Correct overlapping of text on border

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ButtonTo correct your text from overlapping onto a border background,use the table command

<TABLE WIDTH=75% ALIGN=right> <TR> <TD> Use this under your opening <BODY> tag so everything on your page will align with your Border background. The width % sometimes has to be adjusted to fit your needs.

At the bottom of your HTML file before the closing

</BODY> tag, Close the tags </TD> </TR> </TABLE>

Some use of Borders require more of an alignment then simple tables can offer,they require the use of an invisiable graphic vspacer.gif The HTML code for this is

<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0> <TR> <TD ALIGN=top VALIGN=left VSPACE=0 HSPACE=0 WIDTH=158> <IMG SRC="vspacer.gif" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=2> </TD> <TD VALIGN=left ALIGN=top> To be placed same as the simple table and make sure you close the tags.The width of the spacer can be adjusted to fit your needs.

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