Welcome to DarkSpyre's Corner

This page is about people's personal comments, critical essays, or poems on a particular artist: a band/band member, a singer, or an actor/actress. If you have some other poems, etc. that you would like other people to see it, please don't hesitate to submit it in here.

".............................sometimes we have a grudge or sometimes we love some things that we can't just expressed our feelings on it........so why waste your time hurting yourself...feel free to EXPRESS it!!!!!!!"

What can you say about this artist?

Metallica picture


Put your comments, essay, and poem here. Submit your poems, critical/personal essays, and comments about the artist in here.

people's commentsClick the dot to read other people's work.

miscellaneous stuff and links

Take a peek at #Flipcyde

me and my friends pictures (you can give yours too)

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(You can send your other poems, essays or comments on the e-mail above too.)

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This page was created on January 1, 1997

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