Welcome to Qadash Kinahnu, a Canaanite Phoenician Temple

Ancient Temple Pillar Ancient Temple Pillar

Welcome to Qadash Kinahnu

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I am Lilinah biti-Anat, head priestess here and dedicant to the Canaanite Goddess Anat. The purpose of this temple is the explanation and worship of the ancient deities of Canaan and Phoenicia, an area in the Near East which includes what are the modern countries of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel/Palestine, all the way through the Sinai. This area is also known as the Levant and is where Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all began. But before monotheism, the people worshipped the Divine in many forms, and some of us still do.

Pagan Best of Web AwardAvatarSearch Mystic Site of the Web Award-amazing 3-D animated pyramid Here are two of the awards i have received. Circe's and Tatianna's awards are in their own room.

Lovely Bar of Turquoise, Carnelian, Ivory and Faience

What Is in This Temple

There are over 85 rooms listed in The Qadash Kinahnu Canaanite Phoenician Temple Directory

Go there to see what's here and how to get there.

  • This site covers primarily Canaanite and Phoenician history, mythology, and ritual.

  • There's a Neo-Pagan section, too, with a large section on polytheology, that is, Neo-Pagan theology.Neopagan Neopaganism

  • And don't forget the Purple Book of Ancient Near Eastern Magic.

  • And last of all, The Priestess's Quarters, with some personal information about me.

Lovely Bar of Turquoise, Carnelian, Ivory and Faience


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Lovely Bar of Turquoise, Carnelian, Ivory and Faience

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Lovely Bar of Turquoise, Carnelian, Ivory and Faience

These lovely faience bars are from
Tomb of the Chihuahua Pharaohs!!

Lovely Bar of Turquoise, Carnelian, Ivory and Faience

yshalam liku
May there be peace to you.

ilim te-araku t-shalmu
May the deities preserve you, give you peace.

(Canaanite salutation, pre-1250 BCE)

Lilinah biti-Anat

Cornerstone emplaced: 4 March 1997
This page last modified 14 October 2009

Lovely Bar of Turquoise, Carnelian, Ivory and Faience