Willowbrook Studios
"And then the words of men grow warm
           With praise and wonder, asking where
         The artist saw the perfect form
           He copied forth in lines so fair."
        W.C.Bryant, 1858

This gallery showcases original work by contempory Adelaide visual and verbal artists.


The Studios
Studio One
Stephen Lloyd, sculpture
Studio Two
Geoff Lloyd   1952-1981
Studio Three
Verbal Art
Studio Four
The Links Studio
Studio Five
Debra Sleeman,  
paintings and sculpture
Studio Six
Tom Reeves, sculpture
Studio Seven
Work by various emerging artists
Studio Eight
Inge Gentie, sculpture
Studio Nine
The Next Generation
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    Last edited on 27th December 2001.
    All art on these pages is original work by the artists and cannot be copied without their written permission.
    © 1997 ,1998, 1999, 2000, 2001   carojan_99@yahoo.com