Updated: 1-21-2004

Species of Astrid

Well, I guess I should explain this since other people might wander over here sometime. *blinks intelligently* Right then. I'm MSKing. These few pages that you see were made to store the species I am developed for my friends' (Firebyrd and Dameon) MUD that they were making. These pages are minimal and un-proofread/spell checked because it was really just for the three of us to see (for the most part). Look at them anyway if it amuses you.

If you find this appealing somehow and wish to see more of my work, my real web site is at hermitism.com and it's a very, very good thing. :)

Modesty? Nawwww...

Science || Fantasy

Domestic / Slaves Mercenaries Merchants Fantasy
  • Lamia
  • Nychosars


Pegasi are normally an extremely bright green color. They have "bat wings" that extend from their shoulders. They also have horns, sharp teeth, and strange, three-cloven feet. They were engineered from lizards to serve as mounts and guards. Able to fly with a passenger because of their telekinesis(sp?) abilities. Unfortunately, passengers usually get eaten (the ride is rough anyway) so most elves never fly.

They are extremely loyal to the elves. Those that express unloyalty are usually turned upon and killed by the other pegasi. Flying is used only for mating, feeding, and carrying packages/messages for the elves. Pegasi get a little crazy when they're in the air. They will swoop down and eat anything moving on the ground below them that is not an elf. They have excellent eye sight, poor hearing and smell.

Yes, they are as intelligent as elves. Just really, really carnivorous.

Pardis Pedus:

Winged panther kitties. They usually work with the mantids. More later.


The land they live in is very hot. Crinis have very tough skin. They can pretty much walk through fire (with their special lids closed over their eyes, of course) and be unscathed. The males are a dull, grey color and the females are usually red, orange, and yellow. White-colored females become priests. The priests pretty much rule the whole nation and are the captains of her ships. (so white female numbers depend on how many ships get stuck there)


Very little association with elves. Neither race has much that the other would want. Their ships are basically filled with water. More later.


I'm tired of typing. I'll write more later. :p

