Uploading Files

What does uploading mean? How do I transfer the HTML files I created in my computer to my GeoCities homestead? How do I put the images and sounds currently in my hard disk to my GeoCities homestead? These and similar questions will be answered in this tutorial.

DEFINITION Uploading is the act of copying files from your hard disk to your GeoCities homestead.

NOTE Most of the types of files you would probably like to use in your homestead are supported by GeoCities, and can thus be uploaded. Among these are AVI and MOV video files, Bitmap and TIFF images, GIF and JPEG images, HTM and HTML files, Java and JavaScript files, MIDI and WAV sound files, Real Audio and RealVideo files, QuickTime files, and ZIP compressed files. However, there are some types of files that GeoCities does not support, and thus cannot be uploaded. For more information on this matter, please proceed to the GeoCities Supported File Types FAQ.

There are actually two ways of uploading: One involves the EZ Upload utility present in the GeoCities File Manager while the other involves using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) directly. In this tutorial, we will tackle the use of the EZ Upload utility, the easier of the two ways to upload files.

NOTE Please make sure that the file you want to upload is already in your hard disk.

WARNING Unfortunately, the EZ Upload utility only works with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 browsers or above and with Netscape Navigator 2.0 browsers or above. Furthermore, web tv users will not be able to use the said utility.

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The copyright for this tutorial belongs to Wilson. Tampering, reproduction or reuse of text and screen shots contained herein without Wilson's approval is prohibited.

Site Administrator is Wilson
Graphics by DJ
Background by JadeRyan
Last updated: September 19, 1999