The Sound Of Australia In New England

The website of A.J. "Hammie" Reis, didgeridoo player, crafter, and teacher.

Tour the DIDJERIDU RI studio - Where the instruments are created

Didgeridoos In Stock - Instruments by Hammie

I spend more time making instruments than I do updating this site, so don't be fooled by all the "sold" instruments

Remember: there are always didgeridoos available that are just finished and not yet pictured here.

If you prefer, come visit and pick out the log of your choice: I'll make you an instrument to your specifications. Email me for the details, or ring me at (401)225-9164!


Orders over US$500.00 get you a free DIDJERIDU RI tee-shirt!

Right now I've got:

"The Hermit": A big Oak in B. About 7 feet long
SOLD! This one goes to Rich in Florida. Great choice! Thank you!

"Tiger": A Maple in C with a tiger stripe design. My personal favorite.
SOLD! To Dina in East Providence RI. Good luck Dina!

"The Twins": A matched set of spalted Silver Birch didges, in G. Both crafted from the same log. Inseparable!
SOLD! To Dave in East Providence Rhode Island. Thanks Dave!

"Big Buck" (It resembles a huge deer antler): A Double Didge! It looks great and is a blast to play! Made of Cherry,
one side is a high A with the 1st toot at F. the other side is F with the first toot at E flat.
SOLD! To Rich in Florida. Thanks!

2 Agave didges:
#030711: 50 inches tall, 3" bell, in the key of E flat. It's got two round seashells embedded in the body, which I've sanded down to reveal the intricate spiral structures within. Brazilian cherry mouthpiece.
SOLD! To Jonathan in Coventry RI - Thanks dude! See you soon!
#030711A: 45 inches tall, 3" bell, just about an F. No decorations except for the natural patterns of the plant. Brazilian cherry mouthpiece.

A gnarly didj in about a D. Made from spalted Mulberry, with a window in the bell that has a real wasp embedded in it!
SOLD! To Rich in Florida. Thanks mate!

"Wizard of the Woods": A really groovy-looking Locustwood didge. I've left the root burl and bark around the bell, and put a big quartz crystal into the body near the bell end, in a natural opening in the wood. It's got a Cherry mouthpiece too. The key is about a C#.

"Shark": The shape of this one reminds me of a shark for some reason.
It's a knobby ol' Maple, in the key of C/C#, and has a Mulberry mouthpiece.
The bell end is cut at a slight angle, adding to it's "Sharkiness". This is one real earthshaker!

In process
A unique Mulberry instrument: Inner layers of yellow/orange wood are exposed in some areas, contrasting with some very light outer layers.
I've put a Locustwood mouthpiece on it. More on this one later.

(Payment email: SIZZ@EXCITE.COM)

DIDJERIDU RI Merchandise!!

Want your very own DIDJERIDU RI stuff? Or a way cool "BRING BACK THE TASMANIAN TIGER" shirt?

What's a Hammie?

Check out this photo I ran across recently: The Beatles "playing" didj to promote an Australian tour!


Cultural Survival 2002

John Madill's Solstice Gathering 2002

John Madill's Solstice Gathering 2003

Earth Day at St. Paul's 2002

Portsmouth Arts Guild 2003 Exhibit

Workshop: Summer Peace Camp 2003

Gigs: Past, Present, and Future

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Last update: August 9, 2004

This site is owned by Hammie.