SilverSble's Saloon

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As you can all see, I am back and making new changes to update the look of the saloon. I painted the walls and added a guest book (be sure to sign this on your way out by the way). I am hoping that I can do many more improvements in the future. Just remember that html is not my forte'. Sorry I had not touched it since Feb. By the way for those new faces I see , My name is SilverSble and I will be your hostess for the night, heck I am the hostess every night . All you CBSers (Clan Black Sheep) Need to fly right in here. First, "Wench I where's my Schlagger" and you are a sheared sheep, a shaved sheep, to put it plain and simple…. You are the material for my new kilt . I have been needing a new one anyway, Ford care to share a little? Cleric? Guess not. We have several new rooms for you to visit at the Klub. We have a room (first door to your left) hosted by my friend FleetwoodMech about women in rock that is totally cool and very informative. Visit there I am sure that her wit and charm will astound you. She is a good friend of mine in RL too. Visit her boyfriends page also, its across the hall from hers. Bo puts up a good show too. Now three doors down (the room with the neon sign with the Schlagger bottle) is the room for MechCON'97 and the new site for MechCON'98. It includes pictures of last years convention. Mccann puts on an EXCELLENT production in these pages, I think he is owed a big hand there. Across the hall from that is the room for Clan Cloud Cobra, their Khan whitefangs put it up and I think he did an excellent job. Like Mccann a lot of hours and hard work went into this. He could not even take time to talk to ME, and I am not used to that . Not from him anyhow.
I am now beginning the footwork for the new convention though and hope that all of you can make it. It will be AWESOME this year. I want to see the patrons of last year again and would love to meet more of you. The cost of the rooms is $50 a night (remember you can share a room with 3 or 4 people) and the flights are about $300 round trip on the topside, you CAN get better deals. You may have someone living near enough to fly with you, in that case see if you can get a buy one and a buddy flies free deal. If we get enough of us together to get a whole floor I may be able to get a better discount on the rooms. We are going to have to require a deposit this year if you are coming. You are welcome if you are under 18 though as long as you bring a parent or guardian and to all of the others...families are welcome. We just ask that in the course of the weekend you allow one day for BT at Dave and Busters in Houston. There may be another site starting soon and if there is then we will see what they offer us. We will try to get FASA backing this year so keep in touch!!!!
Feel like checking out the Bad Karma site? Well come on in, we always appreciate the business. Feel free to look about and to let us know what you think

BadKarma is an excellent nonaffiliated group. They are not tied to anyone so please respect them enough not to go in and discuss unit or clan affiliated business. The rooms are to hang out in and discuss strategy and moves as well as mechs that you have built. They are also a big force this year behind the promotion of MechCON'98. Check out their sites to get more in formation, you can not go wrong. You may even decide to apply for their newsletter that has all the new information that we can get our hands on concerning games and conventions. If you are looking for me on their pages I am also known as DarquePhoenix, head of Bad Karma Personnel. Feel free to fill out an application if you want to help us spread the word and get some training to the folks that need it.

For all of you wondering, yes the picture above is me, who else would it be 'eh? A little bit about myself.. I am 22 and the mother of two wonderful children. I manage a feed and pet supply store in N.E. Houston called Jeds Feed and Pet, we supply a lot of people with food for their domestic pets as well as horses, cattle, pigs, etc. This store is run by Jeds Ace Homecenter which is located a couple of stores down in the strip. They are a privately owned ACE dealership. Every day the store is improving more and more in many ways to bring all its customers a better atmosphere and an easier time shopping as well as better service. I do a lot of volunteer work on the Internet and enjoy it immensely. I play a game called Mechwarrior (however poorly) and belong to a unit within the gaming community called the Northwind Highlanders. You should really check out our page. We are a group of fun loving individuals who are always looking for a more diverse set of members. You just have to remember… it is only a game. Do not get upset if you are not very good, you shall get better. A lot of the links on here are links to my RL friends. FleetwoodMech is a friend of mine that works as a manager for the same company I do ( I have been there 5 yrs. Oct. 3…WOW). Whitefangs and Flagg (his friend) are friends of mine that I have met from Tulsa, OK. DCleric and his wife Kelly live in Coraopolis, PA. (I am going to Cleric's Place in Aug. to attend a Jimmy Buffet concert) and that brings me to a good friend of mine that I have known for almost 3 yrs now.. Ford_Prefect (no it is not a mistype on my part), he is from NY and I will get to meet him while visiting Cleric. I also have two friends up there in New Jersey, LocNar and Harlan. I think I will stop my list here, it is getting WAY to long. I know quite a few of my friends from the Internet and the games. We all chat on a program called Kali. You can download this to play a load of games, check it out. The program is excellent and there is a $20 lifetime registration fee. We would love to see you on there. Be sure to check out the "Hot Spots" on the geoguide on this page. It will take you to a few more pages that I like. Have fun ya'll and keep cool!!!! If you would like to reach me my address is


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