Is all that we see or seem
but a dream within a dream?

One day you are going to lose everything you have.
Nothing will prepare you for that day.
Not faith, not religion, nothing.
When someone you love dies, you will know emptiness.
You will know what it is like to be completely and utterly alone.
You will never forget and never ever forgive......
It may not take death to lose someone,
.....but the loss can feel just as real and oh, so very final.
There will not be a day when the thought of this person does not caress your memory.
There is not a night that will go bye that before you go to sleep you say, "Sweet Dreams."
You say it to yourself in the emptiness of your memories as sleep invades the night.
Sleep...tiny glimpses and slices of be not feel....
To have blessed relief from thinking, remembering, needing, wanting...
In sleep, you will sometimes not forget and never, never, forgive the loss.
"Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?"
I pray it is so and I never awake and feel loss again.
....because awake, I hurt, I hurt so terribly I can not explain it.
You haunt my waking moments, you haunt my dreams.
Your a part of me I can't deny.
You have seen me have seen me cry.
You have dried my tears....brushed away my fears.
You mended my heart of which you will always be a part.
Sometimes, in dreams, you can keep anything and anyone.......forever and a day.
Until then, until the time when you capture them in sleep...
Your torment, your anguish will over come all your waking hours.
If you are fortunate....your memory will not fade...they will always be yours...
....and yours, alone, forever.
In sleep, in your dreams, in those tiny slices of may find peace.

"For here we dream, and in dreaming, we are.
Fantasies that cross planes of reality so deep that even that which is real pales beside them.
Coridors... in our own lives that we could never see an end to.. fantasies.
And in dreaming, are we not but the fantasies we spin?"

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people stay awhile and leave footprints on our hearts forever.
And we are never, ever the same.

© 2000 Lori Greene / NITESHADOW

In Memory of September 11th, 2001

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