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So much has been written about Marilyn Monroe but what did she write about herself? Read on and see!


Playboy magazine used Marilyn on one of their first covers and now that edition is a collector's item worth thousands of dollars.

What's this business of a lost Marilyn Monroe diary? Was there really such a thing? Take a chance. Stick around and be surprised.

Be sure to bookmark this site right now. This will take you more than a few minutes to read and see what Marilyn might have been up to with her diary.


Links to other sites on the Web. Now you know why you bookmarked this site. So that you can come back and visit these other sites that have something to offer for your entertainment. Do come back and click on these.

I have finally published two new books that are now available on the net. They are being offered to several movie studios in an open auction for the screenplay rights. Hey, a guy can dream can't he? Oh yes!
Gift From The Gods Additional Gifts From The Gods

Click on these links and leave this site for 1stbooks.com and a chance to obtain these two very unique adventurous, romantic, martial arts, and action filled novels. Go there now! They are also coming out soon in hardcover so your favorite library could order them if you asked and you could read them free. Couldn't make me happier!

Hey, we sent out invitations to accept complimentary copies to 23 of the best movie directors in Hollywood. The only one who actually seemed to have read our letter was.......... That's right, Michael Douglas. Always liked that fellow, and he personally signed his picture. His "The Jewel Of The Nile" was my kind of adventure quest.

Click here to jump to Quester's Atlantis Site. Learn something about the myth of Atlantis.
Quester's Gift From The GodsA rather novel approach to a cowboy and Muse love story with a lively time in Atlantis thrown in for spicy seasoning. (The first chapter is presented to get you interested enough to read it in 1st Books.com for it is now available above.)

Quester's SouthSeas Territories Another novel approach to a love story with a lusty islandgirl saves the life of one who washes up on her beach one night. This story is found in the second book offered above.
Quester's Chinese TerritoriesFree key to your character via Chinese astrology
Or you could try your personality with Western Astrology here.
Click here to go forward to great reading. This is the beginning of a book by Siang Ying (Quester's Significant Other) describing her childhood growing up on the island of Borneo. Sarawak used to be independent but now is a part of Malaysia.
Click here to go forward to a young person's story that again is great reading. This is another book length story by Siang Ying and Quester describing a young Chinese girl growing up so shy in school she doesn't talk. How does a young girl solve her problems? Don't miss how this all takes place.
Click here for an experience with yachts (sailboats actually). Quester had a 39' steel cutter he would like you to see. You might even want to own one like it for yourself! Lots of pictures of it. Hope the new owner likes it as much as we did.
Click here for a Quester's Art Gallery. See how an artist grows, changes, and matures as he finds his style. The quest is the thing. These are canvas works of art that Quester did himself.
Quester's Territories: Joke Gallery and humor galore.
Click here when you want to leave this site and find a way of worldwide travel at 1/2 price or less. Actually a lot of family pictures on this site. Don't forget to come back here before you punch out!
Quester's Territories: Personal Picture Gallery with his life story told and some humorous ideas.

Click here for a whole web-site of mostly family pictures.

Quester's Beach House This is where YOU can experience living on the beach along the Gulf of Mexico. Available daily, weekly, or monthly. Nicely furnished and ready for your vacation. Pets welcome.

CLICK HERE Want to see a review or two of good books about UFOs and their coverup and how you can have them for little money?

Something really unusual. Was there really a Marilyn Monroe red cover diary? Perhaps. Was it found? The quest for the Marilyn Monroe was a challenge.
Click here to go forward to page 2 for more out of MM's blonde joke collection. Lucky you!

The following links are to pages within this site. These are just quick ways to go to specific places in a hurry. Don't forget to come back to this homepage so you can jump cyberspace again.

Click here to go forward to page 2 for a rare treat. Lucky you! A tribute to Marilyn Monroe using several of her movie posters from her movies.
Click here to go forward to page 3. Introduction of the "possible" (but highly unlikely) Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 4. More of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 5. More of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 6. More of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 7. More of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 8. More of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 9. More of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 10. More of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 11. More of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 12. More of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 13.
Click here to go forward to page 14. More of the Marilyn Monroe books available from Amazon.com on line book store.
Click here to go forward to page 15. More of the Marilyn Monroe books available from Amazon.com on line book store.
Click here to go forward to page 16 for family pictures. The last of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 17 for family pictures. Another of the Marilyn Monroe diary entries along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here to go forward to page 18 for family pictures. The last of the Marilyn Monroe diary along with a collection of dumb blonde jokes.
Click here Click here to go forward to page 29. More of the Marilyn Monroe books available from Amazon.com on line book store.

Hey, how would you like to look at some great downhome style pictures of various family members? Yah, right!
Click here to go forward for pages for more family pictures. These are mostly of that beautiful partner of mine! She is a gorgeous Chinese gal.
Click here to go forward for pages for the cover picture of my soon to be published book, Gift From The Gods. Lucky you!
Click here to go forward for pages for more family pictures. Mostly my kids in Tucson!
Click here to go forward for pages for more family pictures. These are some Asian relatives or ours!


Click here if you missed the link above and would like to see a collection of recent books on Marilyn Monroe including a lot of interesting bookcovers. They are a good representation of what is being researched and found about the real life story of a great screen legend. There will be ways back to the diary but it wouldn't hurt to bookmark about now. We are associated with Amazon.com and they have great prices on these works.

PoemMIND IS ALL, a great poem, and a review of our book OUT OF THE MOUTH OF A CHINESE DRAGONClassical Chinese stories for young adults.

Click on this sad looking replica of our bookcover for a better picture, please!

We are Associated Members of Amazon Books meaning you can order from this site any book in print that you may want. Just put the title into the search below.Try typing in Beimers for instance to get our book listing. Yes, we have a book at Amazon.com. It is one of classical Chinese stories. Ask to see it by typing in Out Of The Mouth Of a Chinese Dragon and Beimers when you get to the Amazon.com site.

(c)Copyright 2006 Questerquester@lycos.com

I am a member of The HTML Writers Guild

Hey, I just finished writing another book and got it published. Here is the cover I did and am rather proud of since I did it myself.
Click HEREto make the picture bigger.
The book is about a love affair between a KGB officer and a Buryat shamaness while he is busy building a secret spy training facility in Siberia.

CLICK Here to read a synopsis of the book called Russia's Little America.
Or... you could click HERE and type in Beimers for author and/or Russia's Little America for title and order yourself a copy. That would be good.

Russia's Little America is also being carried by amazon.com and they now have amazon.com order houses in Canada, Britian, Germany, France, Mexico, Austria, and Japan so the book may be ordered in those countries quite easily. It is also being carried by barnesnoble.com and I'm working on Wal-mart as well.

By the way, we sent out invitations to accept complimentary copies to 23 of the best movie directors in Hollywood. The only one who actually seemed to have read our letter was.......... That's right, Michael Douglas. Always liked that fellow, and he personally signed his picture. His "The Jewel Of The Nile" was my kind of adventure quest.
Want the latest Hollywood news?

"As all good Chinese will tell you it is important to take mono sodium glue to mate." -Claude (my cyber-parrot friend)

This site last updated March 24, 2006

So far these are the number of "questers" who have visited this Marilyn Monroe site since May 25, 2000. We certainly appreciated their visit and hope they come back to see changes as we make them.

How about a link to another joke site... this one in England. Click here.

to get to Quester’s UFO books For You site.

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