Melanie Rawn

Dragon Prince Trilogy :

(The Melanie Rawn Newsgroup)

Dragon Prince

Summary: Set on a mystical continent, these books tell the story of Prince Rohan and his wife, a Sunrunner, Sioned. Sioned is a sorcereress is faradhi , a genetically-passed magic that grants control over fire, and allows them to "ride" the light.

Review: This book is a powerful testament to the strength of Rawn's characterization. You immediately fall in love with the characters and get mad when they get hurt, laugh when they tell a joke, and love what they love. Positively excellent.

Rating: 9 out of 10. My second favorite book of all time.

The Star Scroll

Summary: Continuing the saga with Rohan's son, Pol, the story delves into the mystery of dragons and the awesome magic that ancient Sunrunner's possessed.

Review: Bettering her first masterpiece, Rawn continues the story by deepening the background of her characters (if that was possible) and revealing history that has a dramatic effect of the present condition of Rohan and Sioned.

Rating: A worthy sequel, and by far the best book she has written. Combined with one of my favorite covers of all time, this book is my all time favorite! 9 1/2 out of 10.

Sunrunner's Fire

Summary: The final installment of the Dragon Prince Trilogy, this book tells of the rise of the young man Pol, and his conflict with his heritage, an ancient enemy, and with his rival, Andry.

Review: A little darker in theme, but still very good. This story moves much faster than the others, which forces the characterization to suffer, but the story is well-written and finishes with an breathtaking ending. (Boy, I sure can right generic reviews...)

Rating: Good, and a decent way to end the series and start a new one. 7 out of 10.


Summary: Reintroducing you to the characters, with the children grown up and a war looming on the horizon. Pol must deal with an unknown and overwhelming enemy, or risk losing everything he and Rohan have ever dreamed of.

Review: A good novel, solid in it's characterization, and strong on the conflict. Watch characters go through the ringer and see their world get shattered. Excellent beginning.

Rating: I really liked this one, although it's tough to see old characters die. 8 out of 10.

The Dragon Token

Summary: With the war raging around him, Pol must rebuild his shattered army, find a way to outsmart a brilliant opponent, and overcome the grief of watching friend die.

Review: This one seems to drag a little; sort of like Rawn was trying to fill space in between the beginning and climax of her stories. A good book, just not an excellent one.

Rating: Suffers from too many pages and not enough unique elements. 7 out of 10.


Summary: Pol must make a final stand against an invincible army, master magic that threatens to destroy all those around him, and truly become the Dragon Star.

Review: HUMONGOUS! This one has over 750 pages, and believe it or not, you wish there was more! A superb book, and an excellent way to end this fantasy world. (I'm not joking! You wish there were more pages! Rawn leaves several plotlines in the air for cliffhanger's sake, and you close the book sad, and yet trying to catch your breath.)

Rating: An excellent way to end one of the best fantasy runs in the genre. 9 out of 10.