Ode to Food.
(...and the Culinary Arts)

Yum, I love food! There is no good food in my house so I thought I'd make a page about eating. That watermelon looks pretty juicy, huh?

My favourite foods are sauteed mushrooms (little mushrooms, not those nasty big ones), red Kool Aid, mangos, cheese, broccoli, banana juice, carrots, macaroni & cheese, and of course, chocolate (!). However, I'm not one to say no to fudge, cake, brownies, cookies, fondu, or Haagen Dazs' Triple Brownie Overload.

To see a picture of a gorgeous bowl of ice cream, click here. This picture is courtesy of my chum Mark, who took the time to pose his ice cream in such a delectable manner! The loading time is well worth the wait.

I'm pretty neurotic with food, as you are beginning to see. I've been a lacto-ovo vegetarian since I was ten (that is, I eat dairy products and eggs), and could never EVER see myself "going back" to eating meat. I'm tired of my uncles, who think they are being especially witty, grilling me about my food preferences every Thanksgiving - "Boy, Giselle, wouldn't you like a nice juicy piece of turkey, gobble gobble?" No! If I wanted turkey, I'd have turkey! I'm not depriving myself in any way, so kindly shut the f**k up!

A touchy subject, indeed. I'm sick of everyone asking WHY I'm a vegetarian too, like it requires some sort of explanation. Why don't these people go harass kids who don't like grapefruit or something?

And yes, I get enough protein.

* Veggies Unite! About a billion vegetarian recipes, and very well organized too.

* Yves Veggie Cuisine A great Canadian company that makes yummy veggie food (I practically live on this stuff).

* Oregon State University Food Resource A pretty lame site, but it has pictures of food (such as my watermelon friend above).

Copyright © *giselle* 1997-2000