Hang Gliding

         A speck in the air, sailing the winds,
         Suspended by forces unseen.
         Yet sense the force of being free!

         Updrafts, rising to new highs,
         Carrying my spirit with the ride.
         Glide me to a place,
         A place where no one has sailed before.

         A place
         Over snow coverd peaks,
         Before the face of shear cliffs,
         In the void between mountain tops,
         Admist the spray of waterfalls,
         Above valleys of trees and meadows,
         Over surf and sand.
         Let me sail
         Where only birds have flow before.

         Let me hear the sounds
         of wind hissing past my ears,
         of fabric ruffling in the breeze,
         of air whistling through feathers,
         Let me hear those sounds of being free.

         Let me experience
         the thrill of jumping off cliffs,
         the suspense of hanging by threads,
         the Zen of being within thin air,
         the oldest of Greek myths.

         The ancient yearning of flight,
         On wings of an eagle,
         Over mysterious lands,
         To far away places,
         Take me away!
         Let the adventure fly!

[sky01.gif] Background by, The Pixel Foundry.

© jwhughes 1990