My favorite Movies


Review: This slapstick comedy started the whole string of movies that came later, like Naked Gun, Loaded Weapon, and the entire rest of Leslie Nielsen's career. From sight gags to plays on words to the infamous (and my favorite) Jive Guys, Airplane is an instant classic.

Favorite Line: "That honky mus' be messin my old lady, gotsta be running cold upside down his head, ya know?"

Favorite Scene: The Jive Guys speaking to each other for the first time. I loved that so much I memorized it!

Dead Alive

Review: This is the goriest film of all time, period. It's also one of the funniest and outrageous horror films ever to grace (if that's the right word) the genre. Lionel is a poor luckless shmuck with a blood sucking mother (literally.) He must save his beloved Bikita and kill the hoards of zombies infected with the Rat Monkey virus.

Favorite Line: "LIONEL! Your mother ate my dog!"

Favorite Scene: The Kung-Fu preacher who "kicks butt for the Lord!" by karate chopping zombies trying to save Lionel.


Review: An early Chris Rock movie that pokes fun at the world of Gangster Rap. This one is so hilarious just cause of the movie's fake rap songs that are so wild it is hard not to laugh. This one has become a cult classic with all my friends, and I recently managed to actually find a copy of the movie, which is rare.

Favorite Line: "Straight outta Locash!"

Favorite Scene: Chris Rock in bed, getting ready to fall asleep....."naaaaaahhhhhhh...."


Review: In my opinion the best Disney movie ever made with the second best Soundtrack, Aladdin is a great family film with an inspirational story to boot. The characters, like Robin Williams as the Genie, really make the movie memorable.

Favorite Line: "Okaaaaay, Sparkyyyy, here's whatcha gotta do, if you wanna impress the little lady."

Favorite Scene: The scene where Aladdin first sees Jasmine in the marketplace and saves her from an evil merchant.


Review: While it's not the epitome of movie making, this Van Damme classic caught my attention when I was just a little kid because of it's spectacular fighting scenes of the Kumite, a full-contact martial arts tournament. Van Damme keeps the words to a minimum (thank God) in this great movie.

Favorite Line: "OKAY USA!"

Favorite Scene: The final scene where Van Damme is blinded, but still manages to fight and win the Kumite.