Welcome to our guestbook! This is what other people have said.... Have you signed it yet? If not, please go back to the homepage, and SIGN IT!!!!

Michelle - 10/21/00 04:35:07
My Email:KevinsPrincess03
Favorite BSB:: Kevin
Favorite BSB Song:: Nobody But You
Favorite BSB Music Video:: Shape of Your Heart
Where are you From?: Illinois
Age??: 12
I love Kevin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maryam khan (richardson) - 08/25/00 19:24:05
My Email:lovely1@pakcenter.com
Favorite BSB:: KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite BSB Song:: show me the meaning
Favorite BSB Music Video:: show me the meaning.............
Where are you From?: holland
Age??: 15
I LOVE KEVIN 4-EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! (I like all of them there songs are perfect and they look very good, everything they are and do is perfect i love them.)

HAYLI STRICKLAND - 08/11/00 00:33:27
Favorite BSB:: KEV
Favorite BSB Song:: KEVINS SOLO
Favorite BSB Music Video:: I WANT IT THAT WAY
Where are you From?: RICHMOND KY
Age??: 15

ashley - 04/21/00 09:12:09
My Email:ashleychris
Favorite BSB:: i love them all
Favorite BSB Song:: all of them are my favorite
Favorite BSB Music Video:: quit playin games with my heart
Where are you From?: columbus
Age??: 11
I think your web site is the bomb it`s so cool and I love all the cool things that you can look at !!!!!

danielle - 03/24/00 20:47:15
My Email:ajgirl1621@aol.com
Favorite BSB:: aj
Favorite BSB Song:: thats the way i like it
Favorite BSB Music Video:: all i have to give
Where are you From?: florida
Age??: 10

10/11/98 08:51:07
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Dawn - 09/13/98 02:11:06
Favorite BSB:: Kevin
Favorite BSB Song:: Anything that Kevin sings
Where are you From?: Canada
Everyone who loves Kevin,please go to the page called Canada's BSB web page,and write the owner hate mail.She has a link on her page called Why We hate Kevin,and it's sick and cruel.The address for that page: http://members.tripod.com/~ZMirellaG/index.htm .I think all us Kevin fans should stick together and try to get this sicko off the web.Lets do it for Kevin.

Crystal - 09/13/98 01:17:17
My URL:http://come.to/imajinthis
My Email:McD352000@aol.com
Favorite BSB:: Brian
Favorite BSB Song:: I'll Never Break Your Heart
Favorite BSB Music Video:: Quit Playing Games With My Heart
Where are you From?: New Orleans
Age??: 16
Cool page! Keep up the good work and drop by my Imajin web site whenever you get a chance too.

Mrs. Carter - 09/09/98 00:30:11
My Email:tangonan@silverlink.net
Favorite BSB:: Nick
Favorite BSB Song:: I'll never find someone like you
Where are you From?: Washington State
Hey Mrs. Richardson & Mrs. McLean! It's me, Mrs. Carter! How are you doing? well, this page you got here is pretty tyte.... I LOVE IT!!! it's nice to see our husbands presented very nicely! =) you know, I was reading the Nick Page Guestbook, and there's a girl who thought she was writing to Nick. I was like, "okay, some people are weird!" but what am I to say? I call myself Mrs. Carter! Maybe I'm the one that needs help!! well, I'll talk to bot later!! always, Stephanie p.s.- Mrs. McLean, it's just another girl. And if not, I'm hoping with you that she walks into oncoming traffic!!! =) stay cool, peace out!

Audrey - 08/30/98 23:27:22
My URL:http://come.to/audreysworld
My Email:audrey@idigital.net
Favorite BSB:: Howie
Favorite BSB Song:: BSB's Back
Favorite BSB Music Video:: SAme
Where are you From?: Canada
Age??: 17
You have a very cool, organized page!! I'll be back in the future to pay ya another visit k? =) I invite ya to drop by my sites anytime you want to! Email me if ya wanna link up! :) P.S. Try checking out this amazing site that generates money for ya just by owning a website! It really does work! :)

Free Stuff @ Audrey's World

To Usher, With Love

Mystifies - 08/24/98 21:19:46
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Frontrow/2293
Hey there!!..love your pics!!..here's our banner if you would like to add it to your page!!..*S*..our site is about all the guys, although Zabrina does have more pics of Nick then the rest of them!!

Ashley - 08/24/98 00:46:05
My Email:Rue_24@hotmail.com
Favorite BSB:: Brian
Favorite BSB Song:: Quit Playing Games With My Heart
Favorite BSB Music Video:: As Long As You Love Me
Where are you From?: Tennessee
Age??: 15
I really liked the websites. Marlee I loved yours because it was dedcated to Brian! I'm working on a site of my own when it is finished you will have to come and visit it!!

Tina - 08/23/98 21:10:28
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/hollywood/cinema/2618
My Email:aznkytti@aol.com
Favorite BSB:: Kevin
Favorite BSB Song:: "Anywhere For You"
Favorite BSB Music Video:: "Everybody"
Where are you From?: Atlanta, GA
Age??: 15
Great site. I just watched the All Access video, and Kevin and the rest looks so good.

Erica - 08/23/98 01:43:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Frontrow/3193
My Email:backstreetgirl@uswest.net
Favorite BSB:: B-Rok
Favorite BSB Song:: "If I Don't Have You"
Favorite BSB Music Video:: "All I Have To Give"
Where are you From?: Minnesota
Age??: 13
Hey wzup,I was just surfing through the geocities neighborhood when I came accross your page,I'd just like to congratulate you on a job well done,your page is fantastic!

Dominique - 08/22/98 22:51:08
My Email:Nicky10610@aol.com
Favorite BSB:: Love em all, don't have a fav
Favorite BSB Song:: 10,000 Promises
Favorite BSB Music Video:: I'll Never Break Your Heart
Where are you From?: Haiti, born in Miami, living in Miami

Teresa - 08/12/98 08:40:16
My Email:resa_85@hotmail.com
Favorite BSB:: Keven, Nick, A.J & B-Rock
Favorite BSB Song:: I'll Never brake your hart
Favorite BSB Music Video:: I'll Never brake your hart
Where are you From?: Californa
Age??: 13
I love this websit

Emily - 08/10/98 22:55:44
My URL:http://www/oocities.com/SunsetStrip/Cabaret/7525
My Email:SwirlGirl9@aol.com
Favorite BSB:: Kevin and Nick
Favorite BSB Song:: 4 the moment Like A Child
Favorite BSB Music Video:: I'll Never Break Your Heart(New version)
Where are you From?: NJ
Age??: 17
I love your pics. I have to commend you on saying "feel free to take the pics" I feel the same way you should share the wealth.You did a great job! keep up the good work.

Silver15123 - 08/07/98 14:10:34
My Email:none
Favorite BSB:: ALL OF THEM
Favorite BSB Song:: 10thousand Promises, Everybody, All I Have To Give
Favorite BSB Music Video:: I'll Never Break Your Heart
Where are you From?: USA
Age??: 12
Hi! I love your page! I met Kevin by accident! I got his autograph and shook his hand 3 times!

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