Using EZUploader or FTP

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ButtonThe EZUPloader is for Netscape 2.0+ and MSIE 4.0+ users only.In your FileManager enter your membername and password,click Submit.At the bottom of your page you will see EZ File Upload,click Browse,find the file on your hardrive,open,then click Upload Files.Its really that easy!

All other browsers will need to use FTP which stands for File Transfer Protocol and it's a way of sending files across the Internet.The Windows FTP Client recommended by GeoCities is WS_FTP Using the FTP utility you will be directly accessing the directory containing your files. You will be able to see the files that are in your directory, delete them, rename them, download them and upload new files.To connect to GeoCities you will use ftp.oocities.com.In the User field, type your GeoCities membername.In the password field type your GeoCities password.

For more help on FTP visit these links

ButtonGeoCities info: FTP Procedures

ButtonThe "Unofficial" GeoCities File Transfer FAQ

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