Hey kids. For the most part this site will be a place for me to put projects I'm workin on, you'll find "music" files, some bad art, an occasional java app or two. Since I'm using it as more of a storage space than anything, I haven't concentrated a great deal on the "design" or "look" of the page. So there.
Feel free to drop me a line: Click here and maybe I'll write back.

A sound file...hopefully there'll be more of these out here soon: transmission from the other side?

Noisy Blocks Hey look! A java applet!

hex to color converter Hey look! Another java applet! This one calculates the 6 digit hex code for any screen color you might need. I have no idea if this is of any use to anyone. I like it tho. New and Improved version, it works w/ Netscape now.

Build a Light Sensitive Theremin! A pretty cool noisemaker, you'll dig this, I bet.

Lousy mandelbrot set generator This is what happens when you read a book on chaos theory and have too much time on your hands...

Forbidden Planet a few seconds from the Main Theme Overture. Pretty forward looking stuff for 1956.