Page of Vanity

This Page has a listing of pictures not yet catagorized but are avaible to be viewed.  Most of them are of me so check them out.

 Us kicking it on Bourbon St New Orleans

 This is some soccer players from our school. (Some cook gave me the hat)

Me and some of the Boys in Ft Walton FL (From left to right: Me, Keith, Kevin, Mike)

This one has my short board in the background.   Yeah!

Showing my quarterback skills while not spilling a drop       go long....

She said she wanted me for my mind.

Me, the thinker

Another mind request

Whats different. (Compare this picture to the one on us in Ft Walton to find the differences)

I had to get a new barber after this

Like the others she wanted me for my mind  The difference, she knew where it was

My old roomate Fernando and I

Yeah   skinny massea is in

(More to come soon)

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