Common Sense.

Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor;   a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it the superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom.  But the tumult soon subsides:  Time makes more converts than reason.

Thomas Paine,
Common Sense

Letters to a Young Poet:
Do you need to write or do you just think you want to? Read Rilke, for God's sake, man.  I've reproduced all of his Letters to Franz Xaver Kappus here, for the writer who wants to know the answer to the question, "What next?"   Rilke answers this better than I ever could.

Poetry Anthology:
It's really a service to myself that I thought that I might share with the rest of the world.  From Carroll to Cummings, Coleridge to Clifton, I've taken some time to transcribe my favourites.

Five Minute Poetry Game:
This will probably be funny to only about three people in the entire world, but what is a website if not self-indulgent?

South Siders:
Ways to tell that a person is from the South Side of Chicago. This will probably only be funny to South Siders, but hey, this time, there's a lot more than three of us. Got any to add? Email me.

Check out the webpages of my nearest and dearest.

Sign or view my guestbook. Some people think they're really funny and sign it multiple times under assumed names. Really they're all just drunk.

Join the Bananafish Mailing List, a listserv dedicated to the discussion of J.D. Salinger. Sort of.


Questions? Comments? Email me: Cecilia Baader