Dream Web 2.5

Dream Web 2.5

Welcome To Dream Web 2.5

Shameless plugs and interesting toys

Advocacy for the bored and disillusioned
Because we've all been bored and disillusioned at one point in time or another.

my journal

MY blog via Myspace
Did I mention it's MINE?

Ramblings from On the Road
literal translation: Witches: talking.

Mail me here I'm not from Hawaii, no spam.

Even odder things to come!
A Surreal Production

"Art is why I get up in the morning,
but my definition ends there,
ya know it doesn't seem fair
That I'm living for something I can't even define,
And there you are right there,
In the meantime." -Ani DiFranco

I am Lady Macbeth, from Shakespeare's
Macbeth's: Lady Macbeth

* Which Tragic Shakespearean Heroin are You? *
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