
You just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you? You just had to go on that street corner and sell yourself! Oh! The anguish my heart is feeling right now, just knowing that.. that.. you've taken up with... with.. *SOB* Oh, this is too much! Everyone who has been so close to you.. *sniff* so... so.. loyal.. staying by you through your dramatic changes for bad (*cough!* watermark... *ahem!*) worse (*CHOKE* Pop up banner *wheeze*) and ... well there were some good things.. really, there were.. these people are in such a tizzy now.. they feel as if they don't have a home.. they've read the new rules.. and find some of it a little questionable.. but I'm sure you can understand that.. that's probably why you were so eager to bend over (in every which way possible) for them time and again.

It's sad, really it is. But, I guess everyone has to go their seperate ways.. and this is my time as well. I'm really hurt by this. I hope you understand that. So much so, I stubbed my finger after reading about the horrible news. (see below)

see? i hope you're happy

(I hope you're happy)


