Jewel speaks to her fans.

Edit Post ] 5:21 pm on 6.25.99 EAMusic1:HELLO PARTYPEOPLE!!
EAMusic1:Are you guys ready for JEWEL?
EAMusic1:she will be here at 8pm ET
EAMusic1:5pm PT
EAMusic1:That's in about 15 minutes!
EAMusic1:JEWEL is Backstage in Bakersfield CA
EAMusic1:opening the first night of her North American Tour
EAMusic1:Jewel will be right with us
Jewel atEA:Hey everybody!
EAMusic1:The fans are excited to talk to you!!
Jewel atEA:I'm so glad to be here.
EAMusic1:We have been getting tons of questions!!
Jewel atEA:Well, I hope to get to a lot of them. I know I won't be able to answer them all.
Jewel atEA:and I'm sorry about that in advance
EAMusic1:JEWEL is backstage in Bakersfield, CA
EAMusic1:We are having a few difficulties
EAMusic1:WE know you are all ready for JEWEL
Question:*GapGrl9054: Hi Jewel,I love your Music!I have Both of your CD's.I was
Question:wondering when you will be coming out with yournext single?Thanx!-GapGrl9054
Jewel atEA:My next single is coming out very soon.
Jewel atEA:I'm not sure of the exact date...oh, Monday
Jewel atEA:It's Jupiter.
Question:ShyKitty83:How long did it take you to get your book, "A Night Without
Question:Armor," published?
Jewel atEA:Not too long. I'm not sure what that question means really.
Jewel atEA:I started writing poetry when I was quite young and the book is a compilation
Jewel atEA:of stuf over the years.
Question:Itera666I: Jewel, great new album! Love it!!! I know people who have
Question:seen you live in clubs and whatnots, where you would just pop in... Do you
Question:still do this now?
Jewel atEA:Yeah, I still do it whenever I can.
Question:Ainjel22: i play the guitar and you are a huge inspiration to me. what
Question:kind of guitars do you use?
Jewel atEA:I use Taylors acoustic and Dickson Howard Roberts electric
Question:Devjul: jewel i love you so much you are so amazing and beautiful. how
Question:does stardom change the way you look at life?
Jewel atEA:It's a big question and hard to do in a short answer.
Jewel atEA:Fame does change the way you experience and perceive life.
Jewel atEA:though really I think the fundamentals stay the same.
Jewel atEA:On the darker side, it took 3million
Jewel atEA:records being sold for stewardesses
Jewel atEA:to stop treating me like an animal.
Jewel atEA:but they didn't treat me any nicer.
Jewel atEA:I didn't get upgraded. They just
Jewel atEA:stopped being really rude.
Jewel atEA:And on the upside, there's a lot of
Jewel atEA:influence that's possible in exchange
Jewel atEA:for losing your anonymity.
Jewel atEA:Like what I can do with my charity organization, Higher Ground for Humanity
Question:Savagberry: Are the rumours of a Christmas or Country album true?
Jewel atEA:A Christmas record is happening.
Jewel atEA:And I do hope to come out with a country album at some point, though
Jewel atEA:it won't be for a while.
Question:Laura97011: hi jewel!my name is melissa and i will be at your july 3rd
Question:concert at the gorge at george are my absolute favorite artist.i would
Question:like to know if you plan to sing "Adrian"at the show?
Jewel atEA:I haven't been doing it, but maybe I will.
Question:Nbass87: How did you get the name Jewel?
Jewel atEA:It's my mom's middle name. And my grandfather's middle name.
Question:Kittie4444:What made you have to live in a van?
Jewel atEA:I got fired from a job the day my rent was due and they wouldn't give
Jewel atEA:me my paycheck that day, so that was it.
Question:SpiceFox1: Jewel- do you have any pets?
Jewel atEA:I have a horse named Chance
Question:Anika28021: I read that you lived on a 800 acre farm, I want to know
Question:have you walked or even seen all those acres?
Jewel atEA:Yes. they weren't mine, they were my grandfather's
Jewel atEA:I don't warm up my voice. I just walk on stage and sing.
Jewel atEA:Life Uncommon
Question:MystaBudz: Jewel have you given any consideration to doing tracks with
Question:hiphop artists like most other female singers are doing these days?
Jewel atEA:Yeah, I like hip-hop a lot. I think it's a very innovative genre in music right now
Question:RdOgG833: waht is your inspiration
Jewel atEA:Just living. I find life to be a very romancing endeavor.
Jewel atEA:And sometimes it breaks your heart, but it's also very beautiful.
Question:Rose8631: What made you want to try acting?
Jewel atEA:I've always been interested in it.
Jewel atEA:And I finally had the opportunity at the end of Pieces of You to take time off and do it.
EAMusic1:do you have more movie pprojects in the works?
Jewel atEA:No, I'm just concentrating on music right now.
Jewel atEA:I'm writing a book right now and I figured all three at once would be impossible.
Jewel atEA:It's a book of short stories.
Question:Sjh215: do u use the internet on your personal time to chat?
Jewel atEA:No.
Jewel atEA:Only to my father.
Jewel atEA::)
Question:Davistruk: hey jewel i'm a big fan and i was wondering who taught you
Question:how to play guitar
Jewel atEA:I taught myself, traveling around I'd pick up chords from people and I'd start
Jewel atEA:inventing tunings
Question:Krizsa:Jewel Are you going to perform tonight right after this AOL
Jewel atEA:Yes. In Bakersfield, California
Question:BRITCH1307:in Okinawa, Japan. I'll be back in the US in Sept. and i've
Question:missed so many concerts.. but to see you again would be great.. so could you
Question:tell me when your last tour date is?
Jewel atEA:I'm going to look, hold on........It's August 28th
Question:TAT2UPOOH: were foolish games and morning song based on true events in
Question:your life?
Jewel atEA:Morning Song was for a specific person
Jewel atEA:Foolish Games, not really, I based that on a favorite song of mine by
Jewel atEA:Leonard Cohen
Jewel atEA:called the Famous Blue Raincoat
Question:RedSand83:Hello, Jewel. My name is Melanie. I recently saw your
Question:"Jupitar" performance on Letterman & it seemed like the new version had more
Question:passion in it, I truly enjoyed it. Why did you decide to do a new version of
Jewel atEA:Songs constantly evolve and I always try and do justice to the song and
Jewel atEA:sometimes with time, you learn more about what the song needs
Jewel atEA:to really convey the passion of it.
Jewel atEA:And so I'll change them over time
Jewel atEA:which I enjoy doing a lot
Question:TSoupLuvr: who would you most like to do a duet with?
Jewel atEA:Hmmmm.
Jewel atEA:I'm still thinking about that one.
Jewel atEA:I'll have to get back to you.
Question:RAZER321: what do you think first inspired you to do poetry?
Jewel atEA:An overactive mind, I guess. And an oversensitivity to environment and a need to try
Jewel atEA:and make sense of those two things.
Question:Missy45322:Jewel, How old were you when you started singing?
Jewel atEA:On stage, about age 6.
Question:MUAHOAI: Will you ever make a album, mix with the stlye your singing and
Question:folk music together?
Jewel atEA:I thought that's what I do.
Jewel atEA:LOL

Jewel atEA:I don't have a boyfriend.
Question:Dana3284: i was wondering if you have any mp3's of your songs?
Jewel atEA:No, I don't yet.
Question:SCCottiiee How long was your current cd in the macking
Jewel atEA:About five or six weeks.
Jewel atEA:I've always written songs over the years, so I only wrote 2 songs for that record.
Question:Triansride: Jewel, how does it feel to be an idol to american youth, and
Question:do you want to send them a message.
Jewel atEA:I guess, in a way, we all inspire or
Jewel atEA:dishearten those around us.
Jewel atEA:...with our actions. I'ts no different
Jewel atEA:for me now that I'm famous, except
Jewel atEA:that there isaa greater number of people
Jewel atEA:who are inspired or disappointed
Question:TM9667:Are you excited about playing the Woodstock concert in Rome NY?
Jewel atEA:Yeah.
Question:*Sicadeek: whats your favorite ice cream flavor?
Jewel atEA:Now that's a hard one!
Jewel atEA:I'd say chocolate chip cookie dough
Jewel atEA:and butter pecan
Question:Sos219: do you have any advice for hopeful musican?
Jewel atEA:Do music because you love it and not because you hope to be famous.
Jewel atEA:And if you love music and need music,
Jewel atEA:then you'll always have it.
Question:Bottoms187: Do u have a personal saying or quote u always go by?
Jewel atEA:I have several for different moods. LOL
Jewel atEA:I put one in the song "Hands"...In the end only kindness matters.
Jewel atEA:Another is drive fast and take chances
Question:*Btwnus2: I was told you were raised in Alaska. I'm assuming you no
Question:longer live there. Do you miss it?
Jewel atEA:I do miss it tremendously
Question:DawsonGal4: Jewel, what inspired you to write "Hands"?
Jewel atEA:I believe it takes a lot of courage
Jewel atEA:to be in the world, to see the pain
Jewel atEA:and poverty, but yet not to become
Jewel atEA:disillusioned and instead focus yourself
Jewel atEA:all the more on where change is
Jewel atEA:possible. Which is something I think
Jewel atEA:Dr. Martin Luther King did very well.
Jewel atEA:And the more I travel around the world,
Jewel atEA:the more I see young kids and young
Jewel atEA:adults who at such tender ages have
Jewel atEA:already lost their belief in their dream,
Jewel atEA:that something better is possible, that
Jewel atEA:it immobilizes an entire generation.
Jewel atEA:And there is not a need for it.
Jewel atEA:And I wanted to tell people that.
Question:BandPages: What is in your CD player these days?
Jewel atEA:Jimi Hendrix
Jewel atEA:JayZ
Jewel atEA:Method Man
Jewel atEA:Maria Callas
Question:AmandaS25: what do you do when you get really really mad? like wearing a bad mood t-shirt, or sitting around all day watching movies, etcc..?
Jewel atEA:I don't have the luxury of being private when I'm in a bad mood. I generally have to deal with public, even though I'd like to just be in my room
Jewel atEA:So when I'm in a bad mood, people around me generally know it.
Jewel atEA:I'm very quiet, but pretty unapproachable.
Question:Deanfactor: Whats your favorite place in the world?
Jewel atEA:Alaska
Question:Jourdan51: Hi!, how did you come to include Jude Cole on the CD? It was a stroke of Genius!
Jewel atEA:My producer knew him very well.
Jewel atEA:Yes, I'm recording it the 7th & 8th
Question:SteppyMom: Jewel , what organizations are you currently involved in ?
Jewel atEA:My mother and I started a charity organization called Higher Ground for Humanity.
Jewel atEA:It's also known as HGH
Jewel atEA:that instead of being one charity, it is an umbrella for manyother charities.
Jewel atEA:We have about 9 different projects currently. One of which iscleaning up water
Jewel atEA:in third world countries
Jewel atEA:Another of which is health clinic in New Dehli, India
Jewel atEA:As well as local projects, one of which being a counseling group that helps families deal with the loss of children and loved ones
EAMusic1:what's an angel?
Jewel atEA:I do believe in angels. I do believe that there is a presence
around us each.....that loves us and protects us
Jewel atEA:Beyond that, I can't say I've seen one ever.
Jewel atEA:LOL
Question:Rckrchris: Jewel whats next in the projects?
Jewel atEA:My book will be coming out after Christmas
Jewel atEA:and my movie will be coming out in September
EAMusic1:Thank you Jewel, is there anything you'd like to say to all of your fans?
Jewel atEA:Hi everybody! And I'msorry I couldn't get to everyone's questions.
Jewel atEA:The more interaction I have with my fans, the more I'm impressed with their intelligence and thoughtfulness
Jewel atEA:And I look forward to seeing everybody here at the shows
EAMusic1:Thank you JEWEL!!! Have a great show!!
Jewel atEA:Thanks!
EAMusic1:To find out when Jewel will be near you
EAMusic1:Go to Keyword: Jewel!
EAMusic1:and for feedback on this chat
EAMusic1:Go to keyword: EA Feedback
EAMusic1:Thanks for all of the GREAT questions everyone!!
EAMusic1:We are sorry we could not get to all of them!!
EAMusic1:Thank you all for chatting with JEwel
EAMusic1:and have a great night!!!
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