Give Jubilations to God Almighty!

His presence is still felt
in the nature which surrounds us!
The Faith has survived
for these thousands years!

Though man has split
the original church into hundreds,
Though man has done evil things
in the name of Christianity,
Though man has ignored Christ's calling,
Individuals have kept the Faith,
Individuals have past it
through the generations.

Give Jubilations to God Almighty!

Though man has built great cities,
Though man has created wonderous things,
Though man has traveled to the moon,
Still only God has grown forests of trees.

There's peace and tranquility
while sitting at tops of waterfalls,
There's celebrations of life
while camping beside quiet waters.

Give Jubilations to God Almighty!

Were it not for God's intervention
man would have fallen
to the Evil One
long ago.

Give Jubilations to God Almighty!

With each split of the Church
Christian burnt Christian,
During each encounter with other beliefs
Christian burnt pagan,
With each new twist of doctrine
Christian confounded Christianity.

Yet individuals practice the Faith
with each helping hand,
with each kind act,
with each passing of the Word.

Give Jubilations to God Almighty!
With every intriguing, starry night,
With each beautiful sunrise,
With each step along nature's trail,
With every full moon rising,
God's loving presence is made known.

Though man's faith in man has worn thin,
Though evil lurks through out this world,
Though famine and pestilence, pain and suffering
weigh lightly on man's conscience.
God's faith in man has never waned,
Individuals, with faith, help the victims,
Individual conscience is heavy with caring.

Give Jubilations to God Almighty!

Lots of Christians, with unmoving faith,
believe the Word of the Book.
Lots of Christians, with unmoving faith,
believe the infailable Word of the Book.
Lots of Christians, with unmoving faith,
believe the literal, infallible Word of the Book.

Individuals tell their simple story.
Individuals feel the Faith within them.
Individuals know the history of their Faith.

Give Jubilations to God Almighty!

Though nation rises against nation,
Though government opposes government,
Though idealogy replaces idealogy,
And people suffer from all three.

Individuals see themselves in other colors,
Individuals know their brothers across the seas,
Individuals recognize their Faith in different forms.

Give Jubilations to God Almighty!

God cares for all His children.
Give jubilations to God Almighty.
Man can lament for all that's wrong in the world,
Man can weep for his sense of abandoment,
Man can curse for his personal tragedies.

Still God is here and still He cares,
God cares for all His children.

Give Jubilations to God Almighty!

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© jwhughes 1990