking thing would be bad, shoes tend to fly off when people do that."

K'tyn looks for a space to seat himself, oogling the naked parts of the

half-naked bods about him. "Well. Is there more of the green stuff about? Think I'll be needing it."

"C'mon... c'mon.. we gotta judgin' here..", Khar giggles, "You'all just funnin or wha?"

Asrai waves brightly to K'tyn and D'thon as her hand is now free...having been batted away. "Hello K'tyn, heya D'thon! Welcome to the Lava Lounge..pull up a drink, umm, I mean chair."

"Mine, either," Kassi confides to Asrai. "But I always figured that was a good thing. R'ehn, they're nay doing the high kicks yet; you don't need t'cover your eyes... hey, Kiat, D'thon! Run. Run fast, run far, but nay until you've had a few drinks."

Maylia blinks at A'lex, and snorts. "If I am, I need more to drink. Shells, m'weyrlings are drunk. I might's well enjoy myself too." She leans down on her way to the bar to speak with Kiat softly.

Aurian stuters, "We all ready t-t-took off our shoes..." She takes the green dragon from Marcus at last and sips at it, "Well who's judging!?"

D'thon attempts to blink, then shakes his head. "What in the name of Faranth's golden knickers," he begins (perhaps somewhat affected by the local sights), "is happening...?"

R'ehn offers by way of muffled conversation, "Yeah but they've not got any -pants- on.." As if this were not entirely obvious already. "This is safer."

Marcus blinks, "Are you sure you want that drink?"

Maylia grins, a look of mischief on her face as she speaks. She mutters to K'tyn, "... they're still..."


Marcus shrugs, puts on a heavy leather apron and gloves that reach his elbows. He puts on a pair of goggles, picking up a pair of tongs. Reaching up with the tongs, he takes a bottle down and /very/ carefully pours it into a small glass, spilling only a drop which sizzles and smokes. Marcus puts away his equipment, stands back and says hesitantly, "Enjoy?"

K'tyn mutters to Maylia, "... sit... to... a... then, hm?..."

A'lex FINALLY looks over to Aurian and Kharty, and a grin spreads across his damp face, "Well, well, well...."

Kharty wiggles her bare toes at "

Aurian takes another long sip of her drink, she hmmms.

Kassima admits, "Well, aye, I had noticed that part. But they'll probably put their pants back on *eventually*. I hope. D'thon, me*thinks* they're having some sort of weird leg contest--but don't ask me. I just get drunk here; I don't ask questions."

R'val peers at Kharty's feet, "Hey, why arentcha wearin yer boots?"

K'tyn grins as he looks about, pushing past several people to plop near Kassi, R'ehn, A'lex and Maylia.

Kharty wiggles her bare toes at A'lex, giggling. "Judge, shardit!"

Aurian crosses her legs as she stands.

K'tyn hms. "I think I am far too sober to judge anything. I'll defer to ... others," he winks.

A'lex shrugs, "I like all four of them... but that mole is awfully nice..."

R'ehn covers his eyes with one hand, reaching blindly around for his tea. Aquiring it, or hopefully so and not aquiring someone else's drink he sips the stuff. "See this is what you get for saying they could get naked in the morning."

Aurian rakes a hand through her then stands on one foot, stretching the other forward.

Kassima offers Kiat, "Care for a whimry sandwich? 'Twill help you ignore the fact that there are half-naked people here." That would explain why she's eating one. "Hey! I didn't say they could get naked in the morning! That was *'Lex*, and besides, they should've waited until Kiat or P'tran or someone was here for that verse."

Maylia taps her fingers against her belt, grinning as she does so. She mutters to K'tyn, "Perhaps... be... there.... have..."

R'val peers at Kharty, "Hey, can I judge?"

Kharty hmmphs at R'ehn, then laughs. "I think they told me I could get nekked after the festival.. uhm.. when I found a man who liked leather too."

Aurian says, "What mole?"

Asrai starts to drink the Thread, holding her nose with one hand so no fizzies get up it.

K'tyn laughs at Maylia, and reaches for whatever it is that Kassi has--It can't be lethal; she's consuming it. "Sure thing, and May?" He grins at the greenrider. "I'm sitting near to you, so best be on toes, hm?"

A'lex points at a random leg. "Isn't that a mole? Or is it a piece of Wimry?"

R'ehn pauses a moment, realizing way too many possible verses for Kassi's song are occuring to him, and -none- of the ones occuring to him are even remotely festive or non-scary. He drinks more of the tea. "Yes, but see we neve got to the leather... Oh, -somebody- said they could get naked in the morning."

A'lex raises his hand, "I did.... I was definately the naked morning person."

Aurian places her hands on her hips as she gazes at A'lex.

R'val hrms, "People usually get naked before they go to bed, and get DRESSED in the morning."


R'ehn mumbles something about maybe that's the part Mart found appealing.

Aurian raises the leg and peers down at it, "SO it is."

Maylia cranes her neck up at the weyrlings on the bar, leaning back in her seat to do so. "This is the second time today she's dropped her trous... anyone know what she's up to?" She asks of the others in a quiet voice. A laugh, and she smiles at Kiat. "Why be on my toes?"

A'lex glances over at R'ehn, "What was that?"

Asrai keeps her pants on, prolly due to the fact that the taking off of the belt would be too challenging at this time of the evening..."So, what was the verdict?"

Kassima's brow furrows as she considers. "The first verse about leather is verse seventeen," she finally reports. "They get worse as you go... ugh, 'Lex, of all the things I didn't need t'know about you, that tops the list. D'you really think so, R'ehn?" She squints at Kiat, and asks with only the faintest trace of a slur--those early Turns as a lush must've given her a very good tolerance--"Why should she be on her toes? Aren't there enough bare toes around here?"

K'tyn peers at R'ehn, then grins, overhearing that mutter. "Maybeso!

Maybe--no." He grins at Maylia, reclining back on one leg of the chair he's seated on. "Well, Maylia my darling, I don't think you want me on them, hmmmm?"

Kharty reaches down to pull Asrai's drink from her hands, taking a big swig at it before handing it back. Wiping her lips with the sleeve of her jacket, she does a kick with one leg toward her cousin. "If'n ya don't judge... I'd a guess 'ts time to get down.."

D'thon blinks and blinks again. "Second time?" He looks askance at Kassi. "Was this caused by one of your songs?"

R'val chuckles, 'Ain't nobody judging ya silly, put yer pants back on."

Kassima does the mature, responsible, greenriderish thing to do. She points at A'lex and yells, "*He* started it!"

A'lex looks startled, "Started what? What?"

Aurian blinks around the bar, "Now where are my pants. " She reaches for the glass she had put down.

Kassima accuses A'lex, "*You* started all this nakedness!"

R'val points, "Aren't those yours, Aurian?"

R'ehn tries to be helpful, he's really a helpful person, that's why they keep trying to make him go away. "You called her greenie."

K'tyn glances around and grabs some of that evil green Liqueur and downs it. Some moments later, after he regains consciousness, he grins up at the people on the bar. "I'll judge!"

A'lex pshaws, "No, no, no, Greenie. I did no such thing. I volunteered a

Drunken rider verse, that's all..."

"You both have marvelous legs, ladies," Maylia calls, though with humour, not a command. To K'tyn, she chuckles. "Or you might drop your chair on'em." comes the teasing voice.

Aurian calls out again, "Has anyone seen my pants!?"

Aurian applauds, "Thank you K'tyn.

Kharty hmmphs again, then settles into several striking poses, accenting her long legs, mainly aimed at Kiat. "Bout time..", she mutters then tries for a crossover on the bar, turning her back to them.

Kassima mutters something about bronzeriders and their leg fetishes, gulping back a sizeable amount of... huh. Looks like Thread. "I don't see 'em!" she informs Aurian cheerfully before noting to A'lex, "You're just asking for a whimry sandwich right in the kisser."

R'val peers at Kharty's legs, "Do you want 'em judged? I'll help if you do." HE grins.

K'tyn blinks, trying to focus on the nakedness abounding around him as he swallows a bit more liquor. "Um... May I know what it is that I'm judging? Legs? Arms? Stamina?"

D'thon blinks again, glancing to the bar. Safer, perhaps, not to order anything at the moment - seeing as it might be stepped on.

A'lex blinks and stares at Kassima, "I'm weyrmated, I will not kiss you!"

Aurian shakes her head, "Legs!"

R'val adds, helpfully," I think you have awefully nice legs, Aurian."

Aurian twirls about a bit where she stands.

Asrai blinks as her drink suddenly dissapears..and just as suddenly reappears. "Oh my, that was odd." she peers over at K'tyn, "And just how were you planning on judging their stmina?"

Kharty looks over her shoulder, then wiggles her butt, laughing. "Oh yeah, it's not butt judging is it?"

Kassima replies at once, "I said naught about you kissing me! I said you're *asking* for a *whimry sandwich* right in the *kisser*," she repeats, with careful enunciation. In a lower voice, she asks R'ehn, "Pass me another drink? I'm going t'have t'be truly drunk t'make sense out of this one. I suggest you do the same. 'Tis all less scary that way."

R'val winks, "Unfortunately no, Kharty, but wiggle yours if you feel like it.."

Aurian giggles and pokes Kharty.

Kassima just buries her head in her hands then upon realizing that her mentee is wiggling her butt at a bronzerider. "Where," she demands, "did I go wrong...?"

K'tyn grins at Asrai. "Pushups!" he crows.

R'val winks at K'tyn, "Good plan."

A'lex stares blankly as Kassima, "Kisser? I don't know which her you're

referring to... so how do I know who to kiss?"

R'ehn randomly grabs a drink from the table and hands it in the direction he assumes Kassima is. "No, see I've never -been- drunk, ot might be bad." He holds on to his tea, wishing he had more hands.

Asrai just smirks, "You need another drink if that's the best way you can think of."

Aurian murmurs, "Kissing? KIssing is nice."

D'thon patpats Kassi on the shoulder with a slight grin. "There, there," he murmurs.

Maylia looks just about ready to die, and looks quite gratefully at Marcus as he serves her up a greendragon. "Legs, not stamina." She mutters, trying not to laugh. "And not buts, either!" The drink is downed very quickly. Seems she thinks she needs it.

R'val chuckles, "Y'know, they ARE still weyrlings, Asrai, don't think they should be testing their stamina in any more..drunken ways, just yet."

A'lex glances up at the bar at the butt comment, "Ohhh! Nice one Kharty!"

Aurian bends over to pick up her drink. Then slowly bends back.

Kharty does one of those, wiggle down to your feet then wiggle up again' kinda things, giggling toward A'lex. "Ya gotta have rhythm.. Ya.."

Asrai frowns, jumping to another train of thought. "Shame, I actually like my butt." She blinks and looks at R'val, "Oh....right. Hmm."

R'val blinks at Asrai, "I like your butt too.' He adds.

Aurian giggles, "Rhythm is good." She winks back at the judges.

K'tyn peers at the lineup. "Shardit, I like 'em all," he says after some intent scrutiny. "Y'all win!"

"Believe me, being drunk is a great improvement over being sober when everyone else is drunk," spaketh the Kassi, taking the glass of whatever-it-is and proceeding to follow her own advice. "Kiss the sandwich, 'Lex. Kiss the sandwich! D'thon, that's easy for you t'say. Your mentee isn't a butt-wiggler."

A'lex looks at R'val, "Thanks, but I don't want you lookin at it any more. Channie would get mad if she knew you were after my bum."

Asrai grins, rather girlishly, "You do? that's an awefully nice thing to say."

R'val hmphs at A'lex," I ain't lookin at YOUR butt, bronzeboy!"

Aurian blinks, "How can we all win?"

R'val grins at Aurian, "Cuz the judge says so."

A'lex looks at Kassima, "You're really odd Greenie, kissing sandwiches? That's disgusting."

Asrai gives A'lex a little shove, "Hey! He was talking about /my/ butt." She points, just to make sure things are perfectly clear for the Bronzie. "This one right here...not /yours/."

Kassima gives up. She just gives up. Opening up a sandwich so that the gooey wherry side is showing, she picks up one half and flings *this* at 'Lex's face.

K'tyn peers at Kassi. "I like butt-wiggling. Let's have MORE!"

Kharty looks at Aurian, confused. "I'da tought they was ta pick?"

R'ehn can't help it, the discussion of making out with food items makes him open his eyes, although he still clings to his iced tea as if it will flee. "And I thought sock-chewers were weird."

R'val grins, "They did pick. All of ya."

K'tyn says that last to those on the bar.

Maylia hmmms, and shakes her head at her cousin, and her old friend. And then at her mentor. "Did he say that to you? Perhaps we elder riders should show them how it's done?" Ayup. That green dragons' going to work.

D'thon quickly ducks the flying wherry sandwich, circling around. "Uh-oh," he comments.

A'lex ducks the sandwich hollering, "Heads up!" as it whizzes past his head.

Kharty puts her hands solidly on her hips and looks down at Kiat. Furiously, she reaches down and grabs D'thon's arm tugging it. "You! Up here!", she demands giggling.

D'thon shakes his head and blinkblinks. "Whuh?" He looks around wildly. "But I...I..." Looks VERY startled, that is.

R'val mutters "Run while you can, D'thon..."Aurian giggles.

Asrai giggles, going over and tugging on Maylia's hand. "Come on, those tables look sturdy. We'll show them what turns as a rider will do for there butts." Good or bad decide." She tuggs Maylia up on the table.

R'val blinks, "Goodness. So many butts.' He snickers.

Kharty stoops down, amazingly giving yet another little butt-wiggle as she does, tugging again on D'thon's jacket. "Comeonnnn...", she giggles.Kassima swiftly hides behind R'ehn, then, determined not to be dragged into butt-wiggling. "Nay rump-dancing for me, Maylia!" she calls over the bluerider's shoulder. The suggestion of another drink, however, she goes with. "Don't worry, R'ehn. If he does any fetishing in this direction, I'll be screaming too. I scream, you scream, we all scream... hrm. It seems like there should be another line there. Odd."

R'val does a loud wolf whistle as Maylia shakes her booty, "Gooooooo Maylia!"

Kassima ducks her head and mutters, "This isn't happening. Tell me this isn't happening. How many drinks have I had? Enough that this could all be some sort of bizarre hallucination?"

Asrai does the same thing, really. Its not that she's actually having trouble getting the appropriate portions of her clothes off. It does make for a fine bout of wiggling though. "Yeah, sure thing Maylia..."

K'tyn grins at D'thon. "Lame excuse, my friend! C'mon! Make a line and dance around!"

R'ehn begins consuming the tea laced with whatever the heck it is in hopes this will give him insignt on how to protect Kassima from rump obsessed personages. "Umm, see I -said- a place with 'Lava' in the name would be scary."

R'val chuckles, nodding to R'ehn, "I've seen worse things happen in here, mind you."

Aurian turns her head to blink at the other riders. She then blinks at Kharty, "I think they're stealing our thunder."

A'lex glances over at Kassima, "What, afraid your butt won't hold up against the young women?"

Aurian tilts her head at Kharty, "Maybe we should take it all off..."

Kassima peers around from behind R'ehn. "I *am* a young woman!" she objects indignantly. "I just don't believe in butt-wiggling, that's all! R'ehn, help me out, here...." Faranth only knows what she expects the bluerider to do.

R'val raises his eyebrows at Aurian, "Nekkid? Uh, I don't think so...Not a good idea, in here!"

Kharty nods to Aurian, "Yup! And this one..", she points to D'thon, "won't even play!" Sending D'thon a pout, she stands back up. "Wanna..", she leans over to whisper something to Aurian.

R'ehn peers back at Kassima, wondering as well. Is he supposed to wield iced tea at them or something. He decides on,

A'lex snorts at Kassima, "Yea, don't believe it it... then don't wiggle it, just get it up on the bar so we can watch it."

R'ehn says "You can't make Kassi wave her butt. You don't want to, you'll pay for it later."

Maylia grins mischevously down at the other riders, wriggling her stuff. Ayup. A few too many drinks in this girl. With rhythm and slow, sensual moves, it looks like she might actually take clothes off. Or will she just offer glimpses? As the latest drink begins to take effect, she more tries to keep her balance than wriggle, though maybe it's hard to tell.

D'thon GLARES at K'tyn. "Get him," he points to R'ehn in a move of desperation. "Not me." As the weyrling looses her hold on his jacket, he scoots over to behind Kassi and R'ehn. Safety (hopefully).

A'lex looks at R'ehn, "Don't listen to her R'ehn. You'll start down the road to Greenriderville."

Aurian listens to Kharty

Asrai giggles at A'lex, looking over her shoulder at him as she finally gets the belt undone and and the pants inched sway for each inch..just for good measure. Well, like Maylia, she might just be loosing ehr balence.."

R'ehn shakes his head mournfully at A'lex, "I've already been there, have you met my weyrmate Lirra? Her green is very green. But even if Kassi is an evil greentider this does not mean she should be required to exhibit her hind end for your amusment."

Kassima peers at R'ehn, not certain how to take that. "What's *that* supposed t'mean?" she wants to know. In response to A'lex, she hurls the second half of sandwich. "Hey! Leave this bluerider alone; he's protecting me! Err, sort of."

R'ehn gives Kassima an innocent look, "Uh that you'd poke them with something sharp, yes."

A'lex scoffs, "It's not for my amusement, it's for the honor of Older

Greenriders everywhere..." Oh, he's cruisn for a bruisin...

R'ehn gestures broadly, managing by the magic of MUSH not to get iced tea everywhere, "I'm sure we can all just agree in advance that Kassima's butt is honorable and let someone else demonstrate that wants to."

Kassima is rather mollified by that. "You're asking for it, 'Lexie," she shouts back defiantly. "I have knives! Lots of knives! And I'm *nay* old! I'm younger'n that bronzeriding letch over there!" She gestures vaguely towards Kiat.

Kassima buries her head in her hands at that last one again. She groans. This is not happening to her. It is surely not happening to her.

A'lex snorts, "Then get your knives and your butt onto the bar and PROVE that you're young!"

Asrai looks over to Maylia, "I don't think anyone's watching..."

Maylia undulates her hips, that's safer than wriggling. Her tunic is untucked, and pulled up to show off her strong stomach, as she undoes her belt. Hmmm. Now, is she focussing on a point to keep from falling over, or is she staring -at- someone? Her belt undone, she's not much behind Asrai in the trouser department.

D'thon just shakes his head. "Oh, dear," he comments.

K'tyn claps in time to some inner music as people dance about. "There ya go!" he says encouragingly, waving more people onto the bar. "C'mon!"

Kassima decides it would be more effective to clap her hands over her rear end. "I show this butt off for nay anyone!" she declares. For good measure, she sticks her tongue out at the bronzerider. Nyah, nyah!

R'ehn tries to mollify A'lex, "No look now, see her butt is honorable, your butt is honorable, we're all friends here. No need to require some kind of butt dueling..."

Kharty looks over to Aurian with a knowing look as she nods, grinning, looking down at D'thon. Fumbling a little but not for long, she opens her jacket, flings it out into the crowd, and lifts off her blouse. With a loud "Geronimo!!" she leaps off the bar, directly aimed at Kiat's lap!

Asrai turns around, quite a feet since her boots are still on. "K'tyn, why don't /you/ come up and join us?

Aurian tosses off her shirt but seconds after Kharty and hops off the bar and lands on D'thon's lap

A'lex looks at R'ehn in a feeble attempt to pull some sort of rank, but he can't think of anything to say, so he turns back to Kassima, "I'm not just ANYONE. I'm A'lex! Lifemate to Bronze Nraith! Wingleader of Skyfire Wing at Telgar Weyr, the best sharding Weyr on the face of Pern!"

Kassima doesn't have enough hands to hide her rump and her eyes, so she settles for squeezing the latter shut tight. "I didn't see that. I didn't see that. I didn't see that."

R'val shakes his head at the group, and sips his drink, moving to sit in the corner.

K'tyn blinks owlishly at this request. Him, up there? It sounds like a good idea... "Well, I would cept--I'm the judge, right? How c'n I judge if I'm up there?"

R'val shrugs, and offers, "I'd judge." knowing his comment will be ignored.

D'thon's eyes grow quite a bit wider, and he produces a very undignified

Squack! as a Weyrling lands in his lap. "I, I, I... I-yi-yi!"

R'ehn briefly is distracted by Topless Flying Weyrlings. (That sounds like a band.) But he returns to nA'lex, speaking soothingly. "Yes, and your butt is honorable, but you must leave Kassi's alone.."

Not just any weyrling but a stark naked weyrling.

Asrai places her hands on her hips, answering ehr own question. "Ah, you aren't joining us because you're busy..." she notes very sensibly as Kharty launches herself towards K'tyn.

Kassima replies back to 'Lex, still without opening her eyes, "You're still someone, which means you're anyone, and *Benden* is the best sharding Weyr on the face of Pern, so there, neener neener neener! And *Thunderbolt* is the best *Wing* on the face of Pern, so you can just go seek your rear end amusement somewhere else, you bronzer letch!"

K'tyn looks at R'val. "Nay, man, you get up there, R'val. Tis my duuty to judge." His words are slightly slurred, though he oofs, falling quite flat as a Kharty lands on him. "Unh..."

A'lex snorts, "Thunderbolt's Wingleader has a droopy butt!" He calls to the crowd.

R'ehn decides to be helpful, he points in the direction the naked weyrlings flew, "Look! Butts! Over there! Fetch!"

Asrai mock whispers to Kassi ...across the room. "Telgar, Kassi..."

R'val chuckles, "No one would look, K'tyn. I'll just sit here, I think."

Maylia, her trousers undone and -almost- off her hips, realizes Asrai's

problem. Boots. She bends forward, and unlaces her own, the very motion showing off her long, sinuous limbs. And sees Kharty. Nude. Nekkid. In a bar. And on Kiat, too. Oh my.

Aurian giggles at D'thon's expression, she doesn't move from his lap as she laughs more.

Asrai shakes her head, pants around the top of her boots, hands on her tiny hips. "That's going to be interesting to explain."

A'lex does spin around in time to get a nice long lookat Maylia's sinuous limbs, "Ohhhhh, T'saren's gonna blow a tuber out his ear...."

Kassima shouts back to Asrai, without opening her eyes, "Benden, Asrai! Hey, R'ehn, do me a favor and slug the bronzer letch? I can't do it very well with m'eyes shut."

Telgar Weyr> Asrai lloses it at A'lex's pose.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia does too! how graphic!

Telgar Weyr> Aurian giggles

Telgar Weyr> A'lex bows, "Thank you, thank you."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia says, "and that's not all he's gonna do that over. Watch out for tubers, onions, fingerroots, and wherry flying from his ear..."

R'ehn blinks at Kassi, with inestimable R'ehn logic he points out. "I can't -hit- him. That's wrong. Like his lusting after your butt is bad."

A'lex whirls back around, "Lusting? I think *NOT* Blue Boy..."

A'lex snorts, "Not for that droopy-butt."

Aurian plays with D'thon's hair, odd she didn't relize you could dumbfound someone just by sitting on their lap.

Kassima's eyes fly open at that. "That's even worse!" she wails. Picking up another sandwich, she steps forth just enough to try and slam it in A'lex's face, like some sort of bizarre cream pie.

R'ehn is innocent, really. "But, but, but," right to the heart of the matter yup, "Then why are you obsessed about seeing it? I mean I know it's not M'rgan's..."

D'thon makes an acknoise. "Mind," he attempts to remove himself from underneath a nude Aurian, "getting off?"

Aurian blinks at D'thon, "Why?"

Asrai shrugs, not gathering many looks if any. With more then a little trouble, she manages to pull back up her pants. The belt will just have to wait. she manages to lower herself without falling on ehr face till she is sitting on the table.

K'tyn is flat out on the floor -- no slugging needed, Kassi. Echoing D'thon, his plea is lost in the general hubbub because there's no air behind it. "FFFF," is the only audible sound. "FFF!"

A'lex tries to block the sandwich slam, but is stunned at R'ehn's comment so he takes it in the side of his head, "What did you just say? M'rWHO? Oh, no... you're NOT listening to this mental invalid sandwich throwing wherrie brained flying piece of runner dung of a Greenrider are you?"

R'val adds, helpfully, to the naked KHarty, "I think he's asking you to get off, Kharty."

Kharty giggles as she hits the floor, oblivious to the jolt that's given to her shoulder. "Aee.. missed! Sharding brew!"

Maylia totters just a bit in that odd position, bent over double, her trousers round her ankles. The rooms' spinning. Or something. Slowly, carefully, she stands, and pulls up her trous. "I think that went just a little too far." What an understatement.

D'thon stutters. "Because... because..." He casts frantic looks around the room. "Oh, dear," he repeats.

R'ehn has obviously had -just- enough to drink just to say whatever, "But, you -said-, you thanked him for -admitting- it. I was -there-..."

Kassima doesn't object to any of that insult except for this bit: "I am *nay* wherry dung!" She proceeds to pour another glass of something over 'Lex's head, or as close to the region over 'Lex's head as she can get. "He's telling the truth, and you know it!"

Aurian slides her hands under D'thon's jacket. She starts to tickle the man.

R'val offers Kharty a hand up, smiling, "C'mon, silly. Get dressed..."

Asrai nods, her legs swinging back and forth as she watches. "Yep, I think so too. The weyrlings aren't supposed to be flying without their dragons."

R'val adds, with a frown, "And they're not supposed to be naked on rider's laps."

Kassima calls over helpfully, "Unless 'tis a flight situation!"

Kharty sits up beside K'tyn, laughing but massaging her shoulder. Peering at it, she giggles again. "Uh, that hurt." Glancing up to R'val, she sees his hand and accepts it, pulling upwards.

A'lex blinks, "What *ARE* you talking about? Where? What?" He sputters and spits as he's hit with another drink, "RUNNER dung! I said RUNNER dung! And look what you did to my jacket! Auuugh!" He leaps for Kassima, but of course she's hiding behind R'ehn... you figger it out.

R'val helps Kharty to his feet, and politely guides her towards her pile of clothes, "C'mon, ya silly. Cloth yerself."

D'thon makes a glack-noise. "Uh... help?" Fortunately, he's not THAT

ticklish... yet.

K'tyn sits up, shaking his head laughing. "Too far? Where's that? Out of Back of Beyond?! Kharty? You unhurt?" Concern for the overly enthusiastic woman clouds his gaze, thout that clears even as his brain does. "What happened? And why does my head hurt?"

Aurian giggles and keeps tickling silly D'thon. She's determined in this effort.

Maylia jumps down from the table, somewhat awkwardly as her belt's still not done, and the rooms' still spinning. Her hand reaches down to Kiat's shoulder to stableize herself. "Well, nekkid weyrlings on rider's laps, aren't too bad, s'long as the riders don't do anything with'em." She grins. "Yer head hurrts?"

R'ehn shakes his head, "Now sir, you're a little drun..ahgh!" He gets leaped upon, trying to move so as not to land on Kassima. "Ack, argh, -sir-! And I don't even look -anything- like Mart and he's jumping me.."

Asrai just shakes her head, legs still swinging. "Nope, not good at all." she offers rather helpfully to K'tyn, "Well, I'm not sure...but it might have something to do with you hitting your head. Or maybe the drinks are catching up with you."

Kharty gets led toward her clothes but she turns as she walks to look over at Kiat. "Uhm.. ya.. uhm.. nooo...."

K'tyn lifts a hand to point to two quite red bumps the size of chicken eggs on his head. "Did I fall? Maylia, here, Let me help you down, hm?"

Kassima *almost* gets away, but, alas, she's tipsy enough that her reflexes are a bit slow. "Hey! 'Lex! If'n you've got t'jump the bluerider, let me get up and flee *first*, will you?" she yelps, trying to scramble away from the amorous duo.

A'lex aughs again at R'ehn's comment, "I don't know you well enough to pummel you boy, just get out of my way so I can Kill this Greenrider before she spreads her vile poison to the four corners of Pern."

R'val snickers, calling over, "Too late, A'lex."

Maylia does indeed get helped down, all the way to the floor beside Kiat. "Oooooh. I didn't see. Those look awful, tho." Her hand reaches to the swellings on the bronzerider's head.

Asrai reaches up to run her fingers through her hair once more. "Well, first you fell..then you were jumped on. Hey, anyone think we should stop A'lex and Kassi before they bann up from Boll forever?"

R'val hms, "Might be best to stop 'em before their dragons get worried."

R'ehn tries to scramble back and intersperse himself between Kassi and the A'lex of Amourous Evil. "No see, sir, I think you should not kill Kassima. We need her."

D'thon is still determinedly attempting to free himself. "Could anyone," he nearly whimpers, "give me some help here?" (In other words, his weyrmate will either have his guts out, or cry her eyes out, or claw Aurian's eyes out, or some combination thereof, if she finds out.)

A'lex fehs, "Need her like I need Thread up my Arse..."

R'val coughs, "Uhm...Aurian..?"

Aurian calls to Kharty from where she is on D'thon's lap, "Maybe we should go get those clothes from the weavers.

Krystyna climbs up from the caves below.

Asrai sighs and hops off of the table, only stumbling slightly as she makes her way over to D'thon. she reaches down and pulls Aurian up and off of him. "Come on, time to get dressed."

Krystyna walks in quietly and sits down.

K'tyn says "I'm not tipsy anymore, more's the pity. And I've now a need to go for a swim." K'tyn sighs. "Tis... remarkably noisy here--Anyone wish to join me?""

Maylia looks over towards D'thon. "Um. Aurian? Hon, pull on your clothes, hmmm?" Now there's a suggestion. "Does that hurt, K'tyn?"

Aurian hops off D'thon's lap, since he seems to be little or no fun.

R'ehn blinks, "You nead thread up your....Wouldn't that -hurt-?"

Marcus pours a drink for Krystyna into a fluted glass.

Marcus hands Krystyna a glass of Golden Dragon.

Aurian finds her clothes after some extensive searching.

Kassima erks and decides that maybe having a bluerider between her and 'Lex might not be such a bad thing, never mind that she's getting squished. "You'll kill me over my dead body!" she yells at 'Lex.

D'thon breathes a sigh of relief. "My thanks, Asrai." Then he looks down, noting a number of buttons absent from their rightful places on his shirt. "Oh, great shards," he comments.

Maylia scrubbs at her own face. "Swim? What an idea. That way, we've an excuse for them to be without clothing." Uh-huh? Now, did she mean the weyrlings, or herself?

R'val squints over at D'thon's words, "Oh dear. Ruined your shirt?"

Aurian tilts her head as she's a about midway through having her pants up, "Swimming is fun."

R'ehn is going to have the -best- story to tell when he gets home.

Asrai stands up straight, having done ehr good deed for the night. She then adds to it by helping D'thon to his feet. "Quite alright, really." she looks over the shirt, tsking. "Good thing we're near the Weavercraft. I'm sure they could fix it for you..."

A'lex aughs again and switches from trying to throttle Kassima to trying to throttle R'ehn. So what if it creates an intra-Weyr incident. "I'm going to have to kill you both then..." But he's stopped short by the burly Marcus grabbing him by the scruff of his drink dampened neck and lifting him from the pile of blue and greenrider... "No! No!! They must die!!!"

D'thon shrugs. "Nothing as can't be fixed, but this could be a little...

embarassing." (As if the proceedings weren't.)

K'tyn smiles a bit as Maylia examines his battered skull, thanking her quietly. "Tis just ... I feel a bit claustrophobic." Tugging at her arm, K'tyn smiles brightly at Krystyna and smiles a bit. "Um, Heya. Don't mind us."

R'ehn gives Marcus a brightly beamed grin of appreciation. He scrambles to his feet, offering Kassima a hand up and grinning inanely cheerfully at A'lex.

Krystyna grins "Oh I don't. I am Krystyna by the way...'

Aurian finishes dressing. She shakes out her hair and soon looks vaguely


R'ehn says ""It's okay, you've had too much to drink sir. I won't hold it against you."

A'lex frowns at R'ehn from his elevated perch, "Don't call me sir...."

Maylia gives Kiat a warm smile, trying to ignore the brawl being intervened with nearby. "There's that tidal pool, and the beach, nearby?" She's still on the floor, belt undone, though at least she's clothed.

Marcus rumbles, "Behave or out the door the hard way."

"You'll never take us alive, bronzerider! Hah! Hah hah!" Kassima crows

triumphantly. Relieved to be alive, unthrottled, and relatively unsquished, she accepts the hand up, getting off of the floor. "Methinks I dropped m'drink," she complains. "And I sat on a whimry sandwich...."

Asrai heads on over to A'lex. "Now A'lex, calm down. Everyone's had a bit too much to drink. Things got heated...lets remember that we are all friends, shall we?"

A'lex sputters, "They started it."

Krystyna drinks from the glass in her hand.

Asrai shrugs, "So? What difference does that make?" She gives him a lopsided grin.

A'lex kicks a bit before Marcus sets him down, "Poor sandwich, now it's

probably all droopy too."

R'val says, wisely, 'There will be other sandwiches."

R'ehn gives A'lex a patient shake of the head. "You wanted to get at Kassi's butt, and I'm afraid sir that's simply not socially acceptable." He looks mournfully at the reamins of his iced tea and goes in search of another.

Aurian stretches, "Swimming, cooling off. Straightening my head, then the Infamous Healer Hall hangover cure."

Asrai pokes A'lex in the stomach, hard..with a pointy finger. "Be /nice/."

Kassima threatens, peering at 'Lex around the long loop of braid that's fallen over one eye, "Don't *make* me kill you, 'Lex." She herself starts hunting for another drink, happily finding someone's abandoned Tunnelsnake nearby.

The Ex- (very EX) Telgar Weyrleader smiles at Krystyna. "That's good. Just a bit of high spirits," he explains. "Rambunctious youth, you understand." Smiling unctiously, K'tyn offers Maylia a hand up. "C'mon, to your feet, hm?" he offers, doing his best to ignore the brawl and what ever else is happening.

Krystyna smiles and nods "No problem."

R'ehn peers at Kassima, "Now Kassi. You can't kill him either. He'd bleed and that would stain the floor. And that's rude." He pauses, muttering despite himself. "Unless she used something blunt..."

Aurian says, "Then she'd bash him repeatedly he'd still bleed"

Kassima looks sullen for a moment, then brightens. "Could I kill him *outside*, then?"

R'ehn nods to Aurian, pleased he's been saved from his quandry. "You have a point, see Kassi, you can't kill him here."

A'lex stares at R'ehn, "Do you have firestone ash in you ears? I'm trying to kill her because she's spreading rumors about me that aren't true!" He smile weakly at Marcus, "But not here," he continues, "Because I don't want to go out the door the hard way. I don't want her butt, I never have, never will. Neither do I wan't your painfully skinny rump, either. What I do want is for everyone to believe me when I say that I have *NEVER* nor will I *EVER* have an affair with that Sharding M'rgan! I barely know him. It's KASSIMA that is infatuated with him! Hello? Wake up and smell the klah!!! You too Greenie!!"

Aurian walks over to Maylia, "What's wrong with them..." She points to Kassima and A'lex.

R'val glances at Aurian, "I think they like each other."

R'ehn shakes his head, "You forget, sir. I was -there-. I heard you telling M'rgan how grateful you were he was finally able to admit it in front of people." He continues his sad head shaking, "Too much alcohol..."

Aurian ohs, "Like A'ser and I."

Maylia accepts the hand up, and weaves just a little. "Hmm. Belt." Her fingers find the buckle, and soon she's fully dressed. "Swim. ohh, there's a ladder to get down. They must have problems with people falling, don't they?" As Aurian approaches, the young greenrider shrugs. "Shards if I know. I'm going swimming."

A'lex whirls on R'val, "DON'T make me add you to my list...."

R'val nods to Aurian, "Uh-huh. Love hate sort of thing." He bats his eyelashes at A'lex, and leers.

Aurian nods to Maylia, "Swimming is a better idea than drinking."

A'lex frowns, "Your on my list."

A'lex says "You die right after Kassima and R'ehn."

R'val nods, "I for one am all for swimming." He gives A'lex a giant SMOOCH as he moves towards the ladder.

D'thon nods. "Swimming's good." Not to mention that it's hard to land in

someone's lap in the water.

A'lex whirls back to R'ehn, "Admit WHAT?"

K'tyn laughs at R'val, and makes definite motion toward moving to the

ladder--though R'val beats him to it.

Asrai shakes her head, tossing her hands up into the air, "What difference does it make as long as /you/ know the truth, A'lex? Besides killing KAssi will just make everyone think that what she says is true."

Aurian follows the others to the ladder.

R'val coughs, "Ok, gang. LET'S GO SWIMMING!"

R'ehn's eyes widen. But, but, why does -he- have to die. He's innocent, honest! "No, see maybe you could use a nap..." He blinks, "That you were having an affair together. I hope it's something long past, Kena's a friend of mine...She calls me Clueless..."

A'lex whilrs on Asrai, and has trouble stopping, "Not if I kill he so hard that she was never born to start the rumor..." Oh, that's logic.

errr her

Kassima scowls at A'lex, snapping back, "I'm nay infatuated with *anyone*, bronzie dragon-rump! You are! You, you, you, you, you!" she sing-songs. "See? He believes me! 'Lex, you *can't* kill me so hard that I was never born, you utter dimwitted cretinous excuse for Faranth's month-old phelgm!"

Maylia leans agains Kiat as she waits for her turn to go down the ladder.

A'lex turns slowly back to R'ehn, no more whirling for him, "I did - no - such thing!"

"I can't hear this," K'tyn laughs. "I can't. Therefore, I'm leaving. Maylia, are you joining me? Asrai? D'thon? R'val?"

R'val nods his head, "Sure, I'm up for a swim."

D'thon quietly follows the crowd to the ladder, attempting to make sure his jacket covers him as much as possible against the chill.

R'ehn brightens, pointing at the people escaping. "Swimming? They're talking about swimming..."

K'tyn climbs down the crude ladder.

Maylia climbs down the crude ladder.

D'thon climbs down the crude ladder.

Krystyna drains her drink. She gets up to follow.

A'lex glares at Kassima, "Don't underestimate the power of the Bronze..."

Krystyna climbs down the crude ladder.

Asrai can't help but grin as she puts out her hands to help steady A'lex. "Easy there friend. As far as I know that's impossible." she looks at Kassi and rolls her eyes, "I don't know why people just can't be nice to one another. Kassi, you know how much that kind of talk upsets A' why do you insist on bringing it up all the time?"

Aurian places her hands in her pockets as she waits her turn out of the cavern, she grumbles something about 'will you shut up yp great brown lump. I know I know.'

R'ehn sighs, "If you say so, sir." His tone is of someone humoring someone very drunk indeed. "Now Kassi, see, you're saying things back there that are corrupting me..."

A'lex just fumes....

R'val climbs down the crude ladder.

Kassima gives A'lex a defiant one-handed gesture. "I didn't bring it up!" she insists. "Nay once! If'n you want t'be fighting, bronzie, then let's beat the fardling excrement out of each other *outside*."

A'lex is almost crosseyed, "You brought it up enough that total STRANGERS know about it."

R'ehn shakes his head again, sharply, despite the fact that both of these people very much outrank him. "Now we're all going to hear enough about this already. If you guys -kill- each other the rest of us are all going to get in a -lot- of trouble. No killing, maimiing bad. No, No No." If he just had a rolled up newspaper.

A'lex looks at R'ehn, "What if I set her on fire?"

Kassima points out with utmost Kassi logic, already starting to calm down somewhat, "*You're* stranger than *he* is, so he's nay a stranger at all. *You* are. Look... I don't want t'beat you up, and I doubt you really want t'beat me up, so can we just call it even and be done with it?" Never mind that 'Lex has suffered countless things this evening and Kassi's mostly gotten off scot-free. That's her idea of even.

Asrai finds she is loosing her nice buzz rather rapidly...instead its turned into a pounding. "Enough already, its getting old." She turns, actually helping to pick up dropped glasses and setting them on the bar.

Aurian rubs at her forehead, she's starting to not look so good.

R'ehn actually has to consider that a moment before shaking his head. "Can you imagine the -smell-? No, no setting the Nice Evil Greenrider on fire." He nods at Kassi's offer. "See, there you go."

A'lex looks astounded, "Even? Two sandwichs and two drinks to the head, and you want to call it EVEN? What sharding tank of ageenothree have you been soaking your brain in, Greenie?"

Asrai finishes her cleaning up and grabs onto A'lex's arm, tugging him towards the ladder. "Come on, A'lex. Enough is enough."

R'ehn sighs longsufferingly. "You're doing it again sir. Just relax, I mean I know we all want to kill a greenrider once in a while, but this is neither the time nor the place. That's one of those things you do in the comfort of your own weyr..."

A'lex looks at Asrai, "But it's not FAIR!"

"Well, okay, so I *am* letting you get off pretty lightly... but that's just the sort of generous person I am!" Kassi replies, giving A'lex an evil grin. "See? Nay killing the happy fun greenrider."

A'lex looks at Asrai again, "C'mon, would you take that from her? Huh?"

Asrai gives A'lex a smile over her shoulder as she continues to drag him

towards the ladder and then down. "I know dear, I isn't fair." she finally snapps, "I don't deal well with conflict A'lex, can we /go/ now? Kassi...please make sure Aurian makes it." Shove, shove, drag, drag down the ladder.

Asrai climbs down the crude ladder.

R'ehn gives Asrai a very grateful look and waves to those departing with a cheerful look plastered on his face.

Kassima studies the wall with interest, reading.

You climb down the crude ladder.


You stand awestruck, looking down the long tunnel. The vines, covering the entranceway, keep the hot air from coming inside the tunnels. This area is quite cool. Moisture drips down the smooth stone walls as you step a little further inside to a rounded cave within the extinct volcano that houses Southern Boll Hold. Cooled lava tiles the floor as smoothly as if it were laid there. Holding your glow up, you seem to notice a crude rope ladder leading somewhere higher within the volcano. A deep rumble is heard in the distance ...sounding like the roar of a waterfall. Glows line the walls casting soft pools of light throughtout. Further down the tunnels, you can see some passageways.



Obvious exits:

Jungles Crude Ladder

You step out into the jungle heat.


Lush jungles surround the path that cuts through the natural beauty. Emerald palm trees reach high up into the evening skies as large wild orchids sway in the hot winds. Deep green cacti, their flowers bright and colorful, take your breath away. Creepers and vines hang all around, casting a mysterious obscurity everywhere. The main hold is hidden from your view. Crevices and caves hide within the hedges. An intricate stairway, made of stone, leads down toward the river. As evening settles, the jungles are slowly drawn into the shadows. The area comes alive with sound.

The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior is a nearly full waxing gibbous while Timor shines in half moon. Gusts of wind can be felt coming from the north-northwest and the autumn air is very warm with high humidity.

Type +LHELP for local help and +LHELP LOCAL COMMANDS for Boll's commands.

Obvious exits:

Path to Beach Intricate Stairway Winding Cliff Road

You wander down the trail a ways and step out onto the beach.

Gather Beach of Southern Boll

Waves wash against the shore as the evening settles over Boll. Glowbaskets that hang from the trees are lit, casting soft pools of light on the white sands. The wildflowers bordering the beach are lost in the shadows of the setting sun. The picnic area has many open 'places' to sit as residents move toward the Hold proper for their evening meal. A sign points up the cliff path to the 'vine' and the 'beach waters' look inviting. The evening is clear, not a cloud to be

seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior is a nearly full waxing gibbous while Timor shines in half moon. Gusts of wind can be felt coming from the north-northwest and the autumn air is very warm with high humidity.

Type +LHELP for local help and +LHELP LOCAL COMMANDS for Boll's commands.








Obvious exits:

Boll Docks Tidal Pool Jungle Path

You walk further along the sands and step towards the tidal pool.

Beach Cove - Tidal Pool

As the sun sinks low into the horizon, the small pool of clear waters becomes ruddy. The sweet smell of flowers that grow in the volcanic rock soothes you. The rock surrounding the inlet of water has an underlying bronze color, dazzling you with its sheer beauty. The air starts to come alive with the sounds of the jungles.

The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior is a nearly full waxing gibbous while Timor shines in half moon. Gusts of wind can be felt coming from the north-northwest and the autumn air is very warm with high humidity.

Type +LHELP for local help and +LHELP LOCAL COMMANDS for Boll's commands.







Obvious exits:

Gather Beach

"Don't you mean, look /in/?" D'thon wonders, and glances up. Spotting the weyrling, he quickly pretends not to be there - with little effect.

Aurian drops on to the edge of the pool, she doesn't look to good and is

certainly not paying any attention to D'thon.

Maylia sends a small spatter of a splash towards K'tyn. "And why's that?

They're not that bad." This is of course cut off quickly, and she smiles up to Aurian.

K'tyn nods, answering Maylia's whispered concern for his health. "I am better now -- I think, for all our sakes, that this matter should be forgotten, hm? I know I did not see anything." That he wants to remember, aye. "Aurian," he greets the brownrider. "Hello."

Dragon> Kvasith senses that Lysseth asks lightly, touching your mind with a brief tendril of thought, << Can your rider visualize well enough to get home safely? >>

R'val looks up, waving at Aurian amiably.

Aurian smiles wearily at her friend. She leans back against a rock.

Kvasith> I bespoke Lysseth with << She showed me the star stones clearly, she just wants to wait till her stomach stops rolling. >>

Aurian nods to the others, "Hello."

D'thon nibbles on his lower lip, looking patently nervous.

R'val chuckles, "FEelin ok, Aurian?"

Maylia can't help but ugh softly. "I say we forget it. We've the slight problem of Kassi and A'lex, though what they'll remember is debatable."

R'val shrugs, "I can't figure out whether those two are in love, or hate each other. Or both>"

Aurian rests her head on her knees, "Fine."

Maylia looks up from a softly whispered comment to K'tyn, to shrug at R'val. "That's not what concerns me, actually. Aurian? What's up, hon? You don't look too good."

R'val cocks his head, "Then what does concern you? The chance that they'll kill each other?"

"Kassi and A'lex? Oh, I think they like each other more than they admit. Mayhap more than they wish to, which is a sad thing, in my estimation. I can think of other parings that are much the same way."

K'tyn said that.:)

"Then... Nie?" D'thon wonders softly.

Aurian keeps her head on her knees, "Fine. Stomach is moving, but fine."

Maylia takes her attention from Aurian, only for a moment. She knows the

weyrling's never been drunk before. "R'val, of course I'd rather they didn't, I'm sure they won't."

K'tyn stares at D'thon. "Kill Nie? I don't think that A'lex will kill anyone -- but..." His conscience tugs at him. "Mayhaps I should check." The bronzerider starts to heft himself from the water.

Kvasith> Kassima wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach.

R'val nods, "Of course." he murmurs, sipping from his wine flask.

D'thon shakes his head. "I don't mean killing her...!"

R'val regards Aurian sympathetically, "The booze is hittin ya hard, hm?"

Kvasith> R'ehn wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach.

Kvasith> R'ehn shakes his head, still muttering and jogging. "Not very nice at all. I don't think he's chasing."

Kvasith> Kassima runs down the beach somewhat like a bat out of Hades, quite nearly leaving streaks of flame behind her. It's really amazing how quickly a greenrider can run when she has sufficient motivation. About halfway down the beach, though, she has to stop, primarily because she's laughing so hard that she's fallen on her rump. "Woooooo-hoo!" she yells. "Victory is mine!"

Aurian doesn't answer R'val at all and keeps her head on her knees.

K'tyn stops and turns to look at D'thon. "Then what did you say?"

Kvasith> R'ehn continues, alcohol making him talkative. "The poor man has a -problem- Kassi, you shouldn't hurl food at him just because he lusts after other people's weyrmates...

From the pool, Krystyna sighs as she decides to leave the pool. She climbs out, towels off, and puts her clothes back on.

Krystyna walks down the sands to the beach cove.

D'thon shakes his head. "Only - if 'Lex and Kassi are ... interested in each other..."

Kvasith> "Well, a'*course* 'twas nay nice," Kassi reasons, flipping her braid back over her shoulder. "'Twouldn't be the greenrider thing t'do if'n 'twere! And I didn't throw food at him because he lusts after Mart--though, Faranth knows, that's disturbing enough that he probably deserves it. I threw the sandwich because he tried t'kill me. Remember?"

K'tyn blinks at D'thon. "Why should that matter?" He frowns, brows knitting. "Ah. Never mind. I think I understand."

Kvasith> R'ehn catches up eventually, since Kassima kindly stopped. He shakes his head. "Oh yes. Tried to kill you. I remember that. Still, it was hardly likely to make him -stop- wanting to kill you..."

Aurian hugs her knees tighter.

Maylia looks with concern towards Aurian. "Shards... Aurian? how much did you have to drink, hon?"

R'val ahems, "It might hurt Channie. And frankly, I think A'lex is, being a bronzer and all, lusting after Kassi, but I don't think the feeling's mutual. Kassi doesn't seem to lust after anyone.'

Aurian murmurs in a muffled fashion, "Three of the green ones..

Kvasith> Kassima points out with delightfully insane greenrider logic, "That's the fun of the game, though! Once they stop tormenting you back, what's the point? If'n he's evil t'me again, I'll be evil t'him, and so on and so on and so on. 'Sides, he tried t'kill you too, so I can't imagine why you're standing up for him."

K'tyn sighs. "I'd better go see, anyway. I'll be back." He slips out of the pool to pull his pants on, sighing. "I've got my conscience niggling at me."

K'tyn walks down the sands to the beach cove.

Kvasith> K'tyn wanders in from the tidal pool.

Kvasith> R'ehn pauses in a momnet of entirely genuine and very intense

bemusement. "Why does he want to kill me. Why do so -many- people want to kill me. I was only at High Reaches Weyr a candlemark before they offered to drown me."

Kvasith> Kvasith rests his head on his forefeet watching the tidalpool area worriedly.

Kvasith> Kassima, being drunk, is also philosophical. "Methinks there's some great phenomenon whereby many people are just instant targets of death and evil for nay apparent reason. I mean, look at me! I used t'be your average wandering Hold-lass until Mart started his campaign of evil and taught me how much fun revenge can be. A dragon tried t'drown me on m'first day at the Weyr, too, come t'think of it. It must mean something very profound."

Maylia watches K'tyn leave, an odd expression on her face. But regardless, she slips over to where Aurian is curled up, and she places her hand on the older girl's back. "You going to be OK?"

R'val stands, dressing with a grunt, "I'm outta here>"

Aurian mutters to her friend, "Someday."

R'val walks down the sands to the beach cove.

Kvasith> R'val wanders in from the tidal pool.

Kvasith> R'val uses Vidarth's side straps to mount up agilely, settling onto the little blue's back and straightening. He pets his lifemate's head once as Vidarth rumbles excitedly, ready to fly.

Kvasith> Vidarth hunches down before launching up into the skies, with powerful strokes.

From the sky, Vidarth wings up from the beach.

Kvasith> K'tyn wanders in, looking for bloodied pieces of A'lex or Kassima on the beach. "Uh... Hello?"

From the sky, Vidarth disappears into Between.

Kvasith> R'ehn isn't as drunk as Kassima, but he has stupidity on his side, so that makes a lot of sense. "Oooh, profound, yes. Very. Um, hello."

Kvasith> Kassima isn't bloodied, or in pieces, but she is on the beach. One out of three ain't bad. "Evening!" she calls merrily up to Kiat. "Did you get away from the weird naked Weyrlings?"

Kvasith> "I don't see bits of A'lex about--on the sands or on you, Kassi--Are things settled between the pair of you?" K'tyn smiles faintly. "Oh, I think they've quieted a bit, yes."


 The Dragonriders of Pern © 1967 by Anne McCaffery

All Characters ©1998 by their Players