Listen up.

You dont know what youre doing. Someone else does, however, know where youre going, what yoou are goig to do later on, and what you have done. It knows this because they make you do this. Theyve been working behind the scenes the whole tyme.

Im not talking about aliens, or foriegn spies; im talking about so called us. Ourselves. Its true on a grand scale, to as small as in school:
You dont want to steal the hall pass from the room, but your friends keep telling you it'ld be sooo-oo cool if you did.....

Peer pressure. Weve all had it at some point in life. And everyone has conformed to their friends idealistic ways of thinking as well.

Now for the scandaloous part of this: The government does the same thing. Maybe not as forward as your first grade class getting you to go along with them on a paste eating session, but subtleties are their. Everywhere.

Just look for them.

copyright 1996 The Gods of Punk Rock, you zombie.

....bring on the propaganda! make it all go away...