Yeah man, go ahead, do it !
No one here but us nine.
Do what you feel like doing.
Do what makes you feel good.
Be free, the Falls are free,
Become one with the Falls,
Take your shorts off, be free.
You're young, you're healthy,
You're in fine physique.
Those who see,
see crazy youth being free.

Climb the whitewater in the nude.
A la naturale, in nature be free.
Feel the cool splashes,
The touch of flesh against stone.
Stand beneath natural cold showers.
Look, see boulders and river below,
See vastness between Falls and trees.
Sense nature's rush within you.
You've never been this high before.
A la naturale, in nature be free.

Inhibitions washed away be the spray.
A la naturale, in nature be free.
Worrisome woes worn by elder souls,
Cast them off like youth's shorts.
Worldly troubles have no place here,
Let them flow down the gorge,
Let nature disperse the load.
Leap with joy from rock to rock,
Dive into deep refreshing pools.
A la naturale, in nature be free.

Comraderie, you'se guys do it too.
A la naturale, in nature be free.
Experience it, people, like God intended.
Wildlife surrounds us, join the wild life.
Throw away man's civil rules.
Follow nature's way, spirit be free.
Let the world see how it was meant to be.
A time for all seasons, it's time to live !
Celebrate life without reservations !
A la naturale, in nature be free !

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© jwhughes 1990