Gather around kids, listen to this tale,
Hear about a king and queen
Beware their magical, mystical spell.

In the early, early part of a decade just past,
At a time when the rock of Buddy Holly
And the roll of Jimi Hendrix began to fade;
At a time when the beat of the Beatles,
The roll of the Rolling Stones,
And the lyrics of Bob Dylan began to rise,
A hoax they were beginning to make.

At a palace called Haight and Asbury in the West
This conspiracy took form.
To a palace called Greenwich in the East
It bounded and leaped.
It was there that the youth had gathered
In search of a better tomorrow.
Although the prince was a long time resident of
these neighborhoods,
It was during this time he matured,
made his popularity grow, and became a king.
His queen it was who magically appeared,
Over the young populace, togethered they ruled.

The word was out and on the loose among those who searched;
'The king and his queen, they must be that better tomorrow.
They promise heightened sense,
Total enlightment,
Inner awareness,
Increased perception,
They offer us peace!

And so it was, the western palace expanded eastward,
The eastern palace grew westward.
The youth were swept up in the kingdom's magic spell.
The Beatles rose into the heights of royality
In the young world, obscure from public view.
The Rolling Stones are still rolling,
Crushing a little moss.
Bob Dylan, he just seems to drift around these days.
Janis, well, she's just nowhere to be found;
So many others seem to have gone nowhere too.

The king and queen saw their kingdom reach its peak
During sixty-nine,
Woodstock, the young ones called it.
But then during seventy something happened,
No one knows exactly,
Their kingdom faltered for one heartbeat,
The spell had lasted too long,
Its magic was stretched much too thin.
Their mystical hold on their subjects began to break.

Through the fabric veiling the magical spell,
The young followers were beginning to see.
(What did those people see?)
Tricks and lies and untruths and half truths,
Uppers which lead to downs,
Downers which lead to ups,
Speeds which lead to crashes,
Acid which ate away the soul.
The better tomorrow turned into a bad dream.

Disillusionment set in.
The young people began to disperse and drift away.
The tried to tell their younger friends
Of the magic and its tricks.
But the spell already held them,
They could not be told.
They could not understand.
That this 'reality' was, in true reality, a hoax.

The king and queen left their falling palaces.
They wander the countryside now.
Casting their magical, mystical spell
On those who are young today, easily mislead,
Who accept their lies as truths.
Sadly, their spell will hold,
And tightly so.
Eventually those who follow the king and queen,
(Those who survive their rule)
They will see through the veil
As it stretches thinner and thinner still.
But the damage will have already been done,
The spell will have taken its toll.
Then onward they move
In search of different and younger people to rule.

What of those who followed the old kingdom's ways,
Those in search of a better tomorrow?
Mad some are because they let themselves be easily mislead.
Bitter some are for wasting ten years of their lives.
At work some are with nothing in particular planned.
Looking some are into the future,
Looking for a sign of an honest leader
To lead them in search of the 'real' better tomorrow.
Keeping a cautious eye on guard
Against the king, his queen, and their friends
All are.


                  More than I, others have seen of the inner working of the spell.
                  But perceived have I, from the fringes of the kingdom, this tale.
                  For eighteen long years have I watched,
                  This Alcapoca King, his Acid Queen and their Royal Friends
                  Weave their magical, mystical spell.
                  Among the toll number friends, friends of friends,
                  Brothers, sisters, cousins, sons, and daughters.
                  When will it ever end?

                  What counter spell will wizards, sorcerers, magicians,

                  Mystics, and jedi masters cast,
                  To bury this kingdom's nightmare into the past?
                  Safe haven in this world you cannot find,
                  Within yourselves, the answer you must seek.

[mslgpad.gif] Background by, MicroSoft.

© jwhughes 1987