Robert Robbins Literary Web Site

Welcome to the web site devoted to the literary interests of Robert Robbins. Here you will find original essays on my favorite poets and  bibliographies of my extensive book collection. I prefer French literature and poets because the French literary tradition has pursued a more interesting course than American literature. The French have been more daring in their exploration of the unconscious and they still believe in artistic genius. American literature seems more conservative to me. It values writing as a craft and devalues the writer as an exceptional individual. I have recently added an essay on William Blake and plan to write about Maurice Maeterlinck.

My Favorite Poets

Antonin Artaud

Charles Baudelaire

Arthur Rimbaud

Antonin Artaud

Charles Baudelaire

Arthur Rimbaud

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[ Home ] Cultural Solipsism ] Mysticism ] Affirmation ] Theater ] Antonin Artaud ] Andre Breton ] Stephane Mallarme ] Charles Baudelaire ] Arthur Rimbaud ] Gerard de Nerval ] George Russell ] Sylvia Plath ] [ William Blake ]

Email me at:

Robert S. Robbins
Williamsport, PA 17701
Sunday February 19, 2006

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