Katimavik Group 41033 -











  $3 A

  41033 Online





Katimavik Group 41033


Phase I - 1999-2000
Boissevain, Guelph, Mont-Joli


  Personal pages coming soon...  usemap="#groupphoto">


Participants (L-R): Amina, Steph (DNF), Dennis (DNF), Dave, Nick, Val, and Craig.


Coming soon: A glimpse into the mind of every Katima-victim in 41033



Banner 10000034


As you can tell by the timer at the bottom of this page, it’s been almost two years since we finished our 7.5 months.  This site has no been updated since November of 1999.  For some reason I lost interest in the upkeep process.  However, if I have the desire or time to make any changes, they will happen soon.  So, go ahead and keep checking back every once in awhile, something new and exciting might happen.  Dave [January 22, 2002]




Shooting the Katima-victims ...


... with a camera! A few photos of 41033 scanned and posted for you to peruse. Check them out. If you are on a really slow connection it might take a while, but then again I built this on a slow connection. ;-)



3$ A Day: What On Earth Is This?


Coming attraction: a quick tour through the world of Katimavik.



Flyin' Standby on the Web


Links to our three rotation destinations and other points in the Katima-world.  Go there now.


Haven't updated and never really finished the site, but hey, that's life.
Thanks, Katima-webmaster

< d_paradis@hotmail.com >





Page design and content copyright © 1999 David Paradis and Katimavik Group 41033.