So you wanted to learn a bit about me did you? Well that is your loss to be sure.

Well, for one, I am too damned old, I guess that is a good place to start with after all. I am 28 years old and a rather worn and beaten Aries. My birthday for those that might actually give a fuck is April 18. Do the math on the year, just know that chances are if I know you, it was before you were born. But now that we have hit that wonderful topic let's move on shall we? Good.

Guess I could go into other details or something anyways...I am 6'3 (or something like that) weight too much at 170. Sue me. I hate how much I weigh even if it is less then what...1/2 the population of the planet? dark hair (brown black mix), dark eyes(brown...though I can wish all day long they were black), sometimes pale skin, sometimes not. Depends how much sun I get which isn't much. I'm more of a nocturnal person. Oh...and never forget the wonderful black clothes because anything else just looks bad on me. I guess I could be considered goth, but then I could be considered punk too. As a friend of mine put it best, I am simply goth-punk. Odd I guess considering the age thing, but as I said I am too old as it is.

I guess it is that time in my life when I get to sit down and analyze my successes and failures, but then considering my record, I have no successes, but a library full of failures. What can I say, I am a fountain of absolutely useless knowledge and games, with no life to speak of. By the time most people are my age, they can atleast say they support themselves and if not, atleast have a hand in helping. I have no such great accomplishments, though I have lots of failed attempts. I could try and blame it on crappy parentage, a crappy life, or any number of things, but let's face the facts, there is only one person responsible for the way that person lives...and that is themself. So yeah, I have no-one to blame for my own problems but myself.

Ah, I did mention games, didn't I? I guess I might as well since that seems to be the actual only thing I am any good at. Gotta be good at something, well role-playing games is my thing I guess. I might as well live and breath them. I go to live action games most weekends and sometimes during the week as well. And then of course there is online gaming. Yay. I do so much of it, I might as well have a degree, but no such thing exists and the main downside is I spend the money I never make without a job. Oh, did I forget to mention my worthless ass is jobless? Damn, knew I forgot something.

I would prolly mention a love life here...but no such thing exists. So instead I will just send out a thanks to all my friends who know who they are when I say this stuff...but thanks for everything guys. For your support, for your friendship, for the little things you do and the big things. And hey, just remember, even those people with no financial ability to help can always help in other ways, and I guess I offer up my shoulder to those of ya's that need it or whatever. So anyways, that is me in a nutshell or something so peace out.