GCHS Band's Guestbook
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Welcome to GCHS Band's Guestbook!

laura - 10/31/99 16:27:58
My Email:jarley8884@aol.com
Happy Halloween everyone!!!!!!!!!!

Shannon Chanel - 10/29/99 16:31:04
How you all doing? Who's excited bout tonight? I am! Woo hoo! We get to perform at a play off game! It'd be even better if someone was having a party afterwards? What's happened to people hosting parties this year? Only Darin, Sara, and I did, what will h ppen after 2001 graduates? There will be no more parties at all! Oh no! Well anywho, good luck tonight everyone!

John Mee - 10/18/99 22:13:38
My Email:verlaine@atlantic.net
If you are, how are you related to band?: grandparents of Chris Hartmann
Where are you from?: Spring Hill Florida

*~*LAURA BELL* ~* - 10/12/99 23:42:56
My Email:JARLEY8884

Jabba - 10/10/99 04:33:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/jabba1998
I like the new picture!

Chris Hartmann - 10/03/99 15:11:28
My Email:Magechampion@aol
If you are, how are you related to band?: Quint Apprentice
Where are you from?: Think long and hard, now hit yourself if you don't know
Homecoming rocked, even if the s'more float fell over.

Deykes - 09/21/99 23:20:49
My URL:http://www.slambook.com/slambooks/viewsigned.asp?sb=coolguy150&v=1902279
My Email:Coolguy150@aol.com
Where are you from?: duh
Sign my Slambook I just got it a little while ago you'll like it! Later.

sarah condon - 09/18/99 17:31:01
My Email:condon5@gateway.net
Where are you from?: um....gardencity?
i just want to say "hi" because im bored! My bro and his wife said that the band sounded great and the color guard was great ,too! For some reason i couldn't get into the color guard page.If you have any suggestions for me to use [to get on the page] plea e email me! bye for now!!!!

Shannon Chanel - 09/17/99 00:45:50
My URL:http://www.slambook.com/slambooks/viewsb.asp?sb=empressshannonchanel
Hey everyone, go to that site and sign my Slam Book puhlease, it's way cool!

DC's #1 Flute Player - 09/15/99 21:26:13
If you are, how are you related to band?: associate of the Pit Commander
Where are you from?: Dearborn Heights
I love your web page. It's really cool!

- 09/14/99 01:04:01

Heather Driver - 09/13/99 21:02:30
My Email:DriverH@prodigy.net
Hi everyone. Hope we have a good year. SENIORS Rule!!!!!!

Lisa - 09/12/99 21:11:49
My Email:Bianca393@aol.com
Hi everyone, I just wanted to give you a little reminder that the $10 dues, are due to Shannon Bay by Friday...if you don't know what they go toward, ask me and I'll give you all of the info you need. If you are late the fee will go up...Thanks, love Lis

Shannon Chanel - 08/27/99 03:48:27
Woo hoo! First football game tomorrow night! I'm so excited! The half time show is gonna kick butt! The pre game show..... well I like the song "Impact Zone"...... Anywho, good luck to all tomorrow night! I just can't hardly wait! My first football game o my junior year, my first football game as an upperclassmen....

laura - 08/27/99 00:01:29
My Email:jarley8884 and goofy52400
If you are, how are you related to band?: saxophone player
Where are you from?: garden city born and raised

Justin Deykes - 08/26/99 18:38:16
My Email:Coolguy150@aol.com
If you are, how are you related to band?: 5th year returning trumpet
Where are you from?: G.C.
Well I finally got my own e-mail!!! It's actually one of my friends old ones but he never yses it so it's all mine!!! Guard rocks! Band Rocks! Swim Rocks! ROTC Rocks! and I think that's it... Later Amigo's!!!

Shannon Chanel - 08/24/99 02:05:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Realm/9483
My Email:GXGX16C@prodigy.com
If you are, how are you related to band?: Tons o' ways
Where are you from?: The band room!
Oh no! Exactly 2 weeks till school starts! Exactly 2 weeks until our first band class! The first class of my junior year! How exciting is that! Now if they would just cut out all those other classes I would be sound as a pound......

Don Vescoso - 08/24/99 01:52:01
My Email:Kinstryfe@aol.com
If you are, how are you related to band?: GCHS's latest glockenspiel player.
Where are you from?: The back right corner of the band room.
So Chris, is that why you don't get to have sticks? You'de hurt yourself? I guess that's why they put padding on all of your timpani mallets...

Shannon Chanel - 08/20/99 03:46:16
Woo hoo! Only one week till the first football game! Yeah! How exciting, I love football games! (There's always something to count down to :)

Alex Pritchard - 08/17/99 04:23:17
My URL:http://ImABandGeekNotAComputerGeek.com
My Email:SprCow@hotmail.com
If you are, how are you related to band?: Drum Major- Divine Child Marching Band
Where are you from?: Garden City, MI
Interesting page guys :) I was impressed to find some band jokes I hadn't heard already. The MIDI's weren't too exciting though; it would be cool if you could get some WAV files of your show, thought that's probably too late now.

John Seggerson - 08/16/99 05:11:11
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~AnamanFan/
My Email:AnamanFan@bigfoot.com
If you are, how are you related to band?: Friend of a member
Where are you from?: Dearborn, MI
About one of the few people who does not go to GCHS that wrote in this book. GL with your season from someone from DCHS!!

Jabba - 08/15/99 04:08:47
You guys looked really good at your performance today at camp. Good luck at the football games!

Shannon Chanel - 08/14/99 22:24:46
P.S. If any of you have pics from camp that you want featured on the homepage, give them to me and I'll put em on here, then return them.

Shannon Chanel - 08/14/99 22:23:39
Well was that fun or what? I had a blast! I can't belive that I only have to go to camp one more year! I'm a junior this year, an upperclassman, I still can't belive it! The performance today was great! I'm so proud of our marching band this year, this is the best half time show that we've ever had, and I'm shocked that we pulled that whole thing together in a week! It's absolutely amazing! I hope that all of you had fun, especailly the freshmen, I hope all of you enjoyed your first band camp, and I hope t at all of the seniors enjoyed their last band camp. I'm so pumped for the first football game, which is only 13 days away! See ya all next week at practice!

Shannon Chanel - 08/07/99 15:22:10
We leave for band camp in two days! The day after tomorrow! Oh my gosh! And I haven't begun to even pack! It's gonna take me forever, it always does, I'll be up so late tomorrow night, I'll be dead when I get to the school on Monday, or I'll just be reall hyper from lack of sleep. Hmmm.... Hopefully it'll be the hyper one, which I think it most likely will be..... Anywho, hope ya all have fun packing!

Tamar - 08/06/99 21:48:58
My Email:tammtamm02@aol.com
If you are, how are you related to band?: in it of course
Shannon do you really think that that garbage bag look is good on me, cause I just don't think it looks good with my complexion. j/k. Anyway I can't believe we only have 2 days until camp! This is a little too exciting for me. See ya all Monday.

Shannon Chanel - 08/04/99 02:16:00
Well the class of 2002 was finally initiated, it's about time! Did ya all enjoy? I know I did! Tamar, you were looking quite beautiful with the garbage bag on, that's a good look for you, maybe you should consider that for school pictures. anywho, Katie, here's the song? I'm waiting......

Shannon Chanel - 08/03/99 03:20:52
Everyone go look at the band jokes that I added to the page, I find em quite amusing! Ha ha!

Shannon Chanel - 08/02/99 20:43:41
Did you enjoy yourselves this morning freshmen? You got off easy, so don't be mouthing off to any of us bout it, like some of you were........ Anywho, Katie, I can't wait to hear your song! I think you should sing it at practice tomorrow morning! Isn't th t a great idea, then everyone will know why you're in band and not chorus! J/K Anywho, I can't belive it's only a week away, it feels like I've been waiting for this forever and I should be waiting a while longer, can't hardly wait for band camp! It's gon a be a blast! See ya all tomorrow morning at practice!

Katie - 08/02/99 17:47:24
My Email:gcbandnswim01@juno.com
If you are, how are you related to band?: I'm the point of that joke
I know someone who just changed to the Tuba! I know the answer to that joke ! I win ! I win! Oh the famous life! Well, one week left, I think I'll make up a song about it, I'll be back on later to write it down, initiations were rather amusing, good job g rls for standing their so well, not like the dumb guys! Ha Ha! And I must say that Ryan did well too, I'll be on later, love you all!

tapeeka/shafreeka - 07/29/99 00:47:51
My URL:http://dont have one
My Email:dont have one
If you are, how are you related to band?: on the GCHS CG
Where are you from?: GARDEN CITY,MI
HELLO!this page is preety cool! i can't wait till band camp,Stephine & me are going to have a blast!

Shannon Chanel - 07/29/99 00:33:34
Hope ya all had fun at Cedar Point! I know I did, except for that sun burn I got, which probably would be much worse if it weren't for Mom Beste insisting that I put sun screen on (she knows me too well). Anywho, less than two weeks till camp now, I can't wait! It'll be tons o' fun! (But I will remember the sun screen there) Well see ya all at pre camp next week!

Mr. Kochyan - 07/28/99 02:12:51
If you are, how are you related to band?: Director
Good luck to everyone at All-Star. The theme is Big Band. I wish more colorguard members were going. Good luck to Donald at Blue Lake. Share your experiences with us when you return.

The One and Only JABBA - 07/27/99 03:24:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Jetty/1298
Have fun at Cedar Point! Hope you don't sweat too much or else you'll be stinky on the way home. :o)

Shannon Chanel - 07/25/99 15:56:39
Woo hoo! We're going to Cedar Point in 2 days! I can't wait! It'll be fun, plus it's our first performance as the '99 - '00 Marching Band! How exciting! Well I'll see ya all tomorrow night at the meeting! Buh bye!

Shannon Chanel - 07/23/99 03:59:17
Tamar, you're a "happy lil member who plays the flute"? You sound like you should be........ um... Cinderella comes to mind! Doesn't Tamar look like Cinderella? You've got to all agree with me on this one, I swear she looks lik her!

Tamar - 07/22/99 20:25:12
My Email:tammtamm02@aol.com
If you are, how are you related to band?: a happy little member who plays the flute
well Shannon I'm 1901. Anyway for you people who are so concerned about my hair it is a little lighter then it was before. I had to dye it a few times to get it right though. I'll see you all on the second day of pre band camp I guess.

Shannon Chanel - 07/22/99 20:09:19
Yeah! I'm visiter 1900! I feel special!

Don Vescoso - 07/22/99 03:32:23
If you are, how are you related to band?: Keeper of most of the school's instruments.
Where are you from?: Uhhhh......Garden City.....
Sorry Katie, but my sister's nice hair was died only one color. I was hoping she'd keep it till camp too.......

Shannon Chanel - 07/22/99 00:00:39
Sorry bout that Katie, you haven't been keeping count lately, plus we have that nifty lil gadget that I installed to count down to camp, pity on those who can't see it, and I don't know why, but anywho...... I actually enjoyed showing up at practice this orning, thanks to Katie for telling me bout it last night when she showed up to eat at my lovely work....... well anywho, see ya all Monday night at the meeting for BAND CAMP!

Katie - 07/20/99 17:43:56
Two weeks and six days until band camp, how rejuvinating! I am so excited, oh and thhppp on you Shannon for taking my job of the count down yesterday, you will pay dearly for that (evil laugh) Tamar died her hair everyone and it looks really cuteok, well, just wanted you to know there is only twenty days left!!!!bye

Shannon Chanel - 07/19/99 21:41:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Realm/9483
My Email:GXGX16C@prodigy.com
If you are, how are you related to band?: Treasurer, Webmaster, Flutist, Color Guard
Where are you from?: A lovely lil city....
Happy 16th Birthday Darin! Anywho, only 3 more weeks till we're all away from home, eating some great cafeteria food, sweating while standing at attention, getting sunburned, and wanting water more than ever...... I can't hardly wait! Anywho, I miss band, I'm gonna be at the next band practice if I don't have guard at that time, I miss it, haven't had it since June! It seems like forever! Love ya al dearly!

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