A synthesis of Hathor and Horus representing the indigo or 'third eye' chakra, or 'imagination' - from an acrylic painting 'Oneirokritikos panel #5,' which can be seen in its entirety on the 'vision' link below.
Welcome to the home page of SHAWN ALLEN O'NEAL, Artist, heathen, heretic, pantagruelistic anarchist, and all-around anthrophile. Come on in and probe my shameless self-promotional exhibitionism for lots of cryptic ramblings, quasi-metaphysical musings and other obscure and even occult marginalia, not to mention some visual art and music, all of which, be warned, is bound to shift, expand, collapse and/or twitch schizophrenically at any time.
Here, unless the moon is new or the server is down, you will see a nifty little updating picture of the CURRENT LUNAR PHASE. It is generated by  a tiny and elegant HTML code which is only flawed because it is written as, and appears as a 'hot link,' while if one does IN FACT click on it, ones browser errors. We can only assume that this is because it originates from some mysterious U.S. military installation.